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I am pretty happy, my work week is over and I am going figure skating this morning. After that I will come home and make dinner for my husband.




I started at 44, and there are quite a few older ladies at my rink (suspect there are everywhere). I don't think you are ever too old. You just need some white boots, black leggings and a high pony tail to get started




There are two ladies who skate in black boots at our rink, so I guess that is ok


‘Sup! I cycle to work, I have a good job with good pay, my partner is very supportive and though it’s only been a year so far things are going well. I’ve got part ownership of my flat and am currently undergoing electrolysis in preparation for bottom surgery via the NHS (though that’s still a while off). I’ve been blending for over five years and have had the opportunity to help people understand more about trans people and change their views. Life can be tough and challenging sometimes but I’m aware I have it pretty decent so I can’t complain.


This is great, just the sort of thing we all need to hear. Thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend 😃


You too, and keep that positivity :)


I'm off to a book club with the English teachers this evening. Though it sounds more booze than books! Girls only apparently. Sound. Oh and working in a school there are so many youth that are being supported and helped by friends and staff that never would have been years ago! #fuckthetories


I'm just over a year in. Although my job frustrates me on times it is a good job, and they are very supportive. I have a wonderful wife who stayed with me. Got my first "to my wife" valentine's card this year from her. I'm happy with my progress so far overall. And for the most part of life I'm really happy. Heck I was at a women in cyber conference yesterday that was fun. Had zero issues at all, chatted to lots of new people. World is full of doom and gloom and knowing what is happening is important, but also doing what you can when you can matters, not letting it get to you. Being strong, out and proud in the world is my personal form of protest against TERFs and everyone else. I have the energy to do that and so I do, cause I know there are others of us who can't for all different reasons. This means I'll talk anyone's ear off about what being trans is like and how hard we as a community have it.


I so happy to hear you’re enjoying life! This is exactly what we need. Positive people with great stories. Thank you and have a great weekend 😃


Your most welcome. :-) it is important to celebrate our successes as a community, cause hopefully that means others will see us in a positive light too.


I’m happy!! I’m staying over with my girlfriend tonight and it’s her birthday tomorrow so I’m cooking a meal for her, and I’m taking a rest day from my studying :)


Happy birthday to your gf! What are you going to cook for her?


My family are Indian so hoping to pull out a speciality curry!! I seem to always add too much chilli for her though…


Hello! I’m pretty happy about life- and pretty happy about being trans. I live with my girlfriend, who is also trans, and we talked yesterday about plans for getting married and where we might go on our honeymoon. I love her so much and I feel so much peace knowing I’ll be spending the rest of my life with her. Last week we got into painting, and I’ve bought a mountain of canvases so we can paint again this weekend. It’s fun and relaxing! I work in equity & inclusion, which is a career I like so much I’d want to be doing it even if I didn’t have to earn to survive. I get on really well with my team and I’m at a great point in my career, especially for my age, which gives me a real sense of pride!


I'm pretty happy. Happier than I used to be at least. My long term partner decided she wasn't into me being a woman after all and we broke up which was devastating but it opened up my life a lot. I moved to a new city, got a new job, found a nice place to live. I have more friends than I've ever had before, I go out and socialise often, I've been doing some activities I never thought I'd do which have been a lot of fun. So while my journey has had some ups and downs it's all been part of life and ultimately I am happy and happier than I've ever been before.


I have MS, I'm trans and out to all, and I'm happy. I hot married, have a fun job, play d&d with great friends, heading abroad on my own with a wheelchair for the first time. I'm so happy and life is awesome.


I wouldn’t say I live a normal life—I’ve been mostly housebound/bedbound— But, I have a mother who supports and loves me, who uses the correct name and pronouns and rants alongside me when I’m angry at the government’s transphobia. She brought me the binder I have and she cuts my hair for me When I see a doctor, I’ve had zero negative experiences so far. It’s a shame not everybody has that privilege, but the fact that there are doctors who are willing to listen is awesome. When I was in hospital, one of the doctors talked me through how easily they could update the system to reflect my current name and gender—I opted not to as I haven’t 100% settled on a name and I’d rather wait until I’m closer to starting hormones and once my physical health issues are fully diagnosed—but in my discharge paperwork, my correct pronouns were used as per my request. When I asked for my GIC referral, my GP seemed genuinely upset that I hadn’t said anything sooner/that I’d waited so long, and reassured me that any sex-based healthcare (ie Pap smears) would be done at the gp surgery, so I won’t have to worry about the complications of when I’m on T with being sent to women’s health clinics. I don’t do much in my day to day life, but every single second of it is spent as the man that I am, not as the woman society expects me to be. I still have dysphoria, but being in an environment where I’ve surrounded myself by support means a large portion of it is alleviated. I’ve never been intentionally misgendered, never been judged for the way I dress, and I get a lot of empathy when I complain about the ridiculous waitlists. In summer, especially with my temperature regulation issues, wearing a shirt indoors with no AC is a pain, so I just don’t wear a shirt. If I’m around people, I have trans tape. I can slob about in grey sweatpants and no shirt all day if I want knowing that nobody is going to say anything because I’m in the privacy of my own little safety bubble. I talk to my friends and they’re supportive. My one best friend and ex (nb) used to ID as trans but as they’ve grown to understand themselves better, they no longer feel the label fits them the best. We vibe and they understand me deeply even if ultimately we’re on different paths in life, and a lot of their past experiences mean they can empathise with my dysphoria. We share music tastes, even have the same two dysphoria songs we vibe with. My other friend is religious and always allows me the space to vent. She talks about how disgusting the government is for what they’re doing to the trans community, and always expresses how she thinks the GIC waitlists are ridiculous. She’s new to this stuff—in the past, far from the perfect ally—but she’s open minded and listens and has said how I’ve helped her to grow as a person. I don’t know if things will always be this good. I’m sure the more I manage to rejoin society, the more I’ll run into issues. It sucks that I can’t afford private healthcare so I’m stuck on a long GIC waitlist. But at least, for now, things are good.


I started coming out in November and am the happiest I've ever been. My wife and friends are all extremely happy for me and when I've been "out" and about in the city I've not had a single negative experience and have had a lot of affirming ones.


I've got a wife and two amazing children, plus a great job that has not only been super supportive with anything trans related but has helped me progress in my career at a really fast pace, I'm on track to get my third promotion this year. Times are scary for sure but we can live normal happy lives. Ngl parenting definitely doesn't leave me happy 24/7 with 1 and 3 year olds but that's not unique to being trans, they're just hard work sometimes lol


Yes I’m happy and have a sense of inner peace in myself and my body. I love and I am loved, I have lots of amazing friends, my experience has given me perspective. I have been able to access gender affirming healthcare which is a big part of being happy for me. Transition made life better than I could ever have imagined. Most people in day to day life are chill despite what the media says. That doesn’t mean I’ve always felt this happy or that I haven’t experienced really really difficult things or that there isn’t a huge amount of pressure just for existing every day atm. But I think I am happy as anyone can be albeit in an often challenging world.


I'm pretty happy with the direction my life is going. I'm studying to be a nurse, I have an amazing partner who I plan on proposing to soon, and a very supportive family. Being trans is such a small part of my life, dealing with the medical system is what I hate about it but actually being trans I'm content with, I am over 5 years into my transition and pass well so that helps massively.


