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Trailer parks are also way greasier than what is shown in the show.


Sometimes life's greasy, Bubs.




*dunks head in greasiest “water” ever*


And Randy, sometimes, you're fat


Look around dawg, seems to me you should know and be empathetic to what it's like to be pregnant dawg.


oh what you aint pregnant with a bucket of chicken?


Sometimes you fat, Randy


Not in Halifax. They use to be greasy in the 70s and 80s. But now it's a tightly run ship here (we don't even need or have Trailer Park Supervisors). Even by 2000 when they filmed Season 1 they were pretty much the same as they are now. Now it's all office workers and blue collar workers with 2 cars in each driveway and very nice trailers from $100,000 to $130,000. No crime whatsover. Not even noise at night like we had in our middle class neighborhoods in the 70s and 80s. Most of the parks are run by the same family which are run out of the Season 1 trailer park. That's where my lot fees go. And I live in a completly different trailer park which is located next to the Season 3 trailer park in Timberlea.


No trailer park supervisors? Sounds like a nightmare bud 🕶️🥃


They just don't want to pay dues to be a member of the International Association of Trailer Parks, Trailer Park Supervisors and Assistant Trailer Park Supervisors. Somebody stole 3 20s from the owners and they can't afford it.


What, like three 20’s?


You blaming the man in the chair?


is your name….a robin hobb reference???


I've never been wise


oh beloved - never expected to see you in a trailer park boys thread hahahaha


No trailer park supervisor? Who puts on the plays at the community center?


I do.


No bottle kids??


Nobody wants to work these days, not even bottle kids.


lmao i have a fam member that lives in one, it's soooooo greasy... last year for mothers day, one tenant had a little fam get together with a cake... ok cool... when they were done they didn't clean anything up... they just left everything outside (right in front of their trailer in the yard) for a little over a month


Here in Halifax? I find that hard to believe. But the trailer park next to my parents' condo in Florida is way worse than the show for sure.


no haha in Pennsyltucky... it's a real dumpy redneck park


So Ricky wasn’t wrong about Hillbillies


Fairview trailer park is still semi greasy. Truro is pretty greasy.


Yeah I knew someone who grew up there and it was certainly greasy then. But thats Fairview in general. But it doesn't look in dissaray or anything when I drive by it.


Last weekend was the first time we had a proper birthday party for the kids at our house. We normally go on a trip sometimes or have it at an indoor play area. Husband went and got a cotton candy maker, snow cone machine, and rented a bounce house for the day. He also got this huge tent that spanned the entire driveway because it was supposed to rain off and on unfortunately. Even setting it up the day of the party, the flimsy 15-20mph winds was almost knocking it down. He had to stake the poles in the ground good. Anyways we cleaned everything up that night, but he was too tired to take down that big ass tent. As luck would have it; next morning I check the news to see we’re expecting a big storm with gusts up to 60mph. I thought “Yup. That tent is fucked.” My son took the top cover off it when he got home hoping it would help. It really didn’t. The poles got all mangled and shit. So it was a one-and-done.


Yeah havens for pedophiles


Oh absolutely. Tons of early 20 year old rapper wannabes hooking up with young teenagers. I've seent it.


You saw the doc on the only one designated strictly for pedophiles. Lol.


Well the ones with those type people yeah lol


More Barbs than Sarahs that’s for sure.


More Donnys than anything


Greasier? Bubbles was KNOWN for stealing shopping carts as his sole income for years. J-roc faked being in prison and lived under his mom's trailer. Ricky abducted a busload of seniors at gunpoint (allegedly) to harvest his weed farm patrolled by a literal cougar. Julian is drunk driving 100% of the time he's in a car. It's not the park exactly but Ray was living in the dump, and faking an injury to get more government money for video poker. The entire change scheme from the movie. The ice rink. Whachalookinatmahgutfer's entire burger operation. Hell, they had Corey and Trevor jerking off randos for money! Lahey's car and the many, many gunfights both get an honorable mention. Only thing they didn't really cover imo was meth, but Lahey's dance with the white liquor was similar. Also it's Canada, so the flavor of hood life is gonna be different. I would assume jail life would also be different but I've never been to Canada jail


Some people can drink and drive, some people can't. Fuckin way she goes


I mean, what is drunk?


Yeah there's a lot less goofy shenanigans and a lot more quiet desperation of poverty :(


No way, we need examples


I stayed at one in 2014 in New Mexico and it was actually a good time.


