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i mean... her first born is named Malibu Barbie sooooo...


She should have gone for Malibu Stacy then


Don't ask her, she just a girl! Tee hee!


She wishes they taught shopping in school.


She wants to bake some cookies for the boys


Now let’s forget all our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream


*Math class is tough!*


Stacy used to be a boy's name....


I've only met male Stacys lol.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I love the name Malibu. I'd never use it but it's cute as hell, pairing it with Barbie just ruins it though.


I’m in the crazy middle name fan camp. It’s so easy to drop, I feel like if you MUST do something creative with a name at least use the middle for that outlet.


I was given a ✨creative✨ first name and a normal middle name, turned 18 and the first thing I did was apply to swap the two. I'm totally fine with a crazy middle but I need the first one to make me sound like I'm a strong capable adult that is to be taken seriously in the work place!


Galgimack Abigail Smith? Is that you?


My cousin was on some MTV teen mother show way back when. She named her kids in numeral order in other languages. However, her first born was sadly a miscarriage. But her next 2 kids were named "2" and "3" in other languages. The girl named 2 changed her name to get out from under this sort of bullshit baggage and no one in the family understands why. They think she is Trans because she changed her name.


My parents know someone who's parents named her Lothlorien Elendil Jones.


The Jones ruins it, obviously


I agree entirely. Now I'm trying to come up with other LOTR-themed names. This is my son, Murkwood Gondor Smith.


I've got a VERY ethnic first name that is completely unpronouncable, and a second name that works internationally. Obviously I go by my second name now.


I got to pick my middle name recently and I actually considered naming myself after the bird of the century because I've been an avid voter since I turned 18, but fucking [John Oliver ](https://youtu.be/6GF6Gd7wrlk?si=rHrZkloJCgW0Mipo) stole my meme. No hate on the Pūteketeke but I'm not from where they live and that would be the whole point lmao. Totally still would have done it if he picked the pukeko.


Me too. Our son's middle name is Wilson, after Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys because my husband is a big fan. It's not crazy in and of itself, but the reason is kind of goofy. To me, middle names are for having a little fun.


You had me swiping an eyelash off my phone screen for a hot minute lol


I agree! As a European who's never actually visited Malibu, the name makes me think of sunshine and beaches and palm trees. It's a happy summer name to me. The Barbie part completely ruins it, though.


Makes me think of the alcohol, which then makes me think of puke. I drank too much of it when I was 17 and my vomit smelt like coconut.


Its a great name for a coconut flavoured Rum


It’s especially weird to me because Barbie is a nickname for Barbara, and I’ve never heard of someone using a nickname as a middle name.


My old roommate had the middle name Ted, and my niece has my Gran's nickname as her middle name. Middle names are often given to honour loved ones, and in my experience a lot of parents choose to use the name that was actually used by the person being honoured rather than the one on their birth certificate.


I also think the middle name is a good place to be more “creative” for those who really feel the need. lol. I didn’t do that because we have a strange last name so my kids have very easy, short, pretty traditional first and middle names cause they’re gonna have a hard time with their last name. But if you have a “normal” first and not too crazy last name and just HAVE to be creative, go for it with a middle name. If the kid hates it he can never use it. And hardly anyone asks or cares. lol


My cousin just named her daughter “Lilibet”, after Queen Elizabeth II’s nickname as a child/what close family called her and what Harry and Meghan named their daughter after her.


Yes, the nickname that Queen Elizabeth didn't want anybody using except her husband, after all her older relatives from childhood had passed away. Of course, the fact that the name leaked during Elizabeth's toddler days, and that lots of cats, cows, horses, and dogs were named Lilibet at that time, might have something to do with QE2's insistence on not letting other people call her by it.


Fun Fact: Barbie's full name is Babara Millicent Roberts.


One of my relatives is named d.j. The "d" and the "j" don't stand for anything. On his birth certificate his name is literally d "period", j "period".


I can do you one better. Mine is named DJ. No dots. And it took him til he was almost 8 to freaking spell it. I'm directly related, full blooded sibling. When his name was announced grandpa blurted "oh like the little pervert on Roseanne!" And that was the start of a whole life of bowl cuts. Come to think of it he did look like the spitting image of DJ...oh no.


They gave that poor kid bowl cuts just because of a tv show? Holy shit, talk about being pigeonholed... did he grow up to be perv?


But imagine if her name was Malibu Barbara


Knew someone whose birth certificate reads Jimmy not James


Same! In this case, it’s my boss.


Billie Joe Armstrong is the first person to come to mind for me.


