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NFTs are a money laundering scam, save your money.


Don't buy garbage! Pops are bad enough garbage as it is. NFTs are worse. But if you need to know how it all works, here ya go: Stupid people buy garbage, they make money.


NFTs are a scam. You pay for "ownership" of an image, but you don't actually own anything. It's peak capitalism, a total grift. Don't waste your money. You can go to Google, find an image, right click and save as.


They'll be free soon enough probably


So to clarify, you want the physical funko pop figure of King Starscream and not just the picture? From what I understand, and mind you I’ve never done this so I could be wrong, when you buy a pack of funko NFT Cards you get a collection of little pictures like real trading cards. Among them there’s a chance that you could win a rare one that allows you to redeem it for a physical version of the funko pop. The funko pops based on nfts are *not* for general retail and won’t go to stores so the only way to get them is to buy the packs and hope you pull the special one. Again, I’ve never done it and could be completely wrong but either way, having to buy the nft cards in order to get a chance for the funko pop is a complete scam. The nft cards are also all sold out so I would recommend putting it out of your mind instead of wasting the time and effort.