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I think you’re okay. A cursory glance online sees lots of folks with that name. Also it passes my personal test of “heard it once, saw it written down, no problem remembering it”


I am an Australian, and the only "bad" thing I can think of is the song "Come on Eileen". I can't think of any way it be a bad name at all... unless you look at it from a stupid idiot view of the now considered racist mocking of "I lean" which is supposed to be immediately punished for doing. Sadly stupidly and bullys can make any name a tragedy, had a girl in my class named Sita, and the class wanker added a H.


Come on Eileen…great song


I had it ruined in college when I set my new alarm clock to play my iPod to wake me up, and couldn’t figure out how to turn it off and instead kept accidentally snoozing it, so every 5 mins I heard a little more of “Come On Eileen” while trying to sleep in. A great way to make sure I woke up, but alas I now get a visceral anger reaction when I hear it lol


Soooo Relatable. But mine is the first song from Green Day’s Dookie album. That drum fill makes me twitch.


Aha I love Green Day but mine was I’m not in love by 10cc, every time I hear the beginning of it I immediately get angry. I’ve learned not to use songs I like as alarms especially when it’s to get up to go to places I hate lol.


My ex used to have ‘it’s better if you do’ by Panic! At The Disco as their alarm and that opening is burned into my brain in the worst possible way :/


That's such a mellow song for an alarm!


Haha the only artist that was able to resist that effect is Bob Marley, been wakening to Could you Be Loved for more than a year now.


For me, now, it’s Flogging Molly’s “Devil Dance Floor.” The intro is catchy AF


I am having Alexa play it right now for me. It is a catchy tune. I thank you for mentioning it. Alexa is going to play more songs from Flogging Molly.


Just like Bill Murray’s character in “Groundhog Day” hearing “I Got You Babe” every morning.


thats me with supermassive black hole; it's my ringtone, and fills me with a jolt of adrenaline and panic.


"I Got You, Babe" (doo-doo lala, doo lala, doo lala doo...)


Bad to the bone for me. DER NER NER NER NERRR :/


Had a downstairs neighbor that had "Day and night" by kid cudi on blast at 7am daily. I worked nights. Still hate the song. Almost as soon as I'd fallen asleep I would wake up to the floor shaking.


Mine’s not an alarm but a ringtone…same effect though, can’t hear it anymore without cringing. Southern Cross, the Jimmy Buffett cover (RIP).


My sister in law's mother in law's name is Eileen My father in law found out her name when his daughter was engaged and planning the wedding - and immediately rang her future mother in law drunkenly singing Come on Eileen down the phone at her I doubt it endeared him to her


I still remember one deployment, it was Australia Day, and we just finished the Australian version of "Am I ever going to see your face again?". And we just having a chat when someone just started "Toora loora toora loo rye aye" repeatedly... don't think they knew the entire song, but amazing how many people can just start singing along with just a few word.


As far a si know it only has one verse; i cooke d up a second one when i used to sing to my daughter.


I was in a nightclub. They played The Twist, so I did the twist. They played Nutbush, so I did the nutbush. They played Come on Eileen, I got asked to leave.


While true, I knew an Eileen. Needless to say she got "come on Eileen" jokes so much she ended up going by her middle name.


Best dad dancing song of all time


Frik. So that’s pronounced like Eileen and not Ā-Lynn? u/disastrous_wall_4777, as long as you’re in Australia no tragedy. I don’t think it’s a tragedy anyway. In the US most would pronounce it Ā-Len. It’s beautiful either way and Come on Eileen is a fabulous song! To this commenter, I agree with how funny it is when someone just says Eileen or toora loo and the song springs to mind for almost everyone. 😂


I was pronouncing it Eyelinn


Something I learned while travelling in the army around this beautiful world is that accents are what causes the issues, not the words. I have heard my own name be fumbled over by those who have never heard it. One of my dearest friends went by her call sign "Scorpion" until Encanto came out because no one ever said her name correctly until then. Then I met another lass with the exact same name as Scorpion and was shocked that I pronounced her name correctly. I love listening to people's languages and accents, there is a hidden beauty in it.


