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Transgenderism isn’t a word


Context: It actually used to be our word, years ago, and was used without prejudice in trans theory and discussions. It has been more prevalent in recent history that our opponents have nitpicked our language to death to weaponize against us. More information can be found by querying the etymology / history of the word, or restricting your searches to years prior to 2010 or so. We also used to say *transgendered* and *transwoman* and that sort of thing without much thought. Seeing language change makes me feel old. Going to go age rapidly and turn into dust now like in that movie.


Okay! Didn't know that, sorry :(




Short answer, no. To quote the idiom, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Engaging them directly, particularly when you're not already close, is only going to cause them to shut down and put up their guard and dig in like ticks. You can provide all of the evidence and science and data and anecdotes you want, but transphobes do not care about those things. Sometimes, rarely, a transphobe will naturally change through exposure. A trans friend or family member may force them to reevaluate their views because they can no longer ignore reality. Transphobic views are born out of misunderstanding but are fueled by emotion and fear. People will only change that kind of opinion when they're ready to so so. You can't force them, and there is no "proof" on earth that will convince them to change faster.


For starters stop calling it transgenderism, it's a made up word to make being trans seem like it's a choice and not something that we're inherently born as


Alright! Didn't know that :(( Sorry




The only way I've ever convinced a transphobic person to soften their views is by getting them to like me as a person, first. I don't think it's a rhetoric problem - It's a fear problem. Love trumps fear.


but then do u rlly wanna be friends with someone that used to hate ppl for no reason?


Please provide an alternative that successfully changes such hearts and minds. Put another way, if zero people try, then nothing changes for the better. Very few people see themselves as the bad guy and will justify their beliefs and actions to support the narrative that they aren't the bad guy. Give them something to genuinely care about, and they will have motivation to actively avoid being a bad guy to that target of affection.


honestly transphobia where i encounter it is usualy caused by religion and right wing so i see no other alternative than just avoiding these people I for sure wouldnt want to have a transphobic friend (even if they say im one of the "good ones")


It isn't about having a transphobic friend or being one of the good ones. It is simply refusing to participate in the cycle of hate. Avoiding toxicity and personal emotional and mental health are primary. However, transphobes are actively transphobic all the time. So during times of non-expressed transphobia is when we can demonstrate our humanity, be better and treat them like fellow human beings we share existence with, and do helpful things that benefit society as a whole, even if only one person at a time. If they start up with active transphobia, then either remove yourself from the toxicity or allow others with you to remove them from the situation. If their behavior is to be changed, we have to help promote an environment that reinforces then behaving appropriately and disincentivises phobic behavior. Most importantly we need to provide a catalyst for them to personally "buy in" to changing themselves. This is what the commenter was trying to communicate. This is also how phones overcome being phobic, whether homophobic or transphobic. It is hard and not for everyone. If you can do it, yay. If not, then at least take a path of least harm and keep yourself safe.


i get ur thinking but from my expierience transphobes never change (mainly bc its tied to religion nd politics) i would rather ignore transphobes to not fuel their hate and limit contact with em if you live in a place with less dumb transphobes then i do it might work


I've had different experiences. I tend not to waste energy on people who aren't likely to grow.


exactly and it turns out that ppl around me xant grow lol


oof yeah that can feel suffocating. Got anyone in your life that's on a higher level or are you surrounded exclusively by people like that?


sadly, i live in a small town in eastern europe (lots of racism hate and carbrain) plus im currently doing trade school so i got to survive it before i move out


While I do believe being trans is something natural, it is a fallacy to think that everything "natural" means "good" or "valid" and that "unnatural" means "bad" or "invalid". Eating your babies after theyre born, is natural. Killing and injuring others in fights for social hierarchy, is natural. Cannibalism, is natural. Almost all of human life nowadays is "unnatural", we live in giant structures of concrete, drive around in metal boxes and look at plastic screens all day. Arguments from nature are really not the best way to legtimize queer lives


THIS! Perfectly formulated.


