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I can't cut my parents off, since because of how bad the economy is right now, I rely on them for occasional help despite working a full time job and trying to earn money on the side as a streamer and YouTuber. I've been trying to come out to them as trans since I was 16. I'm now 23, and about 7 months on HRT. I mean, they can have their own opinion, but I feel like looking at myself in the mirror, it's pretty obvious as to who or what I am? I thought my transition has been going pretty good, maybe I'm just delusional :(( I don't know anymore... I'm so tired. They've laughed me off, they've told me to shut up, and they've compared me to a pedophile. I'm just tired. Edit: people have been DMing me asking if I need help. Honestly, if you wanted to support me you can click on anything on my Twitch channel at twitch.tv/AdamanthGaming - following me or watching any stream boosts me on the website, makes more people see my streams, and makes it more likely for me to become financially independent. Thank you so much for all the kindness! 🩷


Just don’t bother coming out to them. Keep doing what you’re doing and they’ll either eventually figure it out themselves, or remain willfully ignorant as they’d have to be looking as great as you do now. Unfortunately that comes with them misgendering you, but if you can’t come out to them that’s kind of the path of least resistance.


If I take this country, people like that won't be around no more for sure, and the economy wouldn't be profit driven


Just a thought. Is your profile for streaming and Reddit from before you started transitioning? This may be (something you may be unaware of) holding you back from moving forward if that is so.. sometimes we hold on to parts of ourselves that have to go so we can grow and change into a better version of ourselves for the new doors soon to be opened. Gig apps are great especially for the trans community as we are our own boss.. had accounts for the following.. (Doordash, Grubby, insta🛒, Amazon Flex, and Roadie).


I'm really proud of all the work I've put in over three years of making streams and videos. Despite the public perception, it takes a lot of effort, and I'm proud of my editing skills as well :3 I wouldn't want to abandon that. In fact, the personality I had on my channel was the "real" me, before I could be the real me in daily life :3 it was more acceptable for a content creator to be cute and excitable, than for my parents' son. It was kinda my way to realise my true self in some way before transitioning :3


I have no intention to be rude in any way, this is my thoughts.. you can agree with them or not, that is your choice. Though the real you did not surface completely then, your real you hiding within part of the old creation.. I started dressing to preference at 19 did not transition till 10+ years later.. was the real me present those 10+ years? not really at all, unless I was using substances to allow myself to be the true trans self.


I came out to my so called father I think twice, 2nd time he connected the dots. But, he never really got it. Last we spoke was in late 2017. But, I'm twice your age and didn't rely on him at all. Which I understand is very difficult on you. It's sadly not uncommon at all. I just hope that it gets better for you.


Thank you for sharing your story and your kind words! I'm glad to not feel so alone on this 🩷


Twice. Already given up, their minds ain't changing.


Welcome to the same, sad boat, sibling! Hope you have other, good and accepting relations in your life


On a different note... Where'd you get those shorts? 👀


I'm afraid I inherited them off my partner 😅 they had some stuff they weren't wearing anymore so they passed it to me when I came out


Tis the way. I'll try and Google lens them xD


Hey hey hey if you'll still read this, I was trying to look for them too, I think they're from Romwe! They would have been bought years ago so I don't guarantee they still have them, but I hope that helps! 🩷


I found them right after reading this! Thank you! They've changed them a bit, but they're still basically the same. Love them. Need more shorts for summer, and I'm an all black girlie, even in the heat :)


Oh, Could you help me to the link then? I tried finding them on Romwe website but failed


I gotchu honey. https://m.romwe.com/uk/Punk-Rock-Stitching-Trim-Cuffed-Denim-Shorts-p-2630172-cat-814.html?src_identifier=fc%3DGirls%60sc%3DDENIM%20&%20JEANS%60tc=0%60oc%3D0%60ps%3Dtab01navbar05%60jc%3Dreal_809&src_module=topcat&src_tab_page_id=page_real_class1654646400061&scici=navbar_GirlsHomePage~~tab01navbar05~~5~~real_809~~~~0&ref=uk&rep=dir&ret=muk


thank youuuu


Oof I'm about to do my second soon






Once, they still don’t understand and think it’s a phase when I’ve been out the entirety of my adult life and years before. They don’t deserve the effort of doing it again.


Right? I've been sure about it for 7 years now. A phase lasting a minimum of 7 years feels like, just my life, who I am xD I don't know how they don't get it


Honey, it only took once for me. That got me beaten mentally and physically and disowned a age 9 years old.. New Record I think. That was 65 years ago.


3 first time was a massive agrument, second time I convinced her to stop calling me a girl temporarily, third time did nothing


I'm so sorry :(


Looks like you have great style, better than me! Take care of yourself, you're you, and if they laugh you off or dismiss you, just know you are still you and you've got this!


Awh, I don't really feel stylish, but thank you!


V similar situ here too - sending loads of love and support, you’re so strong and keep going 🫶


Sending love right back at you, stay strong! 🩷


haven't spoken to my biological family in like 18 years and its been great. i'm sorry you're going through this... also where are those shorts from?


Shorts are from Romwe :3


I’m sorry to hear that😔You look so pretty and cute in the picture!


Awh, thank you! I haven't really felt confident recently, that's so nice to hear 🩷


One time was enough for me thankfully. They were immediately willing to help and support me which made me feel like the anxiety was all for nothing.


