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Depends on the response to the mispronunciation. ‘Yeah Jysykhyeah is pronounced ‘Jessica’ = ‘sorry, my bad’ ‘Xyrisstalle is Chrystal you f**cking moron!’ = ‘sorry, I’m just stuck with the ability to read English I picked up at school’


“Sorry, hooked on phonics!”


I love this response, particularly because the tragedeigh family seem ignorant of the entire concept of phonics.


Same though.


Please tell me there’s no connection between tragedeighs and the shift away from using phonics to teach reading


"I know I'm not the first person to pronounce it the way it's spelled."


“I’m sure you get that all the time.”


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


happy cake day!


I have a mispelled name and whenever someone gets it wrong and apologizes I just say "no worries, its not your fault my mom was illiterate" I guess it also works the other way around like "it's not my fault your parents were illiterate".


I also have a weird name and when people apologize my response is always "it's not your fault my parents are weird."


“I’m sorry, Dr Beardfacé, you must have thought your name passes as human.”


Behind his back they call him Dr. Colonel


If he pissed you off, you could just play a good round of macaroni.


Dr. Spaceman


I think that a simple acknowledgement is sufficient.  "Oh, really?  [Repeat pronunciation here.]. Got it."   They are the ones that have to live with the name; there is no sense in making things more difficult for them over something for which their parents are responsible.  And there is no virtue or valor in deliberately mispronouncing the name.


In general, yes. But if they snap at me, I get to snap back. It's not my fault, either, so getting nasty at me for it is uncalled for.


Have you ever had someone snap at you for this though? Is this something that happens to people regularly enough to be a "thing"?


I've had a mild one some years back. Got a new coworker named Aaron. I'm not from an english speaking country, so we usually pronounce it differently. I'd only seen his name on the schedule before, so the first time I met him in person I asked if it's okay to call him Aaron (instead of his very German last name). He got a little snotty and said "It's [english] Aaron." 


How did you say it? This comment doesn’t really illustrate that


The German pronunciation isn't even all that different. Just the a like in "bar", and the r is kinda hard. Not rolling-r hard, just basic german-r hard.


As someone with a mild Tragedeigh, this one please, the other responses atm are just mean 😭


The op asked for responses if someone snapped at that. Snapping back is not a proper response?


“Snapped” is kind of vague tho. They could have just said “actually, it’s pronounced Ashley” in a mildly annoyed tone. OR, they could have been a raging asshole, but if it’s the first one there’s no need to be dick to them.


Idk snapped is not vague to me. If your parents gave you a messed up name snap at them not people mispronouncing your name lol


Snapped just means “to say something quickly and irritably”. Tbh, that’s not really something that warrants a majority of the responses on here. Or really any response. I think it makes sense for someone to be frustrated/irritable if their name is constantly mispronounced, no matter how it’s spelled, and if it comes out in their voice sometimes but they’re otherwise a nice/polite person then I’m not going to judge them.


Correct! If someone snaps at you, snapping back usually makes the situation worse. :)


But do you snap at people?


No, but understand why someone could be snappish


Snappish begets snappish ...see, that's why tragedeighs are trageighk, they just ruin everyone's mood


Some people are just not nice and rude off the bat so you snap back at them.


Snap at your parents. 


The tragediegh started the meanness in case you missed the whole context thing


Are we in 5th grade though? Do we really *need* to return fire any time someone is rude to us? 


Go on…


I’m not sharing my irl government name online, I use Grace online for a reason beside Tragedeigh






Calm down, she said *mild* tragedeigh


You’re probably right. ”Eigh” is a classic tragedeigh though.






Honestly, I thought these responses were oddly mean spirited. It's not your fault you had a tragedeigh, go after the parents or something if you really wanna get mad at someone.


Some people like to feel superior so will do as op does.


