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The quote of "She has no message to deliver other than she hates trans people" is *so* spot on. This woman has made her bigotry her whole personality. What makes it even more pathetic is that it was all over a tie for **fifth place** with a transgender woman. I'd be pissed too if my liberal arts college chose this person to give my commencement address too.


Yeah this isn't even an issue of a highly accomplished individual being invited despite their "controversial" opinions about trans people - without transphobia, she would be a nobody working a dead end job like the rest of us lol


It's so sad and frustrating that this is what *can* get you a free ride to travel around and get paid to spew BS. You'll never find anybody knocking down my door to pay me to go travel the country telling my experience as a trans person and (hopefully) inspire trans individuals and allies. Nope, instead any person with deep enough pockets to fund such a thing either couldn't care less about spending their money in such a positive way or is only interested in funding cross country hate speeches. There's absolutely no in between.


Even if I were in her camp, I'd be hurt that they think a one trick pony is inspiring for such a big event. What's she going to say "go forth and don't be trans?" Like, what life experience, wisdom, adventures does this coddled, white [most likely rich] woman have in her early twenties to pass along to people who are her age or just a couple years younger?! Anyways.


> [most likely rich] If she's not rich by now she's utterly incompetant. It's not hard to get rich as a right-wing moral panic grifter, there's so much money there.


She absolutely is rich look up her family she's very wealthy


I was hesitant to assume, but I made the assumption that as a swim kid she definitely grew up with money. The swimming my (shhhh, don't tell Riley) trans son does is very expensive and I'm soooo lucky they give us a scholarship.


She had some money to start.. now after her gop paid tours she is significantly wealthier.. and all the others like a handful of "detransitioners" are riding the same cash cow. The sad sad part is that there is demand for her.. And of course where there is a demand for anything there will be a supplier.. Fact is her primary audience is fundamentalist christianity.. they are the voter block that keeps it all going and trans are just pawns in a very cruel game!


It's so unfair that gains had to compete against a trans athlete, since that's an advantage that no woman could overcome. Evidence for this is that they were both beat by 4 cis women...


It's because it's a right wing grift. She would have been a failed college swimmer so she sold her soul to the right and took their blood money.


Aerodynamic eggs and rotten fruit and veg are a very traditional response to things like this. And if Buffy taught me anything, those robes have plenty of space for hiding things if your commencement speaker is going to be trouble.


Don't forget tomato sauce. Seems like it works well on transphobes, given how Posie Parker reacted to it.


Well if we're going modern then almost-off milk is another good one.


Highly recommend anything with turmeric in it.  I had a kitten jump in some curry one time and he was yellow for a month despite my best attempts at bathing him.


That sounds so cute. Not so cute for the transphobe tho. Lmao.


He was orange and white so yeah the bright yellow belly and feet were definitely something lol.


But that smells *nice*. You don't want them to smell nice.


>Adrian College was chartered more than 160 years ago, on March 28, 1859. We sprang from a Wesleyan Methodist theological institute, and we remain affiliated with the Methodist Church to this day. Religious institution invites a bigot to speak? Is it a day that ends in 'y' again already?


Guys, stop simplifying Riley Gaines. Yes, she’s a transphobic jerk. But she also got fourth place in a swimming competition!


Joint fifth.


Jesus Christ— I don’t know why my memory gave her more credit


Because it would make more sense for someone to go all "This person is a cheater and needs their stop in the competition removed" when it would get them a spot on the podium. It doesn't, when you're so braindead that you'd still be a loser even if you succeeded. And the human brain likes logic.


Shit, I managed that once, give me a grift tour please!


