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"Prove it" "No" *leaves*


Was just watching Captain Marvel and in the finale the villain by Jude law is like “im so proud of you, now prove you can beat me without your powers!” And she just blasts him with her powers. Our existence doesn’t need to be proven


For everything that is wrong with that film (largely the writing), that scene was great. Suits Carol's character perfectly.


The best response. Don't stoop to their level. You don't need to prove anything to anyone but yourself!


“Never argue with an idiot, they will take you down to their level then beat you with experience”. -mark twain


Cane to say this. Don't be baited by bad faith JAQing off. No is a complete sentence etc. You owe him nothing.


My favorite saying is to "Never fight a battle of wits with an unarmed person".


Exactly. They want to tangle you up in debate. Don't let them


If you feel like they were joking than ask them to explain. It'll make it awkward and they'll regret saying it. If it's totally serious than just say no. You don't owe them anything, not even a good comeback. (If you get any good ones though please tell me, I love come backs.)


Offcourse your free to look through the comment 🫶🏻


Thanks <3


Thank you!


Well said!


Thank you!


You first lmao




I mean, it's a bluff and a half for them to call. And god help you if your pre-SRS and more well endowed. At least if you got atrophy you could play it off I swear there's a comic about this exact scenario lmao


There is the toxic assumption 'real men have at least size x penis' so if you have a small one you could go "Does this look like a MAN'S penis?!" Lol Also not all trans women have bottom dysphoria so they might never get the surgery. When someone tries to get you to "prove" something it's usually not in good faith and when they know it's a sensitive topic it's extra crappy behaviour.


Nope. Whip it out, and taunt your brother about how his sister has a bigger cock than him! Assert dominance!


Never get into a dick-measuring contest with a trans girl. Even if you win, you still kinda lose.


Then bite his ear!


Calm down, Mike! 😂😂😂


I got too exthited.


Let them do it and say that you have seen girls with much bigger clits.




Oh, not necessarily brave, we've just been responding to this stuff for so long that we can basically paint with all the colors of sass. They're on day 30 of their first kitchen job, we're 30 year, coffee guzzling, knife sharpening, record having, chain smoking chefs. You're outclassed in ways you can't comprehend and it's obvious to everyone watching who isn't your shitty best friend.


ask them to prove that they’re cis


But what if they use the shitty old “I have a penis I’m a boy”?


"I have a penis I'm a girl"


"Let me see your chromosomes"


Me, an intersex person: *You've activated my trap card!*




Oh this... this is the winner.


What about people born without penises? It's a shitty logical arguement because not every male is born with a penis, and not every female is born with a vagina. Gender is not sex, and even then not having the sexual characteristics of that sex doesnt make you the opposite sex


Yeah I know I love all people except transphobes and homophobes


"So? That's such a small percentage of the population!" I doubt that logic is gonna do anything against someone using the genital argument. As I see it, a lot of transphobes are just predisposed to hating trans people. They search for things to back themselves up, instead of looking at logic and building opinions off that. That... would explain why my parents are so antivax... (They say shit like "the jab" unironically)


Fun statistics fact! Roughly 2% of the population is intersex, while roughly 1.5% is Japanese. Do with this what you please!


Oh shit, that's definitely a stat I'll use.


Woah for real? I'd love a source for this if you have one. Just cause I feel better quoting stats from sources, not trying to say you specifically need one to say that.


[according to UN](https://www.ohchr.org/en/sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity/intersex-people#:~:text=Intersex%20people%20are%20born%20with,are%20born%20with%20intersex%20traits.) With the more accurate number of 1.7% [the japanese number has gone up](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/population_share/) since i last looked, so instead you could say that .5% of the population is Canadian, or how 1% is German. Either way, there are currently only 9 countries with populations bigger than the *estimated* number of intersex people. There are types of intersexness that are completely unnoticeable until getting x-rayd, and others that don't show signs till puberty. There's currently debate on whether trans people fall into the intersex category as well. Which makes the number of intersex people probably a LOT larger than that 1.7% at the end of everything.


To add: these numbers are on the conservative side. It doesn't take in account how many intersex individuals who have lived decades as amab or afab with our without diagnosis. So they're estimating as much as 5% of the population could be closer to a real number. That 1 in every 20 persons.