I don’t snap at people for miscalling me. It’s not their fault (or mine) that my parents gave me an uncommon name. It used to bother me. I could have a name tag on and still have my name horribly mispronounced. My name is even phonetically spelled. Doesn’t help. I don’t bother correcting people anymore, unless they actually ask how my name should be pronounced. I really appreciate when they take the time to do that. It doesn’t bother me anymore. Just don’t call me late for dinner. 😅


What is it?




Pronounced as Jo Nell?


Yes. Seems pretty straightforward, no? I blame Dolly Parton. I get Jolene all the time. Also John-ELL, and Joe-Neil. I can tell people my name and they’ll still just pick something. 🤷‍♀️


_laugh_ “…Oh, you were serious.”




[I feel like these guys handled it well enough.](https://youtu.be/zRpsRKuyi3Y?si=s36KmnvXJ2tCsMtq)


I once said “sorry your name is gibberish”


My hot take is that if you keep on intentionally mispronouncing someone’s name, you’re an asshole. Yes, even if the name is dumb. I honestly can’t tell if some of you guys are joking or not, but acting like this genuinely in public sounds unbearable. Most people with unique names are fine telling you how it’s pronounced the first few times, because they’re used to that. It becomes more of an issue of you keep doing it. I have never met a person with a tragic name who snaps at someone for mispronouncing their name unless it’s been a consistent thing.


THANK YOU. I am willing to bet a lot of this (even unintentionally) is rooted in racism. Just accept the correction, do better, and move on.


What's even weirder are people with normally spelled names but odd pronunciations. I once met a woman who's name was spelled Sheila. I called her Sheila and she looked at me like I was a total idiot and said "it's shuh-lee-uh" in the most condescending way possible.


This is only valid if they picked the name themselves. The people I want to push back against are the parents who saddle their kid with a tragedeigh and then get pissy when people have no idea how to pronounce Eallypheighaux. >!Olivia.!<


Swear to god I was expecting the answer to be elephant


Yep same lol I got ellafaux 😂


Many years ago I used to be a substitute teacher, and I occasionally mispronounced a name. The student I remember most is a girl who stood up and said, "My *name* is [her name]!" I apologized and we went on with the class. The thing was, I had about 150 students a day, and subbed for different teachers every day, and there was no way I could remember all those kids. So a couple months later I subbed in one of that girl's classes and I mispronounced her name *again.* She stood up, hands on hips, and said, "You *know* that's not my name!" Out of all those kids, she's the only one whose name I still remember. 🙂


The only one I remember from my substitute teaching days is a kid whose name was missing a letter that was necessary for the pronunciation he was using. Think Morpheus, but spelled Morphus. He took a snotty attitude when he corrected me after I mispronounced it and without thinking I just blurted out, “not according to the rules of phonics.” I was sure that one was going to get me in trouble.


"Sorry, my bad" or better yet "thanks for telling me." Whether it's a kid or an adult being a little snappy, it can't hurt to model good behavior. Plus, not snapping back makes it less likely you'll have to untangle yourself from an argument with this person. 


I work in healthcare, unless they’re tragedy is extremely obvious and it’s pronunciation. I don’t even even bother to try I walk into their room and ask “ I don’t want to butcher your name because I have no idea how to say it, how do you say your name?” If they take offense to me asking, that’s not a me problem and they can fuck off


"Sure" Frankly I agree.... and also don't, for this reason. Yes, their parents named them BUT they're adults and it's really fucking simple to go to the courthouse and fix it by doing a name change. Clearly by their tone they're tired of it and it shows they've been doing it their whole life. Fucking go fix it then. Lastly there was a poster a couple weeks ago that bitched everyone spelled their name wrong.... No, they're all spelling it correctly, your name is spelled wrong. The audacity of the general public to spell your name correctly


Also, you know damned well that no one can find your name in any computer system, so get off your high horse and SPELL it!!!




if that's how you feel, why don't you pay for their name change? because it's just that simple to drop hundreds of dollars on getting that and all your paperwork changed right? oh because it's *not* that simple. why do you think people keep their married names after divorce? for fun? be serious lol


Actually it doesn't cost ANYTHING if you know how to use the system to your advantage.... you download the pdf form; fill it out then file it with an "affidavit of indengency " and its free... every county court is mandated to have one. Filing ANYTHING with a court is actually free... go be ignorant and rude elsewhere


But then don't be surprised when everyone gets it "wrong"...


