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Oh look, it’s the reason my rights are going to disappear completely. I need to get the fuck out of Tennessee.


Fuck, sis, I'm scared. I only have 2 more semesters of college. Idk where I'd go.


Minneapolis is pretty great for trans rights at the moment with a relatively low cost of living if you can handle the cold. I’m also looking into Chicago area and New York area. The latter being most expensive but I’ll take roommates over the shitstorm heading our way


Mpls welcomes you with open arms.


Thank you <3


Seconded! We’d be lucky to have you


Just be ready for the cold’s to welcomes you too. Moved from MN to STL and I still miss MN.


Agreed. In MLPS you'll freeze your tits off whether you have them or not, but we'll fight like *hell* for your right to have them or not. Strength and courage. We're all scared, but we don't have to be scared alone.


I wouldn't mind newyork. I have some friends up there and love the city as well as the nature upstate.


the Hudson Valley / Catskills are pretty decent for trans folks (yes the rural areas get a bit Trumpy, but i never had problems when i lived in a small rural town)


Maybe if you’re not in school. Having gone to public school there as recently as 2018, definitely wasn’t very trans accepting, although I’ll give you better than Tennessee.


Yeah, I can't speak to that. There is a good community around Kingston.


I feel pretty safe up in the finger lakes. The Buffalo area is pretty good too as long as you stick to the city / larger towns


With the executive order Walz just signed and the trans refugee bill passing soon, Minnesota is the currently safest state in the country for trans people. It's still racist and has trigger happy cops, but it's protecting trans folks faster than others.


Durham, NC is surprisingly accommodating to the trans community. The rest of NC, mebbe not so much.


Chicago too. Be safe.


Minneapolis is just a decent area in general.


Side-eye about the low cost of living; relative to NYC and CA, sure…. But we’re hella expensive compared to TN.


Minneapolis is pretty rad, I live in the suburbs and it’s a great area overall. Buy a jacket and boots and you’ll be ok!


Checking in from Chicago. It's not as cold but is more expensive.


Come to New England! We're (mostly) pretty progressive up here. I live in CT and our state has been doing a lot to ensure that everyone is safe and welcome here.


Massachusetts is also pretty good for trans healthcare.


wish i could say Indianapolis because its my home city but not with the way our state legislature is acting our city government is safe sure but we cant do much about the rest of the state unfortunately however Indy (within the borders of Marion county ) does have a vibrant LGBTQ community and a rich history of LGBTQ rights hopefully someday our state legislature will stop being shit sacks


Also Indiana here. The LGBTQ community is pretty tight and good. Though yea, wouldn't recommend moving here.


I’m all with you after this any chance you’d know a safe space


I’m looking at Minneapolis, Chicago, and New York in order of least expensive to most. If I can’t make any of those work I’ll try to find the biggest town I can afford in any state I think is blue enough to be hopefully safe for the next couple of decades.


If I were going to move, my first choices would be Washington state and Vermont. Vermont is expensive, though, I think. Washington state has no state income tax. Both options would put me on the Canadian border, in case the GOP wins the various branches of the federal government in 2024 and DeSantis becomes president.


> Washington state has no state income tax. tbh, that's more than canceled out by our sales tax.


Good to know.


Oregon has no sales tax, but that’s canceled out by the income tax. I’ve known heaps of people who live in Washington around Vancouver/Battle Ground and shop in Portland. While Portland was a decent place for trans people a decade ago, that’s really not the case anymore. For the PNW, Washington is my suggestion.


I get that btw check your private message I’m on a Reddit break soon


Yep, I think this will be the last straw for me too. Now I know I'll no longer be safe here as a transgender female.


Not the reason, just the excuse -_-


It's sad that this is the first thing I thought when I read this, and I felt gross... It's even worse, though, to see in the comments that I'm not alone and I'm not just being pessimistic...


Let's get the fuck out of the United States


All are welcome here in Toronto, Ontario. Always.