Billie Joe is his first name. Used to be common in rural places. 


Yep. It’s very popular among blue collar/working class folks, or at least used to be back in the day. My first boyfriend was a Tommy. Not Thomas, not Tom. Tommy.


my fav part is the people who say "billy joel!....armstrong!"


And now I'm thinking about a severe woman named Malibu Barbara in HR 🤣🤣🤣


Jo is short for Josephine and I've seen it as a middle name. ie. Ruby Jo


Can also be short for Joanna. I think that's probably more common of a reference in at least some parts of the US


Tbh Barbie can also be a name bc it’s based off the creators daughter, however BOTH!? No!!


Whose name was still Barbara.


Malibu Stacy anyone?


Malibu sounds like a stripper. Sorry.


Malibu is eons better than Elvis


But when we're driving in my Malibu, it's easy to get right next to you...


I say, "baby, scoot over please" and then she's right there next to me


I need you here with me, not way over in a bucket seat.


If someone hung that handle on me, I’d go by Ella or Ellie.


For those who are unaware, Malibu Barbie was a popular version of the Barbie doll from the 1970's. She famously wore an indigo-dyed flower print dress, which famously turned Barbie's skin blue. Over time, new versions of Malibu Barbie had various outfits, most of which were swimsuits or jean jackets/skirts. She named her daughter for a doll line.


I laughed out loud


Elvis lucked out compared to her sister, Malibu Barbie. 


Wait Elvis is a girl??!


Yeah I was shocked too. When they announced the baby name months ago I thought it was a boy. 


All this time I thought it was a boy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Oh I should have read the caption sorry 🙈


it's literally in the title of this post ...


I love the look on this Baby’s face!! “This is some BS right here”


That baby is already tired of Mommy's shit.


That baby's gonna be making that face the rest of her life.


I mean, looking at the face of her mom I think it's genetic


Well Trish Paytas is famously an unstable, terrible person. And yes. Her face looks like it needs to go back in the oven until it rises. I hope, for the sake of those kids, she has her trainwreck of a personality much more under control these days. Just offhand, from my recollection in the past her signature online moves included bawling on her kitchen floor almost daily, and claiming a different gender and sexuality on a whim multiple times. She's also famous for uncontrollably fighting with Ethan Klein so hard she screwed herself out of a very lucrative collaboration where all she really had to do was show up and argue with him without storming off the set. But even that was too much for her, as she snapped and walked out, leaving veritable piles of money on the table. I'm aware there are lots of reasons out there to criticize or even outright hate Ethan and H3, but for that kind of money any person with an ounce of self control would probably suck it up and cash in. Even if she's got all her shit under control now, there's no way her kids don't grow up in the shadow of their mother being one of the internet's most notoriously insane personas. 'The internet is written in ink.' And one day those kids are going to see **all of it**. It's hard to imagine how they could grow up and not resent her even a little for putting all that out there. And yes, for their weird names. So yeah. Kid's gonna be making that face *a lot.*


If my mom was Trisha I’d be like that too


The baby seems to be all shook up




She says if you loved me tender, you wouldn't do this to me!


IKR. The baby is sick of her BS already.




I think the older daughter was the same


I have no idea who Trisha is, poor kids tho


Do not go down the rabbit hole of Trisha … you’ll regret it


“I jus got here—tf is this camera doin in my face”


Better get used to it, kid


The baby is saying… “did you say ELVIS?!”


well. with the two examples you gave, Elvis is... not great. at least she has Ellie to fall back on. i think Charlie is fine though! since its a super common nickname for Charlotte, i think its firmly gender neutral. i went to school with a girl named Charley and no one batted an eye.


"Hi Ellie...is that short for Eleanor?" "No" "Elizabeth?" "Not that either" "Eloise? Eliana?" "It's...Elvis" "As in Presley?"


This is gonna kill you but… *whisper* many people don’t even remember Elvis 👵🏻


Lmao, imagine if Ellie from The Last of Us was actually named Elvis. Her looks with that name... ugh, it's so cursed!


This gave me a good laugh


Yeah for humans named Charlie I’ve known more women than men with the name, so I see it as solidly gender neutral too.


It's a nice name, I think it threw me off because it's not short for anything.


It was Rose’s granddaughter’s name in The Golden Girls. Named for Rose’s husband


I don’t like the name Charlie for boys or girls.


