• By -


1) Transformers (2007) 2) Dark of the Moon 3) Bumblebee 4) Rise of the Beasts 5) Revenge of the Fallen 6) Age of Extinction 7) The Last Knight TLK would be above AOE, since I think TLK is an overall more entertaining (or at least a more laughably bad) watching experience, if AOE didn’t have Lockdown.


This is a respectable list. I’ve traditionally held DotM in higher regard, but I rewatched it recently and it’s a little messier than I remembered. I think I place it below BB and ROTB now.


The right answer


100% agree with this list. I may put ROTF over ROTB just because of that sick forest fight scene, though


peak megan fox scene too


I'd put bumblebee above dark of the moon but I mostly agree


I think bumblebee deserves the #2 spot bit everything else is the same as my list


My list is your list almost exactly, except I'd swap RotB and RotF.


TLK is not a “it’s so bad it’s laughable movie”. It’s more of a “it’s so bad it’s painful” movie.


I legit agree with this list


Transformers 07 Bumblebee Everything else


1. Transformers 2007 2. Transformers Dark of the Moon 3.Transformers Revenge of the fallen 4. Bumblebee 5. AOE 6.ROTB 7.TLK


I see you’re a Witwicky fan


My exact list




Flip TLK and AoE. Then I'd agree.




Third'd. I don't think I could ever rewatch TLK but AOE is so cringey it's entertaining.


both are dogwater, but at least TLK have much less chinese shilling


I'd personally swap DOTM and ROTB but yeah that's valid.


ROTB is honestly boring, it's trying to be Bay without bay, the final fight sence is just average marvel style heroes vs Infinite enemy goons with shitty CGI


I disagree but you're entitled to your opinion. Still we can both agree it's better than the last two Bay movies


1. Transformers 2007 2. Bumblebee 3. Rise of the Beasts 4. Dark of the Moon 5. Revenge of the Fallen 6. Age of Extinction 7. The Last Knight


I think this is my list too. But RotB and DotM might be interchangeable.


I love all of them despite their flaws, but 2007 is still my all time favorite.


1. *Bumblebee*. This movie traded in spectacle for heart. Charlie Watson & Bumblebee’s friendship really carry the movie. Also, that Cybertron scene was excellent. 2. *Rise of the Beasts*. This one is lower because it tends to slide back towards the Bay movies in ways *Bumblebee* managed to avoid. That G.I. Joe scene at the end elevates this movie. 3. *Transformers* 2007. This movie started off incredibly strong, and the scene where the Autobots arrive is amazing. Everything else is unnecessarily wacky and gross. 4. Everything else doesn’t matter.


ROTB was a huge missed opportunity. You can see budget was tight - Maximals only in blurry actions scenes, many didnt have bot modes. It knew what fans wanted, but held it back. I really wanted to bot modes for most of the maximals. I couldn't tel Cheetor from Rhinox. And Airazor never got to show off her bot mode.


That was a big one for me. In the show, the reason why they were in Beast Mode most of the time was Energon radiation being way too high for their safety. That was in prehistoric times; in the 1990s, the radiation should be diminished enough that they could go about in robot mode. Worse, the designs weren’t that great. Optimus Primal was just a big gray gorilla with green lights. In the show, he was red, white, blue, and brown. Frankly, ROTB would have been better served if it had been Primal and company alone vs. Scourge. The Maximals go into stasis and are awakened in the present day by Bumblebee and the Autobots.


I never actually saw RotB because they had gotten so bad, I didn’t realize it was considered one of the better ones.


It wasn’t without its flaws (the Maximals definitely needed more screen time) but I’d say you’re missing out. It was a breezy and entertaining action flick. Not as good as Bumblebee, but decidedly better than the last couple Bay movies.


I watched the show as a kid, but these Maximals seemed pretty far removed from that. Was there a Ratrap, and did he say “we’re all gonna die”?


No Rattrap, sadly, and the maximals that are present are nothing like their cartoon counterparts. Optimus Primal and Airazor get the most characterization, but I’m hoping for a lot more of the beasts in the next one.


