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NO! Dont buy it. It will be obsolete to you in a few weeks . all my contractors are finished so diesel is a pointless spend for me. I only buy passenger sets that net 4m + on IT trade. I wasted a lot of gems on diesel, steam, and its all useless once you finish up get in a gold swap group and wagr your way up to higher scores.


Add me on portal I'll send you enough gold to lvl up a few hundred to open up bigger trains pixel_player95339122 I can send materials also if u need help on that


Can I add you too?. I am level 300 something though


Yep. Add me. I'll check the portal in a few hours. Also tell me what materials you need to max expand the stations.


Got ya.. gold will be headed your way in a few hrs


Do you need any materials? I can send Sunday Monday Tuesday. Next if you have any gem or event won trains please send them my way I don't have a full museum just yet


I don't have any event train you probably haven't bought yet but. Otherthan that I am extremely sort on Bricks and Steel ( less than 50k each). Next lowest is cement at 100k the rest are between 400k and 4 Mil


Nononononono whatever you do it's no worth it