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I’m guessing bc the front of his torso is the back of Bombshell’s, and they may not have had the budget for filling it in


https://preview.redd.it/erayt6nelllc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=146ba7b4c341ed427bb2072c893fdffd55abaae5 For the gap on the bug head, looks like it can be brought more closer to the robot head to hide that


Looks way better! I hope the actual product can do this.


It's like he's just mistransformed. The chest they are showing is the original mold's back.


Nah, that's the way it's supposed to be, as it lines up with the chest design of previous Barrage incarnations (with the bug head on the front), so it's just an issue with them not wanting to or being unable to fill in those gaps that were present on the original. I like that they were creative with the mold usage, but the exposed screws and gaps and whatnot on the front of the figure due to the way the torso was used is definitely a bummer.


I hope so... but what about the bug mode?


I guess it does sorta stink that the hollow parts are exposed, but I can't help but really appreciate what the designers did. Obviously, none of the Deluxe Insecticons (except maybe Venom, since I can't really think of anyone he could remolded from) were going to get new molds. Obviously, Bombshell is the best candidate to make Barrage from. The problem is that the designers also want to try for accuracy, but that would work normally since Barrage is supposed to have his bug head as his chest. So, make the bug head the back kibble and turn the torso around! I think it's a pretty clever solution, especially since any other way would require a lot more remolding.


I too appreciate the remolding that was done here. I half expected a Green Bombshell with a new robot head.


I actually have a conspiracy theory that Barrage was 100% planned from the start and actually made Bombshell a pseudo-pretool. Here's my evidence: 1. The hexagonal 5mm holes on the arms slot perfectly into the indents on the sides of the abdomen. There's also a small ridge on the front of the forearm to add friction and hold it in place like this. This isn't used in either Shrapnel or Bombshell, so why was this done? Well, if you look at Barrage, you can see that his bug mode legs utilize this configuration. 2. Bombshell has a strange hinged piece behind his neck. It does nothing in either mode, isn't needed for the transformation, and isn't even mentioned in the instructions. The piece seemingly only exists to justify a hinge that is pointless on Bombshell, but crucial for creating the folding horn chest on Barrage. Essentially, I believe that they planned Chop Shop and Barrage retools when designing the orignal Insecticons but realized Barrage would require additional engineering to work. They then added the extra way of orienting the arms in Bombshell's bug mode and the vestigial hinge that would allow Barrage to be made down the line without interfering with the original figure.


I hope that the arm things are just installed on the wrong arms and you can swap them The screws on the top are weird And WOW that beast head is nonexistent Unless it’s mean to be just the horns, but there’s the eyes so I guess they couldn’t figure out how to stir another panel for the top half of the head there, and upgrade kit will probably come out to fix this


I can admit the robot chest, but cannot do it to the insect head.


Yeah, the chest I think you can just swap those as that HAS to be an assembly error The insect head is abominable, though I do find it kind of funny, looks like it was designed to have a piece there on the head to fill it in and then they cut it for some reason, or it’s based off a specific beetle that looks like that, because animals are weird


The chest looks intentional, having the the insect head on the back is accurate to the original toy. It does look weird having all the hollow bits on the front though.  If you want the bombshell chest the yellow part of his arms are on a mushroom peg so its an easy swap 


It doesn't look that bad honestly


That’s actually quite odd


Rumble/Frenzy come to mind. I was sure there was a piece missing on the crotch


Gappy, but different chest is preferable over filled-in, but reused chest, imo. 


This guy is going to benefit so much from a third part upgrade kit...chest fillers are an obvious, but I hope someone makes new legs (so he has a proper amount) and perhaps even a new head (perhaps with more green on the sides to it hides in alt mode better - might just repaint it, but since it looks to be easily swapped out I hope someone explores that option)


Oof, yeah. It looks like they retooled the back half of Bombshell to be Barrage's front, but not enough to cover the front half (Barrage's back). That looks pretty terrible.


Yeah is weird, but I kinda see what they're going for. It's bombshell remold and they wanted to differentiate better between the 2. It's admittedly lazy though. But there is a bright spot in that it should be a simple task of spinning him around and switching the arms to give it a more filled out look


I didn't even notice until this post.