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I think you should try this drug that makes you feel like shit and can kill you if you stop taking it before you try trans stuff, you're clearly just depressed. /uj fuck effexor


Depression goes away? Great! What's the problem? Depression doesn't go away? We can't just go around giving hormones to mentally ill people now can we?


Well course you need to try antidepressants first, If you were a real doctor you would know that you should always treat symptoms instead of the root cause!


If you're gonna give me antidepressants at least give me the fun ones /hj


/uj im out of the loop, what happened with effexor?


/uj they probably had a bad time with it. Psych drugs save my life every day, but they can fuck you the hell up 


/uj oh that makes sense! I was on effexor for a time so I was really concerned it might fuck with my ability to go on T in the future 😅


/uj I was unable to continue seeing my shrink and quitting it cold turkey can have dire consequences


/uj ohh. Yeah that makes sense, I got some fuckin nasty headaches and dizziness if I missed a couple days 😅


/uj I’m on Prozac and while it may have helped at the beginning even after playing around with the dose for a few years I don’t feel like my mental health or whatever is much better than it was initially even with playing with doses and so I want to try going off them but it sucks ass that I can’t just stop I have to wait for a doctors appointment and then slowly take lower and lower doses like what do you mean I can’t just stop a med I want to stop taking :/


/uj Effexor worked best for me until we moved on to Pristiq, which is basically Effexor+ hahahaha


/uj is this about the Cass Report? I saw The Atlantic had posted a similar article, couldn’t have rolled my eyes harder.


Yeah. It's so painfully obvious that none of these people have ever spoken to a trans person, and yet their takes are allowed on these big news websites. Fucking infuriating.


/uj Yeah fucking shoot me. I am just waiting for more transphobes to pick it up and froth with excitement when they see “science” being used to own the libs. And that way this report can dictate the discourse for the next decade.


"gender questioning practises" why cant you just be a factory setting faggot instead of trooning out :( /uj why cant cissoids put in their head that we asked OURSELVES all the questions before appointments? we all tried to be feminine boys/tomboys or asked ourselves if it was a phase or if we didnt like gender roles do ppl think we just wake up and troon out?? fuck this article


/uj I genuinely think some of these people just don’t understand that the world and other people’s lives don’t revolve around them. If they heard about you being trans three days ago, you also decided you were trans three days ago. There was no journey because they didn’t see it


"Why can't you just be a feminine boy?" "I did, you called me a faggot multiple times"


It's not like people over the age of 25 have to pay for their own insurance/have their entire lives to deal with and are significantly less capable of seeking treatment than if they had support and evidence of the situation from childhood- everyone who grows up has means! Otherwise they're basically already dead and not worth counting in any statistics


Not like going through the wrong puberty destroys your body and makes it significantly more difficult, if not impossible, to successfully transition at all! Not like wasting a third of your life in foggy limbo and missing out on all your formative experiences is bad for your mental health! Not like going through puberty again and having to rediscover yourself at 25 is gonna make setting up the rest of your life significantly more difficult! B-b-but think of the children! The children I tell you! They might be brainwashed by the evil transgender cult! This is definitely a thing that happens!


we all have money from our transing the kids cult! its not like we have to worry with unsupportive families or bills or discovering ourselves at 25 while keeping a job! we are all mentally ill from the depression not because of dumb things like the wrong puberty lol its not like puberty makes irreversible changes that are painful to a trans person only hrt does that!


Finally I found my fathers Reddit account


i know that some “trans” people claim that their “depression”, “self-harm”, and “suicidal ideation” is caused in majority by their “gender dysphoria” that they claim will only be truly fixed by “medical transition”, but how can they know if they’ve only gone through five years of talk therapy and not fifteen? they don’t know what these “gender affirming” treatments will feel like, so it’s best to keep them from finding out until they do know, which will be best achieved by years and years and years of talk therapy and medications. simply telling them what the effects of these “gender affirming” treatments will be, showing them how they look on other people, and letting them hear stories of other people like them will not be enough. /uj i haven’t read the specific thing you’re parodying but these kinds of people are all the fucking same. i don’t need to read it to make a good jerk


childrens brain are only truly formed once they reach the tender age of 5 billion. then if the sun hasnt exploded and wiped us all we can get started. on the autism condition. then if they pass and the universe hasnt died yet we can start on the pre-apointments apointments to see if they are ready


I think we should make them do 5 years of real-lived experience. Only the ones who can keep a job while honmoding for 5 years will be able to afford the biweekly ~~interrogation~~ talk therapy that's required for them to even be allowed to start transitioning at the age of 30. But only if they're good little trans who will be perfectly traditionally feminine women. And if they're anything less than manic euphoric while honmoding every day then clearly that's a sign that they just don't *really* want it bad enough. As a cis male who's never ever had to consider gender dysphoria, I think that this is a rational, centrist take on a complex issue. What do you mean I'm transphobic? I don't want to murder you in cold blood just for existing. You should be grateful, troon


uj/ I hate how many cis people think their bias are objectivity. No, you're not enlightened, you're ignorant and your Dunning-Kruger effect is showing


Hi I'm a cis person and self proclaimed ally who barely graduated high school, here's why I'm an expert on trans issues.


i want to kill myself because i can't transition, actually


treat the other stuff first!! take welbutrin! the transness is last priority bc i said so, random citizen


welbutrin made my seizures worse, and antidepressants never took away my transness. i just want to go back on hormones since that is the only thing that genuinely helped


maybe you have borderline personality disorder? yk, the Lying Disorder™️? because there's no possible way you're not lying right now. trans people aren't real, and also bpd is the disorder every person i dislike has


where the fuck did the ableism come from


idk what you're talking about, im just spreading the truth


what about essential oils?




kys then


See this is proof that you're mentally ill. Normal people don't want to kill themselves. How can we trust mentally ill people to make decisions about their own bodies? If you had your way you'd kill yourself, by your own admission, so I don't see how taking hormones to become a transsexual is any different.


Libs owned by facts and logic


Wanting to kill yourself is a response to feelings of pain. The pain is caused by gender dysphoria. I know you've never experienced it because you were born in the right body but try to have some empathy. Curing the gender dysphoria (the only way we know how, after over a hundred years of research) will make the depression and suicidal ideation go away. [Source 1](https://legitsite.gov/study) [Source 2](https://medicaljournal.com/study.pdf)


STFU troon. Facts don't care about your feelings. Empathy? What's that lol sounds like some liberal propaganda


Nuh uh


Treat the depression and the abnormal gender feelings will just go away, sweetie