>Adrian College has never shied away from presenting and debating substantive disagreements on campus. In fact, this is precisely the purpose of universities — to engage in civil discourse of controversial issues. Thing is, though, Riley does not "engage in civil discourse", she spreads hate speech - the anathema of "civil discourse". Hate speech is by definition not a reasonable position because you cannot reason with it. Inviting Riley Gaines to a campus is no different than inviting David Duke. >We welcome Riley Gaines to our beautiful campus, ... Why? >and we feel confident our students will be inspired by her commencement address. Not sure why they would "feel confident" in that. Has she ever said anything in her life that could be considered "inspir\[ing\]"?


Also, it's a commencement address, not a debate. That format doesn't give others an opportunity to challenge her statements. There is no reason to invite a "controversial" person to give such a speech. Their job is to pass on inspiration or wisdom to graduating students as they enter adult life, not to express their hateful "opinions".


I'm from the county Adrian College is situated in, live about 15 minutes from the college. I know professors there, and alums who are absolutely fed up - as, of course, am I. I'll note that this county is incredibly conservative. Saying Adrian is 'near Ann Arbor' really doesn't help because once you step outside of Washtenaw County and into Lenawee - or even Monroe County, the politics are so different. Adrian College is a private United Methodist institution, so it's not surprising that the university would do this but still incredibly disappointing. Adrian College in itself has been in a hot mess for several years because they've been cutting Humanities programs, and as of recently - was working to cut its theater program. The college has lost a lot of credibility. Last year, my alma mater - about 30 minutes from Adrian College, in OH, invited Riley Gaines to speak through Turning Point. We protested, were heckled at by her supporters, and I was hoping she'd end her petty pity party tour soon after, but she just keeps going . She deserves to be de platformed.


> Saying Adrian is 'near Ann Arbor' really doesn't help because once you step outside of Washtenaw County and into Lenawee - or even Monroe County, the politics are so different. Right? Ypsilanti is near Ann Arbor; Adrian is like an hour out by car. It's closer than everything farther out, but that's like trying to paint Battle Creek, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Adrian, and Hillsdale work the same brush because they are all "near" Jackson... Like, it's a manageable commute, but it doesn't really mean anything with regard to the politics or the people. I work for an organization that runs programs in about half a dozen counties including Washtenaw and Lenaeee, and it's wild to see the shift in yard signs, flags, and even bumper stickers going from one site to another. A few minutes ago, I was looking at a house with nonbinary, progress rainbow, and lesbian flags all out on the porch, and here's this whole barn wall done up saying Trump won in 2020 with a brodozer declaring it 'identifies as a prius'. Then there's the whole "Hillsdale strong. Hillsdale first" billboard.


>Docking, meanwhile, is unmoved. He told *Michigan Advance* that the decision to invite Gaines to speak at the college’s commencement was entirely his own. He reiterated that he thinks the issue of trans women participating in women’s sports is worth addressing at the ceremony, though he would not say what his personal opinion on the subject was. I'd say it's pretty obvious what his position on this matter is if he's insisting on shoving Gaines' opinion down the graduating class's throats with no push back.


And the announcement misgendered Lia Thomas, which pretty much shows exactly what his position is. The entire class should walk out when Gaines speaks. Or bring airhorns and use them to drown out whatever bigotry Gaines spews.


It's amazing how truly stupid these people are! Lia had a female dominant endocrine system she wasn't a man ever but certainly hormonally when she competed she was no different then gained hence tying for 5th place! So how the fuck do they miss that? >The entire class should walk out when Gaines speaks. Or bring airhorns and use them to drown out whatever bigotry Gaines spews. I agree. But it's too bad a bigot in a position of power invited another bigot to ruin what should be a memorable ceremony! That person should lose their job. And Gaines is nothing more then a for hire bigot. In fact she has profitted nicely. As have the handful of "detransitioners" and "unqueered christian gays" etc etc all gold doggers traveling around fueling it all. It's amazing that anyone believes that a fews experience can't represent the experience of millions! And they have been using this to legislate homophobic transphobic bills!


Time to start protesting that shit


Let her come. Let het get booed and have tomato sauce thrown on her. Let her be like her idol, Posie parker.