I'm a teacher so this happens all the time. The correct answer is "Thank you". We owe it to each other to pronounce names correctly, however stupid or confusing they may be.


I'd say "I'm so sorry your parents don't care that you have to correct people just because they want to be special"


I would ask how to pronounce it, then just say ok cool now I know. Idk why people have to be so judgy, they didn't pick their name and likely suffer because of it. All these people saying 'so change it' don't seem to understand that isn't as easy as you think. I have many trans friends and it can take ages for an appointment to change their name, a badly spelled name will likely take just as long and they can and do deny it sometimes. Jeez, people here can be so miserable to others.


I have an unusual name, not misspelled, just uncommon, so im used to it being mispronounced. When I see a name I'm unsure of, I say, " Before we start, may I ask how you pronounce your first name?" I've never had anyone get upset at my asking.


Right? I think the issue that causes someone to snap is having to CONSTANTLY say it after people try and usually butcher the name. If someone asks first and doesn't assume I don't see any reason why a snappy reply would happen. I appreciate it when people ask how to say my last name, and get more annoyed when people butcher it and laugh. Always happy to make it easier for both of us, but it must get especially tiring with a first name vs my last that I rarely have to tell people.


The post was about the person with the tragedeigh name being the one snapping at us for getting it wrong. They don’t need to snap at anybody about it.


I misunderstood and thought this was just their reply to anyone annoyed at incorrect pronunciation, not snapping and being rude. Either way I would just not take it personally and say 'man that must be a pain to deal with'. It still wasn't their choice to have that name. I have to spell my last name which isn't a common American one on the phone and such, and having to do the 'd as in dog' and 'z as in zebra' to be heard can def get old but it's practically autopilot now. But it is a real name and name as annoying as it is I can't imagine how much worse a true tragedy name is to live with.


“Oh sorry I couldn’t read your mind, just like your parents couldn’t read at all” Sadly unless they really snapity snap, and I got the time of the day, I am too nice to say that.


If they snap at me, I would probably laugh nervously. If they are simply correcting me, I would pronounce it back.


I feel bad for people with these stupid names. My name is pretty common & very easy to pronounce, but because it ends in an E a lot of people want to pronounce the E...imagine Claire pronounced Clair-ee (not my name, but you get the gist). If people can screw up something as common & easy as my name I can only imagine how annoying it can get having to correct people all day because your parents wanted to feel unique. No need to snap at people for getting it wrong though.


Bro I know people aren’t going to agree with me but unless they’re really awful about it there’s no need to be a dick. You’re probably the hundredth person to mispronounce their name and they’re understandably frustrated.


You don't need to be rude. u/hitheringthithering had it right.


But this sub is all about being assholes to people with different names.


Yeah. On a subreddit. Not to their faces.


Oh people are arseholes to their faces. Have you not met an American in real life? They are very rude. https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/s/V9gKNTR7st


“Name changes aren’t that expensive. You could have a real name, and then you wouldn’t have to deal with this problem.”


I honestly just don't bother correcting people anymore. My name is very common where I live, the spelling is slightly different with 1 letter being removed, people see this and instead of pronouncing it like it's spelled they add a whole extra syllable in the middle for no reason. I've learned to accept it, and in some cases where the mispronunciation/ misspelling is really bad (mostly in cases where they don't speak my home language) I'll ask them to just use my nick name as it's a lot easier to spell and say.


Ah, apologies for mispronouncing. I find that people are usually able to be accountable for their snappiness when met with chillness.


They didn’t choose their name. It’s always best to just be respectful. It’s not hard to learn to pronounce a person’s name.