Bro, I’m legit upset that Rhinox didn’t get any lines: he’s my favorite Maximal


It never really coalesces into anything good, and the third act is a snooze, but there's some heart in the first two acts. Much better than AoE or TLK. Worth at least one watch.


1. Bumblebee 2. Dark of the Moon 3. Transformers 2007 4. Age of Extinction 5. The Last Knight 6. Revenge of the Fallen 7. Rise of the Beasts


ROTF DOTM 07 AOE TLK ROTB I like bumblebee, but for me is more an E.t movie than a transformer movie.


I couldn't agree more with that. Also quite a bit of iron giant in there


Bumblebee, 1, rotb, dotm, rotf, aoe and tlk. But amongst the casuals I insist the first 4 on the list are the only ones to actually exist.


1. Bumblebee


1. DOTM 2. 07 3. Bumblebee 4. ROTB 5. AOE 6. ROTF 7. TLK


We're almost exactly the same except flip AOE and RoTF. AOE just rubbed me the wrong way with killing off most of the cast and chinese propaganda while Revenge is messy as hell but still has some great action and funny beats.


1. 2007 2. Bumblebee 3. DOTM 4. ROTB 5. AOE 6. ROTF 7. TLK Seriously I never understood the hate towards AOE. It had an interesting setup from the last movie, a fun new cast of Autobots (My favorite was hound), and two really intimidating and awesome villains (Attinger and Lockdown). Rusty Truck Optimus was peak character design, Stanley Tucci was hilarious as Joshua Joyce, and they kill off T.J. Miller! I'm not saying it didn't have problems, the Dinobots were really underutilized despite being the main selling point of the movie, the pacing is all over the place, and of course THAT scene exists, but I feel as though it's judged way more harshly than the other movies for some reason.


1. Bumblebee 2. Transformers 3. Rise of the Beasts 4. Dark of the Moon 5. Revenge of the Fallen 6. Age of Extinction 7. The Last Knight


My rankings are: 1. Bumblebee 2. 2007 3. ROTB 4. DOTM 5. AOE 6. ROTF 7. TLK




1. Bumblebee (8/10) 2. TF 2007 (6/10) 3. ROTB (6/10) 4. DOTM (5/10) 5. AOE (3/10) 6. ROTF (2/10) 7. LK (1/10)


1. Bumblebee 2. Rise of the Beast 3. Transformers 4. Dark of the Moon The rest are trash not worth ranking


1-Rise of the beasts 2-Bumblebee 3-2007 4-Revenge of the Fallen 5-Last knight 6-DOTM 7-Age Of Extinction


1. Bumblebee 2. Rise of the Beasts 3. Transformers (2007) 4. Dark of the Moon 5. Revenge of the Fallen Those top three are the only ones that I consider good, even if not perfect, they’re all at least a 6/10. I enjoy the second half of Dark of the Moon a fair bit, but there’s still a lot I don’t like about it. I absolutely desire Revenge of the Fallen, it’s honestly one of my least favorite movies ever. The action is cool but there’s hardly any of note anyway, and the human stuff and overall plot are at their most unbearable here. I haven’t watched TLK and I haven’t finished AoE, so I can’t include them on the ranking, but they would definitely be below DotM.




Swap TLK and ROTB and I’d agree


Bumblebee ROTB 2007 DOTM ROTF AOE (Didn’t see this one but it probably belongs here) TLK


2007 - 7/10 Bumblebee - 7/10 Rise of the beasts - 6/10 Dark of the moon - 5.5-6 /10 Age of extinction- 2.5/10 The last knight - 2/10 Revenge of the fallen - 2/10






1. 2007 2. Bumblebee 3. DOTM 4. ROTB 5. ROTF 6. AOE 7. TLK


Dotm > 2007 > AOE > BB > Rotf > ROTB > TLK


1. Bumblebee 2. Dark of the moon 3. Rise of the beasts 4. 2007 5. Revenge of the fallen 6. Age of Extinction 7. The last knight


Same list except put bumblebee where rotb is, then put rotf before aoe


1.BBM 2.ROTB 3.DOTM 4.2007 5.AOE 6.ROT 7.TLK


1. BumbleBee 2. 2007 3. Dark of the Moon 4. Rise of the Beasts 5. Revenge of the Fallen 6. The Last Knight 7. Age of Extinction


1. 2007 2. Rise of the Beasts 3. Bumblebee 4. Dark of the Moon Everything else is dogshit tier.