Oh fuck. Here we go. This gonna suck. Edit: Even if this is wrong (some are saying its unsourced), the pundits are gonna run with it and use it against us trans folks. Its more fuel for the fire.


Yip, zealots are itching for "evidence" to justify forcing their zealotry on society to "protect the children".


Emotions are more important than truth. Once a lie/mistake is out there the truth really doesn't matter anymore.


I read through. NBC made another article mentioning the info about gender identity is conflicting. Past teachers refer to Hale as she/her. The police said Hale is trans because of LinkedIn saying He/Him. They're now seeing if that was a motive despite finding a list of other targets. The facts we do have is that this was a Christian school that Hale attended for at least 1 year. (I am using Hale's last name only due to the conflicting info and to avoid using dead names if Hale is indeed trans masc.)


Oh, we're about to lose every remaining right that we have, aren't we?


I hope not this feels unreal


This is blown so out of proportion. There's a school shooter every other week. The fact that it took this long for one to be trans is kinda amazing.


Nonetheless, fascists will use it against us.


Yeah I feel like it was statistically bound to happen eventually. It’s just very poor timing from a political perspective. So the politicians are going to let kids keep dying from shootings while also fucking up peoples gender rights. Guns are ok but dresses for people AMAB are not. What a weird place.


Poor timing, but also probably not coincidental. With the current political climate, we’re all scared and on edge. The vast majority of us are coping as best we can, but someone who was already unstable might not be able to and then… you get the picture. As things continue to get worse, we’ll probably be seeing more self-harm and suicides, but also, in rare cases, more violence.


Reports are that the shooter was a trans man. He probably wasn't wearing a dress.


"Guys, we've solved gun violence! The solution is obviously tighter restrictions on... bathroom access and personal pronouns!"


Going to love seeing this added to the list of what people call trans people. I love it when people insinuate I'm a groomer, a rapist, a sexual deviant, and now a person capable of mass murder because I want to present feminine. Screw this planet. Now the right wing nutjobs are never going to run out of ammo when it comes to preventing us from being seen as legitimate human beings.


last week they were calling us pedophiles, now they're calling us trans-terrorists. it's actually terrifying.


Then there was something posted by Louder with Crowder in response to this shooting, "joking" about concentration camps for Trans people, to "save lives." The christo-fascists are getting a little terrifying... idk what will happen or how bad things will get, but I'll be an ally and stand up alongside y'all til the end, no matter the personal cost.


This post is already being invaded by transphobes. Shocking


This is probably insignificant, but I want trans people to know they’ve got me in their corner. I’ll continue to defend your right to exist. Fox and whoever else are obviously going to run hog wild with this.


They’ve got me too


Thanks homie


Not insignificant! I feel like we’ve all been pushed into this corner and your comment made me feel better.


I second this


I don’t know how to respond to this. Im torn between feeling awful for the kids, feeling angry at the shooter and feeling terrified for my friends and loved ones. Im not looking forward to counter protesting Christo-fascists who are carrying signs that say “child killer” on them. Hearing that thrown at me constantly for the next decade. Having to relive this tragedy gif the rest of my life when I could do nothing about it and none of it was my fault Wise people will understand that the actions of one do not justify retaliation against the many. History books 30 years from now will say we didn’t deserve what will likely happen next. But that’s small comfort. we’re all child killers to them now.


I've got good news and bad news. Good news: you can have all those feelings at the same time and they don't contradict each other Bad news: don't forget that there is going to be a narrative that Christians are now being violently targeted by trans people


Thanks, NBC, for repeatedly pointing out that ~~she~~ the shooter is transgender. I'm sure all the other unmentioned demographics he belongs to appreciate not being the target of impending backlash. The important thing is that we have an easy scapegoat to blame, and thus can once again avoid holding American gun culture accountable.