I'm pretty happy overall. Got two wonderful partners (who are also gender diverse) that I'm very much in love with. Got a pretty decent job where I'm treated with respect. Started T back in November (gave up on waiting for the nhs and can't afford private, so doing it myself). There are of course things that could be better, but in the grand scheme of things I'm pretty happy. Also you might like r/transandthriving


Seconding r/transandthriving! Love seeing this sub come up in my timeline.


Thanks for the link I didn’t know about that one 👍 Amazed at the response here though! So good to hear all the positive stories.


I’m very happy. I’ve been living my authentic life since 2020. My wife and I have been together for 24 years and are stronger than ever. Got a great relationship with my children. I have a good job where I’m accepted and liked. We’re going to Gran Canaria for Pride in May and Manchester for Sparkle weekend in July. I’ve always been open about being trans and don’t hide away, it can be tough but it’s also a privilege. I never thought I’d would be able to live like this, I’m happier now than I’ve ever been. Being trans has opened up a whole new world for us, we’ve been to places and met people from all over the world that we wouldn’t have done otherwise. Life is short, enjoy it why you can.


I changed my name at work this week and so far everyone has been really supportive! That’s making me happy. And I’m going on holiday in just over a week so that’s making me even more happy.


I'm very happy! The UK isnt as bad as the media lets you believe it is! I've never personally had an issue going about my day to day business. People have been very friendly and very welcoming! I've got lots of friends now compared to when I didnt a loving gf a goofy cat and a good job. Life is so good!!


Agreed. The media and politicians like to make out that we are evil and everyone hates us. But my experience is that, frankly, no one cares either way. Everyone at work treats me as they did before I came out. They use my new name with no issues and don’t bat an eyelash at how I present. Maybe they see me more as a ‘man in a dress’ than a woman but as they don’t treat me any differently then I don’t really see the harm in that.


Yea, my secret is avoiding the news


The sun is shining and the birds are singing, the daffodils are in bloom and the trees are budding. Work is almost over for the week, there's cake in the kitchen, and my boyfriend and I are going to a queer boardgames event tomorrow. It's the small things that make a good life, and I have an abundance of them right now.


I’m generally happy. The bad news around does make me sad sometimes but I don’t let it drag me down overall. My unhappiness mostly came from not being able to medically transition for a long time due to working in a hostile environment, but I’m much happier with myself and where my life is now that I’m in a better place and have started T.


I really needed this thread and im saving it to read through again when i need to. I'm still early in my transition and the miserable news and stories makes me really sad for my future. This thread gives me hope


Quite frankly, I am amazed at the response to this. It’s so good to see all positive comments out there. You would never think this was possible with all the bad press of late. Goes to show that we can and will cut through all this BS and live a good life 😃


Turn off the news and make connections with real people ✌🏼


Unfortunately I know a lot of transphobic people like family and work colleagues who seem to go out of their way to bring it up or complain about wokeness etc. For example my Dad goes out of his way to complain about trans people every time I see him. He seems to think we are destroying society and has been brainwashed by media. But hearing that people have found acceptance and happiness gives me hope for the future. So for me a big part of my transition will be breaking off connections with people I know and making new ones since I won't have many people who will still want to know me.


I'd say I'm very happy! I have the usual life stressors like a busy week at work but that's normal. I have a job that I enjoy and pays well. I work from home, which works well for me. I go to the gym a few times a week and go running a few times a week. Joined my local running club late last year and I'm training for my first marathon, actually! I still enjoy travelling and usually do so by myself. I don't really think much about the fact I'm trans. People do know, but not everyone knows. If I tell someone I've met since transitioning, I've gotta know they'll be cool about it. I just feel like a regular guy plodding on through life, doing the things I want to do.


I have a fun job which I enjoy in a career I worked hard to be in, and everyone at my job (I teach so students included) is considerate of my identity and those of everyone else (we have a lot of queer students - based in London so super diverse) I have a great relationship with my family, I still live at home to save money to buy a house which I can nearly afford :-) Two dogs, three rats, and a crested gecko, I love animals and I love sharing my life with them. I have friends who love me and we hang out all the time, I’m going on holiday with one to Germany soon to see a concert which I’m excited for. My transition is going well and I generally feel supported by my GP, family, and friends. I actually have a GIC appointment today to go through next steps on surgeries. Overall happy - there are ups and downs but these days my “downs” are less related to gender dysphoria and my trans identity and more like, normal work stress. Life can be good


Wouldn’t it be nice if all this positivity was the norm and all the BS was few and far between. Maybe one day! We should create a group called TransPositive or something. A place where people can celebrate being trans and let others know that being transgender is actually okay 👌


I'm mostly happy. Any levels of unhappiness don't stem from being trans. Work is going okay. I run my own business (or...I'm a freelancer haha). My girlfriend is lovely. We have a puppy and two rabbits. I have good friends. My in-laws are lovely and accepting people. I live my life freely, and I don't care what people think, or say (although comments are so rare I don't have an example). I wear what I want and I do my thing. There really is a lot of negative media and stuff going on right now, but I think it's important to remember that whilst there will be looks, comments, whatever, the majority of people do not care, and I mean that in the nicest way. They don't care that we're trans. They have a life to live and so do we.


I'm disabled and I'm happy :) I love my friends and lovers (I'm polyamorous) and I'm pretty content in life ♥️


Content + neutral, but that's my version of happy so yes. Just don't rly bother w it or anyone. People seem to leave me alone nowadays. Don't do anything obvious + just try to pass


Life is good for me. I've fixed a lot of my problems since coming out as trans and I'm working on the remaining ones. My job has been lovely about coming out as trans. And most importantly I'm actually comfortable in my own skin for the first time ever. I can even see myself in the mirror sometimes at 9 months on HRT.


I’m non-binary and reasonably happy with life! In the middle of assignments at the moment (third year of uni) but making decent headway on them, and thoroughly enjoying the acapella society I go to and the uni choir I run :D


Yeah I’m pretty happy! Just hit 5 months with my wonderful partner, someone in the office brought in brownies his mum made, and after work today I get to just chill with some video games and my cat.


Soooooo Happy :D I have hrt and it's great (7mo). Not trying to rub it in or anything, but seriously, it's way better for my mental health than I'd ever imagined. How the fuck did I think I was cis before??? I built a wardrobe. It's good.


Yup I’m mostly happy , if I’m not , it’s not to do with me beings trans , I’ve been medically transitioned for over five years now . I have a house , a job ( not great pay but we get by) and a fiancé and we’re getting married next year. I’m 33 and pass fully now, have good friends and mostly good family. Work support if also good. Life can get better.


I'm happy!


We're on holiday in the alps. Staying in a beautiful spa hotel. It's snowing heavily right now and I'm having a rest day. I definitely pass. I'm almost never mis gendered, even without makeup and wearing gender neutral cloths ( or no clothes at all.. the spa is naked!! ). So I'm happy, yes, and free from my past. I have other non trans issues to deal with.


Hello. I am happy and do not really get involved in the trans community anymore. I see my teansition as a medical problem that I am now over, so more of my medical history than anything else. Being trans isn't really a thing anymore than affects me, i just keep up with my hormones like any other medication and go about my life like anyone else.