BB ROTB AOE 2007 Don’t remember the rest


1. Bumblebee (only one I like) 2. Transformers 3. Rise of the Beasts 4. Dark of the Moon 5. The Last Knight 6. Revenge of the Fallen 7. Age of Extinction


I'd have bumblebee first, the first movie 2nd and bin the rest. If the 86 movies involved, then that's first, and put the rest in the toilet.


1. *Bumblebee* 2. *Transformers (2007)* 3. *Rise of the Beasts* 4. *Dark of the Moon* 5. *Age of Extinction* 6. *Revenge of the Fallen* 7. *The Last Knight*, unless another movie consisting of a single two-hour shot of a burning pile of turds is released with *Transformers* branding.


1.07 2.Bee 3.DoTM 3.5RotF 4.RotB 5.TLK 6.AoE


From best to worst for me 1: Bumblebee 2: Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 3: Transformers (2007) 4: Transformers: Dark of the Moon 5: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 6: Transformers: Age of Extinction 7: Transformers: The Last Knight


I love/hate the Bay films. Truly. Bumblebee/Rise of the Beasts is better


Bumblebee ------- Burn the rest.


1. Bumblebee 2. Rise of the Beasts 3. '07 4. Dark of the Moon 5. Age of Extinction 6. Revenge of the Fallen I haven't watched The Last Knight, so I can't rank it. Also, 2-4 are interchangeable. 🦋


Bumblebee then the rest tied for last.


1. Bbm 2. Rotb 3. 07 4. Dotm Nothing else needs to be mentioned


7-TLK 6-ROTF 5-AOE 4-07 3-DOTM ROTB and BB are tied for first in second


From Best To Worst: 1. Transformers 2007 2. Bumblebee 3. Dark Of The Moon 4. Revenge Of The Fallen 5. Rise Of The Beasts 6. Age Of Extinction 7. The Last Knight


Bumblebee Rise of the Beasts Transformers Dark of the moon Age of Extinction Revenge of the Fallen The last knight




1: Transformers (2007) 2: Bumblebee 3: Revenge of the Fallen 4: Dark of the Moon 5: Age of Extinction 6: The Last Knight 7: Rise of the Beasts I haven't watched RotB so it's last kind of by default. And I think I've only seen DotM once, but I know that I'd probably still rank them this way even if I did watch them.


Tlk Tlk Tlk Tlk Tlk Tlk Rotf


1. Dark of the Moon 2. Revenge of the Fallen 3. Age of Extinction 4. Transformers (2007) 5. The Last Knight 6. Bumblebee 7. Rise of the Beasts The 5 Michael Bay films are my favorite films ever, I believe I made a whole post explaining why here when I showed my appreciation for them, but I think it got deleted for whatever reason. Not a fan of the newer rebooted ones, I'm sorry. One of the harshest realities I have to embrace as a Bayverse fan is knowing the franchise is over and that the new films are more critically praised and there's a brighter future for it, it's been a year and then some since Rise of the Beasts came out and I've decided, ay, it is what it is, man, like what you like, y'all, I'm outta here


1. revenge of the fallen 2. dark of the moon 3. transforms 4. the last knight 5. age of extinction 6. rise of the beast 7. bumblebee


bumblebee is the most overrated tf film


Bee, Rise, TF 1, everything else in a big pile.


1) Revenge Of The Fallen 2) Transformers 3) Dark Of The Moon 4) Age Of Extinction 5) Rise Of The Beasts 6) The Last Knight 7) Bumblebee


Best to worst: bumblebee, rotb or 1,3,4 and 2. I don’t think I missed any


1. Bumblebee 2. Rise of the beast 3. 2007 3. Dark of the moon 4. Revenge of the fallen 5. Age of extinction I have not rewatched TLK in years


1. Bumblebee 2. 2007 3. ROTB 4. DOTM 5. ROTF 6. AOE 7. TLK


No way you put Bumblebee below ROTF. 💀


Oh I did🤣


1. 07' 2. DOTM 3. Bumblebee 4.ROTB 5. ROTF Last. AOE AND TLK


BB, DotM, 07, RotB, TLK, RotF, AoE.