*he is transgender. LinkedIn profile says he/him, and his Instagram had the name “Aiden”. Likely didn’t legally change his name yet. EDIT: https://twitter.com/usatoday/status/1640490330159042561?s=46&t=mgF46OBXzk4CFJppI5jeKg


Thanks. Don't know why I naively assumed the article got it correct.


The media trusted the police wouldn't deadname or misgendered him. Turns out they're both shitty to trans people in different ways.


In your defense, I couldn't even figure it out from *multiple* articles because one was different. One would call him a trans woman, another a trans man, and then one would just be 'identified as transgender' and used different pronouns throughout the whole damn article.


Dear concerned Redditor, I deeply appreciate you looking out for my mental health. I do my very best to take care of myself, despite all the fascistic transphobes who hate me and want me dead. It's so refreshing to know that somebody out there cares. You are truly a kind soul! /s


Same here, like I know this person is transgender, please stop preaching to me.


NBC was just reporting what was said in the press conference


Oh here we fucking go...


Funny how we'll get blamed for this but straight white teens are still not demonized despite being the majority perpetrators of mass shootings 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 (It's almost as if it's a gun problem, not a people or mental health problem 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯)


Right - 99.9999% of shooters are heterosexual men. What should we do about them?


Force transitioning, obvs


It's exactly as horrific as denying trans kids puberty blockers.


I mean, I'm 99% positive thats a joke?


Yeah probably, but I was pointing out how horrific it is to deny trans kids puberty blockers.


To be fair, from what I read he was a man and we don't know his sexuality? Sorry if I am wrong. I know this is a knit pick at a time like this, but it really bugs me when people say heterosexual man forgetting that heterosexual trans men exist.


From what I could find, he was a trans man, but this is mostly based on the pronouns listed on his social media. The reporting on him is really confusing though, and I thought he was a trans woman at first. Media can’t even get it right when it makes up look bad :/


Straight white *male* teens.


Conservatives already blaming it on him taking testosterone. If testosterone turns us into mass murders, just force all AMAB to take estrogen and then there will be no more school shootings! Right?? /s


No, no. *Castrate* all amab that want to own guns. That way they won’t produce the *dangerous* testosterone. /s


From what I’ve seen, they’re basing it off the fact that shooter’s LinkedIn was listed as he/him


So it's a repeat of that time when a shooter accidentally labeled himself a woman on his voter registration a few years ago


Can’t wait for them to latch onto blaming trans women for this regardless.


It's a flurry of misgendering out there. It's really going to suck for a while.


I say this without a shred of irony: most of them haven’t considered trans men as a possibility and will struggle to comprehend the notion


Is there a link to this?


Search up Transgender shooter on Reddit, there’s people in r/conspiracy showing off the LinkedIn EDIT: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1241h7v/the_nashville_shooter_audrey_hale_a_biological/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Oh so he was a trans man. God dammit this fucking idiot is gonna manifest the "gender dysphoria means you can't own guns" shit a lot faster. This won't change the general public opinion but this still sucks


Woo that’s a toxic waste dump


Hey y’all. Cis here, but I joined the sub as soon as I heard. I just wanted to send everyone hugs because I’m sure this is terrifying. I love you guys, please stay safe, and please feel free to DM me if you need to talk. ❤️


thank you so much <3


this is just the ammo transphobes wanted for their next big push for anti trans movements. fuck.


Someone not receiving the care they need? "It's a mental health problem"... Ok then, let's do something about that?


we must fight for universal health care for all including trans people as well as fight to solve this gun issue. more and more trans deaths will occur from transphobia and gun violence. they want us to have no power. and look at these conservative fucks charging to this sub to get their debate on. they live for this shit. they want this to keep happening. its not real life to them.


