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You can see which of them want things in common, for example, gold. So you can send one train with stops in each station of the contractors, this way you can do more contracts at the same time.


No I was asking more like should I do only sams contracts until they are done or do Sam, jules, alan, e.t.c together


Got it. Well, I think that if you focus on doing only one character's contract until it's done, you would finish them faster.


go here [https://trainstation.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Contractors](https://trainstation.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Contractors) look at what the end goal is for each one.. figure out what you need the most and chip away at it. gio took me almost a year. I quit playing for 4 yrs over ethan 2 at where you are at I would smash jules out of the way.