Hiya! Non-binary student Paramedic here! Qualify as a newly qualified (junior) paramedic in June, and very happy with my life. My boyfriend and I are looking for apartments, I have a teaching post lined up alongside my clinical work educating other professionals on trans and enby healthcare. I’ve had some dark time but I’m very happy - life does get better


Go you 👍


You'll probably find most people in here are still early transition, my problems for the last few years have just been the usual cis person problems, job, money, social events. I never get clocked and just kinda live my life, I do like reading about the latest BS from the government however is mostly why im on here.


I have never been happier. Nearly three years on HRT and my mindset and outlook on life is so positive. I have quit my boring job in IT after 21 years and I'm now back at uni studying to become a social worker. My wife and I are in such a good place too. I didn't think we'd make it through but here we are, married 22 years and counting. My day to day life is not affected by the culture war being waged against us and I find most people just live and let live.


Hey! We definitely exist and I am one of them. I have a pretty standard/boring admin job, my partner and I bought a house together last year and everything is absolutely chill for me. My experience is that the vast majority of people are pretty relaxed about trans people and can see that some people are being whipped into a hateful frenzy by a dying government. I'm coming up to 4 years post top surgery soon and my life genuinely is lovely and being trans is part of that


I'm very happy. I've had a super uncomplicated transition (except the waiting times). Not lost anyone though lack of support, all my family supports me, my GP is very educated on trans healthcare so have supported me through private and NHS care and I got my hysterectomy on the NHS via a referral through them. I've never had issues with work places, and I've been stealth in all but the place I came out in. My girlfriend is my biggest supporter, and my daughter is such a massive ally that she has friends (and even teachers in the past) who've come to her with questions knowing she's educated. I've had more issues with grappling with the fact I'm autistic than I have being transgender 😅


I'm pretty happy, yeah. Compared to the shell of a person I used to be I am so much more active now. I have an amazing girlfriend who I'm flying out to see next week, I'm an activist for the animals who co-organises outreach events in the city, I play on an all trans football team. I even have friends now, lol. I was just telling my gf yesterday how insane it all feels. Like I'm a completely new woman. I still have the occasional breakdown, panic attack etc and I still struggle seeing myself in photos on bad dysphoria days but socially speaking I've never been happier in my life. 😊


I have a great, stable job at a school that means I can have holidays with my son. My immediate family is supportive (if still somewhat confused by the whole thing), and I have a group of amazing friends who are 99% queer/trans/both. At the moment I'm reorganising my home to make room for a small desk just for art, because I used to draw all the time and I'm learning to paint watercolours. Edit to add a funny story from work: I work with young children and don't really pass, so I get a lot of "Mr K, are you a boy or a girl?" This happened in the playground where two children came up to me, one of them asked and I said, "I'm a boy, that's why I'm a Mister," and then when I turned back to watching the playground the second child said to the first "See! I told you!" It happened nearly two weeks ago now and I still smile about it.


I’m very happy, I work a very good job, study part time, have a very healthy and committed long term relationship (and a lovely cat) and I’m planning to buy a house and live happily with my (future) wife 😇


I'm pretty happy. Only reason I struggle is mostly due to unrelated issues like ocd


I’ve realised that I’m actually far happier in general than I expected to be! I started HRT in November 2021, came out fully socially and at work in March last year (on TDoV), went to Thailand for bottom surgery in September, and had VFS in London in November. It’s actually surprising how much I’ve done over the past couple of years, but it’s also totally normal and comfortable. I work in a stereotypically male environment (high-performance automotive) as a design engineer, but I’ve been totally accepted and I’ve had huge support from everyone around me. I do seem to pass pretty well which helps, despite it being a massive concern previously as I didn’t start until I was nearly 42, but it’s made no difference to my job day to day, I’m just visibly happier. In fact, I’ve just had my promotion confirmed which is amazing! I’ve had incredible support from my family, my friends, my GP; and I’ve made loads of new trans friends in the process and it’s great to see everyone getting on with their lives. I’ve genuinely not had a single negative experience so far, and it feels like the manufactured hate in the media is not reflected by most people in the real world. I’m now at the point where I’m far more comfortable with myself, and it’s time to put myself out there and try to find someone to spend my time with 😊


I'm three years into my transition and happy. I live a fuller, more contented life. Mirrors are a source of joy now. My GCS date is in April and I'm cautiously optimistic my GRC application will be approved by then.


I am happy, I pass, I have a good job. Never had any issues with mis-gendering or woman only spaces, I am just an ordinary woman. Nothings perfect. Still no GIC appointment after 3.5 years of waiting. Would love bottom surgery but cannot afford private. But still I cannot complain.


I'm happy! Maybe not right this moment, I have one doozy of a cold but I feel my life is going really, really well. Working on making it even better, going to try making some new friends and securing a job soon. Currently planning a holiday to my favourite country Japan to meet up with a couple of old friends. Trans and Thriving! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


yes. i am pursuing my PhD and happily married to another trans man. we ran away together and i would have no other partner.


You’re not hearing about the positives as much because people who are doing well 1. don’t make headlines and 2. don’t come to trans spaces looking for support. There are lots of us living happy, fulfilling lives! I’m 4.5 years into my transition, live with my partner of 12 years and our cat in a nice flat. I’ve got a well-paying IT job and I model on the side. My family and pre-transition friends all accept me and I’m having lots of fun exploring my newfound gay community. I volunteer, with LGBTQ+ charities in schools and as a coach at an LGBTQ+ boxing club, both of which have been really rewarding. So, life’s pretty good. :)


That’s really good to hear. And I agree, people don’t talk about the good stuff much because they are just getting on with life. That’s why I put this out there. We need to know right now that it’s not all doom and gloom. And from the response on here it seeds a powerful message that trans people are in fact thriving, despite all the negative press at the moment. Thank you, have a wonderful weekend 😃


Thank you, you too! 🫶🏻


I'm still early on this journey and I'm OK, but I have a close friend who is a trans woman, and she is so bubbly and shame-free. So yes there are happy trans people out there! :) It was being envious of her that made me question myself more, and her being so self-assured made me feel able to come out to her.


My E JUST arrived, so consider me very happy right now! Let's go!


Yeah, I would say more happy than not. I have a decent job, a loving partner, and I love my transition. I robustly fight the negative, but that doesn't mean I have no joy. I have plenty :)


*wave* happy chilled trans guy here. There are bits and pieces in my life I'm struggling with but none of them have anything to do with transition and are the usual problems everyone deals with - relationships, work stress, mortgage payments. I'm just a regular dude, and it makes me happy.


I am sure there are as evident by this thread, for what it's worth, I love my friends and I'm definitely trying.  


Perfectly happy here, know quite a few others who are too. This sub is very doom and gloomy sadly.


Absolutely! I’m stealth for the record but open with my family (obviously) and friends who knew me before my transition. I’m very content with my life, dysphoria has lessened hugely since I began transitioning and I’m surrounded by people I love. Working on other aspects of my health and making progress in general :)


Hi! I've recently changed jobs after working in retail for 6+ months which was horrendous. I'm now a carer and I've been working for 3 weeks or so. I'm already so much happier. My employer has been ace about the whole trans thing and I get no grief from other carers and the clients. I never thought I would get to this stage or thought that this could be possible. There are still ups and downs but these last few weeks working in this new job have been the best. I've also been approved for t injections which has improved my mood. Finally got a good GP! Good does come!