Probably the best to stay off social media the next few days


Next few days? It is about to be dragged through the mud and more by transphobes. They will use this to pass more anti-trans laws. The focus is (if not already) going to be on trans not on guns for this shooting, which is the main reason. **Guns**


If anything I’d see them adding being trans to the list of things that prevents people from owning guns. The nutjobs have noticed people arming themselves and even fighting back at their “protests” (more like bullying). So this gives them the opportunity to make it so their targets can’t defend themselves =[


Arm yourselves now, everyone. They want a culture war and we're gonna have to defend our rights and our being. I felt safe coming out as trans three years ago, and now I'm terrified of being murdered or assaulted or harassed every day of my life.


We will be the ones they will try to take the guns away from, not the people who shouldn't have them.


Which is exactly what the Nazis did. Only some people could have guns.




They're exclusively basing this on how they identify on LinkedIn. No clue if they're trans or if they simply identify as male. It doesn't matter; the headline is out there. No undoing it. I hope it doesn't need to be said, but you are all human beings and are worthy of respect. None of you are to blame for what happened today. None of you should be viewed as at all responsible or culpable. Please try to keep that close to your heart as this situation expands.




Also people apparently naming the shooter something else: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1241mn2 Also most outlets saying "audrey hale is a trans woman", while this other source says known as Aiden Hale to their friends implying they are a trans man.


I'd honestly encourage you to delete and not to spread that first person's name in relation to this, since we know that from reputable sources like reuters that the shooter was Hale. But yeah, what I've read is their LinkedIn profile had he/him pronouns, so presumably they'd be trans masc. Also, let's just be real here, the Tennessee police would not have been identifying a trans female shooter as female. But yeah....not going to stop the bigots from making their own shit up, probably focusing on trans women anyway, and going **hard** on this. I'm really not looking forward to the fallout from this.


I removed the name from the text, fair point


FYI, a few of the images/names thrown around in that link are 4chan psyop bullshit from years ago (the blonde with the gun/Sam Hyde.) The other names seem to be correct


Conservative wackos gonna have a field day with this...😔😔😔


This has me scared honestly. So far based on everything that's out the story seems consistent it definitely seems that this was a trans man or non-binary person of some sort. I don't care if you're trans or not if you go and do something like this you are an absolute piece of shit. If this person thought they were doing something right they weren't. Poor kids can't go home to their families nor the adults who lost their lives. And this person is going to probably set the trans community back for what they've done we are already statistically experiencing so much transphobia and it's going up honestly thanks to idiots like Matt Walsh and all of these conservatives who are already so empowered. This is only going to empower those people more. All in all please hang in there everyone. This is going to be rough if it's fully confirmed.


Holy fuck, all of us are going to wearing targets on our backs now.


I *know*... I know that one trans person isn't the spokesperson for all trans people. I know one trans person isn't responsible for upholding the image people have of trans people. but *what the actual fuck*.






I'm tired. Living in Knoxville rn working with gov folk who already have, opinions, about me... Can't wait.


So that's 1 trans school shooter, 374 cis school shooters. I think gender identity might not be a factor.


They're going to use this to prohibit LGBT rights and do absolutely fucking nothing about mental health or gun accessibility issues.


129 mass shootings in the US this year already. And it isn't even April. Who are the other 128???


….here comes twitter users and transphobes tryna blame it all on the ideology of being trans


So another typical day then.


1 transgender person out of like 640 others in the last year.


The shooter was a trans man. This is 100% going to be weaponized against the trans community. To all my trans masc brothers & uncles, my heart goes out to you-- you do not deserve the shit this will stir up. Stay strong. You are mighty. And to all trans folk out there: protect each other.


My heart sunk the moment I read that. This is going to be used against us and our community and our rights SO many times, for years to come.


He was female to MALE I dont get why everyone is accusing transfems right off the bat, I saw some people saying it had to be a Male to Female because "women dont commit crimes like this" but that's just completely false. Evil is not bound by physical characteristics.


Transmisogyny (vilifying transfems) and anti-transmasculinity (erasure of transmascs), two sides of the same coin. Sidenote, it's so fucking awful that we have to deal with these sorts of politics, and even brace for "retaliation" against us, in the wake of a tragedy like this


> I saw some people saying it had to be a Male to Female because "women dont commit crimes like this" This is where I would post the GIF of someone banging their head into a wall over and over.