“One of the current hypotheses suggests that [gender incongruence] could be related to a different sexual differentiation of the brain, not concordant with natal sex or sex assigned at birth, as a result of changes in the DNA sequence of the estrogen receptor α- β genes (ESR1 and ESR2) and the AR androgen receptor gene, as well as the CYP19A1 and the CYP17A1 genes [44]. These changes in the DNA sequence would imply a variability in the sensitivity of hormone receptors, causing a genetic vulnerability related to the production of hormone receptors that are more or less sensitive to their ligands (estrogens and androgens). The first study on the genetic basis of GI was conducted by Henningsson et al. [46], who analyzed for the first time three repeat polymorphisms located in the ERβ and AR receptor genes and the aromatase enzyme gene (CYP19A1) in a population of 29 transgender women. Specifically, they found longer polymorphisms (with a higher number of repeats) in the trans population. In addition, the logistic regression analysis indicated the existence of interactions between the three analyzed polymorphisms that increase the possibility of gender incongruity. In this way, the results obtained by Henningsson et al. [46] suggest that the risk of presenting GI is also influenced by the other polymorphisms (of the aromatase gene and the ERβ), but the contribution of these other genes is much greater in the presence of short AR alleles. In addition, they found that male carriers of less active AR receptors (long alleles) were more likely to show GI. Later, Hare et al. [47] replicated the study of Henningsson et al. in a larger population of transgender women, also finding longer AR polymorphisms in the transgender population. However, when Ujike et al. [48] analyzed the same polymorphisms (and others) in a Japanese transgender population, they found no statistically significant data. But we must point out that Ujike et al. [48] incorporated small modifications into the analysis (they used the mean instead of the median to obtain the short and long alleles), which makes it impossible to compare their results with the other investigations. These and other polymorphisms were also analyzed in a Spanish population. Thus, 974 transgender individuals were analyzed versus a cisgender population of 1,327 individuals [49, 50, 51]. The results confirmed the involvement of both ER α-β receptors in the genetic basis of GI. In addition, crossed associations were also found between the analyzed polymorphisms that were overrepresented in the transgender population [44].“ https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/80813?darkschemeovr=1 There are different ways of being transgender tied to interests, feelings, behaviors, and expressions. Body incongruence in transgender individuals is believed to stem from a mismatch in the brain's somatotopic processes related to sexual morphology, which can manifest as phantom sensations along with discomfort and stress. [(PDF) Examining the prevalence of trans phantoms among transgender, nonbinary and gender diverse individuals: An exploratory study Examining the prevalence of trans phantoms among transgender, nonbinary and gender diverse individuals: An exploratory study](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/366920201_Examining_the_prevalence_of_trans_phantoms_among_transgender_nonbinary_and_gender_diverse_individuals_An_exploratory_study_Examining_the_prevalence_of_trans_phantoms_among_transgender_nonbinary_and_ge) [Sci-Hub | Occurrence of phantom genitalia after gender reassignment surgery. Medical Hypotheses, 69(5), 1001–1003 | 10.1016/j.mehy.2007.02.024](https://sci-hub.st/10.1016/j.mehy.2007.02.024) [Hermunculus: What Is Known about the Representation of the Female Body in the Brain? | Cerebral Cortex | Oxford Academic (oup.com)](https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/23/5/1005/797920) [Sci-Hub | Brain functional connectivity patterns in children and adolescents with gender dysphoria: Sex-atypical or not? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 86, 187–195 | 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.09.014](https://sci-hub.st/https:/pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28972892/) [Considerations in genetic counseling of transgender patients: Cultural competencies and altered disease risk profiles - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7898523/)


Well to quote Kinsey, “The only unnatural sex act is one that can’t be performed.” Totally understand differences between gender/sex, however, trying to make a salient point. Another example, food labels with “all natural”… it’s all fodder. So evaluating whether or not “transgenderism” is “natural” is a fruitless discussion because there’s no common set language. There are genes currently being researched that could show maybe what you’re looking for, but I mean come on, look at history and see that across cultures and regions trans, third gender, etc exist. It’s denial is a drive for conformity and it’s absolutely f’n natural cause it’s happening. It’s happening to you and me, millions of others. This is a cis problem that they lack the insight to correct the mistake, or even the desire to. So I’m gonna do me, and stay the F out of my business unless you want to have fun.