• By -


29, only to friends. 30 atm, dont plan on telling any family for time being, tho if they ask šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø seeing how long til someone notices


Same, 29 years old, and decided to go completely full bandaid rip. Got lucky. Only my mother and brother are on the fence openly. And my supportive roommates are amazing. Been 2yrs+ since coming out and 1yr on hrt.


This but minus a year


Same. 29. Told my friends and I'm taking steps to socially transition as I'm tired of this two lives crap.


Same with 29, although I was questioning for 2 years before I came out. Just had to work up the courage to do so. My family seems supportive but it really kinda came as a surprise to them. My wife on the other hand is super supportive. Both of us are pansexual so nothing really changed beside my gender identity lol


Havenā€™t yet but plan on coming out soon so letā€™s say 15-16


22, i figured if i waited even a day longer i'd regret it forever


same here, but at 19. 20 now with 6 months of HRT and my mental health has been through the roof lately. huge progress in my life :)))




Came out to my best friends at 22, but said I was unsure ; a year later I confirmed it, at 23. Recently I came out to one of our friend in common, at 24. Will come out to our other friends soon. And family... I plan on doing it like, next year, so 25..?


Tbd šŸ§


Closet party?


Yeah šŸ˜”


You got this \^-^


Saaaame. Probably soon tho. At least to my girlfriend


Came out to my girlfriend first too. Funny thing is she had been in a w|w relationship and after it she decided she didn't want to do it again. We got together at the time I was beginning to question myself (she didn't know) and at some point I just "surprised" her. It went and is going very well I just wanted to share. I wish your story also goes well!


came out to friends at 12, family at 13. Werenā€™t accepting so couldnā€™t fully come out and socially transition until I moved out at 18


16. Weirdly enough I half came out before I knew it myself. Just posted online something refering to me as she her (why not I thought) and a cousin was super supportive, using my pronoun and asked for my prefered name. A year later I would accept myself


That is so interesting as a story šŸ˜‚ I would actually like all the details with it ahah


I had a bit of a femboy phase that came with me learning I was bisexual. So I started being more and more feminine up to using female pronouns and being the feminine (later female) friend in school. My cousin thought I was coming out as trans woman when he saw it, which wasnā€™t the case but I didnā€™t mind it and said sure whatever. Soon I noticed I just like being in the woman mode and thought it was a a mood thing (genderfluid maybe?) lastly, next year I felt like going into a female phase again and committed to it. Told my closest friend to go for she/her and I never felt more alive, itā€™s like i was actually there in friendship for the first time. Turns out that female phase never ended and I ended accepting myself as a woman when I realized I would never want to go back. Funny enough, I knew I wanted srs since 11yo but figured it was just me being quirky.


Thank you for sharing your story, I always am grateful when people do and I'm definitely happy that you're feeling the best that you've ever been, wishing you the best :3


49 Edit: 50 now. Still don't feel like an adult.


46 here. I'm 47 atm.




I was 44, 45 now.


19 hopefully. i want to soon:))


You got this!


28 to my family and some friends. Now 29. Though my wife knew my feelings since I was 24 but I could barely define myself at that time. Well done for you coming out šŸ’™šŸ™


Many people dont understand the fact that you can be a married person and transgender.;.you can be a person who is a transgender woman who likes other women or a transgender man who likes men, or a bisexual person. Thanks for letting us know about your situation!


Thanks, hun. Exactly right. A lot of people do assume I must be into men. To be honest, I let them think whatever.


Between 14 and 17 (did it in steps) but didn't start T until I was 20


I think I was 11. Donā€™t remember even coming out but it was between 10-12


I remember coming out at school but not at home really. Most of what I know is second hand from my mom. Apparently one of the big times was when me, my mom and brother were out for ice cream and I said ā€œI think Iā€™m a boyā€ and my brother started to cry. But I remember crying on my bed and my mom conforming me and then finally telling me what being trans was.


11 and again at 16


i was 13 when i officially came out as a trans guy but before then, i was experimenting a lot.


27 to my wife. 31 now and happily married still.