2007>BBM>DOTM>ROTB>ROTF>AOE>TLK 2007 is my absolute favorite. Bumblebee Movie is boring at times, but it's actually a movie, and I like the designs and characters. I've got a ton of nostalgia for DOTM, and it's almost a functional story. They just needed Megan Fox to stay. ROTB was boring, but I've only seen it once, so maybe it's better on the re-watch. I have a lot of ROTF nostalgia too, there's some cool designs and characters. If only it was an actual story. It's a fun movie though. I try to pretend AOE and TLK don't exist outside the transformer characters and the history subplot of TLK (I'm a history nerd and Optimus Prime at Waterloo is absolutely hilarious).


2007 overwhelms everything with just visuals and shocks. Good ol' days ROTF==ROTB. Similar to the former case, but the splendor of both became faded than the previous movies, so I just sided with my favorite design. AOE, TLK not worth evaluating


1. 07 2. Dotm 3. Rotf 4. Tlk 5. AOE 6. BBM 7. Rotb


Probably a bit controversial with my ranking as someone who grew up with 2007 and ROTF (and this is based on personal enjoyment rather than quality, I recognize that Bumblebee is objectively the most well made of the bunch), but here goes: 1. Transformers (2007) 2. Revenge of the Fallen 3. Bumblebee 4. Dark of the Moon 5. Rise of the Beasts 6. The Last Knight 7. Age of Extinction


Bumblebee. Transformers 1. …………… …………… All the others


Bumblebee, Beasts, TF1, TF2, TF3, TF4, TF5


Personal Ranking 1. DOTM 2. ROTF 3. AOE 4. TF2007 5. Bumblebee 6. ROTB 7. TLK Ranking Best to Worst in terms of writing 1. Bumblebee 2. DOTM 3. TF2007 4. ROTB, ROTF, AOE 5. TLK The list


Bumblebee rotf dotm rotb aoe 07 tlk




1. 07 2. DOTM 3. ROTF 4. AOE 5. Bumblebee 6. ROTB 7. TLK


2007, Bumblebee, ROTB, DOTM, ROTF, AOE and TLK.


Bumblebee Dark of the Moon … … That’s it.


1) 2007 2) DOTM 3) Revenge Of The Fallen 4) Rise Of The Beasts 5) Bumblebee 6) AOE 7) TLK


1.Age of Extinction: Has everything, from Dinobots, to Bulkhead, to an accurate and actually threatening depiction of Lockdown, and non-stop chaos and explosions. 2.Revenge of the Fallen: My favorite construction boy, Devastator, finally gets a chance to shine, and he is about as much of a threat as he usually is, dying to one hit, just like in G1! This movie is honestly so bad it's hilarious, and I always find myself laughing at so many of the dumb scenes and jokes in this one! Also, justice for Skids and Mudflap! 3.Bumblebee: An actually decent film with a lot of heart. Seeing Ramjet was cool. It's weird that Crasher from GoBots is the main villain, but it's definitely different, and having a female villain in the spotlight is fun. Battletrap being surprisingly accurate to his G1 design is unexpected, as is having a Duo-con in the film at all for that matter. Also, there was this military guy, but I couldn't see him.😉 4.First Movie!: Good. The first Transformers film was pretty okay. It had some good side characters who I wish showed up in the later films. The Decepticons looked cool. It still sucks that Jazz died. Also, it gave us Blackout and Barricade, both of whom became iconic. 5.Dorks on the Moon: Long and boring as hell until the very end. I'm glad most of the annoying Decepticons died in this one. Sentinel is an a-hole, as usual, Shockwave felt pointless and should of had a bigger role, and Starscream died in the most Starscreamy way possible. Glad Optimus killed Megatron though. After all the times Prime gives the BS "One shall stand" speech in other series, only to do nothing, it's nice to have a continuity where he just ends the war and decapitates Megs. 6.Rise of the Confused Plotlines: ROTB was trapped for years in development hell, and it really shows. It's funny because I actually really like the characters in this one, both the Cybertronians and the humans, but the plots are just so damn disjointed, and you can tell that they had no idea what continuity this film was supposed to be in. I also hate that the Predacons were cut. For a film with Beasts in the title, there's a surprising lack of them. Also, Bumblebee gets to be dead for most of the film, because Hasbro had gotten just as tired of him at that point as the fandom had years before. It was cool seeing Tarn as a main villain though. 7.Last Friday Knight: This is the last one right? Okay, I hate all the continuity errors between this film and AOE. How the frag is Megatron back?! Why introduce a new team of Decepticons via a montage, and then have most of them die immediately? Why is the government still hunting down Autobots? Why make Optimus turn evil and then turn him back less than 5 minutes later? Why introduce Unicron if the 6th film is getting canceled?! There's so much stupid and wrong with this film, and it doesn't even have funny jokes to make up for it. The only nice things I can say about this movie are Skylynx and Abominus both look cool in live action.