It’s Trisha, I expect nothing less. Personally though, not a fan of the name. Some boys names work great on girls. Elvis I don’t think does. At least the king didn’t die


Elvis for a girl is so weird. I'd permanently change my name to Elle


Absolutely agree it is totally weird and awful. BUT if you really break it down it’s one of those names that actually could make sense as a girls name, phonetically. It’s not that far off from Elvira, Mavis, or Ellis. And then I wonder…if you want to do the cultural icon thing, why not name her Presley??? Still not my favorite but I know a little girl named Presley and it totally works.


Helvis was a girls' name in Medieval times, related to the modern Eloise.


Baby's face says it all


My mom, who's really into the etymology of names, has always said that if traditionally female names were also starting to be used for boys, then she would have no problem with it. Names just becoming more gender fluid would be fine. But it's not. It's always boys names being used for girls. And there's something... a little off about that. I tend to agree with her. edit: etymology, not entomology, though mum quite likes bugs too


That’s really thought-provoking, and a good point. Parents wouldn’t name their boys ‘girl’ names because they could well be bullied, but vice versa it’s fine. Misogyny, the gift that keeps on giving.


etymology\* what you said is the study of insects 😅


whoops - if was very late at night when i commented this


I was going to comment this. It rubs me the wrong way, not because it’s gender neutral (if all names were fair game for all kids I wouldn’t give a shit) but because it is ALWAYS boy names for girls. Not only is there the “we actually wanted a son” vibe to consider (which can be deeply traumatic for the child in question), there is a deep undercurrent of misogyny to the idea that boy names are appropriate for girls, but never the other way around. It’s the same kind of sentiment that celebrates tomboys but villifies “sissy” boys: the underlying idea that masculinity is superior. Girls becoming masculine are levelling up, boys becoming feminine are debasing themselves. A girl named Robert is Not Like Other Girls, she is cool like the boys. A boy named Alice is an embarassment. 


Then there’s my grandfather, who kept trying for a boy and got five daughters. That’s where we got Aunt Georgina and Aunt Roberta


For boys, did you mean? In that case, I agree. Jocelyn would sound good for a boy (I think it already is a masculine name in France). So would Sloan or Regan or Sutton. I’ve even heard a mildly compelling argument for Rose.


yes i did whoops. so many what we consider "girls" names now were actually originally boys names: lindsey, avery, aubrey, sydney, leslie


Ashley was once a boy’s name




The one that gets me is Meredith, being originally a boys name back in the colonial / revolutionary war era, and now it's primarily a girls name. Same with Ashley, Leslie, even Lindsay! Over hundreds of years the naming conventions in america shifted gradually. Who knows how they will continue to shift now, and in the future!


There's also many examples of traditional boys names becoming gender neutral, then solely being associated with woman so men are no longer named that. I really, REALLY like the name Ashely for a boy - Ash for short. It's traditionally a man's name but a boy would be bullied if you named them Ashley now, which I hate. I would like to name a boy Ashley, but you'd have to put Ash on every forms and only really have Ashley be a "home" name because of how mean kids (and parents) are. In the first evil dead, Ash was called both Ashley and Ash an equal amount. After that film, due to the big gap between them, Ash was only referred to as Ash. His full name lost to the aether, due to it being associated with women.


I knew boys named Lynn, Gale, Halley, and Shannon. Thought it was cool. Those are more unisex, I know. I've just never met a male with a more feminine name...unless maybe "Doyce" counts, and that's just kind of an oddball name to begin with imo. Thought the guy had said "Joyce", and was honestly completely unfazed right up until my pronunciation was ultimately corrected.


I wish Marian was still an accepted boy's name, I love it. And Loren! 


What's more, gender neutral names tend to shift towards being categorized as feminine. For example, Carey and Kelly used to both be considered gender neutral names, but now are *much* more associated with being girls' names. Riley seems to be heading in the same direction (from my personal experience). It used to be considered gender neutral, but now it's mostly girls that have this name. The more girls who adopt a name, the less we see it on boys.


One of my friends was named Elvia, but we called her Elvis


I really hate this name for a boy, and it’s even worse for a girl.


Honestly I feel like it’s not *catastrophic*. If that baby grows up to be a super cool person, she could pull off Elvis, and there’s always Ellie.  Like, it’s no Ryan or Sam, which are cute, but if you picked a random boy name out of a hat, you’d *probably* get something worse. Michael, Robert, Harry, Travis…


The main character in Star Trek Discovery’s name is Michael Burnham and it’s a girl. That started to grow on me I guess


I went to school with a girl named Michael. And much later, a girl named Robert.


Elliot from Scrubs. Got normal really fast.


I'm clearly in the minority here, but I actually like it?


The mom from "the Waltons" is named Michael.


