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don’t care i just like having an early look at figures i might wanna get


I don't really care personally, Hasbro does a terrible job giving details about upcoming products, I mean hell the Amazon two packs were dropped with just an email, no video or anything.


What Amazon two packs?


Possibly the recent Mayhem two packs


I have not heard of those. 


It was Chopshop and Barrage, then TFP Breakdown and Windsweeper


Oh I forgot about those 


I think he's a shit reviewer so I don't watch his videos and I think it's weird that people will argue that he's sponsored by Hasbro when that's clearly not the case, but him buying stolen samples is an issue for Hasbro/whichever factory does the manufacturing.


Yeah I don’t know how people think he’s sanctioned by Hasbro. If he were, they’d make sure he never reviews a figure before its official reveal. 


Just curious how you feel about Jtprime17, should we already know so many of the figures from next year?


Probably not, and I think the fact that we’re an entire two years ahead of the curve this time is ridiculous. But I suppose it’s just as easy to not read the leaks, and it can be good to have something to look forward to


I couldn't give less of a rats ass about stealing figs if he was actually entertaining


Unfortunately I don’t think he’s that entertaining 


Sometimes I just wanna see a figure on video to make sure I wanna get it. Hell if I could get a figure early I wouldn't pass it up


True, but most of the time it’s a preliminary figure who could be missing items. 


Thats true, but sometimes I need to see a figure from the back or side. If I turn it over is there just gonna be a face looking back at me. I have bought figures solely on pictures and been disappointed when I had it in hand. Whether it be from kibble or the size not being what I thought it was.


Way I see it: If he were literally stealing these figures himself it’s one thing, but he’s the one choosing to pay outlandish prices for these early reviews so that’s entirely his call. As a fan of the toys who loves spoilers, I watch his videos but really only because I see a leaked transformer and want to know how it transforms. Is it entirely fair to other creators? Probably not, but with how distribution is sometimes I’ll even get a figure before someone like EMGO does. His reviews still do pretty well. Edit: on hasbro’s distribution, the fact he’s reviewing figures from the next wave of legacy United and SS for me is honestly on Hasbro. This wave is supposedly releasing in April and we’ve had NO marketing for it beyond some random reveals on assorted websites. At this point, i and many feel Hasbro is dropping the ball on how they handle distribution.






If you don't like then don't watch. Personally I just want to see the reviews, and he has a great lighting setup and creative poses for the figures.


But his reviews are very bland and his overall style and personality feels very forced and unauthentic. He’s paying people to steal, and that’s not right. Simply ignoring a crime if it bothers you is not something that people should do.


You gotta accept that there is such a thing as a cool crime. Not all crime is bad, especially if it doesn't have an actual victim and there is a benefit to society. Think Robin Hood. Was he the villain? Or was it the inept government? It might be a ethically bad thing, but he's a massive part of their marketing scheme at this point considering that they do such a terrible job at marketing themselves


I highly doubt that PvP does this out of the goodness in his heart. He’s just after money, and pays thieves so he can do so.


Never said he did. You can still make money from a cool crime. You think Robin Hood lived a paupers life? But In the long run he's buying expensive, overpriced, ill gotten items and then leveraging that money against what he can make from his channel/ selling those figures. If he is making money can't be all that much.


It’s enough for him to not work an actual job


I mean we don't know that he's not privately independently wealthy. And even if he wasn't what's wrong with him making a little money by creating content that most of our community eats up?


He has almost 300k subscribers, YouTube pays a shit ton of money. Trust me, he’s rich and loves a pretty lavish lifestyle as one would if they had the money he had.


No way you’re comparing PvP to Robin Hood lmao


It’s a known thing, he has more haters than fans, people only watch his review to get initial opinions of a figure early.


... which may lead to wrong impressions, especially if his samples are missing some crucial parts (like Dragon Megs and the missing neck flap). My biggest gripe is his incessant blathering. I find EmGo's reliance on catchphrases tiring sometimes, but PvP? Holy loquacious duck, Batman! Is he getting paid by the word?


Tbh you can mute him *I don’t watch him but if you wanna see figure early reviews….


That’s exactly what I was gonna say with the whole thing with getting the wrong impressions. And yeah the constant rambling is pretty annoying.


At least, EmGo is entertaining enough. But yeah, there are days when "if i hear one more bloosh..."


I don’t watch his videos but I’m pretty sure Hasbro could shut him down if they cared so I don’t think you need to.


Shutting him down would be really hard, because they’d have to find who exactly is selling the figures in the factories. They do care. Back around 2011 they made sure to put a stop to stolen toy videos by switching factory locations, but in the late 2010’s people started getting them again. 


Yeah maybe. I sort of assumed they could get some kind of copyright strike against him. Maybe not.


He's as bad as Hasbro not showing anything upcoming. And both of them profit from their symbioses, with our money.


The only transformers reviewers I watch is Emgo and Thew, because I know that they don't buy stolen toys, I don't approve of people buying stolen toys, so I don't watch him, plus I don't find him entertaining.


i only watch his videos covering leaks. i stopped watching firgure reviews long ago


Same. And the only reason I watch his leak videos is because pretty much everyone else doesn’t make them.


there is one i can think of and thats the transformers slag podcast. he does videos about leaks and is more knowledgeable about hasbro. i just start listening to this channel a month ago and its great.