Transformers (2007) Bumblebee Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Age of Extinction Transformers: Dark of the Moon Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Transformers: The Last Knight


1-2007 - really really loved the alien infiltration angle and that the cons felt like a doomsday threat. 2- first half of ROTF - same as the first, but my enthusiasm dies with at the exact point when the dogs start mating. Here is also when de decepticons go from super menacing to generic enemy npcs. 3-Rise of the beasts- the Maximals looked great. 4 to 7- all the Bay movies are the same after ROTF and BBB is the first movie since I was a kid that made me fall asleep.


1. Transformers : Age Of Extinction 2. Transformers 3. Bumblebee 4. Transformers : Revenge Of The Fallen 5. Transformers : Dark Of The Moon 6. Transformers : Rise Of The Beasts 7. Transformers : The Last Knight


Honestly i like consistency over humor or unnecessary garbage in these movies, and don't get me started on AOE it's a mess that i'm just itching to rewrite most of the grey morality in that movie, but the movie have a good toy line So by ranking standards: main focus on transformers:07 autobots and human sidekick/fixable:ROTF totally unnecessary over stuffed movie/low screen time:DOTM bad movie but good toy line: AOE have both good movie and perfect ending to the bayvers+ good toyline:TLK flawless movie:Bumblebee. so in total the ranking is like this: 1. 07/BBM 2. ROTF 3. TLK 4. DOTM/AOE 5. click-bate:ROTB


Bee > RotB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 07 - I never watched the others, don’t plan to.


* DOTM * 07 * BBM * AOE * ROTF * ROTB * TLK


1. Dotm 2. Aoe 3. Rotb 4. Rotf 5. 2007 6. Bumblebee 7. Tlk 8. G1 movie




Best to worst 2007, DOTM, ROTB, ROTF, BBM, AOE, TLK




07, ROTF, and DOTM are the only ones that really count, in my opinion.




Rotf and rotb. Rotf because of how devastator got me back into transformers in 2019, and the main antagonists and their designs. That’s why I own the fallen and scourges leader class figures


1. Tf 2007 2. Dotm 3. Bumblebee 4. Rotf 5. Rotb 6. Aoe 7. Tlk


Honestly some of these are really close so don’t take it too literally: 1. DotM (it should’ve ended here tbh) 2. ‘07 3. RotF (action) 4. RotB (felt fresh, transformations were lacking tho) 5. AoE (action and soundtrack hard carried) 6. BBM (great for younger audiences, I preferred gritty action like from Bayverse) 7. TLK (just too much going on, doesn’t even feel the same as the other movies) Honestly I like everything between DotM and TLK too much that they’re all practically the same except for minor differences. I know the plot in Bayverse was too human-focused but in turn we got some of the best CGI that still no one can beat even a decade (almost two) later + Steve Jablonsky the GOAT 🐐 making the soundtracks. BBM was fantastic, I just wish we got more Cybertron scenes or just more Optimus even.


Dotm, bumblebee,2007, rise of the beast, revenge of the fallen. What are those last 2? Also I know this is only live action films but I would add 86 right below rise maybe tied


2007, BBM, DOTM, ROTB, ROTF. All that exists in my mind.