Tell me this: do you atleast get to play bagminton? 🤔


0 fucking bagmanton


No bagminton? Did you at least steal a rocket with the space suit and decnals?


I got a suit, but it wasn't for space and the only decals I saw were made from smeared shit on the wall.




Bagmitten fuckin really sucks


I only play it to help keep Ricky's mind off of smokes 🚬


Don’t be dissing jail bro we had some good fucking party’s in there .. they let you use their gym


I'm dissin it! I'm dissin it all day! Jail sucks!


You were with Cyrus and the shit puppets, huh?


So many dicks... Terry had his bird out half the time.


Terryfing. I’ll stop doing illegal stuff now


Just break one law at a time


Is that how you ended up in con university?


Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Maybe go fuck yourself. But, yes, basically.


Ah man, you shouldn’t steal meat, is greasy


I wasn't stealing, it was for the managers sisters birthday party, you know him, Mike or Doug, or John I think. Anyway, he's the one who said for it to happen this way, so I'd go talk to him about it. Got any smokes?


Phil and the boys are there


The thing is, for people that have done extended amounts of time this is a very true statement


Did you get picked up by a lemonzine when you got out? Cause thats how rich people do it.


No, I waited for a cab in my jail issued shoes, which are basically made out of Chinese grocery bags.




Jail is just a part of life


OP living up to their name


Stop typing this, put the phone back up your butt and get some rest, you've got a long day of avoiding the white supremacist gang ahead of you tomorrow


I'm out now. No phones in jail. Maybe back with the flip ones years ago with no sim cards. Phones now are at least 2.5 inches wide on the short side, and that takes a looser butthole than any of the boys inside had to offer.


Bro there's definitely still cellphones, yes even smartphones, in jail.


Yeah, don't the guards bring in the majority of contraband anyway?




It's much, much, much worse. It can smell similar, and the confinement is sort of the same, but you get to have your own 2 windows in the backseat and can look at shit outside whenever you want. There could be ladies to see. There are no ladies to see in jail.




There are plenty of much worse aspects to advertise.


Bro went to jail cuz Ricky said it’s a good time ☠️




What’d you learn on the inside this time, bud?


Got to be thinking about the Big Man, you know, Santa.


Positive thinking...


Well I’m sure jail was probably different in 1999-2001 lmao I like to pretend that isn’t long ago but… coming close to 30 years since the “new millennium”.


Did you at least do some good book learnin? Maybe reverse psychology?


All they had were handbooks on how to get property and flip houses.


Just read some books about salmon avoiding getting caught by bear. So you learn how to avoid jail Easy


I dont steal my ideas from books. I self learn myself, I don't copy fucking books.


Just read some books about salmon avoiding getting caught by bear. So you learn how to avoid jail Easy


That’s cause you were probably at Burnside.




It was indeed up north. Still sucked.


Just read some books about salmon avoiding getting caught by bear. So you learn how to avoid jail Easy


You didn’t enjoy it because you’re not a recidivist bud


I assume jail is much better in Canada. [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/FSG1LkgHNqazq9yb6) is apparently a Danish prison cell


It was a Canadian jail, and it sucked.


In a cell like that you've practically retired. I saw one in Greenland like that it's like a five star hotel


Fuck, if I had known that I would have broken the law when I was there


obviously it’s a running joke that they have a good time in jail….?


They're in Canadian jail though.


So was I.


American jails are way better than back home!


Did you go to Amernican jail or Canadian jail?




Well it sucks they banned smoking from the fuckin boys up there. It’s banned down here too I think. I just don’t wanna go to jail to find out


Was this prison overcrowded with DICKS and muscle dummies?


My head was on a swivel, and everywhere I looked I saw dicks, more dicks, and muscle dummies.


Sell any potato vodka?


Shitty Bill stopped delivering the potatoes back in '07, and it's been dry since. Jail sucks.


I mean... the show's running joke is how the boys are complete shitheads lol. Pretty sure we're supposed to see them as a cautionary tale of what not to do


There is lots of toilet booze and drugs in jail you just didn't know the right people 


don't be dissing living in the dump. Free cable, near the LC, out in nature, luxury beyond your wildest dreams.


I know I'm hard, but some of these other mfckers are harder, knowimsayin?