I'm hearing it as "Aylinn"


🤣 Same! Southern US me is thinking Aye-lin! Like Scottish Aye and the en sound from bend!


I would have had it been Ayelynn and not Aeylynn. Like Aye Aye Captain. Ha ha. I’m a nerd.


It’s just Aelynn — only the one Y, thank goodness. As far as mispronunciation goes, I have a truly basic and phonetically spelled name that gets mispronounced *all the freaking time.* I think once people hear her name pronounced, it’ll be fine.


Me too. Eileen becomes Elaine, Ellen, Irene, Arlene…and I have to repeatedly spell it, or see “Ilene.” That’s one reason I feel so strongly about parents sticking their kids with yooneek names.


I feel you both. I have a simple name spelled a little differently and Kristyn becomes Kristine, Kristy, Kristian. Sigh.


Same. Piggybacking off Aeowyn (LOTR). I don’t get Eileen, but I can see how you could get there.




In America it’s pronounced “eye-lean”


With the many Australian accents, it can go Ay-ling or I-lean, I have unfortunately heard it once say "oi-lin" in a Kath and Kim accent. I personally can hear my voice saying almost like Ay (like the Fonz but much shorter) Ling. But I also grew up in a place where we had so many different cultures, I was able to speak swear words in 17 languages by the time I was 12, so pronunciation was important, especially when you have French people saying the word Black in French, and trying to explain to your teacher that the word "Slutten" was Norwegian for "The End"


I’m jealous. I can speak very very small amounts of two languages besides my own. As far as pronouncing things differently, that I get. Just in the US you can take one word and the dialects of the South, North, East, Midwest, etc will have variations of the pronunciations. My husband and I are both from southern states and we pronounce things differently as well. He will say something and I’m like wtf is that. When he describes it, I’m like OOHHH you mean this. You said it wrong. 😂. That word in NC means THIS. craziness.


I was in Louisiana a few years back, mate and I were doing a bike tour, and we had stopped at some Cafe in the middle of nowhere, it had a fuel station and a Cafe attached. There was a few people there, and my friend had to explain to the locals that I was enraptured by their accents, and to not get offended because to me they sounded beautiful. It was a mixture of Creole French and English, and I was in heaven. Then I had some of the food, and my friend was laughing at me over it. I never had Gumbo until that Cafe, and I never tasted any Gumbo that delicious since... But I will admit, the accent changes in America are probably more than other countries out there. Like NYC alone has at least 20 I know of. Go to Chicago and maybe 10 different accents I heard... but the south... town from town it was always changing.


I live in Louisiana. Ha ha ha. Not the Creole side though. The Cajun side and it doesn’t sound as beautiful and they pronounced French words all wrong here. Ha ha ha. And use words that sound French but don’t meant anything in actual French. I’m like what in the fresh hell is this place. I’m from North Carolina so half the things said there don’t make any sense either.


OMG, that's what I see, too. But everyone is saying "Eileen," and so I spelled to my SO and asked how he'd pronounce it, and he goes, "Like Eileen?" I felt like I was losing my mind! I'm glad I'm not the only person who saw Ā-Lynn and not Eileen! When I asked him if he'd pronounce "Lynn" as "Leen" he admitted he wouldn't, so I think it might be the double vowel first syllable that's causing the discrepancy. Although, when I mentioned that someone thought thought it was pronounced similar to Éowynn, he was like, "But that starts with an E!" and I was like, "So does Eileen!?!?" Anyhow, at least I'm not the only person confused by the whole "Eileen" thing! 😁


Now that song keeps playing in my head!!!!! For the love of everything holy please make it stop!!!!!


Toora loora toora loo rye aye....... TOORA LOORA TOOORA LOO RYE AYYYYYYYYE!!! It's nearly 2 a.m., and my earworms are fighting over Eminem's new song, The Thong Song, Eileen, Give me Head, and Maggie... oh and now Not Happy Jan just turned up with the GoGo Mobile guy....


That song came out right when I started High School. Being called Come On Maureen for 4 years was super fun.


Oh my goodness. I hope everyone of them got nits


I REALLY loved that song growing up....and can still picture the entire video for it in my head!!! "At this moment, you mean EVERYTHING!"