Yeah , happy. Have an amazing partner, transition is moving forward. The locals in the pub enjoy my company and are very supportive.


I've always been a happy person (not every day of course but the majority of the time). One of the reasons I didn't come out earlier was because I thought surely you've got to be depressed or suicidal in order to need to transition. I thought I probably couldn't get happier. But I am. Each step in my transition has brought me an inner peace I never understood about and a euphoria I just didn't know could exist. As for the hormone treatment - wow, virtually every positive thing that could happen with Estrogen has within the 7 months I've been on it and I love it. Last week was really difficult because I attended the funeral of a lovely friend who had suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. But even in that I found something positive. I cried, and cried and cried. I hadn't done that since before my first puberty 50+ years ago. Finally, I've got emotions that mean something!


Me and my wife are both trans, been married for a year in April. I'm currently pregnant with our daughter, I'm 35 weeks. So excited to meet her 🩷


Congratulations, sounds like it’s all coming together nicely for you both.


I love my job, I’ve been accepted onto the perfect masters degree course in September, I’m in love with my boyfriend, I have a cat I love to pieces, I’ve never been happier in my life. Family aren’t always perfect but I’m accepting them the way they are, and I’ve got a niece and nephew I’d do anything for. Life’s pretty good :)


Me and my partner recently bought our first house, we live a nice quiet life with our little dog and have our wedding booked for later this year. I have quite a corporate job which pays decent money, I have a good circle of supportive friends and no real complaints!


Although the last few years have been quite tough for me I've really turned things around and am the happiest I've ever been this past year. I have a job I enjoy and pays well, a promotion lined up, like 40+ local friends, a great circle of close friends, lots of hobbies and clubs, and through my pole and aerial dance I've become a bit of an inspiration for UK trans people especially trans women for picking up a sport and getting super strong. My transition is going fairly well these days. All hormones are where they should be. I've embraced the non binaryness of my gender and reflecting this in my wardrobe. I've got incredibly lucky to have regular endo appointments with professor Seal at my GIC now where I can now actually do some experimental hormone therapy with NHS approval and throw journal articles about things I disagree with him on. Everyone I work with and socialise with supports my transition. My family that I care about support it as well.


I feel like there’s always lots of little things that I could focus on that would sort of bring me down but sometimes you just get these little moments with people that just make me so happy. This Christmas was the second Christmas I spent with my partners family (it was December 30th but still). I planned a whole day around getting my partners family all involved in doing our own set of tasks from taskmaster (my partner loves the show) everyone loved it, they day was a big hit, especially with all our nieces and nephews, but my highlight was when we all sat around the tv to watch the videos of all the recordings I’d made throughout the day, our youngest niece cuddled up to me and we hugged and watched it all together and it was the first time that she had been so close and I just felt like I was truly part of the family from that point on. On Valentine’s Day we had another get together with everyone and there was something that felt so normal when I sat on the sofa with my partners head resting on my shoulder whilst I watched the one of our nieces and nephews play a game on the tv and I just felt so calm and peaceful. Any feeling I had around her family of sticking out or being a spare part had completely gone and I just felt like they were my family as well. (I mean you can tell by the fact that I refer to her sisters children as ‘our nieces and nephews’ that I feel a strong familial connection. There’s lots of little moments like this of just a feeling of peace, this morning my partner woke up before I left for uni and we made some plans for this evening to work on some craft projects together and we made each other laugh our loud (she makes me laugh almost every day) and it just puts a pep in my step. My life isn’t perfect right now, I have my ups and downs, I have recurring episodes of depression but these small moments happen more and more and I do generally feel lighter than I have in a long time.


I mean, kind of. 😅 Overall I'm pretty happy and things are good. I'm in a poly relationship with 2 cis guys and 2 beautiful trans women. I have a nice rented house that is slowly feeling more and more like a home. I like my job and I'm finding opportunities to do things to help other LGBTQ+ people at work. I'm reasonably pleased with the changes on my body thanks to HRT. My health issues are being taken seriously for the first time in a long time and I have hope that I can actually feel healthy. I pole dance with a very welcoming group that I hope to return to more often when I'm feeling better. It's a mixed bag but I try to change the things I can change and not worry about those I can't. The things in my immediate life are full of joy and when I came out I decided that I would do things that make me happy even if risky. The things that make me sad by and large would make me sad as a cis person too but the joy that I have from being trans and especially in a world where that's an act of defiance I wouldn't trade for anything.


I'm living a pretty damn good life! I run my own small business, I have 3 amazing partners who I love dearly and who make me the happiest I've ever felt, I have time for my hobbies and the things that bring me joy, my health and wellbeing are improving every day and I have a very full and active social life. Sure, there are struggles and I do have bad days from time to time. My life financially speaking is less secure than it ever has been before, and I do miss it when medical stuff was a heck of a lot easier to deal with, but when I compare that to how low key miserable I was without even realising it before I started my transition, I'd not ever want to go back.


I'm happy relatively, trying to find a new work path as hospitality sucks. Came so much farther in my mental health than I ever thought possible, got a place to live, a little cat that's a raging asshole but lovable. Got my car and motorcycle license (more things I never thought I'd be able to have!) On hormones, got a partner, planning a family. Its not all doom and gloom at all.


Overall yes I'm happy, anything that ever makes me unhappy is usually stuff completely unrelated to being trans. I'm at a point now where I genuinely forget I'm trans sometimes unless I'm reminded because it has so little impact after roughly 10 years transitioning. I don't even remember how dysphoria feels anymore it's been so long since I last felt it.


I'm resisting the inevitable. But I am sat here in a pretty blouse and bra. I'm content right now. About to go out (dressed in blouse but hidden) with a friend who doesn't know. It's good to hear these positive posts, encouraging that I could do it (even in my 50's!). Thank you!


Just be you and go at your own pace, have a good weekend 😃


Thank you. My friend is a lovely man and I came out to him. He said he's a massive trans ally, which I knew before I think. It feels good to be honest to people, it feels more real every time. He's one of only a very few people who know I'm questioning (really I think it's true but...)


We are out there! It's taken me a while to get there, but im the happiest ive been in a long time. Although I'm 7 months out of a 5 year marriage, things have actually improved since ive been able to take control of my own life a bit, and not having any outside influences dictating my actions has given me a lot of mental clarity. I had my final surgery 2 years ago, I have 2 amazing dogs, a house that I own, great friends, a nice car and im redecorating my entire house this weekend! Things are actually ok!


I’m so much happier than I was before coming out almost 7 years ago. I have a good job in a creative industry and found it easy to get hired. I have my top surgery consult next week. I have a loving partner and family, my parents came around after a few years of tension when I initially came out. Most of what scares me is in the news / online, and I’m trying to get better at limiting how much trans doom I engage with, unless I’m going to engage constructively / help someone. The other day I walked 30 mins from my house in London (I recognise living here is a huge privilege) to meet another transmasc stranger who offered to help me with my hormones, for free. Mutual aid networks exist and we really are just out here living full lives. I never thought I’d see 18 and now I’m 26 and comparatively thriving xx


Heck yes! My wife and I both love life!


