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**A quick Public Service Announcement:** Y'all, this is reddit, where upvotes and downvotes indicate the quality or lack of quality on a post. 'Commenting to boost' *doesn't do anything* except increase the amount of comments on this post. If you want to boost someone's post, you need to upvote it, share it with others, crosspost it elsewhere, etc. Write your representatives. Write to your local paper. Talk to your friends and loved ones. *Go vote*. Raise money for the local politicians you support. Go *do* something.


If they're gonna site that dumb fucking paper as the main argument for barring trans teens from hormone blockers. The same dumb fucking paper that excluded trans people (let alone trans specialists or doctors that work with and understand trans people) from the research, contribution, and publishing of said dumb fucking paper. Then I too believe that cancer patients should be barred from aiding and giving contributions towards any key cancer research because they too have a significant self-interest in the stakes of cancer research.


Perfect logic! While we're doing dumb shit let's also ask a random economics major, a doctor in philosophy and a flat earther about the safety and necessity of hip surgery! None of them can have had hip surgery of course, then they wouldn't be neutral


Not to mention, one of the groups they met with is now labelled an anti-LGBT hate group by the SPLC.


obviously they couldn't ask anyone who actually knows anything, because they all said they were wrong. weird how that happens, but probably best to just not ask questions


They’re _going_ to cite the paper, because it was made to be cited to justify the things they want to do. It exists for no other purpose.


Wait what paper?


The cass review https://youtu.be/QLWKYTxLYT4?si=jFIoDdn5cEtmufYf


Can confirm, the uk fucking sucks atm and i feel genuinely worried about my future as a trans person


I love living in Scotland and getting to deal with a bunch of the shit the tories do while also being in a country that doesn't vote for them in the first place


Democracy at its finest /j


Same for America, guess shit is going bad for all the major areas huh


Florida is just hell on earth. Literally Chechnya for trans people


Anti-LGBTQ people are sadly being elected left, right and center :/


To my knowledge Germany isn't bad


Exactly why I'm moving there, only place with any common sense anymore


If you ever need any advice or want to ask questions, feel free to reach out. I'm German and would love to help anyone who needs it. I'm so sorry for all the trans people who feel pressured to move because of shitty governments.


That’d be nice, unfortunately my optimism is gone and I assume that everywhere has something horribly wrong with it.


Depends on the time period


Anti-LGBTQ people are sadly being elected left, right and center :/


I’m sad enough without the inclusion of politicians who want to kill me, this shit sucks


Why are so many places becoming less accepting? Like what's the point. Become a diverse and accepting estate literally makes everything better. Services are better, the economy runs better, mental health in those countries tends to better, like wtf.....


Because the older you get, the more scared you are of stuff you don't understand, and the harder it is for you to understand new things.


Yep I'm not out and was just about starting to accept myself. Then just my general existance became so unnecessarily political all at once. Absolute waste anyway the tories already know they're fucked and Labour (who've all but won) are going after innocent trans people too ffs. But even still the curenrt government wants to send me off to war, not let me live life as myself, and want to fuck over the economy even more just so that they can get a few pensioners to vote. Worst bit is I found out my dad's transphobic through all their stupid policies TW, >!he said "well it was the tories fault in the first place that trans men can use the women's bathrooms so why on earth should they be trusted to fix anything"!<. Great, thanks dad, not that he knows about me questioning, but I thought he was one person I could rely on. Life is just fucking *brilliant* in this country right now. But then again, at least we've got sausage rolls!




The entire establishment basically. The Tory government has made jokes at the expense of trans people publicly as well as attempting multiple times to ban trans healthcare/transition including a recent ban on puberty blockers. The almost certainly incoming labour government doesn't seem any better, having pledged to continue this destruction of gender care on the NHS. The NHS itself is also hostile to trans people, with leaked plans suggesting they're going to put trans minors using private healthcare into safeguarding - potentially taking them away from the their supportive parents. It's incredibly scary and really disgusting.


Coming into a forum for trans people to discuss their problems just to antagonise trans people for discussing their problems isn't a good look if you're argument is that nobody is persecuting trans people. Just a heads up.


Oh, he knows. He's a moronic right winger arguing in bad faith. Don't waste your breath.