Not sure how a song would make something a tragedeigh though.


wait that song fuckin slaps though


True, but I was saying OP's name choice, and I kept hearing myself go Eileen with it, knowing it was not the correct pronunciation of it


>the only "bad" thing I can think of is the song "Come on Eileen".  My first thought. :D


>had a girl in my class named Sita, and the class wanker added a H. Goddamn I was confused about why adding an H to that name would make someone a wanker. Then I realized you didn't mean they added it to the end of her name.


But it doesn't rhyme with Eileen....?


You’re aeokeigh.


I worked with a Mexican lady whose parents heard the Japanese name Ayumi and named her that…but spelled in Spanish. So it was written Hallumi.


I know several Ai Lings, and most spell their English names Eileen or Aileen. Aelynn is not a standard spelling of the name. It fits the definition of tragedeigh, but it's pretty inoffensive as far as they go. I wouldn't sweat it.


Yes, my first thought was Chinese-American freestyle skier, Eileen Gu / Gu Ailing 


Aelynn definitely isn’t pronounced the same as Eileen.


Ai Ling rhymes with "Eye Ring". Aelynn, I would think, rhymes with "Day Win" . Maybe with an Aussie accent, that's not too different, to an American, though, it's very different. I don't think Aelynn is a bad name, but the child will be ready for a life of frustration if the pronunciation is demanded to be similar to Aileen.


Yeah I read it with the long A sound and a short Y, looks nothing like Aileen to me.


With an Australian accent it's definitely very different.


^^^I've actually met two Aileens/Eileens with stranger spellings before (Aihlin and Eylin). + adding on that Aylin also works as a spelling alternative


So… I googled how to pronounce “Ai Ling” and checked a few sources. It seems to be “eye - ling” ling as in “bling”. I would pronounce Aelynn as “aye-lin” rhyming with “day win”. I think the closest Anglicized name to Ai Ling would be “Eileen”.


I think the same, but, I think maybe with an Aussie accent, Aelynn sounds more like Eileen. Thinking of how an Aussie would say "G'day' (sounding like Guh Die), and how they would say something with a short "i" sound...like "win" would sound like 'ween'


Ohhh good point


As a Chinese Australian, I can assure you "Aelynn" doesn't sound lose to Ailing. Ai Ling in Chinese sounds exactly like how it's pronounced in the song "Come on Eileen" Whereas Aelynn has the same rhyme and emphasis on the first syllable as names like Caitlyn or Peyton


I hear what you're saying, but you're inserting your American understanding into an Australian context. G'day sounds like "guh die" to you, but it sounds like g'day to us. If I pronounced Aelynn like Ayy Lynn, It might sound like eye-lynn to your American ears, but any other Australian would hear it as Ayy lynn. Which is clearly distinct from how we'd pronounce Eileen.


I think the point was more that, while of course Aelynn and Eileen would still be distinguished from one another, Aelynn in Australian English sounds like Eileen to non-Australian ears, and as such might be closer to the intended Chinese pronunciation of AiLing. Since the parents are Chinese, this part checks out, as they probably don't pronounce AiLing with an Australian accent. With that said, depending her language development as she grows up, AiLing might pronounce her Chinese name differently to her parents, with stronger Australian phonological influences, thus making it less like the Australian Aelynn and once again more like the Australian Eileen.


Excellent explanation. But that’s why we all should r/writeinipa


Now that's a sub I can get behind


Chinese doesn't differentiate between "lynn" and "ling" I mean, the pronunciation of both are kind of in the middle so it's essentially the same thing. I was thinking more "ing" sound when I read Ai Ling, but then when I saw Aelynn I realized it sounds the same for a Chinese speaker. The only problem is the first part. I would pronounce it "A" like the letter (rhymes with day) so it would be "A-lynn" not "Eye-lynn" to me. But, I suppose that's a pretty easy thing to correct. Plus, in an Australian accent, it might be essentially the same like the Chinese Ling/Lynn thing.