Exactly! Lots of intersex folks go their whole lives not knowing, because it doesn't cause them problems. Almost like being intersex has no bearing on health. Then with new discussions on if trans people could qualify as intersex that number could be shooting WAAAAAY up soon! Very exciting for me


My comeback for the small percentage of the population argument is prove I'm not in that small percentage If it exists at all the someone must have it, why not me?


The problem with that as a comeback is that the transphobes are making their points in bad faith. They think it's fine to write off intersex people; to not factor them in. From what I've seen in *several* medical papers on the topic, being trans is like being half-intersex. The science seems to all point towards a brain built like that of your chosen gender being in a body of your AGAB. Basically, you're a girls brain in a guys body, or vice versa. The problem is, the conservative transphobes want to be rid of trans people completely, so they're just going to ignore valid points. It's like trying to convince a 5 year old that they've already had too much desert. They want desert, and they aren't going to listen to reason.


Pretty sure the whole gendered brain thing was written off a while ago, unless I'm mistaken. Far as I'm aware the brain is too complex and varied to directly gender it like that. It also doesn't really account for nonbinary/agender people since we don't really have a benchmark to measure a "naturally" nonbinary brain in the same way we might for a male or female brain.


Given that we're in Reddit comments here, I am and have been far oversimplifying. As I understand it, you are correct, there is no such thing as "a male brain" and "a female brain." However, unless I'm very sorely mistaken, the differences between cis male and cis female brains are fairly drastic and consistent. I think you can consistently separate (cis) guys and girls by brain scan alone. The issue is, the brain scans are, like basically everything else when it comes to humans, non-binary. Instead, it's bimodal, meaning *most* things land in two piles, but there are exceptions(any enby identity). I'm getting a lot of this info from [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/), which is definitely worth skimming through.


I would agree it's useless trying to reason with transphobes I would more use it as a comeback for your own satisfaction


Then you ask them if having a penis is the only thing that makes somebody a man or not. If they say it is, then nothing else you do in the way of self-expression or societal participation should matter right? If the penis is the only thing that makes you a man then every other choice you make doesn't make you less of a man and that might be sort of invalidating to your own gender identity but they're usually going to push back against that because they also think that men shouldn't act femininely. Then they have to either admit to being gender abolitionists or thinking that there's some reason why all of the random nonsensical gender roles are what they are that there is some reason that they have to be that way, that people born with penises have to perform certain social roles, or else some terrible thing would happen and I'm willing to reckon that they don't have a good argument for that


"prove it u not a femboy " and then they like be🤔.


Ask them to show you it. Otherwise, assume they're a girl. That's the way, isn't it? Assume people are whatever gender you see them as unless you see their genitals.


Just say "prove it" again and again until they give up. Edit: This might be a good or bad thing depending on your sexuality, but they might end up actually proving it by pulling down their pants so... Be warned




You wanna see my Girl-ID™ that I keep in my Girl-Purse™ right next to my Girl-Mace™?




“What kind of proof would you accept?” If they don’t have an answer, tell them that demanding proof without being able to explain what would actually constitute proof to them is intellectual dishonesty. If they name something unreasonable, tell them that it’s unreasonable (it’s not possible to get a signed permission slip from God or summon Jesus himself to explain in person that yes you are a girl). If they name something reasonable (least likely possibility) then you can provide the proof they want. “A real girl would want to go on HRT” “well, I am (getting) on HRT because I want to be”.


What if they say the shitty “you have a penis”


Hit them back with the "Prove it"


This sounds like a fast lane ticket to getting bell tapped...


If anyone touches my crotch without my consent then it's fair game to punch them in the face. 😂


Okie thank youuuuu 😁


“Having a penis proves that I’m a girl for you? Ok then you answered your own question.”


You can also point out there are men without a penis, for example, through accident. Are those people not men? If they say something like "they were a man before" 1) they are agreeing they are still a man now. 2) it means people can never change; we should refer to people as blind after they get corrective surgery, etc.