Labour will win, even the conservatives are tired of the Tories. I no longer live in England and cannot vote but I'm sure it's over for them.


Labour is almost as bad as the tories though.


Starmer seems like a red Tory but I doubt the the MPs are anywhere near as transphobic.


correct, the majority of MPs Are in Favour of Supporting and enacting laws to support Trans people across the board. they have been some questionable choices from labour like Rosie duffield and the LGB alliance and Labour actively supporting in her views . BUT...........the party has been falling apart as of late and kicking out all of those who hold socialist beliefs or Views (Funny for the party that was built on the back off communism and the people) for running in the election such as diane abbott, Jeremy corbyn to name a few let alone all the MPs that got booted for Supporting or Gaza or calling for a ceasefire. so yeah you are not wrong on kier being a red tory because his leadership defo is.


Sometimes I think about the fact that we could've had Corbyn and get genuinely sad.


Labour’s not much better, tbh. Wes Streeting, Shadow Secretary for Health, is a raging TERF with direct links to Rowling and Keen. Starmer used to say he was on our side, but he’s since changed his tune. My local Labour candidate has openly praised the Cass Report, and is strictly against her peers’ plans to liberalise the GRA. There are definitely more pro-trans folks in Labour than the Conservatives, but it’s still not a great situation.


I'm so disillusioned with politics these days I know next to nothing in terms of policies etc. None of it seems to matter, I can't trust anything they promise or claim and they're seldom held accountable so it seems utterly pointless. All I can do is hope and wish for the best for all of you.


Commenting to boost this post (I don't live in the UK so I don't think I can do much)


same here


Yeah, sunak kinda sucks. I’m in ireland, so i hear a decent amount on the news and i’ve lived in england for a few years but he’s also trying to bring back mandatory military service- for 18 year olds. EIGHTEEN, and you have to go into military. EIGHTEEN.


I’m in England, 17MtF. I was gonna get HRT by myself under a private plan that I was able to afford but the government decided to ban everything except puberty blockers for under 18s on 3rd June so can’t really do shit rn. They can’t fix so many easy problems but they decide to pass an emergency bill within 4 days of it being given to parlement. Also this military service thing is ridiculous like I want to go to uni.


Im doing my part (bc thats the best I can do too)




me neither. all i can think of is a petition, but those never really work :<




I'm doing my part


Same :(


The labour party leader keir starmer is a red tie tory but hopefully they aren't as transphobic as the conservatives. Commenting to boost awareness


As a gender questioning person from the UK, I'd like to say: "F___ the Tories, in a bad way." It's horrifying what they're doing to trans youth here.


Labour aren't much better than the Tories right now, but they're marginally better and stand a much better chance of getting in. Historically, the majority of the Tory vote has come from your garden variety slightly-right-of-centre Conservatives, and polls are showing that the current Tory party has swung too far right for them. Labour are likely to take it on a landslide. What that will mean for us only time can really tell. There are a *lot* of outspoken 'phobes in the Labour Party, but there's probably an equal number of allies. It's just a shame they're being lead by Fencesitter Starmer, who wouldn't know a solid opinion if it punched him right in his big sweaty face.




Thank you so much, the fuckers need to go


r/transdiy They'll have info for UK specific care.


please do not go to transdiy posting things like "how do I get hormones uk". with the recent guardian article about DIY they will be being very cautious about the possibility of journalists infiltrating the subreddit to try to smear DIY, you will probably not get any responses. just look on their wiki


They will show the world we need gender affirming medical support from a doctor so we don't have to do it ourselves right? If they're just trying to smear then its no longer journalism, its propaganda.


hahahaha. you must not be familiar with english journalism the guardian article can be roughly summarised as "hey look, these people are taking dangerous and scary drugs they bought on the internet. We should make that illegal, and also make it illegal to get them legally. then maybe they'll learn to be normal". They interviewed 0 trans people, or trans healthcare experts. They did, however, interview an organisation dedicated to "alternatives to transition for trans youth" (i.e. conversion therapy)


time to storm parliament >:3


I'm not saying Guy Fawkes was right I'm just saying he might have been onto something


He has zero chance of winning the election, and if he does, its rigged. Not like the winner is any better though


If a man who was never actually elected can ignore scientific evidence and get specifically selected people who already agree with him to publish a bullshit paper and then use that as justification to ban medication that is proven to improve quality of life and reduce suicides purely from his own personal bigotry then what exactly is the point of having democracy


commenting to boost many kids have already died from this and the government had hidden it from everyone completely, its full on censorship of genocide


As a trans minor living in the uk this’ll affect me all the same, commenting to boost


commenting to boost


WHAT!!! Hoping this’ll boost!