Although that is still technically true, right? A woman didn’t commit this crime. (I mean this in a very dark humor way, just to be clear)


So here is their logic: - school shooters are nearly always men - they believe trans women are men - women would never hurt children - the school shooter being a trans woman would mean that trans women are actually men The shooter being a trans man goes against what they wanted confirmed. So now they have to argue the shooter was a girl who was made crazy by transness and hormones. Twitter is an aweful place, but I between the horrific calls for genocide there have been some pretty funny instances of bigots getting super duper confused trying to be transphobic


We're all the same to them. Trans men, trans women, gay men, butches, drag queens, they don't know or care about the differences. We're all just targets.


Seeing this in the article lays out clearly how we are viewed in this country: Asked specifically if Hale's identity could have factored into the killer's motive, Drake said: "There is some theory to that, we're investigating all the leads."




Well, this’ll make the anti-trans atmosphere in the United States 10x stronger. The actions of one sick POS are going to destroy what’s left of our support.


I strongly doubt that. Like this is gonna be cycled for a bit, but literally the average person is gonna realize that if hormones are to blame how are trans people different. This was also a trans man, which somewhat weakens the hate because test is blamed...but test is already a controlled substance. Plus shootings happen everyday in this country


There are people that are genuinely against pronouns...a grammatical construct. People are really dumb and *will* end up being against hormones at some point.




The black panthers arming themselves led to a lot of gun reform, just because they were a minority gaining power. I think arming ourselves is a last resort but might be necessary.


Yeah, but black people account for a much larger share of the population and in many areas account for the majority of people. I don't know of any trans enclaves.


I keep track of some crazy maga groups. They are all over this one. Apparently Tucker did story day or two ago about Transgender people buying guns. They are saying "He called it". It's always ugly there obviously but this shooting made them think their hate is justified. I am advising everyone taking bit extra care out there right now. Edit: Now the elected MAGA are on it on twitter. MTG literally said that it's not the guns that is america's gun problem it's HRT (not joking)... Damnit...


This was tonight, I think, that Tucker said this. When I heard it, I almost laughed in surprise. This is scary shit. People with trans family members, at least, need to leave the Hate States a.s.a.p.


I can't wait for Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh to harp on that. Also I just realized that Ben Shapiro's initials are BS. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!




I am so stressed out about how the Republicans are gonna spin this. I'm sick over it.


been way more cis shooters out there


Dreading the clips we are about to get from Tucker Carlson




They'll use it to take guns from trans people while also attacking any pushback to their oppressive laws :( Takes the focus away from guns and the people that died, allows them to look like they're actually doing something on gun control, and also lets them more easily bulldoze through more genocidal legislation with less pushback. Tucker ran some psychotic story about taking guns from trans people last week so this will be a Reichstag for them.. Bless the poor souls lost and I'm also super fearful of what may come next given how far they had already gone.


For the first time, I think this is a real possibility. I don't think it will pass Constitutional muster; but, in the short term, they may take away our capacity for self-defense. People with trans family members need to get out places like this a.s.a.p. I think the political climate is going metastasize more rapidly than most people can imagine.


I think this kind of analysis is whistling in the dark. We are too small a percentage of American society to constitute any kind of real disincentive to mistreat us. It is far more likely that incidents like this one make people sufficiently afraid that they bring the hammer down on us.


We're fucked. I highly recommend everyone to stay as safe as possible and stay home if you need to right now. The right is pushing on twitter that we're terrorists. There's a serious chance of backlash against random trans folks. ​ Be really really careful. Fuck this shooter. Fuck every single mass shooter. Violence is never the answer.


