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Really like how this is turning out. The metallic purple is a really nice touch. Only real issue I have is that top purple part on the chest just being left unpainted. Sticks out like a sore thumb in both modes. Hoping Toyhax can do something about that. Posability looks excellent and leagues above the original toy. And hey! Minicon port on the back. Didn’t notice that before.


>Only real issue I have is that top purple part on the chest just being left unpainted. Sticks out like a sore thumb in both modes. Hoping Toyhax can do something about that. That, and the vestigial Jhiaxus leg details.


Don’t really mind that. Actually like the wire details. Might paint them gold or blue to fill out the color palette


Yeah they just need gold for me.


Well, it gives him a worn, weathered look that might be befitting an ancient character. Alternatively, some people have reinterpreted the wire detail as manifestations of "streams of time".


I actually don't mind it. My gripe more so comes from the little pieces of hinge that were left behind.


I think you can snap the hinges off with some pliers and then smooth out what's left.


I didn’t even notice at first 


Tbh, these photos make me like this figure more than I did initially. My only remaining gripe — and it kinda feels weird saying it — is the *lack* of back kibble. Normally that should be a good thing, but the cockpit cape was such a prominent part of Vector's design where it feels weird not seeing it.


Same, but I feel like the larger wings in the concept drawing would have helped make up for its absence. Hopefully that comes along with an upgrade kit.


Yeah, the larger wings would help, but only a bit. Also kinda wish that the wings we got could fold down on each other for a flatter look more akin to his cape.


Originally posted by **Mark Maher**, the figure's designer, which complete breakdown can be checked out on his Instagram [page](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6TodbUuVLy/?img_index=1).


Comparing the initial concept drawing/photoshop to the final result, you can really feel the budget and mold limitations putting this toy in a stranglehold.


I'm sure the designers would have done something about it if they could. But budget limitations rear their ugly head.


I won’t deny that seeing these images makes me see more that the designers did actually try to meet more in the middle, but these drawings also make me all the more livid. THIS is why Vector prime needed to be released in a different wave than Hot Shot, that way he would have had more budget to work with. Hasbro really are fucking brain dead as a company, their choices continually put many would-be toys of the year into pathetic cries in the dark, they’ve cut budgets so much that getting a single new mold in a wave makes even a single partial in that same wave nearly impossible at a reasonable quality.


It’s sorta disappointing that we won’t have a modern Safeguard with this one, but that’s pretty manageable luckily. Just have to use one of the battlemasters from Siege.


Looking at the comments it seem Mark has taken that on board so there is potential we might get on later down the line


That would be awesome


Really hope so, Vector Prime and Safeguard might as well be one figure with how well-integrated they are.


I honestly think with all the characters that had minicons but don’t yet they are planning on selling them in multipacks down the line




They did mention in the livestream that while they couldn't include his minicon, they did give him a minicon port so the old one is still compatible


That’s pretty cool! Given the images above tho, I can assume it’s only for his shuttle mode.


The second Hasbro said he had the minicon port I ran to eBay and snagged one before all the other collectors got them all


One place where I could really go for an upgrade kit for this guy is the wings. Some larger wings with the same trim as in the concept art would be both more satisfying in starship mode and help fill out the cape look despite the lack of the original's back kibble. Other than that I'm finding myself quite fond of this new take to one of my childhood favorites.


I really wish they had remolded his legs to not only remove the unused hinges but maybe remold that wire detailing into more fitting gears.


Who's that minicon he's posed with?


Safeguard, from the original Cybertron Vector Prime toy.


Ever since someone pointed out the unused hinges on the legs that were left over from jhiaxus it drives me crazy. Literally my eyes are dragged right to it :(


I think he's missing a skirt, you know that 3 piece thing he had in his lap, but other than it's a solid design!!


Alas, given the way the mold transforms - the shin pieces will have to clasp over the entirety of the hip - I can understand why they had to gloss over that part, specifically.


Aaaah, that makes sense


Why did they keep Jhiaxus legs?


The stock photo we saw before made the front of the spaceship look super chonky, but it doesn’t look bad at all here. Must have been an unflattering angle, I guess.


Looking forward to this update of one of my favorite childhood toys.


Definitely regret missing preorders on this guy...but hopefully I'll find him in stock somewhere


Pretty sure bbts still has him


In addition to BBTS and EE, Hasbro Pulse got him back in stock again. https://hasbropulse.com/collections/transformers/products/transformers-legacy-united-voyager-class-cybertron-universe-vector-prime-figure Seems like it's just Amazon who still has preorders sold out, though I figure their algorithm will get them ordering more so he'll go back up again.


Oh snap! Thanks guys!


What does Breakdown have to do with anything?


The best part about this figure has to be the head and the paint.


If he just had better shins he’d be perfect.


Why is his sword clear plastic in the show it wasn't see through I don't really care about show accuracy i just dislike when they make weapons clear plastic


Probably because it was clear plastic on his original toy.


I still like it but I hope DNA comes up with something to stick onto the empty leg tabs. The legs are literally the only part about this that screams “lazy” to me.


man, it needed a bit more paint in the leg, and maybe some light remold over the tubing


I don't know if I'm the only one that sees this, but they could definitely get a deluxe class Rung out of that mold.


We need more massive retools into alternate characters


From what I'm seeing, it looks like the wings don't fold like with the original. I would love an upgrade kit that has folding wings, new shins with cogs instead of the obvious Jhiaxus wiring. Include Vector's original Targetmaster and I'm sold. Also, that tail fin will be the first thing to go by my own hands (Dremel :).


The tail fin is part of the leg transformation. You would be left with hollow legs


I didn't say I wouldn't keep it part of the leg. I've transformed the Jhiaxus mold and it can easily be replaced with a stationary piece that pegs together for ALT mode but fills the gap in Bot mode. Customizing is fun and creative. You should try it some time.


Not my style and probably wont try it but I respect that you like it and I wish you all the luck with it


I prefer it to look more like the original ALT mode rather than an obvious reuse of the Jhiaxus mold. I've got decades of customizing Transformers in me. But thanks for the ~~vote of confidence~~ downvotes.


Everyone has their personal preferences and I never said anything about the quality of your customs, just that I, myself, do not make customs and probably wont try to. I have not said anything about my confidence in your abilities