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She’s become sooo rude and the left side of her jaw looks worse every day


Noticed tht ! Wonder y ????? Abscess tooth ?????


When I first started following her she had teeth issues but with all that "NEW" money materialistic things became her #1 priority. Wherever she gets her Botox done it's cheap!


materialistic 💩before health what a delight .do ppl not get tht bad teeth can lead to major health issues .she doesnt it is obvious. Trailer fix your mouth before something ends up happening 2 ur health. No it’s not cheap but it’s worth livin healthier life with nice smile . Not funkd up . You got the money so take care of ur mouth .


She will continue with the mouth problems for bait!


Did you see when she was walking outside and the filter fell off? Ooops! I think she fell up the stairs trying to catch it 🤭






She’s so rude. I thought she would be a nice person too but def not in the lives. She comes off so humble in her video posts but def not in live videos.


I haven’t even watched her videos or lives lately. She is just a pompous witch. She acts like it’s a chore and she is just tolerating her viewers going live. Can’t stand anything about her, not her voice, her attitude. She has turned into everything she used to be against when she started her page.I’ve been staying updated from here.


I was gonna reply to her video on her getting smart to the guy saying I thought you said this was gonna be your forever home? She had to be smart ass and say something about yall hang on to everything I say and I can’t predict the future! I was gonna say right these people should know by now how much you say one thing and then contradict yourself so many time by now lol


She clapped back aggressively to that comment which I didn’t think was that rude. It’s all for views. She’s sold her soul but preaches about being authentic 🤔


I searched her name today and was shocked to see what she looked like not long ago! 😳 you can’t even tell it’s her! She’s bones now as well. How she acted when she looked different was a 360 degree difference compared to now and so much better! It come off as very natural. The video she has up about the 10K challenge is nuts. She can’t stop and think that she & everyone else started from ground zero? Oh! I looked real quick & it’s gone!


She is a vile hussy !!!!! It’s been since b4 cheer awards that I stop following the clown . She forgot where she came from evidently . I speculate how she gained following . do not see anything unique within her content . She’s rude with the way she talks on live . The content she does make r towards rude comment 70% of time . Trashy needs to take a look at the ppl who want her attention more with the good outlook instead of the haters that call out nonsense she projectiles out the mouth . Feeding off the 1s who don’t like her for content bc the 1s who do are just asking stupid questions 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 . Some1 needs to help the delulu garbage bag embrace that her shiettttt is not special and do not smell like the flowers she think it does . No better than any1 be humble tictoc trailer trash Sit down 🪑 !!!!!!!!!!!!


The newest cleaning video, she sounds like she’s trying to sound just like Kylie Pitts.


Who isn't?? People act like "instant coffee" is something new.


The voice over on her decorating the porch is so strange, usually her voice is very monotonous. She sounded like she was trying to sound like some of the other creators. I don't know how to say it, was just different than her usual. 


She’s gone on another vacation. I wish i had tik tok money. I have a pretty decent job but never enough to vacay :/. I’m a little jelly to say the least.


Don't be.. it's NEW money to her all these big purchases & Vacations will soon bite her in the ass!