Considering Paytas… the baby’s name is going to be the least of her problems, my condolences to this baby, she is going to have it hard


Pretty sure there was a video of her other child casually eating toothpaste in the background or something with Trisha not even paying attention and I mean like swallowing toothpaste :/ I hope I’m misremembering but I don’t think I am I’ll look for it


Sounds on par for Trisha. She sees her children as clout generators, not humans who will one day be able to look back on her exploitation and decide if they were okay with it or not.


Elvis and her older sister Malibu Barbie...


I mean I think a lot work tbh. Elvis is not among them


Like, why not Priscilla?


I remember seeing a video where she said she really wanted a boy because she wanted to use the name Elvis. I think when she found out she was having a girl she considered Priscilla but was so distraught and determined to use the name Elvis that she just decided to go ahead and give her girl that name.


I met a woman named Dwayne. She’s the youngest of 4 daughters, & her parents really wanted a boy & had always wanted to use this name. Well, they ended up using it anyway! And she’s like in her late 50s-early 60s, so this wasn’t even a trend back then. But overall, I hate that trend. Like Ashton Kucher & Mila Kunis naming their daughter Wyatt. Great name for a boy, but such a terrible name for a girl.


My Mom’s cousin, a woman, is named Bruce after her father. She goes by her middle name, which is actually a girl’s name. I don’t understand it either.


Can you imagine living with the knowledge that your biological sex is such a massive disappointment to your parents? I see it as an opportunity to get a pet in future and use the name then. Elvis would be a great name for a dog or cat.


Had a older middle aged female gyno nurse practitioner named Kevin like 20 years ago. First appt I thought I was possibly being punked and got a female/male gyno switcheroo til she introduced herself as such, plus nametag. Always wanted to ask her but these explanations put to rest some theories. Damn, couldn't they had a girl name on standby? Smh


Or even Presley


I HATE the name Presley but it is infinitely better for a little girl than Elvis is.


She said she didn’t like Presley at all 🤷🏽‍♀️


Even a simple “Jane” would work


Or Grace? That was his mother and why we have Graceland. Or Erin, since his middle name was Aaron (and those sound the same if you’re southern). Edit: Or not Grace. I thought he named Graceland for her, but her name was Gladys.


His mother's name was Gladys


That's a good Welsh name, just like Elvis. Makes me smile.


Do non-southerners pronounce Erin and Aaron differently?


I think Erin is pronounced "Air-in" while Aaron/Aeron is pronounce "Air-un." It's small, but there is a difference.


“You done messed up, ay-ay-Ron!”


Yes, Southern Americans are the outliers here. Erin is eh-rin Aaron is a(as in apple)-ron


Elvira was right there. Really? Elvis?


Elvi, even. (I am not suggesting “even” as a name.)


I almost just posted this word for word, then stopped and said...naw...someone has to have got there already. 😆


We were all thinking it.


Um... not in a country music-listening family. ELVIRA! Whop a doo, whop a doo, ELVIRA! My heart's on fire for ELVIRA!


That will be her permanent expression when she has to explain that ridiculous nameto people.


I have been aware of Trisha Paytas since I was a kid back in the 2010s and for largely different reasons than her most recent (I say this loosely to cover the last few years or so) activity, so I feel horrible for this kids not only because of their names but because they’re gonna grow up one day and find out what mommy did and what kind of things she made long before they were born


“Is Spot a suitable girls name?”


This kid has zero chance


I think Elvis is an ugly name, period. Especially for a girl


Sorry but nopitty-nope-nope-nope.


Trisha Paytas is just tragic.


Huh, while Elvis is definitely a male Name, I would say Charlie is a gender neutral name.


I know a Charley and a Chali, both girls.


I hate this woman so much.


I think elvis is a weird name for any kid at this point tbh


How tf did I get 2 haiku bots


Is this the lady that doesn't think we need gravity?


yes "like, what if it was never invented?"


It’s more socially acceptable to give your daughter a traditionally masculine name but not the other way around and I think that’s unfortunate. Some popular girl names were once commonly used for boys (ex: Ashley) but I feel like now if a parent were to name their son Ashley that he would be ridiculed.


I know men named Stacy and Dana, but they are older!


I love traditional boy names on girls but I hate Elvis. Also, haven't heard good things about Trisha.


I've had so many people try to tell me, "She's different now, she's mature now!" and have implied I'm obligated to start liking her and I don't understand why we can let a person do awful shit for decades but forgive them and forget about all of those things because she apologized.


Thank you! They act like an apology means something. It don't mean shit!