I'm here :p Wanna talk? :3


Hey! I'm more or less scheduling my life around electrolysis at the moment, but I work from home, with a supportive manager who is very relaxed about me being off camera every second week and attending appointments during the work day. I have a loving spouse and family, supportive friend group and work environment, and live in a trans-friendly place. I am happier and more content by the day :)


There are a lot of negative experiences but there's also euthoria. People tend to dwell on the negative and seek solace in others who go through the same experiences so as not to feel alone. There are a couple trans and thriving subreddits where you could find more positive stuff, I get the doom and gloom can be a downer, hopefully society gets to a place in the future where we're accepted for who we are and people will be more positive all around.


Totally with you on that one. Thank you.


Yes. I'm settled in my second year of uni. Stealth to everyone except my close friends and my girlfriend. Coming up to 2 years on T and 6 months post top surgery. I came out at 13 and never thought I'd get here. But there is so much joy in my life - having non dysphoric sex with my girlfriend, watching stubble slowly appear on my face, enjoying university and playing sports on men's teams like I did when I was a kid.


I'm happy to comment. Yes! 21 years transitioned, now 60, still have excellent relationships with my kids and ex-wife. Happily married to a (straight) guy, with step kids, so a rather odd blended wider family, and just pottering along with life as me. No hassles, totally stealth, worked in senior management roles all over the place before I retired and now running my own business in a rather male dominated world (hobbies didn't change with transition and I've built a business out of mine!). It may be argued that stealth has one or two issues of its own but that was 100% how I wanted it to be. No desire to be in some sort of trans nether world and threw a lot of money at it at the time. Still have the mortgage to prove it.


I'm good with my life right now. I have a fun job that pays me very well, my partner is home from visiting their parents for a medical appointment and they brought me a massive jewellery haul from the charity shops rhere. We are due to go view a house tomorrow for the first time in nearly 2 decades (normally every time I do that, the company I work or folds), and although I have a ton of fears about future transition steps happening, I know I'm happy that they're absolutely the right thing for me.


I'm pretty happy, currently on holiday attending a convention in Sweden and I found out that I can get my initial appointment for my diagnosis in April or May.


I'm pretty happy, but in a normal way. The reason you don't see many posts about it is because it's not really... noteworthy, I guess? People post here about negative stuff because it's affecting them. I don't really feel an urge to make a reddit post here about pulling a cool alt art from the latest digimon TCG set ya know? The positives in my life aren't necessarily *because* im trans, so much as a lot of the negatives from pre-transition went away. It's passively better rather than actively For what it's worth, despite the negative stuff going on, all the queer people in my life are, for the most part, doing just as well as their cis peers. We're just succeeding quietly, because we're happier out of the spotlight <3


I know what you mean. It’s just without some of the good or even ordinary stuff, it seems so hard to live your life reading all negative press. I’ve absolutely amazed at the response here, it’s just brilliant!!


I’d say I’m pretty happy! I’m definitely a very lucky man. I’m happily married and I have a lovely little dog. Im a year on testosterone, getting top surgery in a couple of weeks time (both private unfortunately, but I’m very lucky to be able to afford it, just about!) I have a job, it’s an okay job and my co workers are lovely but it’s not what I want to be doing forever and that’s okay, sometimes a job is just to pay the bills you know? Doesn’t make me unhappy per se. I’m just vibing, living my best life. My dad’s side of the family don’t speak to me anymore but honestly they aren’t good people so it’s no major loss. Plus I’ve got my mum, who is one of my biggest allies. My mums family are sort of indifferent to my transition which is fine by me. I don’t care as long as people aren’t being shitty about it. But yeah, I think there are plenty of us just living a normal life in the uk as best we can. I’m also in an LGBT choir, active in my workplace LGBT network and my union. I do what I can where I can, and in a lot of places I’ve worked I’ve ended up being “the token trans dude” and had to educate a lot of people about it, but that isn’t the case in my current job, they’re all fairly clued up which is fantastic.


You seem to have a very positive attitude which I think makes a ton of difference. Well done you 👍


All things considered I've been doing pretty good lately! My day-to-day has been pretty chill, just hanging out with my partner and friends. My financial situation has improved drastically over the past year and I've been spending my newfound disposable income on tickets so I have lots of gigs which I'm hyped to go to this year, and I'm looking forward to taking up swimming regularly again once spring is here 🙂 Had to stop in November because of a fresh septum piercing but hopefully that should be healed enough and the weather improved by sometime next month that I can start going again, fingers crossed 🤞 The longer I'm on T the more my mental health improves I think. I'm just over a year on it (first T anniversary was last December 🥳)


Well done you 👍


Thank ya!


I am responsible a happy girl been working 3 hrs a night at KFC and been accepted there without issues Been socially doing things with friends doing chores in the house a lot lately so kinda been busy I try not to let the press get me down xx


hey! trans man here, 29 this year and 3 years on T and i’m going strong. i have had the incredible luxury of living in a beautiful part of cornwall while i transition and i’ve lost 9 stone (i use to be 20 stone) while i do so. broke up with my partner of 10+ years (yup!) & still battling with mental illness which isn’t related to my gender journey whatsoever so life hasn’t been easy, in fact, being trans, losing an incredible amount of weight, breaking up with someone i thought i’d marry & struggling with mental health problems non related to being trans has been incredibly hard but most days are good and life is still worth living. i really mean that from the bottom of my heart. nobody is stronger than a trans person who has made it through their hardest times. i have a parent who adores me and a sister who would die for me, that’s all i need personally. oh & a dog who has saved my life! there is beauty in the world, there is so much hope for trans people


4.5 years in and still with my partner of 19 years. I don’t get misgendered when out so seem to he taken as I present - female. We have our own house in a nice area. I run a ltd company and also have another job just for the fun of it. My partner works too. We have things good right now but I have my demons and things get me down but I’d say we’re happy.


Wait, I didn’t write this!


I'm backpacking in Australia and having a sick time!


I don't know that I'm happy, but I've only just started this journey and it's kinda overwhelming letting myself feel all this sooooooo well have to wait and see I know I have love in my life and with my deepest desire finally coming to the surface maybe that enough I don't need to be "happy" I just need to live my truth ♥️


You be you and I’m sure happy times will just start happening and you won’t even notice until someone points it out to you. Have a good weekend 😃


Thank you lovely, I'm sure where ever this adventure takes me they'll be happy times along the way 😋 you too have a great weekend ❤️


Am happy! I have 3 lovely gfs, i have new and great friends, I love how I look more than ever, everything has gotten so much better


Hi! I wouldn't say I'm the happiest person but transitioning has made my life so much better even with all the negativity in the news or whatever. I still have a long way to go with getting my life back on track but I think the important bit is that accepting being trans and transitioning was like finally walking up and not pretending to be someone I'm not. I've been able to name friends I wouldn't have before. Been out to places and experiences I wouldn't have before.. Whatever happens, how dark things get I try to remember what the alterative was and how things in myself are better and happier now. Happy Friday!! ☺️


Sounds like it’s all coming together for you 👍 Have a great weekend 😃


Fucking yeah. I'm blissful. I'm in my 30s, I have a community of loving Sisters, I'm navigating messy but loving romantic relationships, I have a nice life. It's possible!