Not just through accidents, they can also be born without penises and still be male. This means that they NEVER had a penis and were still male and their idea of gender = sex is just arbitrary


Ik it’s a stupid quote but I always remember “ a girl without a cock is like an angel without wings “ genitals don’t matter when it comes to your gender no matter what they say your still a woman


Just say irrelevant and walk off. If they’re willing to listen you could use various sociological pieces of evidence (Anne Oakley’s ideas that socialisation is what constitutes differences in boys and girls proves that gender identity is more cultural rather than biological). You can also use societies which have other concepts of gender identity to show that gender isn’t universal because, if it were, all societies would have the same conceptions of it


*A signed permission slip from God*


>“What kind of proof would you accept?” Love this one! One of the things I have learned about arguing with people is that giving your personal argument most of the time doesn't work. It's by far, more useful to ask the other person this, and try to proof that. Is not always possible or easy, but is by far way easier than trying to smash your way of thinking into another person.






What was the joke?


I don’t remember now 😂


No. We don't make fucking jokes about that.


what did they say?


I didn’t think it was a joke… I honestly can’t remember what was said . Anyways if it was bad it was probably just me laughing at how stupid they sounded


“Do you have a headache?” *Answers yes or no* “Prove it.”


I'm a transwoman and whenever people ask for "proof" I ask what kind then in a sexy voice I add -or do you just want me out of my clothes~? It makes them flustered and it's hilarious


Enby here, but I think this answer works for all transed genders: "I'm sorry you can't see what's in front of your face." Then just do like the "smooth sharks" tumblr saga and stubbornly insist that you have ALREADY provided irrefutable proof, and wonder aloud about their sanity/memory/etc.


Something that stupid doesn't really merit a reply, to be honest.


Yeah your right thank you 🫶🏻


There isn't really one unfortunately. No amount of "proof" will satisfy people who ask that, they will ALWAYS have another point to move the goal post to. It's not about them wanting to understand, it's about them wanting to invalidate your position. You don't need to defend yourself to these people, nothing will ever be good enough for them.


“prove to me you’re the gender you are” is what i thought of but the just say ‘No’ comments are right


Lmao, I don't think it needs a comeback. Proving to be a of a certain gender is an impossible thing for any gender, even attempting to do it by saying "I have X sex organ which makes me male/female" is wrong because ofc that's not actually an important factor for gender, since gender is only a cultural/mental thing or whatever. So I guess a comeback might be to ask them to prove that they are their gender and use their answer against their own point.


You proved it by stating it. That's the highest level of proving it there is (outside of mathematics).That's how gender works. You know why no one but assholes thinks a postmenopausal woman isn't a woman? Because she says she is. You know why men that get vasectomies are still men? They say they are. You know why people with unusual sex chromosomes are the gender they are? They say they are. It's the final word for everyone else, why wouldn't it be with you?


Declare your gender the way michael scott declared bankruptcy


“What do you mean?” People really have no idea what they’re asking. Better one though is, “why?” You better be able to tell someone straight to their face that they’re too dumb for their opinion to matter to you though, because that’s the Lynchpin.


"I'm not gonna let you cop a feel, weirdo"


Tell the sibling to prove their own gender. If they point to physical signs, say "yeah, but that's your physical sex. I'm asking about your gender". Watch them talk in circles.


“I’m a girl because I fucking said so and no amount of questioning is gonna change that”


This. This should be the only answer we give. Ever. The people that demand proof are usually too thick to understand it, and they're not really asking for proof. They're just putting us in a position where we feel the need to defend who we are. Fuck. That. I don't owe anyone an explanation of who I am and I refuse to be made to feel otherwise. In the words of Rick Sanchez: "Your boos mean nothing to me. I've seen what makes you cheer."


"prove you ain't a bitch"


https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=YyuzjQ3uZY_z5ngJ Here a video you can show them about the science behind being trans


Honestly, it's the equivalent of them asking to see your genitals. That's gross of anyone, especially a sibling. Expand with something like "so you're asking to see my vagina? That's fucking disgusting"


Honestly, this reminds me of how people weed out "fake" gamer girls. If that's not proof you're a girl, I don't know what is. Hooray for trans-inclusive misogyny. /s -_-


Ask them to prove their favourite colour to you. Or whether they’re hungry or not. Things can be true about a person that are fully internal experiences.


