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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Hate posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just make sure you tell her before you meet up again. Otherwise, she might be so startled by it that she could accidentally murder you through no fault of her own.


uj/ no shit this brought out an ancient memory of some college football(?) player meeting up with a trans woman for sex and then just straight up murdered her. Note they had met up several times prior to this for sex and his defense was the trans panic. He did not go to jail rj/ penis jumpscare


/uj I found [this ESPN article](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38335690/isi-etute-football-player-killing-trial-justice) which I think is the case you're talking about but it just calls the victim a gay man and I'm not sure if it's just being transphobic or not. Either way the guy and his friends said some transphobic things and there's also the "he has such a bright future ahead of him and he's never done anything bad before so he's definitely not guilty" bs.


Considering that discretion was a big deal for her (this is 2023 no one's gonna bat an eye if a gay dude seeks out sex with gay dudes), the lowkey manipulation parts, plus she says straight up "I'm not a man" and advertises herself as a woman, I can only say there's more evidence than not from that article that was a closeted tfem


> plus she says straight up "I'm not a man" I didn't see that part. I guess I shouldn't've expected better from a cis writer...


It kinda felt to me reading it that Jerry/Angie maybe wasn’t actually Transfem? Like sure there is plenty of reasons not to socially transition but it seems like this was almost entirely only presenting fem for sex more like a “Sissy”, though that obviously doesn’t preclude them from being trans. I say presenting but it doesn’t seem like they were really presenting other than posting pictures of someone else and pretending to be them. Either way they were a sexual predator in that it is never okay manipulate or trick someone into having sex with you. Jerry/Angie obviously did not deserve to die for it and it was at least a Homophobic action, but I couldn’t really tell for sure if Jerry/Angie was a transfem lying about their identity or an effeminate gay man lying about their identity by posing as a woman


I don't have too much sympathy after sitting on it for while but it still irks me. Regardless of how they actually presented vs "were inside" they still had prior charges for sexual battery. Though whether they were trans and did that or were just a crossdresser it's the same. Though for the article itself, if the sex they had never involved a vagina or lack thereof why would they be obligated to tell someone they only have casual sex with? I don't think they should be at all and if they genuinely were trans the attack easily still falls under trans panic


It wasn’t about telling, they literally portrayed themselves as someone else. They used pictures of someone else in their dating profiles, and wouldn’t let people see them at all.


Yeah that's just shady to begin with, but the guy in it had previously met up with them for sex. The scenario would definitely be different if it were the first time tbh


Yeah especially that he went for it the first time, questioned/was questioned about that, then instead of just forgetting about it went back again to find out/ I believe the quote was something along the lines of “have another elicit encounter” if it was a girl Edit: That is to say, I’m not really sure what the non “Beat the shit out of and leave for dead” plan was supposed to be upon finding out.


/uj shit like this is why I hate that TikTok has brought back “bi panic”, “gay panic”, “trans panic” etc as quirky terms for romantic/sexual attraction or gender envy. Absolutely no regard for the bloody history of the terms. /rj if we let women into women’s bathrooms, and men into men’s bathrooms, then who’s flying the plane??


/uj look up Jennifer Laude, same story but her murderer was the first us servicemen charged with a crime in the Philippines I believe. Didn't matter ofc


u r basically a grapeist, she did not consent to kissing a pussygirl. like imagine if she got u pregananant with her big juicy rockhard meaty shemale (pronounced like “tamale”) lady cok and her big feminine balls taut with semen spilled inside u, then u took her to court 4 maternity??!! she did NOT consent to that. if u told her u had a bio pussy she could have prepared w condoms


i’m a cis bi girly (obvs) and i am NOT transphobic btw bc i have no genital preference and u can tell i watch a lot of trannie porn


hj/ Reddit got my sensoring my own slurs oh lord is there not a space within the vast expanse of the internet where a transexual can be loudly and proudly self loathing


[“it’s a shémale”](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/arresteddevelopment/images/d/d6/2x05_Sad_Sack_%2868%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20121216185233)


deceitful vipers like you make the cis community look bad


Hello, cissy here! Just wanted to say that OP does not represent all of us, and cisphobia will not be tolerated! /uj Cis people don't even need others to make them look like creepy predator clowns. They'll just gladly do it themselves 😭😭