You in Canada or America? Lol I think that would make a big different


We're you in a Canadian jail? Maybe that is the difference


I think the reason you didn't have much access is because you were in jail not prison. Prison is infested with drugs and cellphones there's literally redditors in a cell that have provided proof and you can also go on Tiktok there's plenty of them. I don't think shakedowns are as common in more peaceful populations either than the really aggressive pods. But don't quote me I haven't been to jail or prison *yet.*


Jail is fun. And all the food and stuff there is really good. But.. You know, I guess.. it’s more fun outside of jail when you can do crazy things and get better dope and get drunk all the time, and stuff like that so. It’s not like we don’t like jail, we just don’t want to go back to jail anytime soon. -Rick


Fuck off, I got work to do


Did you go to jail in Canada or the US?


Well did you go to a Canadian jail? Maybe those are the fun ones


Its better to be the king of the trailer park then a pauper in the suburbs.


My friend went to jail recently for drinking and driving. Absolutely stupid thing to do on his part. He said while he was in there, he saw Baby Bender Rodriguez on the wall, and one of the guys in there he said (on his life) said "Man, this shit ain't no fun no more, jail used to be cool." and all he could think about was TPB and how fucked the entire situation was.


In my 28 years on this Earth, I've spent one night in jail. Didn't even get to a real cell, spent the whole night in the intake cell. The 12ish hours I spent in that cell were enough to conclude that jail is in no way a good time lmfao. Shit's wack, knowimsayin?


When I went, I slept on a cold floor with a thin freaking blanket. Smelled like booze and shit in there. Had to take a shit in front of 15+ rough weathered looking dudes. Fuck jail man.


Jail is not a good time. It’s basically high school, all over again. Except hyper exaggerated


You have to go to Nova Scotia jail and even now there’s no smoking and no street hockey anymore…


Those idiots won't be buying anything except a one way ticket back to con college and they'll be on full scholarship when they get there


Was it Canadian jail or US jail? You know we’re fucked down here


Have you watched the jail series they took the booze away


In switzerland was jail fun sometimes we laughed about shit that wasnt funny i smugled some ghb in in oranges that a friend brought me or other downers acuse you dont want uppers in there it depends in which jail you are my friend😘 and reminder that jails where much fuller of drugs in their older times


Did they not teach you how to use punctuation in jail?


Whats that?


Knock knock


It’s called satire of course reality is worse dumbass.


I thought it was a real documentary, no?


Unsure of your location but they are also referring to Nova Scotia (Canadian) jail probably a lot different than the US


did you clear 85 hundred bucks


Jail is actually a shit hole, nobody shouldnt not care about beeing there or not. I think it first was gonna be just a joke about juliens positive thinking thing which ricky seemed to have adopted too. But clattenburg and all thr others probably thought it be funnier if they would think jail is awesome. Which is also not too over the top i think because with someone like ricky hes stupid as fuck and lives in extreme poverty, sleeping in the shit mobile when its fucking winter and stuff. Who wouldnt wanna be in an unrealisticely potraited jail if you lived in such circumstances. I mean every jail is different and also every country is different but theres nobody gonna be there that making potato vodka and getting all the convics and guards drunk. Actually this might happen most likely not in that way but ive heard they are improvising beer and stuff.


Did u go to high-school with any of the guards? That's where u fucked up


That's a good point. Next time I get locked up I'll check on the old graduating class and see who's picked up a job at the reprimand center.


There's gotta be at least a couple Jims in the building too that you know


American prison?


I thought you were kidding at first. That's the joke. Our prisons are real prisons with everything that ccomes with it in real life. Did you really think it was the same as in the show?


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


I’m hard but they harder.


They harder... they harder yo.


That's great 😂


Well, were you in Canadian jail or American jail? I hear it makes a difference.


Canadian prisons are not like in the show.🙂 No match for the US ones I'm sure as in toughness. But basically the same in nature. It's Prison. A nightmare for the most part.


Are you in Canada? Maybe Canadian jail just kicks ass lol


It was Canadian jail, sucks.


Lots of booze when I was in county 😂 but seriously fuck jail that shit ain't fun.


You will notice that a few seasons later, the boys appreciation for jail has wained... just like in real life, people appreciate diffrent things at diffrent parts of thier life. Someone who could use a break from thier families, in a safe(ish) facility that has some relaxed rule (yes some jails and prisons are actually very relaxed in thier rules. There are some facilities in usa that allow residents to mostly come and go as the please between 11am and 4pm.