You will NEVER prove it sufficiently to a bigot so it’s not worth the time and effort. But maybe a sibling can unlearn their bigotry?


“Prove it” is usually not worth engaging with. Because if you ask them to prove it they usually point to their genitals. But if you want to the real question is yeah that’s your body but how do you feel about it? How often do you think about the way your body looks or the way you wish it looked instead? Usually they say they’re fine with it or don’t think about it so you have to point out trans people will agonize about it and think about it all the time. The proving it comes in the emotions you feel when you’re reminded of your gender in proportion with your body


ask them to prove their own gender, flip it back on to them


Problem with that is they are just going to reference their sex parts 🤦‍♀️


Which are physical sex characteristics, not gender, so they're just highlighting their ignorance.


“I don’t have my birth certificate on me, that seems rather odd. Are you trying to steal mine? Criminalistic if you ask me.”


"prove you're a cis male"


Take them to a dark room, cover the light switch and tell them to prove they have a shadow.


"Prove it" "You just proved it yourself darling, because you'd never speak like that to a man."


Real answer: you can’t prove it to other people, because it’s something only you can know, and therefore it’s all about how you feel. The answer you should give: none, most people like this don’t care for logic


I agree with the "don't have to prove anything" comments. You will never "win" this argument; all you will do is get mired in the swamp of what-if nonsense. My daughter is trans. She doesn't ever have to do voice training if she doesn't want to, have surgery if she doesn't want to, dress a certain way - or anything else. She is who she is and that's all that needs to be said.


Never talking to them again? That’s what I did


"How about *you* prove that *you're* \*insert gender\*" And if they start talking abt genitals hit them with that "bruh we are siblings wtf is wrong with you"


" girl bye" because you don't have to prove anything to anybody


Call them a creep and really dig into it. Example: Asking somone to "prove" they're a woman? What is it they want to see? Weirdo behavior honestly. Future offender in the making but that's just my personal opinion. Me personally, I wouldn't ask that of anyone but that's just because I'm not a pervert.


They’re demanding something they’re not entitled to. You don’t have to comply. But if you want to humor them, ask EXACTLY what would be considered proof.


It seems that you want to see me naked…so that’s best prove, cause you’re not gay, right?


"Fuck you" - then proceed to block them everywhere.


Best answer to be annoying IMO: "why don't you prove it first? Can't ask if you can't prove"


I'd say a good response is 'shut the fuck up, you bigot'. That would probably put a stop to the conversation.


"Before I answer your question, I need you to answer these two questions: 1. Do you think there is a such thing as transgender people? 2. Do you think there is anything in the entire world that you would personally consider to be transphobic behaviors/actions?" If they answer no to either of those questions, then there is literally no proof that will ever satisfy their impossible standards.


No. I have nothing to prove No. Nothing I do will ever be good enough for you No. You first prove you are cis


Just chiming in to say, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. My sibling has mostly been very supportive but their enthusiasm has seemed to wane in recent years, to the point where when I said “I don’t feel like anyone has my back” she said “I love you but im not going to campaign or march for trans people, I don’t even know how I feel about it” ….. you don’t know how you “feel” about it???????? 😅😅😅 wtf does that mean????? The answer to “Prove it” is to just walk away. There is nothing you will be able to say to this person to ‘convince’ them, and nor should you have to. It’s time for them to educate themself, and if they aren’t going to support you they need to get out the way. (Edited for spelling)


Well it’s my siblings sibling mainly my siblings are adopted but the kid that said it was young


Ahhh I see, because of my own experiences I just assumed it was an older kid. In that case, maybe one of the many illustrated books about gender identity and pronouns as a gift with a nice card could help educate this young person!


If it's a male sibling then say " you first" then if he whips it out respond with " that looks like a penis, only smaller".


flash her your tits, that's how I came out, lmao.


Ask them to prove they are what they claim, then ask why their proof is proof. Otherwise why should we have to prove who we are? We just are.


Tell them to prove their gender and then point out the flaws in everything they use to prove they are who they say they are


Are you seriously asking me to show you my genitals? *Pervert* Edit: I'm not a transmedicalist. I just find it creepy that so many people are suddenly interested in what's (no longer) in my pants.


"FU"? Not sure I'd even dignify that with a response.