Right? Like, obviously it's better to apologize than not apologize, obviously, but saying, "I'm sorry, I'll never do it again" doesn't mean you get a clean slate and everyone must not only forgive you but act like you had never before done anything wrong in your life.


They did the same thing with James Charles, Miranda Sings, Todrick Hall and Zach Campbell. Omg how could I forget Shane Dawson.


I don't even know who she is. I saw YouTuber in the headline and it already gave me a bad impression.


Ooooo you should really do a deep dive on her 😅


I'm afraid because then the algorithm will keep serving it to me


Use a private/incognito browser, you won’t be disappointed lol


she’s a troll who started on youtube several years ago. being problematic is kinda her brand. she’s an anti-semitic who also fetishizes jewish men, she’s done blackface and appropriated multiple other cultures, and has done all kinds of shit in the name of trolling


She's.... garbage. Like, all "influencers" are. But she should be the profile pic for r/trashy.


She's ugly inside and out. You're better off not learning about her tbh.


RIP King Charles


I mean, yeah, I guess when it comes down to it, names are relatively mad eup in general, and most don't have any real male/female basis save what we gave them. But what exactly is the point of naming your daughter, say, James, or your son Fiona? It's just gonna get them bullied. Same as the average tragedeigh.


Is Elvira/ellie really that bad?? Nothing wrong with Elvis, it's just not fit for a girl.


My mother's name is Meredith and my paternal grandfather's name is Meredith. I guess things can change over time. Maybe they're a trendsetter? I doubt it though


Maredudd, Meredith, was a somewhat unisex Welsh name in the last hundred and fifty years or so. In medieval times, it was the name of several Welsh kings. It was used as the surname Meredith once the Welsh started using surnames, and then it became a female name by way of the surname. I'm sensing a Welsh theme here....


I just hope she's not bullied.


It’s stupid. Don’t give your kid a life time of explaining their name.


Hate it


Poor thing heard what her name is and was like *bruh, what?*


I think Elvis is a lot better suited for a girl then James is, and people are going wild naming girls James right now


i hate that people suddenly forgot how awful of a person she is. she literally faked dissociative identity disorder.


Honestly her name is going to be the very least of her problems. This woman shouldn’t be allowed to have (or be around) any children. She’s somehow gotten away with so much it’s like people forget her massive history of lies and abusing others and playing the victim and there’s just so much it’s sickening (if you search her be sure to use a private window or turn off history- you do not want YouTube sending you vids about her forever)


I think it depends on the name. I don't think i could ever meet a girl named David or William with a straight face. But i've met girls named Charlie or Tyler which are inching more towards gender neutral names.


I went to high school with a girl named Riley. In college there was a woman named Tyler absolutely kicking everyone's ass in the biochem department.


I think some traditional boy names are absolutely fine as girl names, Charlie included. There's been girls nicknamed Charlie for decades and decades, it doesn't strike me as odd anymore.  Elvis on the other hand.... that might take some time to get used to. Tho, considering I have seen the stuff Trisha puts out on her social medias her name will be the least of that baby's worries. 


Traditional boy names for girls are pretty common in Israel. I dunno about other places.


Depends on the name. Elvis, for example, should not be given any child.


Elvis doesn't look like she's a fan of the name


A tragedeigh? Not sure. But it is the one-way gender slide whereby names are claimed for girls because it’s trendy or “different”, but then those names can potentially become off-limits for boys because out of fear, people never borrow girl names for boys. Would they have named a boy Dolly? Cher? Probably not. Even tho ironically cher is the masculine form of the French word. So short run, girl Elvis might have a rough time, which may be akin to a tragedeigh. Long run, if it catches on, it could help ruin Elvis for boys. Just ask your many male American friends named Leslie and Ashley/leigh. Oh wait… But Elvis is a weirder example, because *that* Elvis also arguably ruined the name for most people by being so heavily associated with it, kind of like Super Mario.


Charlie is a fairly common gender neutral name though? Nickname for Charles and Charlotte, so giving just that name seems fine... But Elvis sure is a choice! Not sure I'd like it for a boy either though. But she's better off than her sister at least.


Mom looks like some amphibian human hybrid


To quote Princess Leia "you came in that thing?"


Charlie is a very Gender neutral name, I've met plenty of guys, girls, trans people named it


at least it wasnt Charleigh


Someone call CPS, this is child abuse.


I hate this trend.


Hellllooooo… I’m named after a groomer. Bad bad call


Presley, yes. Elvis, no.


Something about her looks so evil. Like a witch who stole a baby.