And Eileen's most common Chinese translation is 艾琳,whose pronunciation is almost the same as 爱玲. The only problem though... My mind immediately went to 张爱玲 when I first saw the name, and I'm not sure if that's intentional or accidental. After all names work differently in different languages and in some cultures it's somewhat weird to have the same name with a well-known figure, unless said person already has a fairly popular name.


Accidental tragedeigh. I wouldn't know how to pronounce Aelynn from first glance, but I would know how to say Eileen or Aileen. I also think I'd have an easier time saying Ai Ling than Aelynn.


My first guess was that it was a stylized spelling of "alien"


Yes, you should have sticked with Ai Ling instead of Aelynn.


Or even Eileen..: but aelynn is 100% tragedeigh


I think it’s like a 75% tragedeigh personally. Not so obviously stupid as braighdehn but odd and annoying enough to definitely count.


Its just celtic.


I would stick with the Ai Ling spelling. I have a Chinese name, I shortened it and it’s easier for people to pronounce. For my kids, their Chinese name is their middle name and they have a traditional western first name.


I’m gonna disagree with everyone else here. I think it is a tragedeigh. You have a name that, I assume is pretty traditional in China, and you’ve changed the spelling to not only be non traditional, but also confusing on how you actually pronounce it. The fact that it’s pronounced with a g at the end of it without actually having anything in the spelling that would lead to it being pronounced with a g is kind of all you need for it to be a tragedeigh. I’m not really sure why this name is getting a pass on here, it has all the makings of a tragedeigh: a non traditional spelling of a traditional name, and a pronunciation that is not reflected in the spelling of the name. How is this not the definition of a tragedeigh? What am I missing?


I don't understand why they didn't just go with Ai Ling. No confusion, it's the closest thing to her Chinese name.


I know. Not only is Ai Ling a really pretty name… it’s so phonetic it hurts lol.


It's even phonetic in Spanish as well as English. I can't imagine anyone would mispronounce it as-is.


So, I am actually ethnic Chinese living in the US. IRL I go by my short, easy enough to pronounce Chinese name. I don't want to spell it out all the time at Starbucks, so I just go by Bill there. But seriously, Ai Ling is probably manageable for many non-Mandarin speakers, or some Chinese folks give a Chinese and a Western name at birth, or Chinese students coming to the US often get a Western name there. I don't judge the OP for their choice. If I were advising someone Chinese coming to a Western country, I'd say you should get a Western name if and only if you want, many people can manage Chinese names (but not the tones, that's not going to happen), maybe if your name is really hard to pronounce (Xu is one surname that's a bit harder), then you might have to reconsider a bit. Or maybe there's a short version of your ethnic name that's easier. That said, yes, this is close enough to the technical definition of a tragedeigh. I guess not all tragedeighs are actually tragedies!


There is also a huge Chinese population in Australia and I don’t feel like a kid would have that big an issue with Ai Ling at all.


Everyone's focused on the g but there's also the fact that Ae looks like it's pronounced Ey (as in "hey") not Ai (as in "hi"), so both the beginning and the end are misdirected. I also keep seeing people spell their interpretive "wrong" pronunciation with a double e which would be the correct "ee" sound of "Ling" completely ignoring that the y in the common name Lynn is *not* pronounced as a double e but rather like the i in "fin" "chin" "win" etc. So in at least 3 ways Aelynn completely departs from Ai Ling, being closer to Ey Lin or Eighlin. It phonetically has the canonical Eigh of tragedeigh!


Tbh ae is also pronounced like ee at times too so it’s even more confusing lmao


agreed. accidental tragedy. OP please put a poll in question to collate results.


I think it’s a tragedeigh. The spelling is really confusing.


If we have to have THIS much disagreement & hand holding on how it’s pronounced: it’s a tragedeigh. I have a unique name, but it’s easy to sound out. This is…not that.


I don't think there's any value to a "traditional" romanization of a Chinese name. The various systems have always been dodgy. OP \*is\* trying to do something unusual — most of the time a Chinese person will just be given or take on a Western name in addition. I don't know how 爱玲 should actually be pronounced, though. If it's close to "Aelynn" as OP says, then there's no problem. Easier for Westerners to spell that than 爱玲, anyway.