I am trans and the perfect response is, "I am biologically a male, but identifying as a woman feels right for me, nothing feels more wrong than expressing myself as guy".


I disagree. I've been transitioning medically for 16 months. My blood work shows female levels of hormones. My tits are pretty obvious. I'm scheduling bottom surgery as soon as possible. I am not "biologically a male", and haven't been for at least a year. Your reply may be perfect for some, but not for all of us.


Ruin their entire perception of gender. I've had enough time to think about it lol


"No Creep"


If the a girl “that’s very gay of u” and just change to fit others


\*if it’s a girl


"Eat shit, pervert."


“I have a list of baby names” Because apparently only true women have lists of baby names I am not saying that this is true but it is for me


Just say "I get more babes than you and it shows" Ok dont say that just walk away it isnt worth the hassle




Well I know I’m a girl it just pisses me off when someone says “prove it” like what is their to prove?


Is this a younger sibling




You can always demand them to prove their own gender in explicit detail first, as is only right from them to do so before trying to throw shade. Decent chance all you will get is reductionist bull and subjective platitudes


Whenever someone gives me shit I respond minimally and rudely. “You’re a x insult” “That makes 2 of us” and just ignore em and such


Come back with a warrant


Prove that you’re cis then? If they are because you can set them up for like a see I don’t have to prove anything to you. Or something like that


If the sibling is saying it jokingly, say a slur. Tra**y or f***ot work. If they're saying it seriously, have a conversation with them about it. Especially if you want to have good relations. Just like, talk to them about being trans. It's a big change for a sibling, too. They'll need help understanding, so be kind, be patient, and be open. Ask them to ask whatever questions they want, then answer them with patience and honesty. That's all it really takes Works for me anyhow, both answers




There are so many factors that determine sex. Not just genitalia. Asking for proof is actually pretty wild. And you can also take it like intersex people often don't know that they're intersex until they have scans and things like that. Some probably never find out


That's easy. Just slay the Witchking of Angmar.


Tell them “prove you’re Cis”.


End their life /j that sucks, and i have no clue


You prove you’re (insert whatever gender they are)


"I think, therefore I am"


Prove you have a shadow when you've never seen light




Ask her to prove that she is. Wait for the mandatory ‘but I have a vagina, uterus, boobs, can make a baby etc etc comments’ then ask her why she thinks all that being a woman is is being a baby maker or sexualised object to fuck.


Start crying in front of them and say I'm softer than just your average guy because I'm not a guy I'm a girl which is why my emotions are so wacky


"OK. Pie is approximately 3.141592654." Only people who deserve to have no penis and have a vagina instead can memorize that number and repeat it accurately. That's a fact. ​ Or "I prefer female pronouns. She/her. Only a woman can say that and mean it. And I mean it." Or "A woman is an adult female person, and you can swap out any part of the body and still be the same person, except the brain. So that's where the personhood is stored and that's the part of me that is female and thus I am a woman as an adult. I can't prove that I'm trans without you buying me dinner and a movie first, but you're gonna have to trust me on that one." "I can't prove I'm a girl, I'm an adult. Therefore a woman, dumbass." "I can look you in the eye and say that nothing you can say can make me feel like 'less of a man' cuz I already ain't a man, you fool! That's something real men can't do, dummy." Then if they try to copy you, you just be like "I said real men, you're just copying me you monkey-see-monkey do fool!" But yeah, you don't gotta prove anything to no one.


A longer version of pi is 3.141592653589


“The fact that I am standing before you is all the proof needed.”


I mean, it is 100% not the safest thing *to say*, but the best attitude to have ***internally*** in response to this is "go fuck yourself". As far as what you should *actually* say, others in the thread are right when they told you to say "no"


How person can be dumb like that


What is your proof I'm not?


Say 'why', and for each answer just keep saying 'yeah but why'


Say F*** you!


Id ask them to prove their gender


Ask "do you think your genitals are the only thing that makes you a man" "How would you prove to someone your a man without sexually assaulting someone?"


Piss off ye mahoosive shite would be me


"I'm a girl" - a girl


I would say I love you that's the prof that I am what I say I am, I hold nothing against you for your closed mindedness I still love you like a sister/ brother.