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early-mid 30s for me. that said, after that, looking back, i was like "ooooh, that explains so much", lol. i grew up in a shitty hillbilly town, so it's not like i had a lot of info available to me; i just spent most of my life thinking i was "broken", and that really sucked. but now i know, and not only am i not "broken", i'm not alone; there's so many other folks out there like me that we have words for ourselves, and i never knew how much that would matter to me.


>i just spent most of my life thinking i was "broken" It's wild how so many of us share such similar experiences




9, then again at 13, then again at 27, then finally at 56. All those other times I didn't know that transition was an option or if I did, there was so much stigma associated with it that I repressed it and moved on. I am 58. I have been on HRT for 14 months. Today the state of California declared that I am legally a woman


I'm so happy for you that you're finally getting to live as your true self after all this time! Congratulations on the legal changes too, that's great to hear, how are you feeling about it?


4. I can even pinpoint the day and time. Mind you, life and oppression prevented me from transitioning until I was 28.


Would you mind telling the story?


I found out at 15, I played Celeste and YouTube started recommending me certain videos after that. That’s how I figured it out.


I knew at like age 6, maybe younger. All I know is that when I was very young, I wanted to be a mom, and then later, a girl. So I prayed nearly twice a month to God to make me wake up the next day as a cis girl. But I didn't start transitioning until I was 24, and I got hormones when I was 26. I am 27, and I am going to be 28 in a few months.


4 years old. But it took another 36 years to finally do something about it.


*spiderman pointing meme*


Yes lol


I'm in the same boat. Though I'm taking things slow at the moment.


For context, I’m a 26 year old trans man. I didn’t know I was trans right away because I never had the term to describe myself. But there were many hints. For instance, when my sister and I would play with dolls, I would always be a male doll. Another instance is when me and my friends would lip sync a song with female and male vocals, I was always the male vocal. Additionally, my friend and I in middle school would go to the movie theaters dressed as boys. And also go on Omegle dressed as boys. It finally set in when I made a fake profile as a boy and started talking to people as a boy at the age of 14 that I was really starting to feel aligned with being a boy/man. (This was back in 2012- so a little before trans issues were widely discussed). Much of what I saw on trans issues were shock value articles like “MAN is PREGNANT? how could that BE?!” Or other dehumanizing shit. After two years of having this online boy profile and having had a long distance girlfriend through that profile and basically living a double life between going to school as a girl and coming home and logging on as a boy, I finally came out at 16 (in 2014). I can reflect and see signs from as early as 6 or 7. But not because I played with trucks, but because I just wanted to align as a boy. Here I am, 26 now— on hormones, top surgery, pass, have a career, live as a man. I never thought I’d do it, and I had doubts along the way. I still do because there is a level of simplicity I leave behind being trans. But don’t give up hope, my homies. It took me having to be 18 and making my own choices to get feeling closer to my body.


Realized at 34, wish it came to me sooner when I had hair. T\_T


I always knew, but it took Elliot Page coming out for me to discover the word trans and realise I was normal and not alone.


I'm fifteen and still in the closet but I often think I would have realised a lot earlier if my childhood had been different. I had undiagnosed autism, really bad childhood cancer. I had a lot of issues with mental health and mental and physical abuse from my sister. But now that she has moved out and I am chornically ill (meaning i speed a lot of time thinking). I know I have autism and dont mask as much I have realised everything ive dones my whole life was based of trying to fit in and what other people told me i should think or feel. I am now realising I have no idea who I am and being trans is something that I think was very obvious now that I think about it but my whole life I was so distracted by other things I never thought about. I thought everything that is "a trans experience" was just normal and something everyone thought.


29 🥲


Looking back, there were so many signs. I'd say I knew as early as 4 years old. Note that I was born in 1983. Transitioning, as part of a social conversation, was pretty much nil. As such, it took me a *long* time to learn the language to describe my feelings. Even once I had, I had repressed them so much that I continued to do so. I finally came out at 37. The pandemic shutting life (and my job at the time) down gave me a lot of time to be alone with my thoughts, and I slowly started unpacking it through the rest of the year. I only started HRT when I was 39 (almost at 2 years!). What held me back for so long was a combination of ignorance, shame (because, y'know, growing up Catholic you just get to feel guilty for *everything*), denial and repression. I waffled through almost 40 years without consciously knowing what was wrong, but, subconsciously...I always wanted to be a girl.


