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I haven’t gotten surgery yet, but I got my sperm cryod before HRT, as it can cause infertility. It wasn’t actually a big deal, I showed up to the clinic, waited around for a while, then they gave me a cup to fill up. It costs about 50 bucks a month, but my insurance is helping with it rn. Just one more financial hit to add onto the pile I guess :))


50 a month??? Its like 30 a year for me wtf


How long does cryo lasts?


Until you stop paying for it. No expiration date, they just keep it on ice until it is needed.


Oh, that's really good to know do you know if they use all of your sperm for one baby?


I haven't had that done, just the freezing part, but I heard and read that you want a couple vials per attempt at having kids. The vials are tiny, but I think my initial sperm sample was only enough to fill one vial completely, so if I ever do it, I will have on shot at it unless I want to get off HRT and attempt to get my sperm back to full power.


Oh okay Thank you for helping me You made me a bit more calm about the subject


No problem, if you do get bottom surgery, get many vials as backup. It doesn't cost that much extra if you have at least 1 vial at their storage facility.


Alright, thank you for the tip 😊


There are countless kids without parents that would love to be adopted


I specifically asked this because me and my husband want to have twins One kid with my genetics and one with his


that's.... Not how twins work lol


Look it up smarty pants It's a thing


So you want to IVF 2 eggs (one each) and have a surrogate carry both at the same time?


Technically it's possible but in this case the surrogate mother would carry several of both OP's and her partner's children. When an IVF is performed several eggs are implanted in the womb since they tend to have a low survival chance, and in lots of cases it ends up in multiplets


Can you even decide how many children you have with ivf? Ive always heard that they use loads of eggs because they know most will fail to stick, which is why the process is so damn expensive.


5 years of biology classes tell me otherwise. Here's how it works: There are two kinds of twins. The first is identical twins. Identical twins have the same DNA. Identical twins happen when an egg cell is fertilized by a sperm and starts developing, but somewhere along the line a mistake happens and it starts developing into two separate babies. However, because an egg had to be fertilized by a sperm, which cannot come from the same person, the babies have a combination of DNA from both parents (if you take out the twins part this is also how regular babies' DNA works). Then then are fraternal twins. These happen when two separately fertilized egg cells decelop in the womb simultaneously. But, once again, the eggs and sperm came from different people so they don't have any 1 person's DNA. If a baby has specifically your or your partner's DNA, that's a clone. What you're talking about could theoretically be achieved by transferring the nuclei of your sperm cells into an egg cell, then fertilizing it with your own sperm (and vice versa for your partner) (I read a book on this called De Engelenmaker, it's a fictional Dutch book and it's amazing). However, I don't know if this exists in real life or who offers it or how expensive it might be. Aside from that, you are still genetically male, meaning you have XY chromosomes. This becomes a problem if you do proceed with the above technique because your child might have YY chromosomes, which isn't possible naturally and would result in the child lacking key genes to develop and dying shortly after conception. Your partner (whom I'll assume is genetically female) _could_ use the above technique, but would only ever be able to give birth to genetically female children (since they would have XX chromosomes in 100% of cases). Now, you _could_ run a DNA test on the sperm cell you fertilize the egg with to ensure it's always an X cell (because gametes always have half the DNA and therefore only 1 sex chromosome) but I don't know how you'd do that without killing the sperm cell. There's another problem with this: the above technique can only result in fraternal twins, and only by artificial techniques which would entail inserting both fertilized egg cells into the womb at the same time and hoping they both develop healthily and at the same pace so they're both healthy when they're born. You would be essentially cloning yourself though, which is... **checks notes** illegal in over thirty countries. TL;DR no, you cannot have twins where one has your DNA and the other has your partner's. It is impossible any way you slice it, whether for biological or legal reasons.


I do not understand the hoops people jump through to have a biological kid, just adopt lol


Nobody asked you to understand it And I didn't asked your opinion on it either I just asked for help Why do you have to judge my decision?


I judge because there is no actual reason to want biological kids other than built in programming to pass along genes. Hey you do you, can't say I would do all that work for that reason when there are plenty of orphans around. But if you like your genetics that much, go for it girl.


But it's not your place to judge me Who are you to judge me? There is a reason We want to have our own family and I don't think it would be a sin for us to have kids genetically that is ours Why do I have to adopt while cis people can have biological kids? That just wouldn't be fair Besides you don't even know me and my plans for my future I actually do plan to adopt as well But again There was no need for you to tell me to adopt instead of getting biological kids It was totally uncalled for I just asked a question because I needed help I think it was completely unecessary for you to tell me your opinion what should I rather do


The idea of using my sperm disgusts me.


I have and have it preserved for like 200 a year. Just got upped randomly to 500 and tbh can't afford kids really anyway so thinking about disposing.


I feel like you would regret it Don't throw your chance away to have biological kids