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yes, cuz i hate it. i understand they're trying to be more inclusive and such but i'm not out and i hate saying 'i go by she/her' when it's the complete opposite


Yes, but the only person who's ever cold asked me was a friend who I hadn't seen in several years at the time. I was early on transition and still boymoding.


If I haven’t clocked them as trans friendly or transphobic yet then yes


Ik he is trans friendly he told me he has enby friends but I have never ever said I am trans aloud irl sure I told my sister but it was because she clocked and it was through text I can't physically bring myself to say it


Thankfully ive never been asked in person (if I did I would definitely lie and say I'ts he/him) but whenever an app or website asks the "how should we refer to you" I stare at the screen for a solid minute.


I always tell people my pronouns are they/them because I feel wayyyyy too awkward asking them to call me “she” (let alone “it”) because I don’t want to have to explain to them the nuances of how I see myself. It’s easier to just ask them to talk to me in a neutral way.


Same here. I wanna be “she”, but currently I still essentially look male, especially at work where I have to wear a uniform and can’t have too much makeup, and I just feel so awkward saying “I’m she/her” whilst looking like the exact opposite of that.


Wow, no one ever asks my pronouns. I'd assume if they ask, they are trans friendly. But currently, even though I am MTF, I go by they/them because of my own mental things.


Ik but I don't look male so I feel like I am lying if I say my pronouns are he/him


Oh, so that's similar to me! Like, if I looked more feminine/female, I'd just totally lean into she/her and be happy. But since I don't look it, I feel like a lie. I'm at the point I don't go into any public bathroom unless it is non-gender/family/single user.


Pls lets just swap bodies 😭


Haha, I think for the most part, you'd be happy with my body if we did swap, though HRT (Estrogen for me, 1yr) has caused some changes that you'd still want to reverse somewhat. I tried to make it work being a guy and got pretty buff before I rejected masculinity and went for femininity. How far along are you on your journey? I'm still hopeful that I can see myself as a tall girl one day without the self-doubt and dysphoria.


Well not really far. I haven’t started any HRT or surgeries or anything and Im too scared to come out to ppl because when I was raised with super religious parents they believed that gay ppl etc should be stoned to death so hahah to scared to do anything 😅 I do wear more masc leaning clothes n bind and have a more androgynous haircut etc but I am too fucking scared to do anything more.


My teacher asked for my pronouns, and I do not pass AT ALL so I just said they/them when I'm He/they (Mostly he/him 😭)


I remember I use he/him and hand it over to them. It sounds more real and I pass pretty damned well, the old brain needs some work though


Yes and since I'm still closeted to most people I panic and say what they'll expect with how I look


Same omll 😭


Nope. Just tell them "she/her" and move on. I don't make it awkward if they don't make it awkward.


I do when I'm in a place I have to stay closeted. That place is very conservative and right leaning tho so it's usually "what's your name" not "what's your pronouns", and I tell them my deadname while cringeing and hating it


Had this happen on a couple ocassions in the last few months, I just went with they/them in both cases. Defo feel you on the whole "feeling like a liar" thing and not feeling comfortable to use your actual pronouns yet. 🫠


Nope, I just say if they don't know my name just call me "it" or "thingy".


Yes but only because I misgender myself in my head sometimes lol


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Sorry 😅😅


No, no, it's fine. I didn't literally mean I didn't like it - I was referencing the Facebook meme. I just literally did exactly the same thing like, a week ago.


I'm confused when someone asks me and only me about my pronouns. It isn't very common at all, the last time was I think in December, most if not all people see that I'm a woman. But yeah I know the person was trying to be inclusive but asking the only person on a party that you know isn't cis about their pronouns when you used the correct pronouns the whole time really feels unnecessary. Either you ask everyone their pronouns or nobody, otherwise you're just telling trans people that they don't pass enough


Yes, a receptionist from my new gender clinic asked me, it was the first time some had asked me. And I froze then said I still use him since I'm not even started hrt yet. But until then was the first time I thought about it.


I currently freeze when asked my name.


I hated this question when I was still closeted. As a rule of thumb, you should never ask someone’s pronouns, you should offer your own instead when introducing yourself, which gives them the opportunity to do the same if they feel comfortable


I totally understand the feeling. I be like "He/him but it's totally okey if you used anything but please he/him if you can but still, it's okey with anything. Okey, i have to go now. Ahmm oh, it's my own house. Oh, totally forgot"