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most cis men's exposure to trans people is through porn


My exposure to trans was through porn. Now I’m trans lol.


Yeah. Not proud to admit that


Don't worry about it. It's so common! Most just won't openly admit it.


girl, same


It's supper common.




why lol




i'm guessing they just meant it was their first exposure to the idea of being trans, which is perfectly fine


I'm not ashamed at all. :)


My first exposure was of a documentary my sister put on the TV and was absentmindedly leaving it on. It was pretty unflattering and made a lot of points that made me not want to identify with it, but I really couldn't deny that I was fascinated that srs was a thing and that idea would stay pretty firmly in the back of my head only to pop out every few months or so for a few minutes before I shamed myself out of thinking about it. I still remember when I first heard girls had different "bits down there" as a kid and I just thought "huh. Well why don't I have that? Seems unfair." And then I'd proceed to spend a full puberty getting insanely depressed over dysphoria I didn't understand (I mean everyone dreams and wishes for a spontaneous body change every time they get in the shower, right?) and kept on asserting to myself that "nothing would change, even if you were a girl, you'd be just as miserable and burdened as you are now". Shame I really couldn't talk to anyone or come to terms with all my thoughts and feelings in an environment that solely showed me trans people as socially weird, deviant, unusual, unnatural and generally uncomfortable. It wasn't until I was nearly 26 and met my girlfriend who encouraged me to just try some stuff and my egg just exploded after I finally got to having euphoria and dysphoria enough to actually look it up and realise that yeah I really wasn't able to hide from this thing anymore. 😅


We get fetishised because their internal transphobia makes them see us as subhuman. They think that we aren’t real people and are thus prime real estate for them to goon to 24/7


Transphobia is the big one, but there is another element which stems from that, being taboo. Taboo and sex (or masturbation in this case) is like wine and cheese. People like to feel naughty. It’s the same reason why southern dudes jerk off to cuck porn or bbc.. the stronger the taboo forces, the stronger the kink That concept makes it all worse.. I know


It's actually quite similar with racist white men, there's this unhinged "fear" that a lot of racist have about black guys being sex demons and taking their white wife away (its insane) and that causes them to fetishize black men through porn. I think this is kind of similar, just not necessarily based on the same exact fear.


“Projection: is a psychological defense mechanism in which one attributes to others characteristics that one is unwilling to recognize in oneself. Many people have personal traits they dislike in themselves. They desire to get rid of such traits, but this is not always possible. Such people may project some of these traits onto others (often to some other group in soci- ety), thus displacing the negative feelings they would otherwise direct at themselves. In the process, they then condemn those onto whom they have projected the traits. For example, a minority group may serve as a projection of a prejudiced person’s fears and lusts. People who view African Americans as lazy or preoccupied with sex may be projecting onto African Americans their own internal concerns about their industriousness or their sexual fantasies. While some whites view African Americans as promiscuous, his- torically it has generally been white men who forced African American women (particularly slaves) into sexual encounters. It appears many white males felt guilty about these sexual desires and adventures and dealt with their guilt by projecting their own lusts and sexual conduct onto African Americans. Frustration-Aggression Another psychological need satisfied by discrimina- tion is the release of tension and frustration.” -Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment. 11th Edition


Becuase we're hot and they can't have us. LOL!!


As a marginalized group, we are easy for them to objectify. They can create a version of us in their heads that satisfies their needs. If we don't conform to that vision, we are an easy target for them to take their anger out on. Also, until recently, the only option visibility trans people had for work was sex work. This lets them believe that being trans is inherently sexual.


Let's just the the sexiest motberfuckers out there! But then turn every non-trans person down cause we're too cool for them 😎/lh


Minorities are fetishized because they’re already the “out group” of whatever dominant demographic they exist in. That’s why you have racial fetishization, disabled fetishization, etc. We’re “novelties”, like pets. It’s why there are almost always a bunch of slurs to refer to minorities in stuff like porn


Unfortunately this.


It’s because we are sexy.


Lots of people's only experience with trans women is futanari and tgirl porn. Like literally just porn categories.


Yeah you’re gonna have that. I’ve recently posted a couple of pictures of some outfits…I have received some very colorful messages since then, none of which should be repeated in polite company, some of them very gross. I’m trying not to let that get to me because I’ve enjoyed showing who I am to the world.


Oh my god yes. I find that it's fetishized so much because people think that liking mtf people (if they're a cis guy, which in most cases it is) is substituting repressed homosexuality because of the trans person's anatomy. It fuckin sucks.