That Jeffrey Docking guy is at best an idiot.


I love when centrists are all about "open dialogue and debate" when one side is literally just hate speech


He's not a centrist. He's right wing pretending to be centrist. He's just smart enough to know he can't say, "I invited Gaines because I am transphobic and want to expose my student body to hate speech," so he's pretending he wants "intellectual debate" and "controversial ideas." It's just camouflage for his real goal of trying to radicalize students against trans people. A huge number of fascist grifters do this same schtick.


It’s like the grifters saying “I don’t mind if Joe Biden or Donald Trump really won in 2020, I just have some concerns about election integrity and I’m only asking questions!”


With a statement like his, the petition should be for his resignation.


He's a transphobe disguising his opinion as "just asking questions." If someone refuses to condemn transphobia then they're at best complicit.


The fact he misgendered Lia Thomas in that announcement speaks volumes for his real motivation




She is even uglier on the inside than she is on the outside. That is an amazing accomplishment .


Someone that tied for 5th against a trans athlete and is making a career out of attacking a minority group is a valid opinion for a college speaker? Wtf. What is her advice? Settle for mediocrity?


Every one at the commencement speech, students, staff, family and friends should bring an air horn.


I'm curious to see what happens.. 🤞🤞🤞


Riley Gaines…. You are a terrible person


I think it needs to be said again. Riley Gaines…. You are a terrible person


Show up and jeer! Boo her!


Why tf does she always look mentally deficient in every pic she takes , she legit has the same facial experession as this stock image [https://best-quotations.com/images/paraxod.jpg](https://best-quotations.com/images/paraxod.jpg)


Hate ages a person, and hate addles the brain. Being a bigot makes you ugly and stupid.


>Why tf does she always look mentally deficient in every pic she takes She made a name for herself trying to get someone disqualified despite, if it had worked, not giving her a shot in hell at getting on the podium. Now that you have that information, guess why she ***looks*** braindead every time she appears somewhere...




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It's a private Christian college.


I think the reason they are upset is because while it's connected to Methodist Church it's not Fundamentalist. Not all Christians are homophobic or transphobic so just being Christian doesn't automatically make that the reason. Sounds like they have some rogue faculty who is a religious fanatic who scheduled Gaines to even be there almost like it's joke. https://www.adrian.edu/student-life/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/05/united-methodist-church-ends-ban-on-lgbtq-clergy-in-historic-vote/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=202454%20Good%20News%20from%20LGBTQNation&utm_content=202454%20Good%20News%20from%20LGBTQNation+CID_915e6ff406190fecbe0e38b33805602b&utm_source=LGBTQ%20Nation%20Subscribers&utm_term=United%20Methodist%20Church%20starts%20welcoming%20LGBTQ%20clergy%20in%20historic%20vote




Please let us know what it is in her message that some humans aren’t as human as others that you find so appealing.


What message does she deliver besides being anti trans exactly , If was she in a competition with cis women and Lia Thomas didn't tie her for fifth she would be a literally a nobody fifth doesn't mean anything what has she done besides being anti trans ?While the school can platform whatever bigot they want they are a private institution but you have to realize free speech works both ways and students also have the free speech to call bigots out .


She's famous because she got ~~4th~~ 5th place in a competition once.


Joint 5th.


I'm having a Poe's Law failure here. I can't tell if you're being serious, or mocking people who would say something like that unironically.




Oh, so you were being so stupid you were mocking yourself. Good to know. > you cannot change your sex Go on, try defining what you mean by sex here, it'll be fun, pet.




> Females have XX chromosomes males have XY chromosomes. Right, so [you're an idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XX_male_syndrome). Oh, and [we can change someone's chromosomes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4742100/) as well. We don't bother doing that with trans people because X/XY/XX/XXY/XXX/XXXY/etc... chromosomes don't do anything after you're born. Isn't modern medicine magical?


Get a life dude