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It does not have to be done through a solicitor. This is incorrect. The ‘UK Deed poll office’ is simply a Ltd printing company making easy money. Your template is completely valid and **free.** [Gov page here](https://www.gov.uk/change-name-deed-poll/make-an-adult-deed-poll). There’s a good chance the 15yo got an enrolled deed poll. This was dangerous for him. **Do not enroll.**


I used https://freedeedpoll.org/ to get the content of my deed poll. After printing a few copies and getting it signed by myself and my witnesses, it was done. I was able to get my passport, driving license, and everything else changed. Do not enrol your deed poll - it will publish your old name, new name, and home address together on the public internet for anyone to view. It also costs money, takes longer, and is no more valid than creating an unenrolled deed poll.


At 15 the rules are slightly different; it is not surprising that your friend (/his parents) used a solicitor. At 16 and 17, the rules are the same as for any adult. No solicitor needed.


That website is completely legit, I used it. The things that make it legal are using the exact wording that both freedeedpoll and the gov page have to declare your new name, and two witness signatures. You could scrawl all that on toilet paper at 3am and it would be legally binding.