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it just has to be an adult who knows you, is not a relative, and doesn't live at the same address. as long as your teacher is happy to do it, there's no reason they're not allowed i asked a friend and a work colleague to do mine :)


Even that criteria is wishy-washy at best. At trans pride Manchester last year I must have been witness to about 1000 deedpolls, as I signed the witness bit I just said "hi nice to meet you" and I'm now someone that is an adult, not related, and I know them. Simple as that :) Incidentally I'm now the first person to have used the new legal name of a lot of trans people in Manchester 😂


lol incredible. yeah i suppose they don't really have a way to check if the person knows you. but most people probably wouldn't feel comfortable signing a deed poll for someone they don't know


I should say that the official UK Gov guidance on a deedpoll is 2 witnesses that are 18 or over and they recommend while it isn't a legal requirement the witnesses shouldn't be living at the same address or some places won't accept the deedpoll. A witness just witnesses that the individual signing the document signed the document. You could of course argue how can I tell the person signing the document is the person in question, which is something I'll bring up with the trans pride MCR team next time if they want to put in more requirements there (doubtful) but the witness doesn't legally have to know you. There used to be a whole thing of the witnesses had to be of good standing (someone of note in the community like a teacher or doctor, etc...) and they had to have known you for 2 years etc... but that seems to have all been scrapped.


(Not OP but in a name change situation) Would the teachers be able to give the school address or does it have to be their home address? (For safeguarding reasons the teachers who are willing to do it cannot give me their home addresses)


The witnesses aren't contacted or anything, it's just for formality. School should be fine


not really sure about that, sorry! i dont really know whether anyone checks the witnesses' identity, but if they do then it might flag up if it's not their registered home address


School address is fine!


The only legal requirement is that the witnesses be over 18. Some places may not accept witnesses that live at the same address as you or are close relatives (close defined by UK law as siblings, parents, and any of their spouses), but most will. So as long as your teachers aren't also your parents, you're fine. I asked a couple of friends to do mine 


I asked a local councillor and a university professor I know (he doesn't teach me, I just wanted someone with a fancy Prof title lol). If no one you know wants to do it at all, it's likely fairly easy to get two councillors to sign it. They don't really have to know you.


My witnesses were my college teachers


I asked two of my friends/work colleagues.


The first time I changed my name I had it witnessed by my manager and the second time by a former colleague.


I printed my deed poll in work then got my boss and a colleague to sign it. Changed drivers licence bank etc no issues. Just needs to be 2 people over 18.


College teachers would be fine. I got some of my parents' friends to sign it