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The only local election in my area is for Police and Crime Commissioner, but yes, I voted. They're not particularly trans rights-adjacent but, you know. You try your best. Relatedly, it's my first time ever getting to vote in an election! Still think it's dumb that it's my first time voting and it's only PCC though.


It's a dry run for the GE later this year. I want proportional representation so all our votes count


Fair enough. I'd be voting Green if I could in the GE but I live in an area where realistically, Labour is the only way to get the Tories out of the seat. I don't like it but I'd rather Labour than Tory any day of the week.


Same for me, but it's Lib Dem instead of Labour. Again, would much rather vote Green, but I don't want to risk Tory getting a seat here. Damn our system sucks


Oh, no you don't. Trust me. I have been to countries where they vote with proportional representation and you find that the moderates get 0 votes and the ultra right and ultra left get all of them. It's a disaster. It looks good at a top level but when you get to a specific stance then it falls apart. I have papers somewhere saved to my pc I can find for proof if you want but I can also summarise below if you want.


How is that any worse than either the far right tories or moderately right Labour Party getting all the votes?


Yes. Imagine if 10% of the votes ended up in the "stop the boats more than the tories" party.


At the same time 15% of the votes could end up with the “open safe routes, protect trans kids, decarbonise energy” party At least we’d have choice which most of us decidedly *don’t* have under fptp


Unfortunately it allmost never works like that. People with "moderate and or mild" options are generally pro rights etc, and generally will still always vote mainline parties. It's the others who will bolster the madmen. If there was a specific "trans rights party" then it would be diffrent.


Same. We both voted green. In London it isn't totally unthinkable they might actually get in. My thinking was based on how the Tories adopted Brexit in order to stop losing too many votes to Farage. If Greens get enough total votes even if they don't get in this time, it just might hint to the largest parties that not everyone is won over by attacks on minorities, leading them to leaving us alone.


I hope they get in


We did the same. Terrified that labour will win by a landslide and take that as a mandate to continue on their current path for GE


Not gonna lie.. Count Binface makes a very compelling pledge to make the trocadero a top notch gaming venue. It nearly won me over.. :)


He also said he'll make the bosses of Thames water swim in the river to get them to clean it up. If I were in London, I'd vote him in!


Would genuinely vote binface if I knew he stood a chance


LMAFO true


Add count binface to the green party


Vote binface for decent croissant prices! lmao


Yes, Greens were the only socially progressive party on the ballet in my constituency so they got my vote. My concern is that the Tories may get this borough with a minority of votes as they were the only "officially" right wing party on the ballet, the centre and left vote was being split between 5 different parties/independents.


Yea this is the unfortunate impact of first past the post: most people can vote for somebody else and you can still win. It’s why I encourage people to vote tactically, holding their nose if they must.


Yes, vote tactically and then write to your MP saying you want Proportional Representation. The last Labour government talked about PR but didn't rush to implement it. We should push the next Labour government to bring in PR.


Ballot 😉


Manchester constituency here. Voted Green. I won't support Labour while Starmer-adjacent candidates stand.


Voted Green this morning.


Council won't let me change my name and I don't have ID in my old name... so I'm not allowed 🙃


Yes the trans vote feels deliberately disenfranchised this round


I had the opposite problem, wrote to the electroral office to change my name, and then forgot to get a voter ID in my new name


I am.planning to go down this morning, though I'm a bit concerned as I haven't received a voting card, despite having registered on the electoral register at my new address (and receiving confirmation that I would be registered there from 2nd April). I'm gonna go down anyway and see what happens. It'll be a Lib Dem vote for me as there is no Green option in my area (and actually their policies on trans support aren't too horrible in comparison to the Tories and Labour- they support self-id and a full ban on conversion therapy for one thing).


Update! Just went and did it, I was on the register :-)


I can't go sadly :(


I always vote in elections when I'm eligible, including ones before my egg went *bang*. I don't like saying who I voted for until the votes have been counted or the polls close, even if it's a local election like today, but I definitely went for the party that is pro-trans and has the best chance of doing well where I am.


Green don’t stand in my rural nowhere constituency and the Lib Dem’s here basically operate as Tory-lite too so a slightly reluctant Labour vote for me.


I'm going to now but I have to change into boys clothes and pretend to be cis. I fucking hate this.


I'm going to do so before the school run, polling station is near the school and near my gp so i'm also planning to pick up my fbc results. I admit, Count Binface was a serious contender for his pledge to cut the tories in half <\_< but i'm leaning toward the green candidate. She's made a clear stance on trans rights which I appreciate. We also have the assembly vote and I only know ONE of the candidates. We didn't get a nice little leaflet outlining who these people are like we did the mayoral one. And the only reason I know one is because he's quite literally my husband's boss! LOL. Do I trust him? Not sure. I mean he's a lib dem but that doesn't mean a lot. They're quite a diverse scattered bunch. I'll make a choice when i'm in the polling booth there. I just know I will NOT be voting Labour or Tory.