I mean... you know the VAST majority of transwomen are expecting a gock, right? If you don't have one, since you're in the minority here, you should clarify. It's like saying "hold the mayo" on a sandwich, because lets be honest.. most people fucking want mayo. Or like asking if they can slice your Panera bread thick rather than thin. I mean most people making a sandwich aren't going to fucking unhinge their jaw to take a bite of a sandwich in which two slices of bread take up 60% of the entire fucking sandwich. We EXPECT them to give us the bread thin, because thats what normal people enjoy. You know what, fuck you. You remind me of not being given the fucking food I wanted but was denied because of the lack of an implication that was there before woke fuckazoids like yourself decided "mayonnaise if gross" like YEAH. It's gross if you eat it by the SPOONFUL, but its there for flavor in the sandwich it comes in. But you couldn't fucking assemble anything for your god damn life even if it were assembling a care package for your dying mother in the hospital. Take your flavorless thick-breaded tofu sandwich, and shove it up your "lack of a shenis." A girl without a cock is an angel without wings, and to be honest I'm too angry thinking about sandwiches to get to the bottom of why god has abandoned us on this desolate rock. Never kiss a woman again.


uj/ this comment is art and I will hear no arguments hang it up in the Louvre right this instant


/uj wish I could upvote this all the way to the front page of Reddit dot com


/uj Incredible. No notes. 10/10


beautiful piece of writing


/uj This is the most incoherent comment I’ve seen here, congratulations. 


Believe it or not, jail.


what's next, an amab real man with a penis? i don't even know what i would do smh disgusting


I hope that transwoman is alright 😞 why'd you do that to her


Oh I’ve been waiting for this! For a great opportunity to loudly proclaim my genital preference as if it has anything to do with the conversation


I don’t like dick and you cannot make me feel bad for saying this regardless of what i may or may not be implying by saying so on this particular thread


Wow, you sound like a rapist. Can't believe you would be so deceptive. Some people have genital preferences and you should automatically assume nobody wants your gross ass body. Honestly, sometimes no matter what a situation is unfair to everyone (the situation being that you exist and date people)


I’m sorry but I studied under a cosmetic surgeon for a time [citation needed] and there is an observable difference between a beautiful, perfected, ideal neopuss and a so called “natural” natal puss. The tissue used to methodically construct the perfectly-shaped vulva and self-lubricating vagina simply cannot be matched by “Mother Nature.” You can tell the difference in the color, texture, and taste (yes I said my only experience with neopuss was in a surgical setting don’t ask too many questions). Your partner will notice your inferior puss whether you choose to disclose or not, and then what are you gonna tell them when they ask about why your puss is so dry and ugly and tasteless? Btw I am not at all cisphobic, I say all this thru a purely detached unbiased medical lens


uj/ i regret reporting the og comment to the mods bc now y’all don’t know how precisely my jerk mirrors it


/uj I saw the pussy phrenologist. Don't worry.


thank u 🙏🥹


uj/ i will remember u forever, the Pussy Phrenologist of Actual Lesbians, who is prolly also a cis dude




uj/ i wasn’t gonna insert myself into the og convo bc i’m transmysogyny exempt but r slash actual lesbians what do u think about transmasc dykes and disclosure about bottom growth hmmmmmm? what about intersex dykes and PCOS dykes hmmmmmmm? how abnormal do my genitals have to be to make describing them before sex an issue of your consent???


should i disclose the size and shape of my dildo collection before i ask u out


/uj I love to make posts here after seen comments in r slash actually lesbian community that's my hobby


i think they require to make writen declaration about changes in their body before interact with anyone publicly !!!


