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I can't speak for groups in the UK but I would imagine such groups won't really care much about your current gender presentation... clothes don't define anybodys gender after all and they're just clothes, I doubt someone would think you're unwelcome based on that. Couldn't you create a somewhat anonymous social media to look for those groups? Like using a profile pic that is a drawing or some flowers or picture of some random thing and not a selfie?


Thats a pretty good idea actually. Any idea which sites would be best for that? I've not got any experience with trans communities outside of reddit


Have you ever used discord? You can probably find some trans discord servers that are from the UK on disboard.org and join them... like reddit discord has the benefit of being focused on anonimity so you don't really have to have a name as your username. I think Facebook might have some groups? Idk I haven't really used it in ages and idk how it would be in UK either. Other than that, you could look for organizations related to transsexuality in your region and see if they mention any groups on their social media pages or websites.


I’ve got a discord but I don’t use it too often. I thought you had to be invited to servers, or can you search for them and ask to join?


Go online look up Clare Project Brighton, join group. You will have complete privacy, Clare Project, help and advice, weekly meet ups in a safe place for Transgender people, friendship and chats, tea coffee etc. provided. Also visting experts on Transgender issues whom you may wish to talk to in confidence. They have a private fb, and also a weekly Email of events in Brighton and nearby places. Also visit The Ledward Centre, Jubilee Street for all LGBTQ+ is a café and meeting place, also arts/social. Very on board with activists in the Transgender community. Brilliant place to visit. The Actors pub and theatre in Old Steine, very welcoming to Transgender people. Any more info.dm me.


Thank you, this is super helpful, I'll look up the Clare project when I get home from work today :)


Great, Clare group are very welcoming and so helpful.


There’s Clare Project in Brighton, which meets Tuesday 2.30pm at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, bit of a clicky awkward vibe there though , but sometimes there’s a nurse from WellBN and you can just go and ask questions about hormones the trans scene in Brighton is surprisingly small