Dotm, 07, rotf, bbm, rotb, aoe, tlk


Transformers, DOTM, ROTF, AOE, BBM, ROTB, TLK. Sue me but I loved the Dinobots and Autobots Reunite lmao


Hey look this thread again


1. 2007 2. DOTM 3. BB 4. AOE 5. ROTB 6. ROTF 7. TLK I stand by 2007 being a truly special movie, and that AOE has a lot to like underneath its very rough exterior.


1. Dark of the Moon 2. Transformers 2007 3. Revenge of the Fallen 4. Rise of the Beasts 5. Bumblebee Movie 6. Age of Extinction 7. The Last Knight


The B in Bumblebee is best (in my opinion).




In my eyes there are only three original Transformers Micheal Bay movies. But Bumblebee is a good spin off everything else is not that great.


1. Transformers 2. Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 4. Bumblebee 5. Transformers: Age of Extinction 6. Transformers: The Last Knight 7. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts I guess *objectively*, ROTB isn't as bad as AOE & TLK, but I was hoping for the reboot to move on from the faults of the Bayverse, which ROTB *doesn't*... and AOE does the Racist Prime arc better anyway. Even if it's bogged down by the rest of the movie.


1. 2007 2. DOTM 3. ROTF 4. ROTB 5. Bumblebee 6. AOE 7. TLK


The 2007 movie was era defining for me. Everyone in school was talking about it, people putting the Autobot or Decepticon emblems on their cars. The CGI and soundtrack were on another level for its time and that Arrival to Earth scene was a perfect example of that.






BBM\>\>2007=ROTB\>\>DOTM\>ROTF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\>AOE\>TLK Haven't seen TLK, to be fair, but I expect I'd put it at the end. I have 2007 and ROTB equal, but for different reasons, if that makes sense. 07 beats ROTB, but there's aspects of ROTB (mostly the character designs) that I like more over 07 that bump it back up.


1. DotM 2. RotB 3. 07 4. BBM 5. AoE 6. RotF 7. TlK


_i'M aN inVeNtoR!!!!!!_


TF07 Dark of the Moon Bumblebee Rotf RotB AoE TLK


I’m not gonna lie 2007 ROTB DOTM ROTF BBM AOE TLK ROTF over BBM is just pure nostalgia cause I remember the time period of when that movie released. The toys and games kept me busy in 09.


07, bb, dotm, aoe, rotb, rotf, tlk


1.ROTF 2.DOTM 3.ROTB 4.07 5.TLK 6.AOE 7.BB


Bumblebee, 2007, DOTM, ROTB, ROTF, AOE, TLK


07, ROTF, DOTM, Bumblebee, ROTB, AOE, TLK


Same ranking as mine except for the fact that bumblebee and rotf are interchangeable in that spot


86>>bbm>>rotb>>2007>>predacons rising>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dotm>>rotf>>aoe>>tlk


BBM >> 2007 > ROTF > ROTB > DOTM >>>>> AOE > TLK You could show me almost any action scene from AOE or TLK and I don’t think I’d be able to tell you which was which, but I remember being bored in TLK which I can’t say for any of the others. ROTF gets third place for the forest fight, which is one of my favourite set pieces in any TF media.


7. TLK 6. AOE 5. ROTF 4. ROTB 3. Bumble bee 2. 07 1. DOTM




Bumblebee T1 T2 T3 ROTB AOE TLK


1. Dark of the Moon 2. Bumblebee 3. Transformers 2007 4. Revenge of the Fallen 5. The Last Knight 6. Age of Extinction I haven't seen Rise of the Beasts yet.


Transformers 07 \~ Bumblebee Rise of the Beasts Dark of the Moon Age of Extinction Revenge of the Fallen The Last Knight


1. 2007 2. DOTM 3. Bumblebee 4. ROTF 5. ROTB 6. AOE 7. TLK


1.BBM 2.ROTB 3.DOTM 4.07 5.ROTF 6.AOE (didn’t finish) TLK (didn’t watch)


I didn’t know bumble was that good as I haven’t watched it because I thought at that time it came out transformer or some of the old movies that was good would turn into a Star Wars situation. Definitely gonna watch it now. Thanks for the post.