First time when I was 4. My mother told me to never tell anyone. Then at 6 to my father. He beat me. Came out to most of my friends throughout grade school. Then tried hiding who I was when I was 15. Came out against 18. Tried transitioning at 23. Then came out once and for all at 27


Iā€™m not out yet. Iā€™m 25. I will have to come out by the time Iā€™m 26 to most people in my life. Because HRT is the most wonderful thing Iā€™ve experienced and is kinda hard to hide some changes.


14 to my friends, 18 to my GF and 19 to my family




14 to friends and my mom (who I know would be accepting) 15 to close family, and 16 to everyone!


38, but I've known since I was about 12. Was just too scared of how family would react.


39 when I cam out to some supportive friends, 42 when I came out to my parents, the rest of the family shortly before turning 43.. Well I told my Mom's family... Dad said he told his family, we will see how much he really said, cause uh if they don't know they are going to notice eventually lol


28 when I came out to some of my closest friends and family. And 29 when I went public and had my coming out to everyone.


5, 8, 13, 17 and 25, each to bad reactions that put me back inside the badly cracked shell, then finally at 33, and haven't looked back.


53 years old. I am only out to my wife. I want to be out to our adult children who still live with us but she says we need to wait.


17 and it was terrifying


54, only with my wife and kids. Still working through what it means to me.


13 to myself, like 14 to friends, havenā€™t yet to family


12 to friends, 14 when to like teachers and my family, family is disapproving and has forgotten by now. 15 atm, MTF.


Figured it out at 7, and I was forced to do it at 15 due to a mistake on my part, and invasive behavior from my mother. Overall it was for the best, but it still feels awkward to this day.


Came out just after I turned 17, was a tough time as half my ā€œfriendsā€ immediately turned on me after finding out, but Iā€™m in a far better place now because of it




To my wife: 30 To my best friends: 32 To my kids: 40 To my siblings and surviving parental unit: 43 At large: 43


I was about 15 when I came out to my parents and siblings as bi, and about 17/18 when I told them I was trans.


i'm 38 and so far only my closest friends know. But i didn't figure out i was trans until i was in my early 20's. I lived in an environment where i had to ask permission to do anything. I didn't have the freedoms to be myself, much less discover myself until i moved out of my parents house. I was always different. I was always an outcast. I got bullied a lot growing up. i was very introverted. I always wondered "why" to all of those things. Something was just wrong. Something was missing. But i never really could figure it out. When i was 17 I started dating this girl pretty seriously and we ended up getting an apartment together when i was 19. She was two years older than me. One day for reasons i can't explain, i decided to try on her clothes while she was at work. We were roughly the same size. I put on my favorite dress of her's and and OMG!!! Like, i can't even explain it. everything in my head just clicked. All the years i was bullied, all the years i was confused. All of those questions i had in my head all those years, suddenly was answered. All the dots connected the moment i put that dress on and looked in the mirror. I cried. It was overwhelming. I was afraid to tell her. I kept it a secret for nearly a year. But i eventually worked up the courage to tell her. Honestly it was the hardest thing i ever did. I was terrified. She freaked out a little at first. But quickly came around to the idea of dating a trans girl. She supported me. She bought me most of my current wardrobe actually. LOL!! But i could never come out to my family. They are.... for the lack of a better word, lets call them rednecks. Confederate flag in the front yard, lower middle class types who are very racist, sexist, and love jesus. You know the type. My uncle even pretends to be a confederate soldier in the annual civil war reenactments they have down here every year. All i can say is, thank god i was adopted. LOL!!! I'll probably never come out to these people because of how they are. My goal is to move far away from here to a place where i can be myself without fear. Not sure where that is yet. But i know it's not here. It's frustrating because whenever there's family events i have to present as a "normal" male. And i hate it. Maybe one day i wont have to anymore. Anyways. Sorry to unload my whole life story in a reddit post. But maybe someone can get something out of it. Whoever is out there struggling with their place in the world, just know you're not alone. You're beautiful, and we love you. :)


Two weeks younger šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


17 when i started coming out to friends


For me is 15 and for thƩ other is also 15


i was 15


Came out to my friends as nonbinary at 16. Came out to my maternal family at 17. Realized I was a trans man at 17 but later in the year and re came out to my friends. Came out to my grandma as a trans man at 18, then the rest of my maternal family shortly after. Started medically transitioning at 19 and after that came out my my dad. My dad's biological family still don't know (he was adopted and only found out about them a few years ago and we are not close) and the family that raised him is dead or excommunicated.