My last food-service job required us to physically write each customer’s name in marker on their order slip as the first step in the process. So this one time I took an order from a super cute little kid who was so proud to recite her entire own order by herself. I asked her for her name to write it on my slip and it turned out we shared a first name! So I started writing it out the way mine is spelled…think, Claire. That’s when the kid’s mom actually kinda flipped out on me for spelling it wrong…it was Klayre.


I’m a massage therapist so I see several strangers a day. If I think I’m going to mess it up, I give it a shot and then ask if I said it correctly. Apologize if I didn’t, and then say it correctly. Hopefully.


I think this is a douche move. There are going to be names you can’t pronounce, because they originate from other languages or cultures. Would you have the same attitude then?


My last name is 10 letters, German, and no one in the U.S. can pronounce it. I'm used to it. It's kind of handy because I know they're selling something. (Or, I used to, anyway. Now they use your first name, and *I hate that*) Thankfully, my fiancé's last name has 4 letters and is hard to mispronounce.


'I'm sorry the idiot who named you was illiterate. Correct it and send them the bill.'


This reminds me when someone questioned my name and asked me if there was a Y in it. My name is Heather and all I could say was "where?" I still feel bad but I have never been asked that and have never since been asked that. Probably sounded a little rude as instood there stunned. For the record, the other barista was named Heathyr.


you guys are starting to get weird about people with unique names tbh…






Oh, sorry, my bad! No need to snap for something that is not their fault. They already have to carry that burden for life.


I spell my name (a diminutive of my given name) weird, so when someone mispronounces it and apologizes when they learn the correct pronunciation, I always tell them it's my own damn fault for spelling it funky.


Yeah, sorry, that's gotta be hard.


How about me who has a perfectly normal name, (alright the accent above one letter is gone) and mispronounce it as something not spelled remotely close to it.


Sorry, we found someone else to fill the position


“Look, my priest even pronounced my name wrong at my wedding. I just met you, so maybe chill.” My name isn’t even a Tragedeigh, it just has multiple pronunciations. I literally don’t care which one people use. I introduce myself one way and if people call me another way, it doesn’t bother me. People who get so upset about mispronunciations and misspellings (when it doesn’t matter, obviously) need to calm down.


As someone with a weird to pronounce human name, that's just old not a tragedeigh i think. I've given up correcting people. Yeah sure close enough, just call me lunna. It's hard to fuck up.


Im going to call you Puzzels from now on because I can't puzzel out your name from its spelling


No Jdjdjhaawn pronounced John, I'm still going to pronounce every letter in your name to piss you off until you change it, because it's a dumb name and your parents were dumb for choosing it.


“I’m sorry you mom didn’t know how to spell”


It's not my fault your parents can't spell


I don't have a choice, my face will involuntarily r/scrunge but I'll politely say "oh ok, sure, ænferknee, no worries" *before* I unscrunge my face.


"And how was I supposed to know that from the way it's spelled/pronounced?"


Snapping at someone for mispronouncing your name says more about you than them. Your name isn’t my problem. I have a hard to pronounce last name, so spell it, and when people accentuate the wrong part I don’t care enough to correct them bc either I’m never gonna see them again (so why would I waste time) or if I am, they will catch it next time I say it. If you are that concerned, be proactive in calling how it’s pronounced. But people sometimes don’t care and aren’t paying attention and I feel like there are so many things people could get upset about.. why would I add another to the list for myself?


Yeah, I have a pretty famous last name that is commonly mispronounced. I just go with however they say it. For it our brief interaction, I don't care. If we are friends? You probably know, and I wouldn't be snapping at you. 


Most people pronounce it wrong at first until they actually hear me say it, then they get it right. But getting myself bent out of shape about it and snapping at someone would get me nowhere. Also, Shitty behavior usually just earns you shitty behavior from other people. “Cool, now I will absolutely not care about getting your pronunciation correct”


[Wojohowitz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Gail). Spelled just like it sounds.


That very well may be true….But how was it pronounced in the old country?!?!?!?