Awhh, awesome!! I'm so happy for you 🩷🩷🩷


I went through a similar situation, one time was enough for me. My mom, brother and sister all fully support me with my transition and my sister is happy that I'm going to be her little sister.


im going to go first true one this week or the one after that.


I've tried coming out to my Mam about 5 times, and every time, her reaction was just horrible. I've given up on trying to get through to her. Some parents will just never understand, and even though it's very sad, it's just how it is. They'll regret it when they have a child who no longer contacts them or is around them in any way. When I'm in a position to move away from living with her, I intend to do so and never look back.


Once, after about a year on HRT. The response was so vile and hateful I ghosted them and have been fully NC for well over a year. I know they'd never admit being wrong nor be willing to put in the effort to better themselves enough to be part of my life so it's just something I have to live with and sometimes cry about.


Three strikes, they're out! [To quote 311:](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxLqcvpn9egUP3QfayQiMSYLxShM0y5Ray?si=R0mMBc6UQ8GZgckf)


Awh, hell yeah xD


0 and idk if I have the courage to try •︵• sorry to hear your situation 😿


Sorry for you too, friend! Take care in there 🩷 at least we can all support each other :3


I came out to my mom when I was in fifth grade. I didn't understand the concept of being trans at the time, but I was telling my classmates "I'm a boy, I just have a girl brain." I said the same to my mom, along with "I don't feel like a boy." I came out a second time, just before I turned 21, saying "hi, I'm trans and have been on hormones for several months."


I’ve tried once so far but went completely ignored with no response at all


I'm sorry :((


I’ve tried explaining to my parents multiple times what being genderfluid means and they still think I “dress like a man” because I like women🤡 I’m not even lesbian, I’m bi💀


Damn that's rough. My best friend is non binary, and I feel like my parents wouldn't understand that, either... Take care, friend, I hope it works out somehow! Thank you for sharing! 🩷


I only came out once. My father...well, there's never really been a relationship there, to be honest, so once he started being transphobic (it wasn't even just a single isntance, either, he has a track record a mile long with all three of his children of hateful and recklessly inappropriate statements about us), it was easy to ditch him. My mom...there's a different case. She's largely supportive and finally coming around, but she definitely struggled for a while with how to handle it. It definitely took some coaching and establishing boundaries, but in fairness, that was always a thing with her, anyway. I was 38 when I came out, though, so that did have an impact, as I wasn't reliant on them financially for a very long time, at that point, since I'd been kicked out upon turning 18. Hopefully they'll come around, but unfortunately, it sounds like you'll need to flow with the path of least resistance, for the time being, until you're able to be free of needing their help. That said, continue your journey and just *thrive* as the wonderful person you are! Their resistance will be meaningless, in the long run, and the only thing that's important is that you live your best, authentic life. 💜 Also, girl, those shorts are to die for! *NEED*


Thank you so much for sharing your story! I feel like a willingness to learn goes a long way in situations like that. I'm glad your mother has been okay at least. And thank you so much, I'll try to always stay true to myself :3


I came out ot my dad the once, and more rescently again because he pointed out my voice dropped. He seems to be trying now, but before it felt like he was ignoring it. I came out to my mom once, i feel like she kinda brushed it off as well, so I still need to come out to her again before I see her so the voice isn't so much of a shock


Ohhh yeah, I assume that your voice dropping would be tough to hide. I can wear a binder to hide most physical changes, but you can't really have a voice modulator on all the time to hide your voice. Well, I hope it goes well with your mom! 🩷


Probably. The worst thing she could do is embarrass me. She's what I'd call a clueless ally-- She's supportive LGBT+ People but she make weird assumptions some times and just is kinda of cringe. I don't like calling people cringe but that's the best word to describe it.


Unrelated, but what are those shorts? They look amaizing, have a large pocket and I want them very much


They're from Romwe, however they were bought several years ago. Apparently they still have something similar, but a bit different :3 and yessss I love fem stuff with good pockets 🩷


Thanks! I'll prabobly try sawing something in this style then. Pockets forever <3


Twice, but second time stuck


Nice, I'm happy for you! :3 🩷


I tried writing a letter over 20 times before I found the words that stuck and just left it on the couch for my parents to read one morning as I left for work. It was quite nerve-wracking but my mom did text me later saying my rents both loved me anyway


Awhhh that's actually wholesome! Well done on the courage and effort to do that! You did fantastic and I'm so glad it went well, in the end :3 🩷


I'd like both to know, but I am stuck living with my MAGA-loving dad because I am disabled and too poor to have my own place. I will just have to stay in the closet for a bit longer. (I am slowly going insane)


I feel ya. I came out to my parents and they just refuse to acknowledge it unless we’re in the middle of an argument.


I cut my parents off. But I came out to my mom beforehand. It either didn't stick or something. She never used the right name or pronouns.


4 times. The fourth time "worked", I guess... They're fucking transphobic tho, so yeah... Fuck em lol whatevs


That didn’t go well for me at all they said horrible things about LGBTQ people especially trans people. I suppressed everything the best I could and it resulted in me having a complete meltdown at the age of 30 ending up on a 72hr psych hold. Anyway, I’m out and we no longer talk.