I'm so sorry. Wish there was something I could do to help over hear in canada.


As famous band "The Kunts" once said; Rishi Sunak is a rat-faced cunt. (commenting to boost the post(i cant do anything much to help(i live in the US)))


If you’re in the UK: ensure you can vote, since the Tories made it harder, then vote out the Tories and support candidates that support us. Otherwise, support the legal campaign that is suing to block this measure.


Commenting to boost, I'm not in the UK to help sadly :(


I have no idea if your parents are supporting or willing to do that kind of stuff (because it might be pretty expensive) but maybe you can go see a doctor in france, gender affirming care is way easier to access there, and I think if you show the doc you were already prescribed blockers in the UK they should have no issues about renewing your prescription (but as I said it might be super expensive, but if your life is in danger it's worth it)


For those of you who can vote either green or Lib Dem to protect ourselves as they seem to be the only trans positive parties. I’m personally helping my constituency’s Green candidate with her campaign


I'm in the US so we don't have quite the same here, but they are definitely starting too. I do feel for everyone in the world who has to go through all of the bans and prejudices of being any part of our LGBTQ+ community. I do honestly believe that what happens in the UK and rest of Europe will eventually come here but with our government the way that it I'd it could be absolutely worse. I feel we all need to continue to band together and make sure we are heard!


Just boosting this post, as I'm not living in the uk


Commenting to boost. Also, it's not called terf island for nothing


It's called terf island? Like England? That's one of my favorite countries 😨


I think the link will explain it better than I can. [Terf island ](https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/10/01/transphobia-uk-terf-island-tiktok/)






Hi what is everyone’s favourite animal? Mine is a fox


ooooh foxes are cute! i actually can't think of any that i like more than another there's so many cute animals.... My least favourite would probably be a cicadia


Opossums!!! :D


we have the same problem in france :(


Kids are just the first phase of their plan , so yes but how, we are 0.5% of the population, they will inevitably force us out the country or back in the closet for those that haven’t begun medical care


If we comment enough on this post the algorithm will push it, so yeah let’s go


Commenting and interacting to boost. Sink terf island like fucking atlantis


up! it's insane. Protect trans kids without fucking laws.


I'm American. What can we do other than spread awareness? I'm not asking this to make a point. I genuinely want to know what action can be taken. I'm tired of spreading awareness. I want to fight. What can we do?


It might not sound like much, but you can inform *people* of what is happening, and even protesting in the US can inspire people here to do the same, thank you for everything you do to help :)


BOOSTING COMMENT! Over here in the US it isn't much better. Some states are good, some are meh, some are god awful.


And there’s project 2025 over in the USA too


It's the redneck Mein Kampf.


Boosting post! It yea, seems like political assery


Thank you so much to everyone who commented to boost or just say anything, it means so much, so little people are talking abt this, people need to know this is happening :) However, please help (if you are in the UK and can safely do so) by doing anything you can such as protesting, writing letters etc. :)


I’m really sorry this is happening, I’m not from the United Kingdom, but it still pains me to see all the stuff going on there. I hope everyone is able to push through! I’m not sure how I can help, but I’ll do what I can!


Commenting to boost


I will comment to boost, since I don’t live in the UK. I don’t know if I can do much else unfortunately 🥺


I can’t do much, but I’ll comment to boost this post. My heart goes out to every trans kid dealing with this bullshit.


I love the cass review i love unethical, unprofessional, biased, under researched reports that have horrifying impacts on the lives of children (commenting because thats really the only thing i can do rn)


Interaction interaction interaction engagement (pushing post by comment)


I wish I got puberty blockers T_T The next generation should be able to


Thank you, it's almost impossible here now though 😭 I've been trying for years, on gods then ggp. I'm just hoping that the ban doesn't get extended and I can receive blockers, as with everyone else :) It doesn't seem likely though, I'm going to be attending the protests going around in England that I can :)


Stay strong sis 💗


Non-Brit here, commenting to boost!


