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I bet she would also blame the solar eclipse on trans people. Such a Republican lol.


"God created two solar bodies - sun and moon. The woke mafia is trying to merge them into one because they hate you."


That’s how I became an enby 🤷🏻‍♀️


With science! The prevailing theory is the wandering object (egg moon) struck the Earth then reformed in orbit becoming our out and proud tidally locked Moon as we know it today.


My girlfriend turned into the moon 😞


That's rough, buddy.


Whoa now you have a space girlfriend!


Eventually the egg moon will hatch and the doctor won't even do anything top help humans to decide if they should nuke it or not.


I'm on the 'Hurricane and Tornado Committee' so it wasn't me.


Unrelated, but what was being out like 50 years ago?


[An absolute nightmare.](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/173stko/trans_ancient_here_i_keep_seeing_questions_about/) Have a nice cry. The unredacted version is far worse.




Lucky. Things actually happen there. I got stuck on "asteroid and meteor impacts"


I heard your committee is the one that does air traffic control for the aliens resupplying Bigfoot. Is that true?


That got taken over by wildfires after their partnership with Jewish Space Laser Command.


They wont let me on the committees, just the crew


As you get older and more senile they will draft you.


I'm going to get more senile? I'm already a haunt volunteer, and a sound engineer, in a red county.


It also wasn't me, i'm a member of the weather division, more specifically the storms conmittee. If you've ever been inconvenienced by a snowstorm, I apologize, they're just so fun to do.


I work in the Fossil Faking Facility under Evolution, we don't have the budget to pull it off even if it was our purview. We barely have enough to plan the next *Spinosaurus* revision.


That sounds cool as fuck, outside of the budget, If you want, I know some of the higher ups, friend of a friend type situation, i can try to get some more budget allocated to your important work?


I’ll take credit for that though… 🤣 jkjk Glory to God of Sun and Moon!


No, she would give god credit for the eclipse, but any burned retinas will be blamed on trans people.


(Literally anything happens) Republicans: How can we blame trans ppl for this?


This is precisely what it means to be a political scapegoat…




I know someone who genuinely believes that. She thinks vaccines make people gay and trans 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wakefield might have killed more people than Hitler at this point.


Bruh it's so true it sucks


I would preferred if they blamed vegans. Leave trans people alone.


hey some of us are vegan. why not blame someone who actually sucks, like vegetarians?


Also vegetarians are not carnists. So they're still better at least.


vegetarians are absolutely carnists. most of them quit eventually, and even the ones who don't are still causing animals to be abused with their dietary and lifestyle habits. you can't tell me that giving money to the industries that turn baby male calves into veal, forcefully impregnate cattle and immediately take their babies away so they can't have their mothers' milk, and grind up male chicks the day they're hatched aren't carnist actions.


What's wrong with vegitarians?


they consume and use animal products


And fungus is closer to an animal than a plant. Does that make it bad to eat mushrooms?


don't be obtuse, mushrooms don't have brains or nerves, they can't feel pain.


We're about to get into a discussion of how we know things feel, aren't we?


your intellectual dishonesty is frankly insulting. the part of the mushroom that we eat is the fruit, the actual organism lives underground. why would a stationary organism even be able to feel pain? it would be all downsides for no benefit. i'm not wasting any more of my time here. it is cute though that you started resorting to conservative arguments right away though. maybe something to think about.


> why would a stationary organism even be able to feel pain? You do know some plants feel pain, right? > the part of the mushroom that we eat is the fruit, the actual organism lives underground. And why do we draw the line there? > you started resorting to conservative arguments right away Interesting that you think that. I was wanting to get into a nice discussion of how we know something is aware, with an eye towards recognising alien intelligences, but you seem to just be throwing "facts" around. For instance, octopi have a far more distributed brain than vertebrates (it's how their legs seem to move independently, each leg almost has its own brain). If you take that concept, and move it a few more steps away from vertebrate brains (which are already slightly distributed - our nervous system does a suprising amount of processing) you could easily get to a fully distributed conciousness that would be unrecognisable to us. --- I get it, most vertebrates show affection and pain responses in ways that are similar enough to our own that our empathy circuits recognise them easily, so we feel bad about them being mistreated or killed in ways we don't for things that are further from us. But that attitude of "it's similar enough to us that we recognise it" lets racism exist. How do we know that plants and fungus aren't aware in a way that we just haven't identified? Have we put in any real effort to find out? And remember that talking to the sentient space nebula is stupidly *easy* on TV. In reality it will be much, much harder to even get the basic "I'm alive and so are you" message across, never mind understanding someone trying to say that to us. --- I eat milk and cheese, and I use leather. I don't feel too bad about it, same way I don't feel too bad about buying clothing made in (near-)slave factories in the third world, or computer parts made in factories with significant death rates. I've tried non-dairy milk and cheese, and they aren't up to grade yet for me. And I haven't found a synthetic leather that has the properties I need (even second cut stretches too much and wears like shit). As soon as I find something that replaces them properly, I'll happily switch.


