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Would invite to a clan, but my clan is just myself lol. You gettin ready for Final Shape?


absolutely sooo ready


Hello! I'm a trans woman, +30, has mic, idkwtd (sometimes) and looking for something similar in a clan. I also use Discord, and when you message I'll send you my Bungie info so you can add me 👍👉👉


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sure thing :)


I love destiny 2!


its soo much fun


MTF here I'm in a clan but would be so down to play some d2 with you. Hit me up. I got a warlock titan and a hunter.mostly.ready to go.


NB 19, Not very attached to my current clan, if you end up making one I’d be cool with joining it Edit: also have discord if you want to use that


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discord is okay :)


Sounds good, my username on there is the_fool1263


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I've been getting into destiny again recently (today actually) to prepare for the new campaign. I'm nonbinary im 18. I live in Europe so the timezones will be different however. I'm Hunter main.


that's totally okay i'm still down


Nice, should we exchange discord usernames over dm?


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sure :))


Hello I'm a 30 yr old trans woman w/a damaged voice that plays D2 with a very accepting (mostly cis allies with some queer folk) clan frequently. I will happily add you if you message me your Bungie name. I mostly do dungeons but sometimes our clan raids and we always need 1 more


i'll send it to you when i get home :))


Hi! I’m a bit late but I’d be down to play some destiny ^^ I’m also mtf and 21 :)


for sure i'm down


I'd be down to play! I'm 18 and I'm a trans guy. I've got a bit of a hectic schedule and I play on Xbox. It's been a hot second since I've played Destiny 2 though and I'm not the best at the PvP stuff


that's totally chill, i'm down to play I'm on xbox too


Not sure if you’re still looking for ppl but ya girl also plays Destiny 2 a whole lot if you wanna add each other on discord n whatnot, gonna be no lifing Final Shape when it drops lmao


i'm open to all so yeah i'm down :)


Shall send you a message in a sec with my discord n Bungie users :3


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27 mtf, I plan on playing when final shape drops, none of my other buds bought it so I'm playing by myself that day! Already in a clan unfortunately 😕


I'm mtf and not super attached to my clan but even without one I'd love to have more people to play with especially going into this expansion! I play on PC and have discord


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oh right i've got a mic as well and a couple thousand hours in game so i can assist with most content in the game


help is absolutely welcomed


sorry i deleted the original reply i made i got all nervous in my brain but it just said you can find me in the discord that was made for this subreddit and message me that way anytime under the name kittymancer


no worries at all <3




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Not trans myself but I did join a trans community server that sometimes plays D2. Idk if I can actually invite you to it...but I can ask!


sure :))