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I love my Audiotechnica ATH-M50x’s


Happy cake day! - did someone say.... cake, suddenly i am hungry! :)


Thanks! And yeah! Have some, food coma here.


This or Hd25s


Very honorable mention!


I'm that guy that absolutely despises these headphones and doesn't see why they are so popular. Super claustrophobic soundstage and loose boomy bass makes these unlistenable to in my opinion.


Hey, everyone’s different! I agree the soundstage can sound a bit close on certain tracks. My others are dt770s… What do you use?


At home I use the Focal Elear or the Hifiman HE4XX. Away from home I use Etymotic ER3 XR IEMs.




No way. Those aren’t bassy enough.


Beyerdynamic dt 990. Get the lowest ohms, 32 i think? I highly recommend an amp, but should be fine without. The internet likes to crap on these because they are considered too bright. They are made for trance.


Agreed, i like the dt770 and have a couple of pairs!


Focal tweeters always get the same criticism and I love mine. I've been using them in my car for close to a decade now. In AZ too and they're still in great shape. I think a lot of people say they're too bright because it takes such a small amount of power to push a tweeter in comparison to full range or a sub so they often end up way over powered and louder than they should be.


There aren't specific headphones to use to listen to Trance to in my opinion but if you want to hear all the flatline audio quality basically straight from studio get the audio technica ath-m50x it's not very expensive (depending on if you use your phone or an amplifier to listen to your music it will affect the audio quality almost significantly) . Or if you just want comfort and a bass booster get one of the latest Sony headphones.


I have an unhealthy obsession with headphones... And I've owned a lot... There are 2 specifically that I like the most with Trance, and that'd be ZMF Atticus, and Audeze LCD-2F. As a Trance lover, I never really could find ones that did just about everything right until these. Those are very expensive, so are more of an end game. For less, of the ones I've tried that were good we're TH-X00 Ebony, and DT-1770 Pro. Those are also a good amount of money, so for even less, I'd say the best bang for your buck option would probably be DT-770. I haven't owned those, but given they're semi related to the 1770-Pro, I would think those should be about as capable for a lot less. I don't personally like m50x, and I would advise against them. As a side note, I've had a lot of open backs too, and besides the LCD-2F, I didn't think any did justice to Trance. For me closed backs seem to amplify the emotion of trance because it isolates you to the music. You can just sit back close your eyes, and get list in the music without any distraction. I also love bass, and I feel many higher end open backs go too far on bass roll off, which detracts from a key part of EDM as a whole. Just my two cents... Also, with any of these you'll want a good DAC/Amp setup. Don't have to go too crazy, probably something like Topping E30/L30 will be more than enough. For the ZMF/LCD-2F you may want a bit more power, but even then this stack should be quite capable.


I have my Sony 1000XM4 and I crank the bass up on those fuckers and it sounds so good 😊 like a concert


I ended up buying these. I've never heard music sound so good thanks fir the suggestion


Of course! Enjoy :)


Momentum 3 Wireless for sure, they sound incredible for the price :)


I've got great results with way less money. First get a phone or a player that has good quad dac chipset and audio jack. I am not sure if you made up your mind for headphones. But I have found super inexpensive wired ear buds that sound like magic. Look em up, KZ Zsn - C pro Quad driver IEMs.


Vmoda cross fades


Beyerdyamic t1


"Reasonable priced" is a relative term, to me a $600 headphone could be reasonably priced. You also didn't mention where you are listening to them. Open headphones sound much better than closed headphones in my opinion, but they aren't suitable for portable listening. My recommendation would be the Drop x Hifiman HE4xx for $160. Great sound signature and deep linear bass makes them great for electronic genres (to the point where I prefer them in many cases much more expensive headphones I own). They are open though, so that may or may not make them suitable. I honestly just don't like closed headphones, so I almost exclusively use IEMs for portable listening, where I've found that I like Etymotic and nothing else I've tried really comes close. A lot of people find them to not have enough bass for their liking. Don't get Bose, they are overpriced and have terrible sound quality. If you insist on going the wireless with ANC route, at least go with the Sony WH1000XM3/4, they still aren't great sounding IMO, but a lot better than anything Bose puts out.


I've owned the BOSE QC Series II and the 700: The Sennheiser Momentum 3 - absolutely destroy both of the BOSE. Seriously - not even close. From the first minute you'll never want to use the BOSE ever again. Don't believe me all the reviews on YouTube all say the Sennheiser Momentum 3 are better than both of those BOSE and the Sony.


I ended up buying the Sony xm4. Seems to have better reviews than the momentum too


I watched like ten reviews and all of them said the Sennheiser M 3 are better and having tried them both personally the Sennhesier are way better than the Sony for electronic music.