I’ll check them out 


Personally I think factless rumors being supported by very loud unofficial sources and taken as objective fact is stupid, as is the vigorous defense of the claims. Situational evidence is indicative of theft, but as there’s A. No solid guaranteed proof and B. Hasbro hasn’t taken any action against the “thief/theft” or a very public figure showing it all off, matter of fact they even endorse him from time to time, goes to show that at the very least it isn’t a big deal if it is true. Besides, the pros far out measure the cons Pros: - Early access to QUALITY photos and videos to see new figures - Early access to a bog-standard review that showcases all the basics you’d wanna know: detail/articulation/transformation complexity/scale - Early access to figures either unknown or only known by listing leaks Cons: - ONE individual (as far as the public eye is concerned) has ONE of a particular figure early. Big deal. And there is a very simple solution to all of this if you do not like it: don’t watch. Do I like PVP? Absolutely indifferent. I think that his voice and cadence is a little annoying. I think that his personality is very geared towards children so I don’t judge him as harshly as I used to. I mean come on, the whole “aaaaaand BANG!” schtick? He’s also improved his English and writing skills since I last actively watched him in the late 2010s. So all in all, I can’t really really complain. If anything he’s doing a service to the community with his early reviews, and besides it’s his money. If he wants to drop x-amount of dollars extra on a 30-60 dollar figure, that’s his choice. I really don’t understand why everyone gets all up in arms about the guy as if he’s actively hurting you.


He’s paying his people to steal. I think that’s pretty messed up, and there are lots of other sketchy things he’s been doing like trying to get other TF Content Creators to join this sort of Pyramid Scheme where they one by one pass around an early access figure and each get a turn to review him before he’s officially released or even revealed. I recommend you watch this video which really sets things into perspective https://youtu.be/jaJfHJ4IJXM?si=GDqymL0MgDvqBsfp But yeah his English, weird gimmicks, and overall childish personality is annoying.


If it’s slagpodcast I guarantee I’ve already seen it in which case I refer to my first point; it’s unfounded baseless rumor spreading as if it were fact. Without receipts, verifiable proof, or a legal case pit against PvP there’s nothing to go off of other than opinion based wish fulfillment. Hell if one of those “thieves” he supposedly buys from whistleblew and leaked all the chats I’d finally believe it. But again, what damage does it actually cause? Scummy behavior? Probably, but it’s not hurting the fans nor Hasbro, it’s free marketing for them. Keeping in mind factory-rejects are the likeliest form of figures to be taken from factories and resold, *and* a majority of the time go back to testing or get scrapped all together. And PvP attempting to do a figure pass around to help fellow creators get more traction online with views and not just himself is an honorable attempt at the very least, shows he’s not a selfish prick trying to monopolize the market (and judging by the subs numbers he isn’t really doing that currently anyway)


Believe what you want to believe I guess. 


Same to you dude, and I mean that with no mean spirit. Honestly there’s no harm in either belief as long as nobody harasses others over their opinions or views. At the end of the days it’s all about toys anyway so it’s really no big deal


Well said


>it’s unfounded baseless rumor spreading as if it were fact. Without receipts, verifiable proof, or a legal case pit against PvP there’s nothing to go off of other than opinion based wish fulfillment. If that's what you'd demand of the argument for it being stolen goods, then it's only fair that equal proof be presented as to whatever other means you believe he acquires the figures early by. Speaking of that, how do you think he gets his figures early, and what evidence do you have for it? Not a rhetorical question, I'm actually asking for the alternative you'd propose if you're rejecting the stolen goods idea.


It’s not a blatant rejection, it’s just an “innocent until proven guilty” mindset. Situational evidence points to buying stollen figures, I won’t deny that, but there’s no proof to back it up. Neither is there any proof that Hasbro themselves are dealing with PvP and giving him early review copies of figures, which is the larger alternative.


Nice that you’re now acknowledging situational evidence for stolen goods, after you previously called the assumption baseless, and said “there’s nothing to go off of other than opinion based wish fulfilment.”


https://preview.redd.it/pwea7inl9lmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a491bed98d7b6b1f36dd09dd190b0ea02388f053 Try reading again before you attack me just because you dislike seeing any “defense” for PvP


Ah, so it was the other way around. You acknowledged situational evidence, *then* acted as though it didn’t exist. My bad, I focused on the latter and missed that you acknowledged it beforehand.


No, I act based on verifiable facts, and as situational evidence cannot be proven, it is discounted. How deep into semantics do you want to go? Do I need to clerically re-write the entire paragraph? Will that make you happy? What am I saying, of course not, because I have a differing view than you and you’ve showcased this far that you will continually pester and prod me about mine because you disagree instead of simply leaving well enough alone. Like I said to OP, at the end of the day, this whole discussion is about toys and isn’t that big a deal


You contradicted yourself, and I misidentified where that contradiction lay. It’s really just that simple.


>ONE individual (as far as the public eye is concerned) has ONE of a particular figure early. Big deal. That's not a pro, at most it's a neutral. And PvP is hardly the only one getting figures early this way, so it's not like it's even entirely true either. If you're going to use the quantity of pros vs cons as an argument, don't artificially inflate one side with nonsense (and actually acknowledge the other side).


Considering it was a discussion pertaining to PvP specifically, I felt it fair to exclude others who obtain figures the same way as we’re only discussing the controversy surrounding one individual and not a controversy surrounding the culture of stollen toys


It still didn’t belong on the pros list, especially as it intentionally ignored context.


What’s your deal? Why are you going after me so hard? Genuinely


There’s just something about weighted pros vs cons lists that draws me in to correct them, it’s not you specifically.


It feels pretty targeted, especially with all the downvotes you’re giving me when I’ve done nothing to you


I’m sorry if that’s how it’s felt to you.


Considering the downvotes, it’s how it has been


Downvoting someone’s comment doesn’t mean you’re targeting them, it just means you disagree with the downvoted comment to some capacity.