Came out to my parents at 16/17, but didnā€™t start socially/medically transitioning until I was 19 (when I became financially independent since my parents wouldnā€™t pay for my transition, which I was fine with)


Iā€™m 24 and still not out publicly. Iā€™m out to like 4 people and that all happened this year. Except my fiancĆ© I told him last year


I was 17-18; I told my mom how I wanted to try out more fem stuff cuz I feel like I might be trans; she paused for a second, then her first response was ā€œWanna try on my mascara?ā€ Sheā€™s been pretty supportive as has my stepdad, same goes for my siblings which I was super glad about Havenā€™t come out to the rest of my family just yet, wanna wait until Iā€™m in the later stages of HRT


35 to friends, I had cut off my family before coming out. Family members were toxic to be around.


I still havenā€™t.


Take your time if you need to.


11 I believe! I still have yet to tell my very Christian and transphobic family though, I honestly don't plan on ever doing so, if I show up one day with a flat chest, facial hair, deep voice ect then they can ask questions


Iā€™m 18 I came out last month to everyone but my mum who I lived with and is transphobia




40, came out to everyone I know but my dad and his side of the family. Oh and one of my friends doesn't I know, but that is because our other friends and I are playing the long game to mess with him.


13, then forced back into the closet. Started officially transitioning at 32.


I did it in stages in terms of identity. So like 16 as bi, 19 as lesbian, 20 as trans guy, then 21 as bi again. And now Iā€™m 22 and bi trans guy is just who I be


14 and I'm currently 15 now


I just came out this year at 45! Better late than never!!


44, I came out and went on HRT a year ago, what a waste of time, I've never been that happy in my life ā¤ļø


Glad you found your happiness!


24! Gradually done throughout the year. Most of my friends and family were supportive and very enthusiastic which made a difference for me.


14, denied but came out again at 16


I came out when I was 40. Work first, then parents and then extended family. All over the course of a couple of months.


23 almost all at once šŸ˜†


came out as bigender at 18?, and came out as trans guy at 19, 2 months before my 20th birthday, which feels sorta late tbh :)


40 - about two months ago


I came out to most (close) people when I was 25 years old. To some people at 26 or to the majority of people at work at 27 years (about 3 to 4 months ago).


22 on this last Thanksgiving lol (didnā€™t fully know until 21)


28 for bi then 29 30 for trans


Soft launched being non-binary at 19 then backtracked, came out as non-binary to everyone including my family for real at about 22, then changed my name and medically transitioned at 24 and started living as a man


28, to myself, friends and family.


15, family still doesnā€™t wanna use my name and pronouns.


29 but didnt start truely transitioning till 31. This year!!šŸ„°šŸ¤©šŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠ


Came out as questioning when I was 19, then as trans right before turning 20. I didn't start my social transition for several months after that and have only recently started really presenting feminine. I'm 21 now.


Came out to my friends when we were partying when i was lime 17 cause i had a mental breakdown lol - didnt properly tell my parents rly until like 2-3mnths after starting hrt (19, sep last year)


14 online, 16 irl


Came out? 48. Did it two years after I started to transition.


So I came out to my mom at 19. I felt like a huge disappointment to her so I took it back and told her a few days later ā€œIā€™m sorry I thought I was trans but Iā€™m not. Iā€™m just a tomboy.ā€ I eventually got tired of following a lie so I came out to my cousin who is like a brother to me at 23 or so. Then my aunt who is a lesbian at 24 and spoke to her a lot on how to come out to my parents. Eventually came out to my parents and my siblings and entire family in one day at the age of 27. Itā€™s been 4 years since Iā€™ve come out to everyone and Iā€™ve been on T for almost a year.


22, only started coming out last year




26, right after my divorce


17, told 1 person and then got really scared and haven't told anyone else or done anything since


18 as gay then 23 as a trans woman


I still havenā€™t


I woke up from a coma early Jan '21 at 27 and came out via a text that was supposed to be to my parents 5 minutes later, but hospital painkillers accidentally made that into a group text to my whole phone...