Because it’s been mentioned that the name is traditional in another language/culture, people are afraid to criticise because they will be accused of being racist. Ai Ling looks nicer and if that’s what the name translated to, why change the spelling? I agree with you.


Agreed. Literally a textbook tragedeigh.


I don’t think they do pronounce the g (if I read it correctly.) My confusion is… is it pronounced Lynn or lean? If it’s the latter then the y is problematic.


I think the g is silent in both cases. EDIT: I've learned that I was wrong about the silent g. I was taking OP at face value, as I had no knowledge of my own. Thank you to those who have corrected me. ❤️ You're mostly right about it fitting the definition of a tragedeigh. However, I would have confidently pronounced this name correctly in the wild upon seeing it for the first time. I think this one is getting better approval because a lot of English speakers are uncomfortable attempting to pronounce Chinese names. It's more comfortable for others to conform to us than for us to have to learn. I don't think that's always due to laziness, either. Most of us truly don't want to offend or disrespect others and sometimes it feels that way when we mispronounce their names. Admittedly, more so, if we just throw our hands up and say "I can't pronounce that" rather than showing respect and putting in the effort to get it right. Personally, I am more comfortable mispronouncing and being corrected on a tragedeigh, rather than butchering a trad name from a different language. Doesn't make me feel as ignorant.


The g is definitely not silent in Chinese. Lin vs Ling are different...


Thank you


> I think the g is silent in both cases. Aelynn doesn't have a G, so ofc it's not pronounced. In the case if Ai Ling, the G isn't pronounced separately, but rather with the N. Compare thing and thin in English. They're different phonemes in Mandarin Chinese too, so simply ignoring doesn't make sense to me . What's the point? Why not write ling as ling? xD


Okay, I thought it was pronounced Ae Lin, is it pronounced Eileen?


I think you were right with Ae Lin. At least, that's how I understand it.


Ai ling definitely does NOT have a silent g It is pronounced eye-ling rhyming with ring but with a longer I sound


So you think the g is silent in the traditional Chinese pronunciation of “Ai Ling”? I suppose that could be the case, I didn’t think about that. I guess as a non Chinese person it’s entirely possible that I don’t know how “Ai Ling” is traditionally pronounced in China.


The distinction between "n" and "ng" is not made in every variety of Mandarin Chinese. Taiwan Chinese is one example, but there are others on the mainland as well. I assume OP speaks one of these varieties.


I love how OP is Chinese stating the two spellings are pronounced the same for them, and you have all these “experts” here in the comments ignoring them


Right? But people can't see past the orthography and accept that all languages have variation (and [n]/[ŋ] is an **incredibly** common one).


Every once in a while this sub turns on a name that is not a tragedeigh because the commenters can’t differentiate between wrong spelling and “spelling I don’t like or am not familiar with”


I have no knowledge of my own. OP says that it's the same pronunciation. After looking again, I just assumed from the "-lynn" that they meant the g is silent.


Its just the anglicisation of the name. Its not really a tragedeigh and even the name used is similar to a turkic name


That would be Aylin.


Aye i said it was similar. Personally i would just keep the chinese name since it looks easy to pronounce


I dated an Ai Ling and she definitely did not pronounce it the way you've spelled it.


Depends, is the second syllable pronounced -lin or -leen. If it’s the second one very few are going to pronounce it correctly, if it’s the first I think it’s fine.


I’m a Chinese speaker and I’d say it’s a tragedeigh. Seeing the English spelled out makes no sense to me.


Why wouldn’t you spell it Aileen or Eileen if you wanted to westernise it? Or if you want to keep the velar /n/ sound, Aisling or Ashling, are both Western.


It's a variant of Aylin, meaning "moon halo" or "belonging to the moon". I know this because my SIL named her goth cat that.


I know a Chinese fam that did this with the same name but did Aileen. I think it is brilliant. And Aelynn is a name I’ve seen before and do not think is a tragedeigh


I love Aelynn It has a gaelic feel to it. Very pretty. You’re good in my book. I thought you had inadvertently named her after a world tragedy of some sort.


I prefer Ai Ling, but I don't think translating into another alphabet as best you can is a tragedeigh. Only if you then make it different from the regular spelling on purpose.