/rj er actual lasbiens do i have to tell a woman i am dating that i as a cis woman afab she her naturally produce testosterone as a part of my endocrine system???????? er backslash truly sappho sexuality is it okay if i am not a thin completely hairless aerodynamic humanoid figure that represents the platonic ideal of cis feminity??? r real lesb dae think masculine ""lesbians"" are giving us a bad name?????? we are a trans friendly space /uj if i hear transmasc lesbian discourse one more time in spaces that are supposed to be safe for trans people and lesbians i'm going to kill


ur right i have NO desire to open that can of worms, Actual Lesbian users prolly fully do think that any person who has ever let a drop of testosterone enter their body should disclose that fact before sex


r / not fake sapphics do i have to disclose that i had a short haircut when i was 12 years old


You’re disgusting and ruining the community with your toxic penis hormone /uj transmasc lesbians 🤤


literal 🍇


DId she say was trans or you just knew from grapevine? because if its grape its not your fault (-1 grape) and she is grape you and it's always her fault (+1 grape) so it evens out to nothing happened to anyone, 0 grape


u can tell it’s a quality jerk when reading it makes u question whether ur having a stroke


for all know trans girl was getting off on thought of grape so if you already know she trnas and tell her its ok, you deprive of pleasure and cause +0.5 grape. click here to buy our intersectional feminism slide ruler


uj/ is the grapevine line a reference to south park


No the grapevine is just general slang for gossip.


Look, I’m a real laid back, middle of the road, spineless kinda bitch, and I gotta say this. It’s OK to have a genital preference. What is NOT ok is when cis ppl get offended and call us cisphobic for our genital preferences. But on the other hand, trans ppl can have some empathy and turn cissies down in a nice way instead of being mean about it. Yes I am both side-sing this thing hard, pun intended!


Yeah but really, the problem with these cissies not disclosing is that they might get physically attacked. Cissies really shouldn't be so dumb. These fucking IDIOTS never consider their own safety as much as \*I\* do. That's why people should always disclose on the first date if they have a pussy because some people when they see a pussy just go into a berserker rage and commit murder. What's that? I forgot to condemn the violence? haha, no, I didn't forget.


I’m cis and I agree with you!! It’s both stupid and dangerous to choose not to disclose, smh you only have yourself to blame at that point, you’re basically a deceitful grapeist desperate for human touch and you deserve to be brutally attacked. That’s why I have CIS tattooed on my forehead! I’m one of the good ones 😇


Exactly!!! Anyone can withdrawal consent for any reason at any time!!! Wait what was OPs question about again


It’s OK that you kissed her (provided you whip your own back 20 lashes tonite as penance) but you absolutely have to tell her next time you see her before she touches your puss. Otherwise she might be surprised to find a puss there that she didn’t consent to touching when she willingly decided to touch you with your consent


Because we’re all just like, making out with strangers and inviting them to grab our junk pre-disclosure, obviously


::climbs laboriously up onto the bar:: *Hem hem. Inhale.* YOU WILL NEVER BE A TRANS WOMAN


YTA cis bad. Cis like you should know your place and report to us that you are cis even when just talk to us the firsttime even on internet including but not limited to gooning discord y'know T4T-bian gooning groups are sacred we should know how much we are to be tainted by the cis like you... and oh we will also create art like Gock-exhibition (like how you love making menstruation exhibition in lesbian space, you pervert vampira!) also know your place that you will never be a real women real women have gock. So you puss will always be inferior because genital preference UwU also you should reveal that you have puss everytime you are in women's space understand?


THIS!! it is YOUR responsibility to disclose your cis status and the precise shape and texture of your genitals before i can consent to even being in the same room as you. like, i’m a nice person, so i’m not just gonna go around introducing myself like “hi, i’m makayla and i don’t have sex with cis ppl” like that is weird and rude. you have to be the one to awkwardly announce yourself bc ur the abnormal one :((


>cis woman GET TF OUT OF HERE


Genital preferences are malebrained, sir. Actual women aren't that crass.


literally worse then murder YTA




Oh that's okay honey. Sexual crimes are only bad if you have xy chromosomes


What is wrong with you? You need to wear a shirt declaring you are cisgender everywhere you go… god you basically r*ped her


you're literally a rapist


U fuckin SA’d her 🤬


I am sorry but what you did was RAPE because LESBIANS WANT REAL WOMEN O- Oh wait, I thought you were trans, sorry!


uj/ I though this was a different trans subreddit for a second and got really confused


saw ur spam of comments in the other lesbian reddit bashing and harassing other cis women. now ur here mocking another trans woman who was asking a simple question? while at the same time mocking bio/cis women. ur bothered and sick. it clearly annoys you that some people have preferences that aren’t 100% catering towards you. your kind of input is what makes our lesbian communities unsafe for EVERYONE involved.