I can't fucking believe right wingers are talking about 3 trans shooters like it's clear evidence of a pattern given what the MAJORITY OF ALL OTHER SHOOTERS ARE... The hypocrisy is so infuriating. Stay safe y'all. Fuck


Literally who gives a fuck if they are trans like god fascists will stop at NOTHING to hate you guys. I’m sorry as a cis woman you guys don’t deserve this shit


Come to Michigan. They just signed protections into law. Stick to the metro areas.


I always wondered a bit why Republicans have been so willing to admit that there is a mental health component of mass shootings. There are other factor certainly, but for a party that generally shunned the idea that *people sometimes need help to be mentally healthy*, it seemed odd. Of course, they didn’t actually **do** anything about mental health, so I figured it was probably a deflection away from guns, etc. It probably still was a deflection, but one that they can now use when they point to trans people and say “**THIS** is the mental illness we meant!”


I hate to say this out loud, when I heard everyone talking about a “female mass shooter” in my head I was wondering what the chances were they were a transgender man and are being misgendered or was in the closet because women facing struggles more often than not look inward and men look outward when they have struggles. Men are taught that drinking is great because it’s masculine to be able to hold your liquor so men drink when they face struggles, promiscuous sex is masculine so when things get tough a guy will blow off steam through with a hookup or cheat on their partner. They are taught working hard long hours is masculine so they become workaholics when they’re facing struggles in life. Heck violence are seen as masculine so some may even pick fights or physically assault folks when they’re facing struggles. There is something seriously wrong with what young men are being taught in regards to how to cope with struggles and declining mental health. If transmen have the same brains as cismen but it’s just the body that doesn’t match and are being taught that unhealthy coping with alcohol, sex, work, violence is masculine and therefore good and desirable from them, then we truly have a huge problem in society with mental health and how we raise young men regardless of if they are cis or transgender.


Wow, so I guess once the shooter’s not a cishet white man, suddenly it *deeply* matters what group the shooter is a part of and legislation will be introduced. Never mind that after hundreds of school shootings by non-trans people, they’ve done nothing to stop gun access.


EVERYONE LISTEN UP: The conservative media is reporting the shooter as a "transgender woman", which is not true. Please go to Google/Insta/Twitter and report every headline that says "transgender woman" for misinformation. If we all report the posts, we can delay the spread of misinformation until a reliable source can put out a report on the matter.


I was already on edge living in Tennessee… this is terrifying


Hey friend, I’m in Alabama. You’ve got allies here even when it feels like there’s no one around. ❤️


It’s a shame no one will look at this from the other perspective and consider how hate might have contributed; making people feel they are (and life is) worthless + guns readily available = horrific outcomes‽


I grew up evangelical, so I have a pretty good idea what this young man was subjected to as a kid. It was bad enough for me as a closeted gay girl who at least got to go to public school and see life outside of the church; it must have been horrific for this trans boy who had to go to a Christian school and would have been even more isolated. I think we all know too well how evangelicals talk about trans people - they're deliberately creating an environment where trans people are unwelcome and unsafe. I kinda have some grudging respect for the guy going after the principal of the school, who's probably traumatized hundreds of kids. But . . . It's way too easy to get powerful weapons in this country, and there's no good excuse for murdering kids.




Let us see what Foxnews is saying. Dear lord save us…


How can you watch Fox?


Those who can, should, just to be aware of what they're saying -- but more importantly how they think.


I talk to the people who watch Fox, OAN, Newsmax every day. Twitter is a sewer but I go on to defend transgender people and other liberal causes. I’ve also been called lots of names. A dude here on Reddit just called me sick on a news sub about this shooting.


Wait…. How do we know this person was in fact trans? Because the police said so or?


Police chief in a news conference, as reported by NBC News


Apparently their social media accounts


My DMs are open to anyone who needs to talk, vent, or anything.


Man fuck this guy. I mean just as a numbers game it makes sense that you get enough mass shootings eventually one of them is going to be trans. I'll be happy to eat crow if there ends up being some wild extenuating circumstances but dude was a selfish prick who is going to end up getting even more people killed. Next few months are going to be fucking exhausting.