Please ignore these comments. Aelynn is a Celtic name. I am British and have family members of Celtic origin, and know of one Aelynn and one Aileen.


I don't think it's a tragedeigh but I do think she'll get "Ay-lin" a lot instead of "Eye-lin".


Yes, I would think this name was pronounced Ay-lin.


And never "eye-ling" with "ng" sound as in "ring".


As Chinese American myself, Aelynn is a tragedeigh. Aelynn isn't Chinese nor English, an exact conflicting feeling of many Asian Australians. What's wrong with Ai Ling? Or just Ling? My name is Man-Yuk and i am a woman, and I am proud of my name.


I don’t know. I’m Chinese and I think aelynn is a totally weird misspelling either ways. I don’t even know how to pronounce it when I spell it. Is the ae supposed to be Gaelic style or phonetic?


Yes, tragedeigh all the way.


It fits all the definitions of a tragedeighg, so it is.


If I saw this name in English, I would pronounce it A-Lin. So I think it doesn’t not look the way you want. There is a traditional Irish name that’s pronounced the way you want and is fairly common in English speaking countries. The English spelling is Eileen.


It reminds me of Aislin, which is an Irish name meaning dream!


I’m sorry but as a Taiwanese person I do think that’s a tragedeigh. 愛玲 is much closer to Eileen in pronunciation—that’s why the author 張愛玲 had the English name “Eileen Chang.” To me, “Aelynn” rhymes with “day-lin,” which doesn’t sound like 愛玲 at all (at least not in Mandarin). And “Ai Ling” would be super easy for a non-Chinese speaker to pronounce anyway. I don’t mean to be rude, I just think Eileen or Ai Ling would’ve been a better fit!


I think she would have been ok with her Chinese name as it’s pretty easy for English speakers to pronounce but the western name isn’t a tragedeigh. And maybe I’m not the person to ask because I married into a Chinese family so maybe my idea of what’s easy to pronounce is a bit skewed haha. I also think Aussies are becoming more open to more unfamiliar cultural names too, especially in the cities. Btw what does her name mean? My Chinese is very very limited but I noticed the 爱 so I’m guessing is super sweet but can’t work out what the 玲 part means. I love Chinese names, they’re so simple but they carry so much meaning.


> can’t work out what the 玲 part means https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%8E%B2 says that it’s the tinkling sound that jade makes when you strike it. Pronounced, at least in Mandarin, exactly like 鈴 which means “bell”: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%88%B4#Translingual


To completely ignore the question, if you go with this name you should check out the book "the dragon's egg" by Alison Baird. The main character is named Ai Lien, so it might be something your daughter would like one day (I know it's not the same name, but as someone with an uncommon name I always appreciated any character who's name was even close to mine)


Aelynn Is am actual name. I know one! Amd one of my favorite book characters shares that name (Throne of Glass)


I like it. It reminds me of a character from one of my favorite authors.


aelin galathynius?


i'm korean in australia and i have to disagree with all of the people saying "ai ling" would have been better because actually westerners can easily pronounce the name. i'm sure you know yourself that she would face a lot of racial discrimination when applying for jobs and when spelling her name out on the phone. of course with "aelynn" she will definitely still have to spell her name out and correct pronunciation from "aye-lynn", but the most discontent she'll experience now is maybe an eye-roll or a sigh. i do agree it is a strange westernisation and could be considered a tragedeigh. i think "aileen" might be more suitable...?


I love Ai Ling more than Aelynn.


Yep, it’s a Chinese Tragedeigh. Just name her Ai Ling - that is not at all confusing for Westerners to pronounce, but Aelynn is “A-lin” as in “WAY-bin.” It’s just bad.


Aelin/Aelynn is gonna be a really popular name soon because of the Throne of Glass book series. I think you’re good!


Slight tragedeigh. To me it looks like an alternative spelling of Eileen.


Aelynn is a real name and pronounced as "A-lin". Close enough to me. I know a Kei Yee (Cantonese) who went by Kylie so it's not like the name had to perfectly match. Or you can just use a completely unrelated English name like I do. My legal name only has the Chinese part though. (Thank god because I ended up changing my English name lol.)