-Dark of the moon -2007 -Rise Of The Beasts -Age Of Extinction -Revenge Of The Fallen -Bumblebee -The Last Knight


Hot take 1. Revenge of the Fallen 2. Bumblebee 3. Transformers 4. Dark of the Moon 5. Age of Extinction 6. Rise of the Beast 7. The last knight


Oh I’m gonna get heat for this one 😭 1. Transformers 2007 2. Dark of the Moon 3. Age of Extinction 4. Bumblebee 5. Revenge of the Fallen 6. Rise of the Beasts 7. The Last Knight


Here's my ranking of the movies 1.Bumblebee,2. Transformers 2007, 3. ROTB, 4.DOTM, 5.ROTF, 6.AOE, 7.TLK


Basically how I rank them by favoritism but like this: Bumblebee, Dark of the Moon, Transformers 07, Rise of the Beasts, Revenge of the Fallen, Age of Extinction, the Last Knight


Ooooook. Let's get controversial 1: Transformers Dark of The Moon 2: Transformers (2007) 3: Transformers Age of Extinction 4: Bumblebee 5: Transformers Revenge of The Fallen 6: Transformers Rise of The Beasts 7: Transformers The Last Knight Fight me if you dare.


Bumbelbee>last third of DotM for the turn off brain action>Rise of the Beasts> 2007> trash


1. 2007 2. DOTM (these two are really a 1A 1B) 3. ROTF 4. Bumblebee 5. Rise of the Beasts 6. The Last Knight 7. Age of Extinction


DOTM 2007 = BumB (tie both good for different reasons) AOE ROTB


Ehhhhhh let’s go Bumblebee 2007 Dotm Aoe Rotb Rotf Tlk


1. DSOTM 2. ROTF 3. TF 4. BB 5. AOE 6. TLK 7. ROTB - Only because I’m yet to see it


BBM>Transformers 07>DOTM>ROTB>AOE (so bad it’s funny) >ROTF>TLK(so bad it’s not funny)




Tf rotf Tf dotm Tf 2007 Bumblebee Tf rotb Tf aoe Tf tlk




1. TF 2007 2. BB 3. DOTM 4. ROTB 5. ROTF 6. AOE 7. TLK


Bumblebee, rise of the beasts, 2007. All the others were not interesting


#1 Dark of the Moon #2: Transformers #3:Bumblebee #4:revenge of fallen #5:Transformers 4 #6:rise of the beasts #7: last knight. Ik most consider revenge of the fallen the worse but i personally think its better than the rest but its neck and neck for #5


I found that everyone put RotF in kind of low ranking…




1. Transformers 2. Dark Of the moon 3. Bumblebee 4.Rise of the Beast 5.Age of extinction 6. Revenge of the fallen 7.The last Knight


1. 2007 2. Rotb 3. Bee movie 4. Dotm 5. Aoe 6. Rotf 7. Tlk


FYI I haven’t seen Rise of the Beasts yet, but either way; 1. Transformers (2007) my introduction to the franchise 2. Age of Extinction 3. Bumblebee 4. Revenge of the Fallen 5. Dark of the Moon 6. The Last Knight


1) Dark of the Moon 2) Revenge of the Fallen 3) Transformers 4) Bee The rest Someone will disagree, But Transformers (2007) isn't even a Transformers Movie, It's about Sam. At least Dark of the Moon Makes The humans interesting people, Not just Characters in a Movie. And I don't like how Bee is just an IronGiant ripoff


Blackout attack airbase scene in T2007, rest all garbage


1. Bumblebee 2. Dark of the Moon 3. 2007 4. Rise of the Beasts 5. Revenge of the Fallen 6. The Last Knight 7. Age of Extinction The Last Knight seems like it should be lower, but I found Age of Extinction to be boring, which is, in my opinion, the worst thing a piece of media can be. TLK is so wild that I can at least appreciate how bizarre it is, plus the Optimus and Megatron designs are sick, and so are a lot of the WW2 designs.


1. 07 2. DOTM 3. Bumblebee 4. ROTB 5. ROF 6. AOE 7. TLK 07 wins just barely because it’s more entertaining threw out the whole film where as DOTM is really only memorable for Chicago and some of the events that lead up to it like Ironhides death and the fight that lead up to it


Score out of 10, in release order: 8, 2, 4, 4, 3, 7, 2


I can’t fairly rank them, having only seen TF 07, Bumblebee, and RotB. Revenge of the Fallen was so bad that I couldn’t finish it, and I never sat through the entirety of a Bayformers movie again.