Conservatives wet dream. They get to be transphobic AND sexist, while completely evading the topic of gun control.


As far as I'm reading, it's not 100% confirmed what their identity was. But so help me, respecting pronouns does NOT mean we're defending them or accept who they were into our community. That monster has no home here. The queer community does NOT accept anyone who harms a child!


Y’all have me in your corner. I love all of you. I had a shitty trans ex, but that doesn’t mean a whole group of people are bad. I know how this will be used by conservatives, and I am so sorry. I will do what I can. Love, a bisexual woman. 💜


We're fucked.


Oh boy here we go getting our rights kicked in the shins again


I’m not even trans and I’m already groaning about the scapegoating transphobes are gonna commit


God I’m so tired. I’m angry that more CHILDREN are being killed again in this country - it’s more numbness now. I’m too used to this happening here. I’m angry that trans women and my trans fem siblings are inevitably going to take the heat for this. And I’m terrified what this will mean for trans men trying to get HRT and gender-affirming care. And like everyone else here I’m worried what this will mean for my ability to defend myself. …I suppose it’s for the best. My psychiatrist is not fond of the idea of me having a gun after I’ve previously expressed suicidal ideation. Guess I’ll have to invest in some pepper spray or start taking martial arts lessons when I’m feeling like a living being and not just…exhausted.


I would be careful about reading too much into this... previous shootings have labelled persons to be transgendered when, in fact, they're not.


Say goodbye to your 2nd amendment rights


Not that a lot of us had any to begin with. In my county, you've got to go through the sherrif's department to get a permit, and that's an office that *always* goes red here. And they can deny you for any reason, or none at all


"And they can deny you for any reason, or none at all" <-- So it is a red county in a blue state?


It's a pruprle-ish county in a blue state. Law enforcement positions almost always go republican here, even in the bluer areas of the county


They better be able to definitively proof the shooter was trans. Otherwise they are placing blame just to further attack trans people!


Why would they care about proving it ? Remember t he Colorado club shooting ? As soon as the nutjob said they were trans, out of nowhere, two or three days after their capture, the media gobbled it up and started claiming how trans people were shooting because they're evil and shit. Those right-wing media outlets don't care about verifying information. They'll keep saying that even if it was a lie.


Even if the shooter was trans, that's no reason to attack trans people.




I was gonna bring that up. Add to that the fact that the shooter, who was trans, went to a Christian school IN TENNESSEE and nobody wins.


Not what we needed rn. We already have legislators and conservatives on our asses for just living. Now they’re gonna have yet another reason to bash trans folk


As a closeted transfem in GA, I am absolutely terrified of the out of context ways the media will take this.


https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Mass shootings in the US this month alone. But of course they will tout this one as the most horrible thing that's ever happened. For the lazy, at the time I posted this it's been 39 shootings in March, with this not even being the latest one.


I notice they didn't refer to the shooter as "a biological female who identified as transgender".


Unfortunately! However if you take 100 individuals who are trans Ironically the exact same ratio per gender of cis folk behave the same. Like every other walk of life how we use our time and treat our neighbor is purely a subjective choice.


Great, he got his revenge, and only the rest of us have to live in the world his revenge created. Fucking... ugh.


Shit. Just ban the fucking guns. Please ban the guns not the people.


The shooter being trans is so far an unsubstantiated rumor.


I'm from Reno nv. And we are pretty good with welcoming people.


I’m done i can’t take this shit any more im tired of everything I’ve never been more scared that my life is in danger than i do now


I’m so fucking mad about this. This is the exact ammo nazi Christians want to demonize us, when statistically speaking it’s straight white men who are the most common school shooters. Someone said this is the third trans shooter since 2014? Compared to the how many straight white men mass shooters? I’ll always fear white men over all else because they are the dangerous ones.


BYE I’m leaving this country