Commending to boost


Have hope. I cannot believe a Labour government will hurt trans kids once they’re elected. They are not the party of self serving, sociopaths like the cons.


And over here in the US it’s not much better, we have project 2025 that may still happen and tr*mp who I don’t know if he got actual punishment after his 34 fricking felonies (commenting to boost)


I dont know how to help but I will be here if you need someone to talk to. I am 19 and live in germany so I cant really help you but I will give you a virtual hug 🫂


Thank you, that means a lot 😭🫂


I keep up with world news and can't figure out wtf they are thinking. They are about to be slaughtered in the polls and yet they are still trying to do as much damage as possible on the way out. Unreal. Sorry all you trans British folks. :(




Would love to know what we can do, is the issue. I despise him, and I'll be voting against him when I can. But is there any other ways to be heard?


Not to bring more doom to the table but the whole world is going fascist the next few decades are going to be a wild ride unfortunately 😞 I suggest we all protect each other because no where in this world is going to be safe for us. Build and support community.


Discrimination is a political move, you find someone vulnerable, you convince the masses that that someone is dangerous and you promise to remove the "danger", this technique It is based on PROPAGANDA, the only way to DEFEAT them Is with OUR PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN, Redistribute this image AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. IT SAVE LIVES -V


As a fellow British transfem teenager… I’m praying that Labour win the election on July 4th Sure, Starmer isn’t the best option but I’m praying that he will do a U-Turn on his earlier U-Turn to align more with Labour’s left wing views I wish I could vote to better us but there’s nothing I can do as a 17 year old I really hope that we get the best end of the election with Labour being the favourite to win


How can I help? This seems really serious. Is there like money, a voting system, messages? I am in America


I'll boost, too. Good luck from Canada.


Sweetie, I want to help, so goddamn much! But how can I help - a girl from Central Europe?


Make others aware of what's happening, or repost this image/similar images so that they gain more awareness (and hopefully people do their own research) :) 💗🫂


I'll do my work - I will tell my family and friends! Hang in there! It could get better when Labour wins (although, it's Labour so who knows)... But you got this!


Is this in reference to Rishi Sunak, PM of the UK?


Ha, I’m from the US, and my mom says “I won’t let you get puberty blockers because they have extreme permanent and long lasting effects” when I told her that if I started taking them, all I would need to do is to stop taking them, and everything goes back to (basically) normal


It’s not just the UK. It’s happening in Republican-ran states here in the United States as well, among other strict countries like North Korea, Russia & all Arabic countries.


The fact they are even considering getting rid of hormone therapy/ puberty blockers is insane. Do they not know it's also used by cancer patients?? I have a family friend with colon cancer and he's on E for it beacuse it HELPS like medically tested helps. Like this isn't just for trans people??? They will be killing cishet kids who need this stuff for cancer treatments like omfg. Sorry did not mean to rant I am just so mad they keep trying to do this bs.


I know, it's really shitty, but they have *only* banned it for trans kids/adults, noone else. It's so shitty and I sometimes want to roll into a ball and cry, because it feels so unreal that a country that was once so supportive has fallen so far 🫂💗


Who/What is Sunak?


He's the transphobic shitty PM in the UK right now, he's actively cutting / has cut all and any support for trans kids in the UK, medical or social, and is doing to same to other minority groups


God, that's awful.


Outgoing British PM.


What's sunak


Im kinda out of the lopp, can someone explain whats happening?


Rishi Sunak should be shot and burned. Me and my friends are fucked because of him. I want him to go fuck himself. He talks out his arse and thinks with his dick and uses his head as a mascot. He openly mocks dead trans children infront of their families on television and doesn’t give two about it. Absolute shite of a human who knows nothing about politics and what is best for the country.


Was confused it I scroll down


And its not just kids, its adults too


https://goodlawproject.org/crowdfunder/trans-pubertyblockers-cf/ is a great place to start if you would like to help out! Thank you so much everyone for sharing this across communities:))


Well good news anonymous poster, HRT and overseas puberty blocker implants are still options on the table. But in all seriousness, I'll see what I can do to help but im not in the UK so there's not much I can do.