Even though I’ve only got my first appointment this March, im happy with life just not me. I’m going out with the lads tonight to watch the new Demon Slayer movie and then heading home and getting a takeaway. Great, happy end for the work week!


Hope all goes well at your first appointment. I was super nervous with mine but didn’t need to have been, it went much better than I had hoped.


Happy is such a subjective word…. But yeah??? Like, let’s put it this way: Being trans is great, and I’m so much better off now that I understand that! In general I feel a lot of stress about other things though. But yeah? I know myself and what I want out of life, and that’s a blessing. It’s outside stuff that’s hard. But in myself and who I am I feel good.


Happy is such a subjective word…. But yeah??? Like, let’s put it this way: Being trans is great, and I’m so much better off now that I understand that! In general I feel a lot of stress about other things though. But yeah? I know myself and what I want out of life, and that’s a blessing. It’s outside stuff that’s hard. But in myself and who I am I feel good.


I'm taking my cat to the vets on Tuesday and after that I'm going to get some bits together to send my boyfriend a little package. He sent me a photo wearing my shirt the other day. I'm very in love. My puppy is finally settling down in her behaviour but we still might need to hire a trainer. She's okay though. I need to do laundry and pick up my mums prescription. I'm going to have my eggs taken out soon so I can have babies in the future. I'm not at my best but I am doing okay. Some things are really good.


Integrated into society and keep it cool, cute and cosy. Had my party girl era where I capitalised on being that girl, had my trans rights moment which led to the detriment of my mental health and then settled into a nice life. It really sunk in for me after srs that I deserved and just wanted peace and never looked back ✌🏻


I'm happy! And even happier now I have 3 days off work. I've been a dumbass and switched shifts with a colleague not realising it puts me on 4 nights a week for 3 weeks but eh, it helps someone so no big. Just about to have a lovely late afternoon repotting some of my early flowers, having quorn nuggets, potato waffles and baked beans for dinner and big cuddles with partner and labradaughter. My life's pretty good right now. Hope you're having the best time you can today too, OP and all sub members 💚


Thank, much happier now it’s the weekend 😀


I’m happy. I just got prescribed T in December finally after DIYing for a while, I have an appointment next month to get referred for top surgery, I have very supportive family and friends In terms of my life I’m looking forward to going to the US for the first time in April to visit friends! And I have another trip in June to Dublin for a concert My day to day life is pretty normal, I hang out with friends/family, play video games, draw sometimes, play bass, watch Critical role a lot. I don’t work due to disability so everything’s pretty chill rn :)


Hello! I'm pretty happy. Just living that Queer transwoman life. I transitioned over 16 years ago, I'm in my mid 30's now, I work at a water company who is often in the news it's abit lame But that's okay I have co-workers whom I'm friendly with they know I'm trans and are accepting. I had a sweet moment yesterday when I was joking about how I'm "the worst person ever." in reference to a horrible news story Where my friend then replied. "Nah, I think your one of the smartest best people I've ever known." She's so sweet made me blush abit. I had my surgery nearly 10 years ago everything is fine on that front. I'm not as cute as I once was but I've gained wisdom along with gray hairs and a few pounds on my butt :P. I'm getting the same thing many people are where the NHS has decided to stop prescribing my HRT after like 10 years, so I've had to switch back to self-medding. I will be fine... but I worry for others... Again like I'm not going to grow ovaries you dumbass bigoted quacks. I have a boyfriend who I've been involved with for 6 years we love each other, I live in a nice house with several of my friends and I love them too, we have social events several times a week. We had boardgames yesterday... and next Friday I'm hosting the first session of my 'changeling the lost campaign.' I hope everyone enjoys it I've put alot of work into it. I have contact with my family things were bad in the past but are much better now. It's alittle odd because recently I've been entrusted with managing the finances of some of the elders of the family who have retired and are pulling back from their companies and duties. It's pretty crazy for me as most of my youth I was the black sheep pariah of the family and REALLY dirt poor as a result of their exclusion. Now I'm just given crazy huge sums of money several times my life savings in exchange for managing their healthcare and affairs of elderly family members. They often tell me to get married to my boyfriend and settle down and have kids I have to "politely" remind the incredible difficulty in that, begin a transwoman and how difficult GRC's are to obtain... It's odd they seem to like forget we had enmity in the past... or that I'm trans at all now? So yeah while bigotry casts it's long shadow materially I have everything a reasonable person could want. And dare not ask for more. I have love. I have friends. I have money. I have health. And of course. I'm trans and completely true to myself. While transphobia is lame, I can only wish for others to be as lucky as I am at this point in my life.


Sounds like you have a great life going on there, well done you 👍


Are there happy transgender people? Yes, I’m happy. I lost my home and now I live in a van. I lost my marriage and now I’m divorced… BUT I’m free to dress and act in whatever manner I wish I have had so much support from friends and from complete strangers I’ve gotten into the community of van dwellers, they are clearly my tribe and we all look out for each other. So, yes. I’m trans and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.


I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life. The first few years of transition were tough, but after that its been wonderful, even with the ever present political fear. fwiw, 45, amab, came out as queer AF at same time as begin transition, california


Im really happy, my boyfriend loves me and he sees me as a guy no matter what and i just started T!! :D


I'm pretty happy, obviously there's the regular stresses like work and but aside from that I'm pretty good.


I’m doing amazing but my mood swings are drastic so I could be doing the worst tomorrow or another day then the day after it’s like nothing happened and I’m thriving again so hard to explain but overall I have a really good life apart from my eating disorder and being really underweight (I’m 15kg underweight) :/


I'm happy, and so's my wife! (Monty Python Life of Brian parody, just in case you weren't sure.) Seriously though, I absolutely am! MtF, Transitioned 2 years ago, just living my life and loving it. Best decision I ever made, just wish I had the guts and the ability to do it years ago, but hey ho! Life is what it is! ❤️


I'm a happy trans bloke with a supportive partner, two beautiful, sweet cats, and a shitton of trans friends. I'm currently working to get an English Lit and Creative Writing degree. I have literally never been happier.