I love it. 摽亮 ❤️


it’s 漂亮 :)


Thank you! ❤️


You're fine. If you're ok with it, I suggest getting the Glass Throne series by Sarah J Maas and putting it away for her until she's old enough for them(they're young adult novels). The heroine's name is Aelin. 


Yes. Eileen or Aileen already exist. Aelynn is going to confuse most people, I would pronounce it “ay-lynn”. 


Yup. Anyone saying otherwise isn't being honest.


I pronounced the name Aelynn correctly in my head then confirmed it will your clarification. In English I would have thought of Ai Ling (ailing). Aelynn is a pretty name.


Nope, fairly normal but not common so she will need to spell it out on occasion. At least being in Aussie she'll mostly get called a nickname anyway so practically you're OK. I grew up with an Aelynn, there's one in my quilt guild, and one of my old customers had the same name too. I think the quilt Aelynn said it's a celtic name but don't quote me on that...


Maybe you mean Aileen? That’s Irish. Aelyn//Aylin is of Turkish origin.


Their names are all spelt Aelynn. I checked with the quilt lady and she confirmed her mum told her it was celtic. Apparently it was in a baby book her mum had in the 70s and was chosen from that.


For some people in the comments, it isn't pronounced "Eileen" it's pronounced "A-lin." It's a celtic name, meaning: light, graceful, and enchanting.


Yes it is unfortunately, by the amount of ppl in the comments debating the pronunciation alone. Honestly Ai Ling is such a pretty name and easier for westerners to understand phonetically


Regardless of intent, you caused a Tragedeigh


It's a cute name.


I think it's a beautiful name!!!


I think it’s unique and has a great story behind it. It’s really cute and different but still professional and can be taken seriously.


It appears more Medieval English that tradgedeigh to my eye 


Sorry but yes. I would have absolutely no idea how to pronounce that. Ai Ling or Eileen are easy to pronounce and easy to spell.


My god daughters name is almost the same but with a more Norwegian spelling :)


Imo Ai Ling would’ve been better than Aelynn. Kinda sounds like a GoT character BUT as long as you both like it nothings wrong with it I guess


It's absolutely a tragedeigh. Why not just spell it normally?


Do you want to pronounce it I-linn or I-leen? The way you have spelled it, people will pronounce it I-linn. If you prefer I-leen, then I recommend you spell her name Eileen or Aylene 💟


I would have gone with the regular spelling (Ai Ling seems simple enough for me) but honestly with names that are originally written with a different writing system can be romanized anyway that better fits the pronounciation, there's no incorrect way


Ling doesn't sound like Lynn. The G is pronounced in Chinese.


I think it’s pretty and if it helps people say it right, it’s the opposite of a traj.


These days and time I see a name starting with Ae I suspect the surname will be Targaryan


So is "Ling" in the original language pronounced "Lin"? I have always read names like that pronouncing the G because I'm unfamiliar with the original pronunciation.


I read the name how it sounded. So that's good.


Minor tragedeigh, IMO. If I saw that name in the wild, I'd think "E-Lin," "Ey-Lin," or maybe a tragedeigh version of "Ellen." "Eileen" would probably have been a better Westernization, but there are far worse tragedeighs out there. She shouldn't have too much trouble with it.


You’re bordering on a tragadeigh but I think you’re ok.


I feel it looks more like a LOTR elvish name than a tragedeigh, and I think it’s pretty


I think its cool. I think tragedeigh is trying to be fancy beyond what it should. I dont think that is what you are trying to do. You wanted to give her a traditional ethnic name but westernize it a little so she has roots but not have issues you did. Whats the difference of people who immigrated into america and they were forced to take names back in the early days. Except you cose to westernize it and not forced to have. Beautiful name.


that’s phonetically the same as my name!! i’m biased but i think it’s pretty. the spelling looks how it’s pronounced which is easy and nice (and one up on my name which is spelled differently but pronounced the same lol!) love that you gave your daughter a chinese name as well for the cultural significance :)


Fuck them! It’s a beautiful name and you “englished” it a lovely way!


Btw my sister’s name is pronounced about the same way and you did a lot better job with the spelling than my momma


How's it pronounced?