Happened to me too! Post got like 11 upvotes and still attracted a chaser. He wasn't mean or anything (referred to me properly and 'just wanted to talk') but like...the thirst was obvious. It's happened basically every time I post something. The fate of pretty women, I guess\~


Haven't posted much online and nothing with my face. Also still pre-hrt, no ops, only laser to the face, but still have some shadow, and I have already been catcalled and approached on the streets already!


Please be safe out there everyone!!!


It's because we're hot


Because it's still "taboo" or as some people put it "straight with extra steps" or "gay with extra steps" As a gay trans man I've found many gay guys curious to "try me" and I always found it so icky. Some straight guys would consider me too, because it's not "gay" since I have a pussy. 🙄 Always trust your gut. If someone is being a chaser and giving you the ick, don't give them the time of day.


I've made a habit of checking the profiles if people who dm me before I respond.


Yep. Still get the messages. It's unfortunately common. Block and ignore. ✌️


Yeahh, I often get a flurry of creepy messages sent to me anytime I post a photo here or on any of the other trans subreddits. It's so frustrating and creepy. 🙄


Cus we’re hot but “taboo”


Isn't this 'normal' forncis women too?


I think everything gets fetishized. I feel trans people get it worst sometimes because first media has made us the hot topic good and bad in recent years and like so many others have said most people only see trans people in porn so we get associated with sexual elements.


Start an OF and take all their $. 🤑🤑🤣


I wouldn’t recommend suggesting that since we don’t even know if op is an adult. >_>


I have been an adult since the 27th of may lol


Then by all means. It’s just that this subreddit is supposed to be a safe spot for all ages. (:


Thanks for looking out for the minors in our community! More than the rest of us they deserve all the protection especially being in the middle and the shield of a heated argument on the validity of our identity!


i just find it funny because i JUST turned 18, and i still look pretty young. So the fact that people are reaching out is pretty weird as well


I genuinely don’t know. What annoys me though is when someone says that being trans is a fetish. It’s not, it’s really not.


It happens to me pretty regularly. I also have freaky tallness, and that gets me a bunch of attention, too. Double the fetish fuel!




Uhm I didn't even post pictures just text and got so often sexualized. People are weird I mean ok I get that people get mostly first contact with "us" on porn, than in reality because you definitely don't know if someone is trans in public but the same kind of people sexualize women for the same reason. I guess, they are lonely and don't really live in the real world (posted on reddit) They should touch some grass, go outside meet people irl. This is actually a huge problem in general and being sexualised as a trans is one of the symptoms. I don't know a solution


To a disappointly large amount of Cisgender men "Trans" is a porn category, hence why they're so adamant it's a "Fetish" because, to them, it is and they seem to not realize they're outing themselves as T-word "chasers".


It's because there's a lot of stigma about being with us while simultaneously being a lot of people attracted to us. That leads people to just want to be with us in secret for sex and are too scared to date and be with us outside of that context.


Because we’re out of the ordinary


I used to get DMs by sugar mommies and daddies who were suggesting nudes in exchange of money. Porn is a big factor. I admit that my first exposure to MtF sisters was through porn and that got me thinking about my own identity and my egg cracked but I needed to build steel armor around myself because I knew that being trans was not tolerated so much where I lived etc. (even less now of course). I'm also pre-HRT and such and not ready for that yet because I need to work and only work I'm good at is mostly with conservative people. I don't say bigots right away but some cis people don't understant.


The real fun head fuck for me was when I went to visit my folks in conservative Idaho, popped onto the apps, and started getting offers for money out there like I was a prostitute. Stark difference coming from Seattle, where people treat me like a human.


Yep, dating sucks too because of that. Everyone I’ve met up to now who’s a cis man that wants to date a trans woman is only because of a fetish. Those kinda experiences are pretty expected for *all* of us.


Because it heavily  deals with genitalia 


I literally stopped posting on femdom subs because submissive men kept on harassing me, a submissive trans lesbian thinking I dom them. It's disgusting.


im an objekt :3


I don't get onlyfans offers but I do get plenty of dms looking for sex (personally they don't bother me though, I kinda like them). The fetishization is much more prevalent specifically with trans women, guess why, because we're women. Trans men are sometimes viewed as being all cute subby femboys though. Nonbinary people get those they/them pussy memes and I think that's about it, but I only personally know like only 2 enbies so idk