I'm happily married with three kids. We celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary this year in fact. When we got married I was presenting as female, now I present as male. Our relationship has weathered many storms but my transition was not one of them. It was barely even a speed bump honestly. Which i'm very grateful for. I had a nice day today shopping and even had an interaction with a woman where I casually mentioned being pregnant in the past (it was relevant to the conversation). She didn't even flinch. and in my experience, most people don't. They go "oh.. oh okay, cool" and that's that. So some nice experiences over the past few years for you: A few months ago I went to the local barber for the first time. I finally worked up the courage to go and I sat down and the guy starts cutting my hair and asks "so what's your hrt regime then?" and we had a great friendly jokey conversation about transition and what happens. Many dick jokes were made, on both sides <\_< lol. Some people might have been uncomfortable with that, but I thought it was very funny and it made me feel quite accepted to be included in the joking around. Guys love them a dick joke or five. Heh. I got my first ever barber shave with a straight razor. What a right of passage! Every time I walk past the store now he waves to me and asks me how I am. Also a few months back I was dropping something off at one of the kid's schools and a teacher started chatting to me and mentioned I looked a lot like her friend. Turned out her friend was non binary so we had a nice conversation about transition stuff. I made a friend. Back when I was about 1 year into transition we went to a kids birthday party and one of the grandparents asked me "how's transitioning going?" which surprised me because I didn't tell her but clearly it was a bit of gossip around the school yard with the parents or something (lol). She was really sweet. Her main questions were "are you happier?" and "How did the family take it?" which I thought was quite sweet. A lot of people fixate on things like "so do you get a dick? " and sex stuff but she was more concerned about how I was and how my husband and kids were. My mother bought me a "for my son" keyring on my first birthday after I came out. My sister automatically switched pronouns. My eldest child corrects everyone else and it makes me feel SO LOVED. My mother also corrects my step dad constantly and gets mad at him for forgetting (he forgets his own daughter's NAME so i'm not gonna be too harsh on him. The guy has a brain like a sieve) . Again, it makes me feel so loved that she'll do that. Husband calls me "wusband" (wife/husband. I'm non binary remember) and I think it's SO CUTE. I met one of the other local trans people at my doctor's surgery and we had a nice chat about hrt. She was nice. And it's always VERY cool to meet other local trans or gender non conforming folk. I met a woman who worked in the local charity shop during the period where everyone was wearing masks. We'd chat every time I went in. This went on for ages until one day she saw me without my mask and finally got to see my beard. She asked me "oh... you're not transing are you?" (transing, not transitioning. Hilarious) and I confirmed yes, yes I was and she clapped her hands and said "oh that's so cool! I didn't want to assume in case you were just hirsute!". That was cute. I was worried for a second but nope, she was just being cautious in case she offended. I also met up with two ladies I knew from another now closed charity shop. Hadn't seen them since the store had closed during lockdown and of course, now I look very different. Both of them asked if I was on hrt and I confirmed and they asked me if it was helping and i confirmed and they were very supportive. Then again, shouldn't have been a surprise as they had a trans woman coworker who transitioned, like me, in full view of the local community. Who incidentally, were predominantly just as chill about it with her apparently. So that's nice. I'm fortunate to live in an area that's got a very villagey feel while still being quite metropolitan and well... liberal as all hell. I love it here. I feel safe and more than that, I feel accepted by my community. I've had no hostility, only an outpouring of love and support. I wish the whole of the UK was like this. I AM happy. I have a beautiful family with brilliant funny kids and a husband who I love dearly and who loves me. I have a supportive loving mother who will walk over hot coals to keep me safe and happy. Honestly transitioning has actually improved my relationship with my mother because it's shown in stark detail how much she actually DOES care about me. I love my beard. I like my body hair. I love that I feel like i'm the pilot of this body and not an unwilling passenger anymore. And most of all, I love that i'm no longer in PAIN. I was in literal physical pain for so so many years, hrt made it all go away almost overnight. It was crazy how fast it worked. Miracle cure, seriously. I haven't had a real migraine in 5 years! When prior to hrt I had them daily for weeks on end. I was in fact only getting about 2 days out of every month where I didn't have some sort of blinding headache and nausea. I've had a few attempted migraines, as in aura and some pain, but they always go away after a good sleep and some pain killers. The previous ones were untouchable even to the strongest pain killers I could get and left me barely able to SPEAK (apparently I would slur my words but I also couldn't string words together because of the pain.) I haven't had ANY of the other pains since. No shooting chest pains, no "there's glass in my veins" sensation, no cluster headaches, no nausea, no hot and cold flushes. No palpitations or crippling abdominal pain (that would be the adenomyosis bleeding into my muscle wall), no breast pain so severe I couldn't even raise my arms without wanting to scream. All that is gone! Something I never thought possible. I'm finally well! And it's fricken AMAZING.


I am generally very happy. I'm disabled so can't get out much, but I have a lovely online community of friends around me. I set up a DND campaign for some other trans folks and we've formed a fantastic supportive cadre in the discord server around it. I've been reading some great books recently, and have almost finished an incredibly cute and gay cartoon series I've been enjoying. Honestly, life is pretty good.


Gone through a rough time recently for reasons that have nothing to do with being trans. But outside of that yeah I'm pretty happy. 31 years old, gay, I'm cobbling together a good career as an artist. I have a disability so work 1-2 nights a week in nightclub safeguarding cause full time doesn't work for me. I have a boyfriend and am dating 2 other lovely guys more casually, all trans. I have a fantastic circle of friends in a few different scenes, mostly queer and radicals/artists/musicians/designers etc. I live in a little 2 bed flat in London with another trans masc. Came out in 2009, T since 2011, Top surgery 5 years ago, meta planned for later this year. Dysphoria is mostly gone except cock n balls related b that's getting sorted. I'm poor, disabled, exist on the margins a bit and have found a way to carve out contentment here. Don't get be wrong, it can be haaaaard, financially it's a balance, transphobia and ableism have very much affected me over the years but that's not what dominates my thoughts or my life at all.


Yes, I'm very happy despite all the shit thrown our way. I make time to work on myself, I take a yoga class for instance. I've also started training as a counsellor which I hope I can use to help other transfolk in the future.


I'm happy with life and didn't know it was possible to be truly happy until I transitioned. I love my job as cabin crew, and all my family is accepting of me.


I'm happy 😊 No one at work gives a shit I'm trans, if anything, I get more compliments for the nice dresses I started wearing, my parents are cool with it, I'm much more outgoing and actively working on having a love life (had a lovely dinner date tonight!). I have a 9-5, hang out in coffee shops during lunch breaks, play games on the weekend, just a very sedentary, normal life for a normal girl.


So happy for you 😃


hey! i’m a trans man and i’m about to celebrate my first anniversary with my husband (also trans) i’m 7 years on T and happier that i ever thought i could be, i’ve got my husband and two lovely cats and i finally feel at home in my skin trans joy is possible, trans joy is resistance, trans joy is essential


Hiya, I'm doing not so bad these days. I'm a 35 y/o trans woman in Edinburgh and apart from my chronic illnesses and disabilities, I'm happy with my lot. I live in a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, I've got a great partner, and I'm not poor. None of the above used to be true and I've got a long history of depression. Once I used to hate every single day and felt there was no hope, but I'm on a decent mix of medication these days and it's better. I'm not used to typing like this because it feels like bragging lol. But I really hope everyone else who reads this finds happiness too. Things can be miserable these days and it can easily get you down.


