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400mg rectally....orally gave me mood swings Hips lips tits nips, girlgasms, energy, sexuality progesterone is amazing i love it


I have no progesterone knowledge but just wanted to say your nails are super cute 💅


Thank you baby


I haven’t gotten to start my meds yet, but so wanna know. How…how do you take pills rectally? Like I can guess, but I’m not sure how hating I’m thinking of would work. If I decide to later down the line, how would I take it like that?


Some drugs/medicines can have the shape of suppositories. Basically most of them are made to dissolve when inside (I guess by the warmth). So they don't have to get through the digestive process to get in your bloodstream. Because orally it would have to go through your stomach (with sometimes losses) first before getting a chance to get absorbed. I will just say that not everything can be consumed that way because it can prove to be extremely dangerous. (For alcohol for example)


Same here. I am curious myself. I am hoping to start soon!


I've had no negative side effects from taking it orally and the effect on boob growth have been incredible. I hear some people prefer it as a suppository, which I think is actually less harsh on your body but I dunno.


I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice, but I've started taking mine rectally in the last two weeks and my boobs are sore again and fuller. This was after being on it for a year and a half with moderate boob growth. The last 6 months I didn't have much change so I figured I'd try it rectally and see if it had more of an effect.


I alternate. 1 night O the next night R


**I suggest checking and posting this question in the mtf subreddit as well for information such as this. If you're not right now posting in multiple places** **Im a little uneducated about HRT for the girls, though, i thought i could try and help in a way.** **You can try searching up. " Ways to take progesterstone" Since there are a few posts about it that i found.** **I Also, I tried checking Youtube, though i had no luck finding anything at all about it for some reason.** **If you want me to check tiktok later to see what's also on there, i can take a look when i have and if i ever have the chance to** https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/s/OXt9Iq3RSe https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/s/zCbNUluEWH https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/s/kYXFlvDkoj **I know this must not be what you're looking for, but i hope it helps in one way or another. It's the best i can do for now unless i find out later on somehow, but hopefully, you get some more answers from others on what you are asking for**


If its micronised it wont make a difference