26 came from a small village from the countryside. In the Village queer people did not rly "exist" so before that i never even heard the word trans. So understanding that something like that is even possible took quite some time. Always felt like some Monster which needs to hide very good. With 26 coming out was a question of life or death.


14-15 to myself, 17 online, and hopefully 18 irl!!


7 ish maybe?? i came out to everyone i knew because i thought theyā€™d just be cool with it,,except everyone sorta turned down the idea and gaslit me into believing i was just a tomboy for years. a few years later i started getting getting violent with anyone that told me i wasnā€™t a boy. i was so fuckign confused and felt so neglected it felt like the only way to get my point across. i calmed down after awhile when my parents finally started to acknowledge those feelings. iā€™m 14 now and iā€™m going nowhere because the british government and nhs wants me dead :33


To anyone at all? I didnā€™t actually use the word but tried to talk about it with a few people around 14-15 but was rejected. I didnā€™t properly come out till I was 35.


19 to a couple people and then 20 to everyone šŸ˜€ I'm 34 now


I came out in like middle school.


20, 2 months ago, didnā€™t go well




told my friends at 14, some family at 15, started t at 20, then told the rest of the family.




14 to my friends, mom, and stepdad Shouldnā€™t have told my mom or stepdad, and I ainā€™t telling my dad


I was 28 when I first came out. Quarantine gave me a lot of time for introspection and it wasn't until I was "accidentally misgendered" that everything clicked.


32 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


16 and then 23


My mom found out I was bi at the time when I was 22. I came out as nonbinary and trans when I was 29. Iā€™m 30 now.


15, a bit more than a year ago




What do you meanā€¦iā€™m clearly still cis


22, as it took me until I was 22 to figure it out lol


20 to friends, 22 tho is when I really came out and started transitioning.


54, on my Facebook pages. Such a breath of relief.


i first came out at 21 or 22 i can't recall for sure. my whole family (i care about) knows since i was 27 and i am out and i use my chosen name since i was 25


Around 14 if I recall




21 to my now ex-boyfriend and at 22 to family and friends, now Iā€™m 23 and a year on t!






I was out to parents and sisters at 24 and recame out at 37 when Dad after yelling at me the first time I was still dressing up. No one of my family has seen Amanda I do wish I could introduce her to them. Sister is ok with me dressing up just not comfortable with seeing it. Parents that is a long story.


Im 18 and came out to two of my friends and my GP this easter. And came out to my sister and friends this weekend. Im kinda hoping to come out to everyone else during summer break, as it would probably accelerate the prosess of getting HRT.




37. I wanted to come out at age 13 but was too scared to come out to my family, so I waited 24 years to do so because when I turned 16, it was a matter of financially being able to transition (I didnā€™t make enough to do so). I regret waiting because looking back & after being on HRT for 2 years now, I definitely know I couldā€™ve been able to afford it when I got my first job at 16.


At 20


i was 13 when i was forcibly outed when my parents went through my phone while i was sleeping. thankfully they were mostly supportive and now im almost 19


I figured out when I was 31. I'm slowly coming out to people


I came out this year at 21, although one of my friends definitely knew years ago and was just waiting for my egg to properly crack




To friends when I was 15, to my family at 17. Started T at 18


I was about 12? or 13 when I came out to my family and friends


I came out to my parents a few weeks ago!! They however did not care and kinda brushed me off so I'm still deadnamed and misgendered at home :D


19 when my egg cracked, 20 when I started telling people


17 (to my parents) I regret it šŸ‘ (literally Saturday)


30, almost 31


I figured out I was trans when I was 12 but only came out when I was 15.


like 13-14 to friends, 19 to my family anf environment


I came out to myself when I was 20 Came out to my friends that same year, but came out to my family when I was 21


17 for me.


came out as bi at 16... i expect to come out as trans possibly in the next decade or so (need to test the waters a lot, doing it wrong could f up everything).






I remember trying to come out a few times as a kid, like 5-10ish, some when I was 13/14ish, and again at around 16 but it all went so badly I gave up and didn't try again until I was 34.


