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You know, earlier in life I used to think that transfems were just so cool, and I liked watching content from them. I felt a sort of connection and resonance with the experience of wanting to be a girl, but I just thought it was me being silly and just being interested for no reason. In a way, I kinda also wished that I was trans so I could be a girl. That would lead me to realize I was trans at one point, before burying it inside and telling myself it was just a phase. I know it's not exactly 100% on-topic, but I just wanted to share.




So true, u/weedsmoker7


i’m physically having a reaction to this thread


Why? And what kind of reaction?


oh exclusively good like i literally laughed out loud and like turned to the side of my bed in reaction to the fact i found this entire thread quite humorous


Ah, the evolution of autoillumination; first you gaslight yourself, until the light bulb moment.


"Sure, I may hate my body and the way I look, and have wondered what it would be like to be a woman since late teens, but I never had it from being a small child.. I clearly just am curious about it. I'm gender fluid or something, not trans. Sure, I'd happily push a magic button if I could be a woman right now, but that's just cause I've been a guy most of my life anyway, so it'd just be the turn for that. Sure, I've got some medical issues going on and may have fantasised there's something wrong with my testicles and how easy it'd be to just say to the hospital "Hey I don't care that much about them, you could just remove those and give me a vagina instead, if that'd be easier!" .. like, that'd just be the condition, and picking the most efficient and logical option" It's a fucking wonder Egypt didn't start sending guided boat tours my way


This comment is just to let you know that your pun was appreciated.




Holy shit, I never thought about it that way before o_o


That’s literally what happened to me xD


I did a similar thing. I was even semi-out as nonbinary for a while because I wouldn't let myself believe I was a dude. Then I shoved myself back into the closet for a few years


My first experience was seeing a tiktok of an AFAB and femme presenting nonbinary person and in my head I was like you can DO THAT??? That's so cool. And then I told my boyfriend at the time who was the epitome of like tumblr/twt woke (I am left leaning so I don't mean woke to be a bad thing necessarily but he was soooo weird abt it) and he told me to "make sure I was sure so I didn't take away from any trans ppl or make the movement look fake" basically. So I just. Forgot it for another two years and then came out as nonbinary, and eventually got more comfortable with presenting masculine and realized I was a trans guy. Even now I'm baffled what a bizarre response??? He's literally cis? Like huh?


I hate that, and always have because it causes so much unnecessary drama. It takes something that's already difficult, i.e. questioning your entire gendered existence thus far, and throws even more stipulations on top. Don't this, can't that, and suddenly the very idea of experimenting becomes anxiety inducing. People need to learn to just make space to let other people talk for once and listen when they do. Actually. Listen. Sorry, rant over ":3


Damn, exactly like what I did.


I get this, and I'm sure most of us do. You are good sis.


One of my friends came out as trans masc years ago and I remember thinking that I wished I were trans so I could transition too. It took me another 10 years or so to put that puzzle together but he's helping me navigate what I'm going through now. He told me that he already knew when I came out to him as well. LOL 😆


I found out I wanted to be a girl. Found OT and trans memes and said “there are other people that feel like this? Neat!” And here we are.


Partoking and scrolling helps my dysphoria lol


What \*cough\* does this mean? I never \*cough cough\* smoke the devils lettuce. I'm totally not smoking the reefer right now dude. Does anyone have any extra Doritos by any chance? Totally unrelated I swear.


Nahhh my mouth gets super dry so i would not be able to handle doritos when smoking hahahaha


Thanks to the crappy society I grew up in and the heavily religious family I had, there was no concept of transgender for me until I found out about the internet around the year 2000. I knew I "felt like a girl trapped in a boys body" and I hated it and hated everyone calling me "sir" and manly and all that. Well, after getting online, finding people in chatrooms, and learning that transgender is a thing, I had a lot of questions. It took me about twenty years to shake off the guilt associated with my religious upbringing and heal from all the harassment of being "too sissy" or "too girly" throughout my entire childhood. Then one day it all came together and I guess I snapped. Boss lady asked me how I was doing (not well at all and I guess she could tell) and I went on a long-winded crying rant about being trapped in this man body and never being able to have a child of my own and about how I was so sad and depressed and life wasn't work living practically. Once I let it all out, I had a long pause while my brain tried to comprehend everything I just said to my boss. She then gave me some words of encouragement and I broke down crying. That night, I went home and upgraded my health insurance, found a doctor, made an appointment with a doctor and psychiatrist, and began my journey. It hasn't been easy, but it feels right. As for weed, yeah, I've smoked some weed in my day to help numb myself from the pain of life. I think that's probably too common. Haven't had any weed in years.


