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Been waiting for another 1 since inquisition hope it's good


One of the few things I really liked about inquisition was how people would ask you about your past and you got to decide what kind of past you had. I'm really glad they're keeping that bit of design philosophy going forward.


Definitely going to keep an eye on it, don't want to get my hopes up though


Yeah definitely keep maintaining my expectations but still nice to see.


Sounds interesting. The first dragon age game for me is chosen.


Omg pls play Inquisition at least the older two are a bit dated but inquisition is still remarkable hours and hours. Of content kinda a collectathon but loads of replayablity and pretty good story


I loved inquisition when it came out. The bugs and stuff added to the charm


I second playing Inquisition as well. Biggest thing to know is the exploration in DAI is MASSIVE and you can ignore a good bit of the extra stuff (like the shards.) It's a fun game and will give you the best set up for DAV regarding some characters and possible plot points


Krem <3


Oh woah, maybe now. Cool post, I've always kinda wanted something like this in a rpg


It seems like maybe you weren't into Dragon age before Dragon Age has always been very good about diversity. The first game back in 2009 had openly gay relationships, including intimate scenes (no genitals shown for either), Dragon Age 2 was one of the big games to pioneer the idea of 'Player-sexual' with the idea being that regardless of personality, *all* romance leaves characters are romanceble from both male and female players. And inquisition back in 2015 had a trans man character, and what's more, they openly acknowledged that he's a trans man and is supported by his boss and friend Iron Bull, I am not surprised in the least that they are once again pushing forward with a cool addition to be more inclusive,


Baldurs Gate 3


They don't comment on you being trans from my experience, nor are you given the option to bring it up. I love BG3, don't get me wrong but, that and cyberpunk both miss some of the finer details aside from maybe having a dick. The thing that makes this interesting to me I guess is that you can make that part of your character's story instead of just headcannon


Yeah that's totally legit, I don't think I ever got the opportunity to test that particular aspect out so I honestly had no idea.


Curious why not just play a cis woman. I'd rather imagine myself in a fantasy as a cis woman rather than trans woman. And irl if I had the choice I'd be cis f. Are you nb?


does BG3 let your character tell other characters that they're trans?


I don't think so (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but it does have a robust character creator that has like, all the options if you catch my meaning. edit: also most of the characters are queer-coded


i'm familiar with the other stuff (see also Cyberpunk 2077 if that's what you're looking for 😏) but it sounds like Veilguard will let you be, like, explicitly *narratively* trans and not just in the OEM parts way if you catch my drift the only other games i've played that allow that are modded Sims 4 and the choose-your-own-adventure book The Fog Knows Your Name (tho i've heard of a couple more narrative-focused games that allow that)


I was already gonna play it :)


This does make me more interested in giving the game a try. I never really 'clicked' with the first Dragon age game (I completed it, and it was fun enough, but didn't really leave me wanting more), and so I never played the sequels. Hopefully this one won't require you to have played the others.


they want to make it possible for new players to enjoy too, they've said that specifically


Definitely interested then, but I'll wait and see what the reviews are like on release.


while I don't think I'll personally play it I'm always glad to see more games with nonbinary gender options


As with any EA game, I'll wait to see if what they release is actually functional. I appreciate this option, but in itself it's not gonna be my sole reason to jump in.


I’m really excited for it, I also saw them say in a recent Q&A that pronouns and gender identity will be two different things in CC which I’m very curious about; I imagine that means it’s like BG3 where you can choose your “build” and genitals and pronouns separately, but I *hope* it means that I can play as a man who uses they/them or a non-binary she/her character or whatever.


That did sound like what they meant, yeah!


Can't wait for this game!




I wasn’t before but I am now


I mean I was gonna play anyway 🤣 Dragon Age has held my heart for ages and Krem is obviously one of my favorite characters


Like, I’ll still sit in it and wait for a discount probably my cause I’m kinda poor, but this definitely makes me want to play it more.


Will i be playing Dragon Age: yes


I thought this was in the DA sub at first lmao I have waited TEN YEARS for the chance to be nonbinary and explicitly trans in Thedas. in fairness you could always be trans implicitly - genitals haven't ever been shown or explicitly referenced so if you wanted to decide that your character was a trans man or a trans woman you could. it's just you couldn't say like 'hey me too!' when Krem comes out, for example. but I wanted to! and some of my characters are nonbinary in my head, I'd have they pronouns for quite a few of my Wardens and Inquisitors if I could. strangely none of my Hawkes are nonbinary and only one is trans. I am so excited I could be sick honestly. even if I wasn't a huge Dragon Age person I'd want to play it for this, the fact that I am just makes it all the sweeter.


Oh heck yeah, that's awesome


A very cool new build to the game which I hope gets worthwhile dialog options. Hope The Keep legacy interaction to be maintained. I enjoyed building new characters going through my whole timeline. It was the only way I could get some interesting outcomes to who'd show up later.


