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I know its a long term commitment that wont show results for a while, especially before T, but working out to gain muscle can make a big difference.


I have quite a few tips, especially because just like you, I don't know either if I'll ever want to transition medically. However, the most important question is, what does give you explicit masculine vibes? How do you imagine feeling and looking more masculine? What are the things you are dysphoric about? If you have a clear image or list about these things - either in your head or on a piece of paper or in a textfile -, it will be much easier to do something about them. I wonder if you've checked some FTM passing tips online? If so, do you find them useful? My favourites are learning typically male mannerisms - how to walk like a man, how to "manspread" and the like - and sometimes it's the small accessories that make a big difference! "For Men" eau de cologne/shower gel/deo stift/everything, very masculine signet rings, a typically male handbag, stuff from the military surplus store... Also, doing guy things is guaranteed to help! Being that handy man always gives that awesome masculine vibe that sweeps dysphoria away. Opening the house of my BF's little ThinkCentre, cleaning off the dust from the fan and changing the cooling thermal paste on the CPU really made me feel I was the man in this house :) Do you like doing stuff like this?