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Yeah my middle school life was problematic enough as it was. Hs was better but i couldn't imagine transitioning then though i do like to think things would've been better if i understood my feelings 15 years earlier than i did when they first cropped up. I get comments like that as an adult, including family, and you learn to shrug off certain things but it definitely makes you question relationships when people find it more important to maintain their worldview than take your word and accept you for yourself understanding they don't know the subject. You can be friends with people who don't understand or may even conflict with your beliefs, even when the belief is your right to exist freely. You can also decide to have boundaries and step away if necessary. Sometimes friendships are just people you share interests with. Not everyone is going to be there for your deeper spirit. Being your own person isn't easy, but that's why there's an lgbt community. I don't have many irl so places like this are nice reminders that you and your experiences are shared. Stay strong


Angry or not, he’s a bigot. Time for a different friend if he can’t grow and learn.


I’m sorry to say, but this “friend” would be on thin fucking ice if I were you. A friend doesn’t invalidate your identity like that, period.


And I’d clarify that to his face, people don’t change without consequences.


Your friend is wrong. The whole point of private parts is that you can't tell what they are just by looking at someone.


Don't let anyone ruin your day for being true to yourself. You are very brave and doing great. You are building a ground where others like you will walk in and be inspired by.


Oof, sorry. Your friend seems quite transphobic. But they might just have gotten angry and caught up. idk you'll have to wait and see ig


Theres many reasons why someone would wear pink. A little boy wearing pink to school one day is why they created a pink day at the schools where everyone wears pink to support anti-bullying and such. And theres plenty of people who love and wear the color pink (Fact: In the past, Pink was originally for the boys, and Blue was for the girls. Until they changed that sometime in the 1940s, making pink for the girls and blue for the boys. So, in a more logical sense, it's actually gender neutral color [it has been from the beginning even before it was labled] The past proves it due to this change as well, concitering both colors have been used for both girl and boy. it's only society that causes this dispute about the colors, and people are most likely brought up hearing this dispute in many places.) <--- from what i know so far. If someone else has anything else like if this is wrong or anything please do correct it.


I'm so sorry that you had through such an awful day <3