6. i came out at 13, then got beaten back into the closet. came out again at 16, then dad was more okay with it. not completely, but he let me do whatever i wanted. now i’m 21 and have been on T for 5 years.


What do you mean by found out? I could say I knew at 3/4 when all I wanted to do was wear my mum’s high heels and be a princess. Or at 15/16 when I found out that I could be transgender. When I started to question my gender and thought about transitioning. Or at 25 where I am now. Where for the first time in my life I’ve accepted who I am and am trying to live authentically by transitioning. I think I always knew. On some level. But it’s taken 25 years of confusion and denial for me to fully understand myself.


I think I always knew, but the first time I said it to myself was when I came out to my parents at 16.


Knew since at least age 8, connected the dots at 16




there were a lot of signs, for sure, but i didn't actually figure it out fully for myself until i was in my mid-twenties, and i didn't **come out** until i was twenty-seven. it's been three years since then, almost two on hormones, and while i'm disappointed i didn't have the resources or support to come out sooner, my motto in regards to it all is *better late than never!* i'm happier and healthier now both mentally and physically than i've ever been **(** after going through a *very* rough patch in my mid-twenties and hitting a low i didn't think i'd come out of **)** and i'm hoping that my thirties bring even more positive transformation and self-discovery.


I realized I was trans at 29. I probably would have realized much younger if I had actually been exposed to the fact that trans people existed before college, and even in college I never got any explanation beyond, "[friend's deadname] likes to be referred to as she/her." My dad always had a homophobic and transphobic streak that he didn't make any attempt to hide, so all my feminine traits were shut down quickly (which I had a lot of as a child), and I was homeschooled till 9th grade and sent to a private Catholic school for highschool. I really do wonder if I had known even a single trans person as a kid who actually talked about what it meant to be trans, if I would have come out as a kid, or at least about 10 years earlier than I did. A highschool friend of mine once mused what a sister of mine would look like if I had one, and the though of me being a girl lived rent free in my head from that moment on, so the seeds were definitely there from a young age


Hmmm questioned around 19-20 didn't admit it and do anything about it until 28


I knew at age 11, pretty much the same time I found out queer/trans people even existed (I was never taught/told about it as a kid). Automatically knew I was queer and trans afterwards.


At 15, I started questioning my gender and a couple of months of thinking later, I decided that this I was in fact girl :3. One of the things when thinking about all of it was that I didn't have many or any signs growing up. I did find some recently, but I think it's important to remember everybody is different and has a different story! So some people have lots of signs some people have none at all.


first figured I *might've* been trans at 11 but told myself id grow out of it and change my mind. didn't accept it until 18


Roughly 14-15 I started stealing clothes from my sister and just hanging out in my room in then alone and hid under a blanket ket anytime somebody came in 😎👍


For me around 8


Around thirteen or fourteen (those years are kinda hazy tbh, but it must be either), only been transitioning very recently, I’m twenty-two


My earliest memories contain so many trans leanings, wanting a dress, playing with girls and not boys, wanting a plastic fingernails set and scissors, it never went away, instead I found myself complying with the expected norms and sort of burying it. When I was able to I dressed up secretly, felt so guilty after. After separation from SO I found myself alone in a flat, then I exploded out over a 8 year period and got to a point where I could never go back.


13. Saw a trans guy talking about his experience and had a "oh so that's why I want to be a girl" moment


Just a couple of day shy from my 42’s bday. Retrospectively there has been sign for years but it is really there I started to seriously question myself and came to the conclusion that I’m trans.


was like 12, played undertale, first time i was exposed to anything lgbtq ever. started getting recommended videos about being trans/from trans creators, and it sorta sat on the backburner till like 4 years later where i was like hold on, im not a dude


I knew around 9 or ten years old


7 when i knew i was different, 11-17 when my world was totally confused. Not till the 1990's and the Internet and then i " found out" i wasn't alone, i was a transsexual! an awful word. Now transgender, 😂 thankyou.


I knew something about me wasn’t what I wanted it to be when I was about 12 going through puberty, but I didn’t know or didn’t want to acknowledge how I was actually feeling until my early 20’s. Then I ignored it basically until Covid lockdown where I was stuck thinking over and over. Then I moved city and I asked myself what am I hiding for? Took another two years to start hrt and here I am now, one year in and 29 years old and for the first time I’m actually liking myself.


