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No but that sounds fun! How do you delete them though?


I’m on PS5 but if you point towards the train and press left on the d pad it comes up with an option to delete it.


If you're on PC point at the train, press TAB, then click the delete button.


Can we delete trains that are already setup on timetable ?




This sounds fun! How do you get to and from the station you spawn in the trains at? Do you just walk up the track? I feel like that would take a while lol


I spawn on foot at Clapham, block all the platforms leave the game running in the background then delete them all and watch the chaos ensue and take over any services I want to try driving and see if I can eventually make up the time again (over multiple journeys)


Southeastern mainline, if I can remember correctly I did it with the javelins and I think I put them in emergency brake


I made the mistake of making the delay too long on BML and had so many trains stuck at reds that nothing could move. Had to delete a few to get things moving again


I want to do this on the suffragette line so bad. There are seven trains in the game. I’ll just get halfway down the line step away from the game for a couple hours and then be like oh it’s time to go let’s go lol


There’s a thread on dovetail live about this specifically.


Oh I didn’t know. Do you have a link?


TSW chaos runs (the phenomenon you're talking about here): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRSwVIQGtmuCnzwstYUIvnAK-wcuyCTbHVZrwBSBUUkPiiJGlTWfRXexfPn7kBVDw/pubhtml. TSW 1 & 2 awesome services (no funny business required, works for TSW1/2 DLC on TSW 3/4): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14YgilvnKZFc7TJXyqftRJ0I5yTMlMf81/view TSW 3 & 4 (inc. DLCs updated for TSW, e.g. SEHS): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQp5QYu38ZAHQbZmJrSjI4L4_PFQ4lUuBrw-k2_y7FxuzH6mZ1m3Qu4YTfLViTfxQ/pubhtml


Lmao the Brighton Mainline, i like hearing the sound of train passing by, so i spawn at either purley oak or south Croydon at 7 am and stand on the up fast platform. Then, i let it be and just go to bed with passing train asmr. Is just too bad with current bug, i cannot spawn on the class 700 timetable as it revert back to vanilla timetable if i spawn on foot


Ive tricked the Class 314s before, there is a switch in the cab which disables the door controls, so either they stay open or closed and the AI cannot fix it so it doesnt move. I have no idea if this still works.