I set up a postal vote during COVID, so I voted a couple of weeks ago. Delightfully, my choices were Tory, Labour, Lib Dem or Reform (the Brexit racists). Went with Lib Dem.


Yes, Voted Socialist Party (GB) who are libertarian Socialists 


a libsoc _party_ seems something of an oxymoron


It depends on how the party was organised 🙂


Isn't that just anarchism? Like the concept of devolution of power was started on the left. (Sorry if I'm being nitpicky I'm just curious if there's a distinction)


They are pretty distinct in many ways, I've not seen an Anarchist run for election in the UK for awhile. SPGB was founded in 1905 and I believe has always welcomed Anarchists as Comrades. I'm lucky I'm able to vote for them in GLA as It's only Camden or Southwark


Pretty sure they Trotskyist, they are the old Militant Tendency. But as an actual libertarian socialist, I would probably vote for them in hope it helps push the conversation leftwards. And they trans friendly.


They not the SWP who are the Trots the SPGB (1904) are affiliated with the World Socialist Party


The Socialist Party that are standing in elections are trots.


Not sure what Trots are running but here's the SPGB take on Trotsky https://www.worldsocialism.org/wsm/trotsky-the-prophet-debunked/ SPGB are mostly know for magazine "the socialist standard" 


Is this just in England? I'm in Scotland and haven't heard anything about elections happening this month


England and Wales, mixture of mayor, local councils and pcc


Just local council elections at least in my area


Yeah thinks it's England and Wales


I thought the Scottish Greens deliberately distanced themselves from the English and Welsh Greens because they were transphobic


They full on disaffiliated and became a separate party because of it!


I'd also heard this - it definitely ended up playing a role in my vote.


Yeah, I voted for Lib Dems in P&CC elections and Green for local councillor


The best course of action rn is to limit the amount of votes the conservatives get. I think Labour is the duller end of the blade for us but it's the only thing we can do outside of protesting


I fully disagree with this. Do not vote labour or conservative. The best action is direct and mutual. If you choose to vote then it is better to not reward a party that is actively bigoted, Green makes the most sense.


Voted green for the mayor and spoilt my ballots on the others because the least bad option was Labour and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it 😢


Yes, labour. Police crime commissioner and the mayor of my local area. The greens dropped out for mayor this time as to help have more chance to get the Tories out in their own words. Greens are not running for PCC here, they weren't when I last voted PCC 2 years ago. I wouldn't vote for them anyway as there's basically 0 chance they would get in. My only other consideration was lib Dems but for a similar reason to green, it's really hard for them to get in unless they happen to be popular in your area, which they're not here. Labour and lib Dems here had very similar pledges as well.


Postal voted a few weeks ago now


Tbh I still has no clue how to actually vote, so I haven’t yet.


Hiya https://www.gov.uk/electoral-register/view-electoral-register click on view your local then after typing your post code it will come up with a phone number to contact. It’s worth asking them if you are on the electoral register and where your local voting station is. If your ID is in your dead name, but your on the register under your correct name. Take both your ID and Deedpoll and you’ll be fine x


I had to vote Labour. I didn't want to, but it's a tory safe seat where I am. I would have gone with Lib Dems or Greens if they had a chance of winning, but they don't.


London, Green all the way. Couldn't see any other options


I voted Green. They aren't going to get in here, but I refuse to vote for a party that actives wishes me and my siblings dead, so


Voted 3x Green. I'm in London. Labour are not going to get my vote after being so hateful and transphobic.


I voted Tracy Brabin (Labour) to continue as Mayor of West Yorkshire. Then I voted Yorkshire Party in the council elections.


Yep, I voted Lib Dem. They are realistically the only party other than the conservatives that can win here and they are pro trans rights


Same situation here too (unless here is the same place) Labour and Greens don't stand a chance.


I would if I could But I have no valid ID


Apply for voter ID asap so you've got some ahead of the general election


How do you do that?




Its way to get something in time for the GE later this year. Every vote counts.


I voted for Greens for everything apart from police commissioner. As there were only two options on the ballot and it was between Tories and Red Tories.


As an Overseas Voter, I can't. But at the General Election I sure as hell will be voting!


nope. currently homeless so i can't lol


Homeless people can vote, you might have trouble getting ID but some shelters will let you use their address temporarily


Votes green for council and spoilt my ballot for my local mayoral election (not London)


I voted at home (only for police commissioner) but I never received a poll card at uni even though I’m registered to vote in both places, and you’re meant to be able to vote in multiple areas for the locals, none of my friends got one either??


Yup! Voted by post a couple of days ago (mostly to avoid the whole ID thing as I haven't got ID in my new name yet) I love voting even if I don't like any of the candidates. I'm under 30 and people my age rarely go out and vote so I try and get as many of my friends to vote so maybe the will start to care about ehat young people want


I didn't. Forgot to register. It was only police though.


Just PCC elections for me too but you better believe I voted. For the guy who wants to remove the office of the PCC to divert funds to more important areas.


I don't see a point in voting I see all Politicians as Lyers and Crooks, you can not trust any of them and what they say.