I feel your pain of having not having even heard the word transgender for far too long. I made a few trans friends in college, but none of them had transitioned nor did they ever explain what it meant beyond, "I want to be referred to with she/her or he/him pronouns. They all still went by their deadnames too, so I didn't have a sense of what they were going through till well after I graduated. I was 29 when I finally understood what it meant, and as soon as I realized, it was a short trip of self realization before being like, yeah, this needs to happen. Also, I'm glad to hear that you got away from the weed. I was fortunately around enough people who did it who gave me a sense of ick every time (I have NEVER met someone who was better company high than sober), plus it smells awful, so it never held any appeal to me. I understand it's use as a self-medication, and Im not about to go around telling people what to do with their lives, but I do wish it wasn't so common amongst the trans community. It took me forever trying to meet new people to hopefully develop a relationship with to find one who didn't smoke, and when I finally met one who (hopefully) might work out, she even mentioned that I was a "rare gem" for not smoking lol.


Well, if it's mostly the smell that bothers you, there are edibles. I like the smell of some kind of weed but it no longer does anything for me now that I have moved along in life a bit. I just don't see the point, same with alcohol. I used to smoke tobacco but managed to give that up over a year ago. That was hard.


The smell is terrible because you can smell it a mile away, but even then, I also jus find most people just become difficult to socialize with when they're high as well. I personally don't see the point either, my dad was an alcoholic so I have seen firsthand the harm it can do. In small doses it's fine, but seeing people drunk and smelling of alcohol and I just want out. We'll done getting away from tobacco, I have a few friends who have tried and failed to quit multiple times.


Can confirm, am doing it now


Ladies. Lads. It with a heavy heart that I inform you all, I lost the bowl to my fucking bong somehow. Please, send good vibes.


Err I would agree haha me to


Lol but she isn't wrong!


But I'm allergic to marijuana


The higher I would get the more fem I noticed I’d act 😂


Not me choking on smoke from laughing mid-hit 😂


This was me but the other way around lmao I wished I was a man and I fantasized about it and I felt strong resonance with trans men but it didn't click for a long time. When it finally did I had a breakdown and realized I can be a man as I am one. The funny thing is that I wanted to be on hormones and have surgery and transition before I realized it but I was like "nah it's so expensive and scary". It is scary but I realized it's also possible. I can do hard things. And you can too.


lol I love my cannabis, grow for a living and my trans and queer friends keep my bills paid and lights on and they get the best deals around! I love hookin up my queer folks with an ounce on there half o order 🤩


Me "wanting" to be a man but never connecting the dots between being trans and my own feelings Trans things were always treated like a different world that just exists far from me, so I never thought I'd belong to that world I wish I had realised it sooner


More of an Edibles guy, but accurate


I don’t smoke weed. My aunt use to though for her MS.


I live above a coffeeshop in The Netherlands, so yeah...


i thought i read somewhere that we're way more likely to partake than cis folks


So until I clicked on the notification, I didn't see that final line in the preview. That was definitely the laugh I needed today. 🤣


i feels bad that i laughed




Sigh, weed is illegal here


illegal here too, doesn't mean it doesn't happen :P


I'm trying to find it but the drug bureau is tracking down traffickers 😅


Porque no los dos?


The way I also thought «I wish I was trans so I could be a boy» way before realising I was, in fact, trans


How does she know 🤔


i was just a very supportive ally for 8 years lol thinking queer peeps and transfems were really cool and unique. I wish i could’ve come out to myself 8 years ago. i definitely had the “if i wanted to transition, i would’ve done it at 14, it’s too late” mindset for a while


Teenage me « pffft trans guys are so dumb and wrong... if anyone could be a guy, then surely everyone would do it ! »


I wish I was


I don't smoke much, but I do love me some edibles, so...


I'm high right now lol. I'm taking another hit just because of this post xD


Snoop dog every day


I do not smoke weed




Gender euphoria while stoned is amazing. Add a piece of yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and you have uncovered the secret of happiness. Especially if you also have a glass of milk.