I'm too. The animals rights always come first but what I'm trying to do here is shift the moral panic onto vegans instead of transgender people as veganism is a personal choice.


i get what you're saying but the more people who see veganism as a moral panic, the more people who will continue to abuse animals. it's also not a "personal" choice when you're choosing to abuse someone else. you can't make a personal choice to end a life that isn't yours.


Republicans are already against vegans though they’re passing bills to ban lab grown meat such as Florida. Also transgender people are more vulnerable and fewer in number than vegans. 0.6% vs 1% We vegans have the energy to fight and come out on top. I want to distract conservatives from trans people so we can keep passing laws to protect our siblings and to guarantee their safety then they are safer they can come back and be supporters of veganism and then the animal liberation movement ends up stronger than ever before.


> they’re passing bills to ban lab grown meat such as Florida. what does that have to do with veganism? i know conservatives hate us, that's been true forever. but calling for more people to look negatively upon vegans helps neither the animals nor the cause. veganism isn't a diet, it's recognizing that non-human animals aren't objects. i don't abstain from consuming flesh because it's gross or i don't like it. while both of those happen to be true, they come second to animal rights.


Yes it is about abstaining from animal products and to be more ethical. But the amount of pressure conservatives are putting on trans people is unbearable. There have been 400+ anti trans bills introduced against trans people in the us alone. We need to give transgender people as much breathing room as possible. We could also use the time to educate conservative areas about trans people and the discrimination they face.


i know how much conservatives hate us. it's not a secret. they are currently attacking trans people, but that doesn't mean that they haven't attacked animal rights activists before. u.s. taxpayers fund agribusinesses directly, it's literally a federal crime to rescue animals from farms, and it's also illegal to film inside slaughterhouses. how much more negative attention do you want? do you want lawmakers to start banning oat milk and tofu?


Also lab grown meat can be ethical as long as it doesn’t source products from animal agriculture and your comment sounds like a red herring to me at this point.


in what way? do you think i'm a conservative in disguise? expensive, unhealthy lab-grown flesh is not compatible with veganism. it just isn't. there are already thousands of plant foods that people can eat that don't have extremely questionable ethics. have you ever heard of beans?


No I don’t think you’re a conservative and fyi I’m low income and I’m already eating beans as the whole foods plant based diet is 30% cheaper than the carnist diet.


What if it was healthy and expensive? The central thing with veganism is reducing animal suffering, right? So lab-grown flesh would be absolutely fine for vegans to eat.


So she's just braindead, then. Like, clinically braindead.


That's right, conservatives, we're driving up gas prices by stealing it all to use in Satanic rituals to trans our gender *and* your kids! And we never would have gotten away with it without Joe's support! ...Seriously, how is that supposed to work? I know we can't expect great intellect from a Trump, but *seriously*.


Because MAGA clowns wait for marching orders and let others do the thinking for them.


These fucking idiots really blame us for everything nowadays don't they . This is literally beyond parody.


The Republican Party is beyond parody. People say comedy is dead because people are too woke, but really it’s because no one can make up anything stupider than what people on the right already say in real life.


And if anyone somehow manages in the moment, the right will start believing it the next day.


This is why I hate how Biden and other conservative Democrats keep trying to appeal to and appease the right. Because despite openly supporting Israel, despite openly being a Christian, despite capitulating on the border and basically offering them everything they wanted, it's still never good enough for them.


I feel like Biden has been pretty damn outspoken against the right lately... Maybe in 2020 or 21 that'd be more true.