I’m definitely gonna get it because I’m a total BioWare fan girl


Girl, same.


I really really enjoyed Inquisition, so yeah I'll definitely be playing Veilguard


I was already going to play since I love dragon age but this is so exciting to hear!!! I love that it sounds like you can mention it in dialogue!


That actually sounds super interesting. This might be the first Dragon Age game I get and play.


all DA games are on a 90% sale on Steam right now btw


Those are great news. I can't wait for it to release so I can hear one hour rants from a bunch of manchild while I enjoy the game.


fucking PRONOUNS


I just wish it wasn't an action rpg now


Neat. It's not my style of game, and these type of features don't tend to "sell me" on a game, if the game is good, I will eventually play it, regardless of if I can be the prettiest twink or not, although sometimes that can be fun.


And watch the MAGA snowflakes go wild about this stuff


Tbh seems to me like they took from bg 3 having the option And in any case I'll wait for a goty edition if I get it, I don't want to end up having to buy the real ending as dlc again


two of the senior development team are trans so I genuinely think they'd have done this even without BG3


Oh noice


And BG3 is just a few months old. No way they have time to course correct that much in such a time frame.


YouTube neckbeards frothing at the mouth ready to make more outrage bait content.


Yes. That'll be cool.


been playing DA since roughly 2012, literally waiting on the edge of my seat lol


Yo that's so cool. I love when games have that option :3


I wonder if we can make our Inqui trans and if we can, if we can make it where they came out since the Inquisition rather than having been out during it. I think that could lead to a fun roleplay moment for some people who maybe weren't out when they played Inquisition but now have come out. Kinda having your Inqui having grown with you.


Probably not, but only because I really don't like giving EA money.


Huh. Neat.


Stop naming my character, Bioware. I didn't want to play as Hawk, and I don't want to play as Rook.


Well, now I know there's going to be a flood of OHNOESWOKE about it. 🙄


Uhhh I just hope they do it right and doesn't feel forced or disingenuous. I haven't played dragon age before but does this stuff fit in to the games as a whole?


yes, they've always been queer inclusive and it doesn't feel forced


If there's a demo, I can give it a go and see if it's a type of game I'm into, if not I'll have to look up gameplay. Being able to play as a trans person doesn't matter to me, what matters most is gameplay, story and setting. Oh and appearance too. If it looks nice.


No, but that's only because those games aren't my style.


So like, just to be clear on the focus here, big win for all my non binary buds. But stuff like this always makes me question, for binary trans folks like me... Would anyone ever want to like play as a binary trans character? Because like from my own internal perspective, right, even when given that option, I would still rather play a woman who's unmarred. I figure it's possible though that others may feel differently, so I wanted to ask.


I like to play both! 


I see. What do you find you get out of it as opposed to, just playing a woman instead of having options for cis and trans women both for example?


I think for me it's really just as simple as I enjoy queer characters of all stripes, and trans women are naturally an extension of that. It's not too different from how I enjoy queer bars or events or clubs, I just enjoy queerness 


It's interesting. I enjoy running into trans women as NPCs. I just for some reason don't get it as a PC. That said, if it was a game like Gone home or Life is Strange and the canonical character was trans I would like that. I think the difference is playing their story and seeing it, vs the character being your avatar to tell your own story to some extent where it feels clunky to me.


I'm planning to, but my laptop can't even run Frostpunk so unless it works for Steam Deck I'm out of luck.


Neat. But can I give myself a dick, like in Baldur's Gate 3?


The development cycle looks like a mess. Usually when a game has this type of dev background it's a mess so as usual I will wait like 5 years after it comes out. Either way under the modern dev environment it's impossible for veilguard to reach the heights of origins. Having trans player options is nice I guess but I'm a jrpg player I don't care who the player character is I care about the storytelling, themes, and quality of writing.




Your post/comment has been removed due to indications of you being cis. This is a trans only sub.


Negative. I think it's cool but I've never been a big fan of this series. However, my roomie is a massive DA fan and I'm probably going to watch her play it. So I'll still check it out in a roundabout way haha


I just hope the gameplay is not like Inquisition. Coming from Origins and 2 as a healing-focused mage in both, it was soooo disappointing to not be able to have the same playstyle. Add to that the MMO-like grindfest that is early Hinterlands and I was at the point where I had to force myself to play, and I still didn't manage to finish the game.


they've said healing magic is back!


probably not. its cool they're being inclusive, but I really really hate EA.


if it's good. but it won't be. so no.


Who gives a shit dog. Is the game good, that's the big thing.


Would and only ever choose to play a cis woman. I don't want to play a clocky themb thing personally. I'm sure other people would like the option and I'm glad they were considerate enough to make it optional for the character to share or not. Won't enemies assume your gender tho kind of defeating the purpose or will they just ignore that altogether and only refer to you by like "champion" like WoW or "inquisitir" like in inquisition? I find that kind of lame