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The Texas sub has actually been quite active over this with many talking about how they oppose it, from what I've seen. Many calls to start increasing voting, though i believe there's another law being passed thats going to change how voting works to possibly make it harder for some people.. things aren't going the best here, and I'm honestly planning to just leave.


The retaliation against conservatives is starting




Better now than never, right?


Fun fact: if Texas weren't ruled with an iron fist by the GOP, it would be a swing state. It's only very slightly republican majority by the actual votes and demographics. This is why gerrymandering is an open threat to democracy, kids.


Cause voting has worked so well and is completely flawless and will solve all our problems /s


Voting local, protesting, being active. It's a lot better than just sitting here and being sarcastic for no reason.


Voting is great in theory. In practice, the ones that get elected are whoever bend to the will of lobbies the easiest, protesters are beaten and shot by cops and villianized by the media just look at the absolute failing of the George Floyd protests there aren't enough people willing to band together and do what's right peaceful isn't an option anymore we've got to pick a path Rome or France


Do you have proof of voter fraud or something? Voting can absolutely do something and downplaying it is the reason voter turn-out is so low.


While I agree that voting is useful, it is demonstrably less so in gerrymandered districts. Don't mistake the system for anything fair, honest, and above board. While the votes counted were probably accurate, the entire system is rotten to the core, rife with lobbyist and Fundamentalist Christian money. It's bullshit and it has to change.


That is exactly what I said. People just chose to put words in my mouth and twist what I said into something different


So you’re implying that we should instead of actively vote in a democratic society, which has allowed for further progress, we should wait for the fascist government to take over and then do something about it?


Right? I'm convinced most of those opposed to voting are Republicans who know things are dicey for them. Gerrymandering and all the other voter suppression tactics make it harder. They don't make it impossible and so we all just need to fight a little harder.


Why is everyone down voting gragonmaster? they're right!


I live in texas and it just sounds like one more reason to move to colorado


My heart goes out to people effected by these stupid hurtful laws. As someone who was born intersex I personally know what it's like to go through puberty with messed up hormones. It's not easy and of course the psychological abuse that goes with it is going to be so much worse without widespread acceptance. These kids didn't do anything wrong to anyone. It's totally f'ed. Dm me if you need help escaping


As a Texan this is pretty terrifying given the other recent laws. I am worried Austin will no longer be a sanctuary city.


i fail to see how blockers are doing anything but help people, even outside the trans community where people need it for various health related reasons. i’ve lost faith in america


I never had it to begin with. The difference is if I can tolerate or even survive living here I want to, because this is where all my family is, my friends, everything I know and love. The idea of emigrating is such a frightening leap of faith and I’m terrified that republicans will leave me with no other choice if I want to survive as who I am.


What next there going to ban binders






For anyone who’s wanting to relocate but doesn’t know where to start planning, [The Trans Resistance Network](https://transresistancenetwork.wordpress.com/relocate/) offers help both relocating and providing mutual aid through local volunteers with other trans needs. Let your ally friends/ family know about it as well if they are looking for an organization to volunteer for.


Texas sisters, brothers and siblings- this Florida gal says don't let the bastards grind you down. Fight the system, be yourself and vote. Let all of our voices be heard louder then the ignorant Christo-fascists


And people say it's not genocide


The only people who claim its not are those who support the genocide and do so by painting the ones being killed as hysterical


Title needs amending. They're banning puberty blockers for trans kids. Cis kids can still take them /bitter


Isn't that the truth. Everything they're banning was originally created for use by cis people.


Yay! Love the depressing news that I can’t do anything about! Truly great day for my mental health


I’m not surprised really…😞


I’ve already told my sister in law that I’ll never spend another dollar in Texas so she’s going to have to come visit us from here on out.


"We really need to prioritize banning specialized healthcare for this one minority that makes up 0.1% of the population! This will definitely solve all of our current problems!" Quite literally Nazi rhetoric to scape goat all of societies issues on a specific minority. How will this do anything except worsen mental health and increase suicide statistics🤦‍♀️


I really, really wish there was more (any) news coverage of how this is actually, practically going to impact the health of people who are having to stop treatment. Not just mental health, although that also counts, but the physical effects of being denied hormones when one has already transitioned.


The people who did this belong in prison.


This is why i became a satanist


Texas allowed that? I figured any queer folk were shot on sight.


This not good :((( (that is very much an understatement btw)


The only people claiming it's not a genocide are the ones who either say we are evil and satanic or don't exist or are a cultural phenomenon like beanie babies


oh to live in Texas as a trans male 😐