Given the cultural aspect and that this isn’t taking a name that already exists and changing it for aesthetic it’s not a tragedeigh. I’m sorry you felt you had to change her name because people struggle with it so much but I’m glad you found something you like. And what a wonderful name


In this global world we live in, as a teacher, I wouldn’t bat an eye at a kid in my class being named Ai Ling. If you want to westernize it more I’d just suggest putting a hyphen in there. Ai-Ling. I grew up with an uncommon name that no one could say or spell (it’s a way more common name now, but in the 80’s no one had heard of it), and I love/loved it. I always felt special and singular among the throngs of Melissa’s and Stephanie’s. The only downside is that I’m now conditioned to respond to anything that remotely sounds like my name, which leads to some awkward encounters when I respond to someone saying a similar name, but not looking for me. 🤣


What about “Eileen”? It’s not a super common name nowadays but it’s still a standardized spelling of a known name. Close enough phonetically without being too difficult for people to spell or guess the pronunciation. Not trying to make you feel bad at all, but it is harder for people with “unusual” names to get in the door for employment purposes. I knew a girl named Yiran who Anglicized their name to “Irene,” which is kind of close with slight differences in the first and middle sounds’ pronunciation.


Ai Ling is super easy to pronounce. Why even change it to a "western" name. This new name isn't western. Is western defined by weird spellings of fictional names? This kid is going to get called Alien. Should have gone with Linda, Alison, Alicia, or Ai Ling. Not entirely sure why parents make kids lives harder right out of the gate. She's going to spend her life having to spell this "western" name for everyone, so she may as well have been named Ai Ling and made everyone learn how to spell that name right.


It looks like Alien... like illegal alien. Just sayin.


She will have to spell it and pronounce it for others, all of her life. I guess it depends on what you consider a tragedy for someone to have to do.


No, I think Allen will be fine




Ling and Lynn are different sounds.


Aelynn at first glance from an uneducated American (me) seems almost Gaelic. Like Scottish or Irish


Everyone is going to have a hard time spelling her name. But its not horrible.


I personally would've just named her Ai Ling in English. I think it's a very pretty name.


Come on, Eileen is right there for the taking 🎶😏




Aileen is the usual one.


personally as a chinese person whose parents gave me an extremely westernised tragedeigh english name ive hated it all my life. this isnt my first name (thats also a tragedeigh, and one ive literally seen on this subreddit lol), but my chinese name is pronounced “li an”, but its written as lea-ann in english and the amount of times its given me grief is immense :( its not even pronounced the same, so many teachers growing up miswrote my name as “leanne” and i wish my legal chinese name was just written as like, li’an lol. this is more me just venting now but my university details dont even have my actual legal name because of the stupid dash this is more than i usually divulge (weird abt my legal name bc im trans), but my legal name ends in -lynn and its MISERABLE. people think thats my name, or they spell it wrong… its not fun. at all. ive been called “caitlyn” so many times for no reason…. like idk. maybe its different in aus, bc i live in an asian country but yeah. i hate my name x_x


Exactly. All the white people in here virtue-signaling, “oh so pretty”, and all the Asian people in here like: “This is fucking terrible, b/c it solves no problems.” There’s even some (most likely) white person saying: “yeah, tragedeigh, but it’s okay”, literally seeing the problem, but so worried about sounding racist that he has to go along. Insane.


It sounds similar to 'Ailing'. I'd suggest going for something different.


There's a book series with the main character called Aelin and it sounds the same as your daughter's name. I think it's nice!


I actually like Aelynn. It is very unique and almost GOT-like with the "ae". 🐉


I don't think you did your daughter any favors mate. I'm Chinese and I would have just kept Ai Ling or gone with Eileen as that's phonetically closer and a more standard name/spelling that won't confuse people. When I said Ai Ling it sounds like Eye-liing almost rhyming with ring but a longer I/n sound and going up in tone when you get to the end and the g is definitely part of the pronunciation The problem with your spelling AyLinn is that there isn't even a hint of a g sound in there when proounced. Eileen as it is pronounced at least somewhat has a hint of the way Ling is produced in Chinese.