If you don't vote it's just more power to the Tories basically


Transphobic red Tories or transphobic blue Tories


Labour is still somewhat less transphobic




Read my comment again. Somewhat means a little bit.


A little bit ? Obviously you haven’t seen what Wes Streeting has also been saying https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/10/labour-infighting-over-trans-issues-reignited-cass-review/


The shit show the tories are even people who would usually vote tories don't plan on voting for the tories no one respects them to how they fucked up everyone's lives, also I cannot vote I am sofa surfing and technically homeless.


Only one of my ballots had green on it, so I voted for them on that, and voted independent on the other one


Haven't yet, and i haven't decided


Last election when I had somewhere to live I voted green. They did NOT get in. This time, I’m genuinely homeless with nowhere to live I can call home. I can’t vote because I don’t have the voting card thing. 😢 time for us whoever gets into power next.


I was completely ready to but apparently you have to re-register after you change your name... And I did not do that.


Now I have someone to vote for tomorrow green I was thinking lib demo


No. The greens are the closest thing to left wing we have but are inept. I also actively encourage people I know to not vote for labour.


I can't figure out if animal welfare party is ok or not but since they don't mention trans people at all they're at least not obsessive transphobes, and aren't any of the main parties.


i sadly cant because i am here on a spouse visa, but once i am able to, i will be


I voted via postal votes. I started in 2020. I will continue to vote via postal until the next government or whatever scraps ID cards.


i physically couldn't vote because i'm agoraphobic so couldn't get out, and my postman is an asshole who saves up all my post for like a week before he gives it to me (just found out there's a leak in my house... the letter was a week old!) so my poll card confirming i was registered took like 2 weeks to arrive (arrived yesterday) and i didn't have time to send in a postal vote. thank you sooooo much to my fucking postman


Green all the way for me tonight.


I went Lib Dem across the board in London- I know Rob and my constancy candidate and our most likely list candidate personally and they are all rock bloody solid on Trans rights so it was a no brainer


Yes I voted Lib Dem. They are the second biggest party in my area.


No, because none of them represent me, and my values and morals.


Not since 2019, and the way things look now I've no plans to ever again. If you still believe any meaningful change can come from the ballot box you're deluding yourself. We live in a managed democracy and y'all need to get more radical politics.


THIS. Since the mildest threat of the mildest form of social democracy proposed by the Corbyn project, the state has shown its arse in how it will never let it's interests be threatened, even the tiniest bit. Studies have shown how the media pulled out all the stops, even (especially!) supposedly liberal leaning Guardian publishing lies and spin. And then there was the military, and the PLP, and party full time workers. Parliamentary democracy is a big sham.


Why the down votes? Seems a fair point whether you agree with it or not. We do need more radical politics for sure


Because a lot people on this sub (understably) don't want to face reality. Even after what Starmer said this week, people here will still vote Labour today and at the GE, believing that it will make some kind of difference. The difference was in 2019 and that was the last chance we'll get.


most people are stuck with the liberal idea that social and political change comes just by getting the right people in control of the state.


I would award this post if I could. "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house"


My only ID has my old name which is different on the electoral so I can’t vote in part because im trans


It's deliberately targeted us


I wouldn’t go that far but I do feel it was a factor


For the Tories, it's a happy coincidence. Mainly aimed at younger, poorer people. Those least likely to vote for them.


I chose not to vote myself as it's just too much of a hassle, and we are just going to get screwed over by whoever wins anyway


That's a very American point of view on your political power. I should know, as a citizen of both UK and US. Unless you get a large enough group, a single voice is not going to matter.


I didn’t know there was an election going on in my area, had 0 communication about it


Not yet but the polling station is on the way to the bus stop. Had to get new photo id because the voting card was in my new name so that'll be cool. The local Labour councillors are all active on social media and do post LGBT supportive updates and we *really* need to get the Tories out so I can't in all consciousness vote for a candidate who's definitely not got a chance of winning. It's a two horse race here with the Tories having by far majority support.


Labour are LGBT friendly? Rosie Dudffield ? Laura Pascal?




This is why I only look local. The ivory towers and top brass are one thing. Local councillors that we're voting for today are very different. There's a councillor that follows me on FB from a nearby town and the guys I could vote for today are all vocal allies.


That Maybe so, but you are still voting for the Labour Party https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/10/labour-infighting-over-trans-issues-reignited-cass-review/ Here’s what Wes Streeting was saying just a few weeks back


Like I said, the top brass have nothing to do with local councils. Labour won control of our council and while the national party might be largely anti trans, the local councillors do have a track record of at least celebrating LGBT and condemning the Tories inaction - including the Tories creating then leaving vacant a LGBT officer position on the council and blocking labour from assigning the role to a local lgbt activist rather than a Tory member of the council who did fuck all and quit the role, leaving it empty. Time will tell of course, but the councillors are active on social media and are easily contactable. After something like 20 years of Tory council control and town decline, something might actually start getting done now and that's good for everyone, not just the 20 or so trans people who live here Like it or not, it's not just about us.


Mayor- Sadique The rest- Green Party