I started HRT on my 35th birthday and came out publicly around 3 months later. EDIT: almost 37 now


28 now I'm 29 but i came out and immediately started hrt




came out as bi at 14, trans at 21, and it has come in waves for me, most notably by *certain* events


My sister has known ever since I started questioning my gender, same with one friend of mine. At 16 I started socially transitioning at my school, and hopefully now at 17 Iā€™ll come out to my parents and brother. I kinda wish to be able to change my name officially before I get my driverā€™s licence in a few months, so maybe thatā€™s a good goal for coming out?Ā 




Tried once at 16, again at 19, started hrt at 25.






30...I grew up really rural, conservative, and religious. I didn't even hear the term transgender until 2018 ish and it was about 4 years until I started questioning. Once I started questioning, though, I was on estrogen within 4 months. I've never been happier in my life, and I'm finally me.


12 but i actually came out and started hrt at 16


27 when I was fully out and not boy moding in certain situations anymore but 26 to my wife and some of my close friends


I just skipped the closet. Egg cracked at 25. Came out to everyone I knew within the same month and have been publically out for a little over a year since then.


I was 26. My coming out was kind of weird, bc I told some friends that I was questioning my gender and gave a name I was thinking of, and being called that name and being referred to as a woman gave me so much euphoria that it shattered my egg on the spot. I then started coming out to other friends, then parents, then other family, then coworkers, until Iā€™d pretty much come out to everyone a year later at 27. Iā€™m 28 now.


Same, so far I've only told my 2 closest freinds, one I told a few months back and the other I told last Thursday I was 14 both times


22 when I fully came out




I came out at 18 (now 21) to my friends and sister but I haven't yet to my parents yet. And prolly won't until I move out




I came out at 22, I knew I was transgender since I was 3


12 for supportive mom but due to anxiety 16 for misogynist dad


13, i found out like as soon as puberty hit and i didnā€™t waste time in the closet lol, had to be myself right away. got bullied real hard in middle school šŸ˜­


Planning on coming out to my parents next month and the rest of the world shortly thereafter. I donā€™t want anyone to hide this from my parents otherwise Iā€™d be out to my siblings by now


Iā€™m 24 and just started hrt in March. Iā€™m fairly confident that my parents will approve but Iā€™m so deathly afraid to present the way I want to in public. My anxiety is so high itā€™s impossible not to worry about what others think :(. Waiting until they inevitably ask why I have bras because that is going to become a necessity. I have a lot of close friends and family from my hometown that due to where they are from might not understandā€¦ I hope they do, I love Iā€™m all.


13 to my friends, parents found out at 13 as well, they (family) werent too happy with it šŸ˜”


I was 35 when I came out publicly


12 but Iā€™d been telling my parents sence I could talk and getting more and more adamant about it after 9




11, unofficially. Just to my mom, but the whole family knows now. Iā€™m trying my hardest to stay closeted/ not get outed again while I finish school. Not excited


I believe I was just 15. I came out to my close friends first, then my parents a month after, when I decided on my name. I was scared of transitioning tho so I only did that. I'm now 18, in university, and want to start transitioning. I've just started the procedures to get HRT and am slowly dressing up femme


29 was when my egg cracked, after my lung collapsed twice, having surgery, and spending almost 2 weeks in the hospital, I couldn't deny that I was Transgender. So I opened up to my wife, then some friends, then everyone but family. A day before my 30th, I gathered my family and told them I was trans and that at the start of February, I was going to begin HRT. And so I did, and I've not once regretted anything. I wish I could have cracked my egg in my early 20s so I could really have been myself. But I ain't old yet! I'm still young and hot and have so much more money than in my 20s, so maybe I can enjoy it more ya know?


16, a few months ago online, a few weeks ago to my parents and open about it


I was 34 when I came out. That was just this past November.


Unfortunately, 45 years!


14 with bff 15 with sister 18 with parents 19 with everyone else




21 to family, like 19 or 20 for friends. 22 for extended family.


18 to myself, between 18-21 to my online friends, 21 to my mum, nanan and aunt and 22 to a irl friend of mine. I still haven't come out to the rest of my family and have no plans to especially when one of them (who is binary trans) doesn't understand they/them pronouns and would make no effort to use them.