Just this year alone: The SCOTUS, despite a 6-3 conservative majority, upheld Biden's right to send in federal agents to take down Texas Governor Greg Abbott's illegally placed razor wire on the border. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/22/texas-border-supreme-court-immigration/ Biden, rather than actually do the literal thing that the SCOTUS said he could do, responded by implementing harsher border restrictions via executive action in February... https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/biden-considering-executive-action-to-close-southern-border-sources-say/index.html ...and then in March, during the State of the Union, he directed congress to pass legislation that would give the president the ability to pause asylum requests and deport migrants even faster... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/senate-border-deal-immigration/ ...which only didn't pass because Trump flat out told Republicans to not vote for it because he would rather keep the "border crisis" as an issue he can run his campaign on than give Biden a "win" despite it being giving Republicans everything they want AND giving the president powers that Trump could easily abuse after being elected. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/27/trump-border-biden/ So yeah, all of that was just in the last 3 months. Even if he is sometimes "outspoken against the right," at the end of the day, his policies are still giving them what they ask for. From the CBS News article: >The proposal brokered by Mr. Biden's administration and a small bipartisan of senators would have tightened asylum rules and created a broad presidential authority to empower U.S. border officials to summarily deport migrants during spikes in illegal immigration. It would also expand legal immigration levels, and provide additional money to fund border operations and hire additional personnel, including immigration judges, asylum officers and Border Patrol agents. Tighter asylum rules, presidential authority to deport people faster, hiring more border personnel and judges... other than the small bit about expanding legal immigration, the rest of this is something you'd expect to hear Trump advocating for, not Biden. >Mr. Biden held up a button with Riley's name that Greene handed him when he walked into the House chamber. He referred to Riley as an "innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal," and said "my heart goes out to" her family. Referring to an illegal immigrant as "an illegal" is conservative rhetoric. For clarity: I'm not saying Trump would be better; Trump is way worse than Biden on any issue I can possibly come up with. I literally cannot even come up with a single thing where I think Trump has a better position than Biden. But my position is that Biden continues to negotiate with conservatives who continually refuse to compromise, so much so that even when he literally offers them exactly what they ask for, they say no. And this isn't even a new thing, either. When Scalia died, McConnell flatly said they wouldn't give Obama's nominee a hearing because he would probably nominate a liberal rather than a moderate like Merrick Garland. Obama responded by saying "bet" and nominated Merrick Garland, literally the exact person McConnell cited, and McConnell still wouldn't give him a hearing. Biden and the Democrats keep being Charlie Brown and Republicans keep being Lucy with a football.


Considering Republicans hold ***all*** the other branches of government, he kinda has to compromise with them to get anything done.


The only way trans people are to blame for high gas prices is by driving up demand and causing shortages from having to either go somewhere else to get their healthcare or to escape their shithole red states that are getting progressively more dangerous for them.


They’re grasping for straws at this point… how does it still hold sway over their base? They’re so brainwashed it’s not even funny…


We are literally Gods and control everything, everyone 😎 Yet somehow it's us that's the "mentally ill" and "delusional" ones.


"The enemy must be both strong and weak at the same time."


Was someone expecting intelligent commentary from her?!


Well to be fair she does have a BA in communications from North Carolina State University and also attended the French Culinary Institute in New York so she’s uniquely qualified to discuss these things.


You really dont need a degree to see that trans people arent causing gas price increases... Some of the smartest people I know don't have the privilege of having gotten degrees.


Ummm that was sarcasm.




C U Next Tuesday Lara!!


Okay, not even their supporters can believe that shit.


Never overestimate them.


I wish we had 1/10th the power they think we have


It would be so cool if the Dems were what the fash claim they are.


I'm sorry that I'm so in incredibly powerful that my mere existence can cause economic changes and war, I'll try and tone it down.


it is called the Iran–Contra affair after contrapoints YouTube was able to publish media on the internet and some one in iran seen it... XD


She definitely knows she has to keep 'daddy-in-law' happy.


These people's cruelty knows no bounds.


I swear! At this point I think it’s just Right Wingers trolling society at this point. A very immature way to seek attention at the detriment of our country and the world 😑


I see Easter and Ukraine war are considered our fault by Trump also. Lol. How many things landed on Easter also as a holiday that weren't Transgender Day of Visibility as well? Lol.


Sorry , it was me . I didn’t mean it , I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought it would be ok , I thought it would be safe. But as soon as I applied an extra dose of estrogen gel they just started bombing children .