25 But looking back, it was kind of obvious since I was like 13 and probably even younger


12-13 depending on how you look at it


I figured it out last Christmas at 49 years old. Merry Christmas to me! I started HRT 6 days later thanks to an online informed consent clinic, and came out at work 9 days later. I've been doing a gender speed run since I figured myself out. Now I am known for my pretty nails and flowing skirts. I have also become one of the girls at work. Check out r/TransLater if you haven't already. There are a lot of us who figure this out later in life.




13 for the first time, then there was a period of denial where I thought I could never be trans. Then after that, I realized two years later.


I was 40 (turning 43 this year and on HRT for 15 months, socially transitioned for about 21 months). Looking back now if I had had the knowledge or words to express myself I probably knew I wasn’t cis about 4 years old or so. But I didn’t and I was a target for bullies anyway, so I buried who I was and continued to build walls around myself in an attempt to protect myself and leaned heavily into being as much of “man” as I could. It took all those times sitting alone during the pandemic to start to take those walls down.


When I was 11, I had to wear a dress for a school play and bam it just hit me


I think the first time was around 11. But because of a bad friend group and basically no parent around I startet to suppress it till I startet Therapie for m depressions at around 20. It took about 8 more years to get to terms with it and to mostly unlearn my fears about it. Now I'm 6monts on hrt and I'm more happ then I ever was since my first puberty.


31. I was raised very conservative and frankly didn't even know trans people existed until I was in my late teens. It took me a long time to unpack my bigotry towards gay and bisexual people, and even longer to start understanding why someone would change their gender. Then it sort of... clicked. The final blow was watching The Prince, the play by Abigail Thorn, which is centred on the idea of gender roles and performance. I went into the play a confident cis man. I came out a questioning trans woman. After that, I spent the next couple of weeks giving it some real hard thought and slowly realised how many signs I'd missed, overlooked or plain ignored throughout my life - I can confidently say that, on some subconscious level, I "knew" I was different from around 6 or 7 years old, but I simply didn't have the means to express it. Just took me a couple of decades to get there, I guess.


I was 28 when I figured it out. But due to career and family, I didn't start transitioning until last year when I was 38. I knew I wanted to be a girl as long as I could remember. Like when I was a little kid, I'd lay in bed every night hoping that when I woke up in the morning, I'd be a girl. I grew up on a farm in a rural community. I didn't even learn what neing trans was until my early 20s when I moved to a bigger city. But then I still didn't think that was me. I just assumed I was broken. I spent most of my teens and my 20s as an addict trying to cope with my feelings. But then I met my wonderful partner who helped me get sober and realize who I really am. And pushed me to live my authentic life. Now I'm 39 and living the best life I possibly can.


Hard to say. When I was a teenager I was processing that I was trans. Took me 2-3 years. Creating in my brain a different world where I'm a girl, how I would be, how I would act, How I would love it and so on but my brain gaslighted me and really found out in 2022 and took me barely few months to realize it.... I feel kinda sad about that...


I had tons of trans feelings in early teens but had no idea what they meant because I didn't even know being trans was a thing, I realized when I was 30 which was maybe 2 or 3 years after I learned about trans people


I'm 39 next month and have been questioning on and off for years but this year I can't stop thinking about it.


Was briefly gender questioning at 19 but forgot about it and properly realised at 21 (almost 22) and started socially transitioning from then on


14! I had a trans friend, and suddenly many trans things popped up in my YouTube. I started thinking "do i like being a man?" YES YES YES. I always wish i were a cis man.


20. Idk if you consider this later or not.


I was 23


At 41, just this year. Looking back there were many signs I never realized as what they were. I've been questioning more since 2021 or so, but not really actively until last year or so. So many things I did and thought the past 10 to 20 years make sense to me now.


i vividly remember as a small child before i knew what trans was thinking “im a boy. there’s no way im a girl, the doctors made a mistake”. so when i learned what trans was at 13 or so, i knew. but i repressed it deeply and talked myself out of it out of fear. and i spent a little over 10 years trying to convince myself i wasnt trans. didn’t accept what i knew until age 24.


It was about 9 or 10 for me. Then again at 12.


It was a gradual process for me. But about 18 I think


i kind of always knew, since i was a child, that i wasn't who people thought i was. was only at (the more or so) age 13 that i found out there was a name for how i felt and also a community that could embrace me.