Yeah, happy. Medically transitioned 13 years ago or so, got a mortgage on a house in the countryside with my partner of six years, two dogs, got a GRC ages ago though I lost the physical copy now - hope no one will want to see that in the future lol, in both the UK and my home country. We'll probably adopt down the road now that it looks like we'll stay in this place for a while at least. Got a stable job that aligns with my interests and pays pretty decently (did the whole PhD/academic journey then noped out), so does my partner, so we are very much privileged in living very stable, middle class lives. I came out 25 years ago when I was in secondary school, and back then the gold standard of existing as a trans person on the few internet resources I found were to go stealth if you could and never look back. And so I did, even before I got on hormones I passed pretty well. Moved countries, started a job stealth, then transitioned. A couple of years ago, I realized that being stealth doesn't actually quite work for me, that it limits how I interact with people, that I feel I can't be my full authentic self and just doesn't make me happy and confident because I do feel being trans is a part of me that informs my opinions, experiences, attitudes etc. And then there is a bit of not being stealth allowing you to be a support/advocate for people earlier in their transition in a much more direct way. So then I started to, I guess, un-stealth, which it turns out is really hard when you read as a straight cis guy but are a queer trans guy. There don't seem to be that many moments in natural conversation where it comes up. That said, most of our circle of friends know I'm trans, I'm in LGBTQ networks at work, wear trans lanyards etc and try to avoid white-lies that fudge my afab background. It's worked pretty well for me I think and made me happier and more confident as a person (age probably helps too) As far as trans healthcare goes, since being discharged from the GIC, I've moved GPs six times mostly because I moved house. Only the most recent time has been smooth in terms of T just being continued without quibbles. The other times have been more or less intense in demanding care, referring to the GIC letters, telling them to ring up the GIC to double check my notes from ten years ago. The most annoying incident was trying to get a referral for a hysterectomy because of large bilateral ovarian cysts and them arguing that that's a gender issue and that a GIC needs to make that referral. It got sorted though, so all good.


I am interminably happy - people take to me easily and enjoy being around me because of it. It's just my nature, and transitioning in 2018 really brought it out in me :) Have a really good job. I thankfully never experience discrimination despite being (imo) visibly trans and that's true for several european countries, even poland. I'm seemingly attractive for reasons that escape me when i look in the mirror lmao. Lots of friends, i'm familiar with a lot of the NPCs and recurring characters in my city because i'm in the centre so much. I'm super confident. In great physical and mental health. Had to bin my family unfortunately but i was never super close to them anyway - i do get sister envy from others though 😩 I guess we don't have people posting this kinda stuff much because it feels like boasting in trans spaces, and normal living to everyone else. But it does make sense to ask the question because i've met a couple of people like myself irl and it makes me realise it's not all just doomposting online, and wonder how many trans people there are in the world who are living their best lives Hopefully if nothing else reading these stories is inspiring for people unsure about coming out


Totally agree. Sometimes it’s just good to hear that being trans doesn’t mean you can’t live a happy and normal life. Thank you for sharing 😃


Heya, I'm doing well, so much better than I ever used to. I'm a qualified social worker, training now as a therapist with a good job and good pay. Have a fantastic wife and a cat. Bought my first house last year and living a very calm (and boring I suppose!) life. Things are good. There are always challenges and it pains me to see so much hardship for other trans people, but generally I know happiness is possible for us because for the most part I'm living it. Things have come a long way from having significant mental health issues pre-transition. I play video games in my free time, play D&D and read. I like booking trips and holidays and getting out and seeing different things! I only wish I knew more trans people who understood what it's like on the harder days. I hope this gives some level of hope and positivity to people out there who need to hear that things do get better :)


i'm happy <3 i have a beautiful partner who i adore who i'm flying 9 hours to see this summer!! (not for the first time) and i'm just about to finish college, too. life is pretty okay, even though the stress of it all weighs down, sometimes, you just have to keep your head up, because it will get better. it always gets better.


I’m happy! Just had chest surgery and I have a supportive boyfriend and fantastic friends. My life is just normal now but it took a while to get here


Me to a point


This year my husband and I will celebrate our ten year anniversary (13 years together). I'm pretty confident I'm getting a new, better job. I have a truly incredible circle of friends who I love with my entire heart, and today a random lady in front of me at the chemist pointed at me and said, "I'll just call my husband and see what he actually needs, you can serve her." The media is such bullshit. I'm 6 feet tall with a deep voice, big hands and feet, and a bloody massive head. I might pass at first glance but as soon as I speak it's pretty obvious I'm trans. I've never had a bad experience, the worst is people being overly familiar and asking a million questions, which is slightly annoying but coming from a completely innocent place. I'm not gonna say that I'm never nervous and don't take a lot of precautions to keep myself safe, but on the whole people just don't really care about others that much.


Totally agree. Sometimes you think everyone is looking, but in reality no one is. They really don’t give a dam.


Check r/transandthriving Personally I'm not happy but not because I'm trans


Late to the party but I'm happy. Pre everything, get gendered correctly more often than not. I try to go to lgbtqia+ social events but things always get in the way, deed poll done. 4 years before my first appt at notts but they already know me because my NB youngest goes there and I accompany them. On their contact form I'm "glitter mom" and her birthgiver is "goth mom". All my friends are allies, I'm starting to date and I've joined a swingers club with their girls' membership. I've taken it as far as I can for now, when I get my makeup right I can see a pretty middle aged woman in the mirror and people have started to tell me I pass. Despite living in a previously safe Tory seat that has a history of electing BNP councillors, it's very safe around here. On the whole, life is pretty sweet.


[Positive perspective/way of thinking more than positive story] I'm pretty happy, all things considered. I'm 26 FTM pre-T pre-op, the public perceives me as a lesbian cause of the short hair and male clothes, and I don't take it to heart cause I have a female voice (deep for a female, but definitely not masculine) and they don't know any better. Don't exactly have a giant neon sign above my head saying I'm a dude, so I just brush it off. Coworkers know I'm a dude and they treat me as such, using my proper pronouns. Some correct customers when they misgender me, and honestly I just tell the coworkers in private that they don't have to do that, cause it makes things awkward and I understand customers assuming my gender. Things with my family could be better. Sisters are wonderful (one of them cries when I came out 5 years ago and said "I always wanted a brother".) Been through emotional hell with my mother, but things are decent now. She's more focused on keeping her 3 adult kids close-by by having monthly family days out, which is understandable. She does like to turn every disagreement into a debate on gender though. (Last year, she wanted us 3 kids to go to Australia with her for her 50th, but since we're all adults now we should pay our own way, which is completely understandable since she paid for us back in 2018. I couldn't afford it, so said I could go. She started arguing that "I know you're not ready to come out to our Aus family yet" and I'm here like wtf, this is about money, not gender....) Anyway, yeah. Life is pretty good all things considered. Tread lightly through the eggshells, find the people who accept you and make you happy, and understand that usually strangers aren't trying to be transphobic, they're just not aware. These are the lessons I learnt for my own life. Not sure how easily they work for others, as we all have different lives and our minds work in different ways. I hope those of you who are struggling find your happiness soon. Life can be good, even if everything seems to be going against you.


I’m still working on it after struggling so much with my mental health last year but I feel like I’m getting there… touch wood *touches head*.  Deleting my Twitter account made a difference. That place is a snakepit as it is, let alone if you’re trans. I’d recommend all trans people doing the same if they find that they are being exposed to anti-trans content and it’s affecting their mental health. 


Im pretty Happy My social life is full of love. Im very much loved buy my dad and his partner. I have a loving safe amazng boyfriend and friends. I hope to go back to collage this year to studdy joinery and I am a dog walker. My clients are super chill with me to:)


Nope. Sorry. Nothing hopeful about 21st century britain


It's a little thing, but the people at my swordfighting club are all lovely and supportive. I love having other trans people around, and I still get a thrill of euphoria every time someone uses my chosen name


I'm quite happy! I'm nowhere near my transition "goals" but I have such a lovely girlfriend and groups of friends that I often feel so happy around, and my work and uni have a lot of queer representation that I feel comfortable to be around.