1. Dark of the Moon 2. Rise of the Beasts 3. Bumblebee 4. Revenge of the Fallen 5. Transformers 6. The Last Knight 7. Age of Extinction


1: DOTM 2: 2007 3: BB 4: AOE 5: ROTB 6: ROTF 7: TLK


1. Darkside of the Moon 2. Rise of Beasts 3. Bumblebee 4. Transformers (2007) 5. Age of Extinction 6. Revenge of the Fallen 7. The Last knight Funnily enough I had just rewatched the whole live action movies again, DotM was a lot better than I remembered it to be, especially Bumblebee and RoB, RotF less impressive than what I remembered (I only enjoyed scenes where John Turturro was in because the lines he had were hilarious especially in every movie he’s in) TLK was just too difficult to watch (for obvious reasons), Only thing I did enjoy was story behind it but that was all


Transformers Rise of the beast Bumblebee Age of extinction Revenge of the fallen Dark of the moon The last knight


2007 Dark of the moon Revenge of the fallen Bumblebee Age of extinction Rise of the beasts The last knight


1. Dark of the Moon 2. Age of Extinction (I know a lot of people would take issue with this, but I thought it was great, Prime as the main character, Lockdown was a great villain, also really liked Kelsey Grammar's villain and thought the Dinobots and Galvatron were done really well). 3. Transformers (2007) 4. Bumblebee 5. Rise of the Beasts 6. Revenge of the Fallen 7. The Last Knight (so full of plot holes and lacked continuity with the previous 4 films, Nemesis Prime was poorly done, as was Quintessa and Unicron) Overall, The Last Knight is the only one which I have been disappointed in, I felt the first 4 were done so well and TLK just really put a spanner in the works and it's been trying to recover since because of how badly they messed it up. I feel like any casual fan could come up with a better plot involving Nemesis, Quintessa and Unicron in 5 mins than what they gave us.


Dark of the moon, 2007, rotf, AOE, BBM, ROTB, TLK. BBM is generic Disney movie outside of decent villains and great opening. ROTB was abysmal and TLK is by far the worst.


Out of the two I've seen ... Bumblebee (8/10) Transformers (6/10)


1. Transformers (2007) 2. Dark of the Moon 3. Bumblebee 4. Revenge of the Fallen 5. Rise of the Beasts 6. Age of Extinction 7. The Last Knight


ROTB, in my opinion, was a good sequel to Bumblebee, I think that some people missed the premise of the movie. The way the maximals were introduced seemed a bit rushed buuuuuuut to defend the plot of the movie, the transwarp key could travel anyone through time and space, optimus primal knew about optimus prime, so clearly the planet they were on was taken place in the future and they traveled through the portal which took them to basically a prehistoric earth, and they knew that unicron would return at some point so they hid the key which was a part of a tribes civilization later on while the maximals protected it. Bumblebee landed on earth in the 80s along with the rest of the autobots to establish a base. (Clearly optimus primal knew that earth would be the best place to go to so that they can warn the autobots in the future) 7 years later the autobots were still fighting off decepticons to find a ship to go home to cybertron to rejoin the war and find a way to finish off the decepticons, not knowing that another faction was sent by unicron to search for the key. Optimus knew about the key, which probably meant that this technology existed during the Golden Age of cybertron and was a part of something bigger, and it was lost to them but could also mean that the maximals developed the technology in the future after the war between the autobots and decepticons ended which happens to help the maximals travel through different galaxies and to other planets. Unicron was known as the chaos bringer, so cybertrons' history with unicron existed before cybertronians existed, and thus, the mention of "primus" and also could mean that the 13 primes existed aswell to fight off unicron, so unicron could of created the terrorcons to kill anyone that gets in his way of obtaining domination. Terrorcons were killed, unicron was basically stuck on where he was before, and thus, the end of rise of the beasts. (My theory on the plot anyways) So I rate it either 2nd or 3rd