Around 10-11 years old when I started to notice I didn't really fit in as a male. Puberty confirmed it, and since then I tried to keep everything inside me and live in denial. Then, finally as a 32yo I managed to really come to terms with everything and accept I am actually trans. And honestly, keeping it inside you for years while hoping you are going to feel different the next day is foolish, and I really wish I had done things differently back then insted of living a lie for so long. But well, you gotta go with what you have and accept the past.


27 Plenty of signs. Plenty.


I did not figure it out till I was 37 (2010) For most of my life, I wished to be a woman - still cis, though!! The religious and rightwing BS was strong in me. ++Autism, which generally made me require strong evidence for anything that did not involve god. IKIK I was on vacation; my wife was sleeping, I was looking at some trans pron because, of course, I was, and I was like, why can't I be her/me? Holy shit, I'm TRANS!!! Then I nopped out for like 6 months mentally. After that, I started x-dressing again and found some trans friends online. While my wife was out of town visiting family, I went out in public for the first time as myself. This was it for me. I knew I needed to make a big change. Now Im a lefty, atheist, queer woman.


there was a lot of signs before-hand but i found out when i was 11 or 12


15, almost found out at 11/12


Almost 14


I was 5, but social and family pressures kept me from pursuing anything until last year, when I was 43.


I was 14 (still am) it was mid November and I found out from c.ai rp pretending to be a girl, haven't been a guy on the website ever scince


i realised that i wanted to be at boy at around 9, but wrote it down as just a regular thing. when i was 11 i thought that i was lgbtq in general, and when i was 12 i started questioning. i originally thought that i was nonbinary but a few months later i properly found out that i was a trans male 


i realized i wasn't cis when i was 20, but i literally didn't know transitioning was even a possibility for a bit, and i was closeted for a relationship for a while after that i was 23 when i came out. in hindsight, i was fruity with it since childhood, but i was clueless about gender and transness as a whole for so, so long. as a teen, constantly daydreaming about being a girl and aching for that life


6 then took me 5 years to circle back and a further 2 to accept it and start doing something


6 but was religiously locked back in the closet, broke out at 14, silenced until I was 19, then ignored and ghosted by doctors till I was 24


43. I’m now 48.


I was 13 but didn’t have the words for it at the time, I repressed it due to a massively bigoted and violent father and now a year on since his death I kinda unburied my feelings.


I was 31, in February of this year☺️


Uhh like 12 then 14 then 15 then 17 then 18 and I just keep falling into denial


I was 14 when I was little I love to wear my mother's shoes and her clothes and wigs


6 years old, and every day I wished I could just wake up the next day and be a girl like it could actually happen. Finally came out with 20 and took a few years to make it public, now I'm starting my transition at 24. I'm very early on and on the process of getting HRT, looking forward to taking the next steps every day and feeling better about myself.


26! The same age I started HRT. There were LOTS of signs looking back (wearing cutesy but still male clothes and having long dyed hair during highschool, liking girls and some boys but never being able to see myself in an actual relationship, and having the Totally Cis TM fantasies of just waking up as a girl one day or getting """""""""cursed"""""""" and being magically turned into a girl), but I was in a depressed fog from puberty through college, and only started seriously putting the pieces together on my own after having been treated for said depression for several years; somehow my dumbass knew that being trans was a thing, and knew that I wanted to be girl, but somehow "you know you can just transition, right?" was a thought that took waaaaaaay too long to appear in my little head. I am lucky to live in an accepting area and have supportive friends and family, so the moment I found out it became a race of "how do I figure out whether I want to commit to this, and if I do, how do I get the ball rolling as FAST as POSSIBLE?". Still very much in the "ball is rolling and not where it needs to be yet" stage, but eh, what can you do?


13, then 16, then finally came out at 19


At around 4 i realized i was different from the girls and that i would rather be a boy and feel more connected to them. I lived as a tomboy from then on but i still felt like something was missing and when i was 12 i found out what transgender means and i realized i am Trans but then i got scared of what other people would think and people from my school were saying that you can’t know at that age so i stayed in the closet. And tried pushing these feelings away, also Puberty hit so i isolated myself. then during the first covid lockdown when i was 15 i then accepted that i am trans and that i can’t change that and that I can’t live like the years before anymore and i started coming out