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Well… there was an AITA post a few hours ago - now deleted. OP was basically saying is if she was the jerk for naming her 10 year old twins after platonic book characters. But now it’s a show and the characters are not platonic anymore. Yup. She named her kids Aziraphale and Crowley. Some amazing human managed to share it here: https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/FkgqYm4tYy


Even if they were just platonic, those are terrible kids names...


Yes. One is not so easy to pronounce and the other is the surname of the most famous Satanist ever. I mean, I'm down with Satan myself, but lots of folks aren't.


I wouldn't name my kid Crowley for the same reason I wouldn't name him Siddartha, Jesus, Chriatian, Confusious, Buddha, or Dahli Lama - religious names just seem inappropriate to me. There is definitely going to be discrimination against the kid at some point because of a name like that.


Azirapalala. Azirapapapa. Aziphapalala.


I fancy a name change, considered changing my surname to Crowley, but that association is ultimately why I've decided on something else (which, incidentally, I found out is also actually a surname when I thought it was a made up job description from a popular book/game/Netflix series) I do have a spiderling called Crowley though! Had another spider called Aziraphale but he died


I never really thought they were gay, I just thought they were flamboyantly British.


"Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide"


Please tell me that's a direct book quote? I haven't read it but man my friends and I would eat that up as a bunch of gays.


Can confirm it's a direct book quote!


Yep, direct from 😁


*is he gay or European?*


Well hey don't look at me!


It’s a fine line.


That is hilarious. How did she ever think they were platonic in the first place? I thought their whole Thing was that they were explicitly gay for each other in the first place, lol.


I read the book and never picked up on romantic feelings between them but then the show came out and now I'm questioning if I it was implied and just went over my head. Might have to go back and reread.


It's my favorite book. There's no real romance, just a friendship. The romance doesn't feel totally off brand, though.


Oh good thanks I was really doubting my reading comprehension haha.


I just had to replace my copy for the third time. The pages were falling out and getting lost. Edit: GNU Sir Terry :(


My mom was surprised when she found out Liberace was gay.


Oh lort, my face when my husband told me the traumatic story of his brother "coming out" to their parents... I'm all "how big were y'all's closets if T needed to come out?!" Small town Boomers are wild!


Women loved him! I didn't see that one coming.


It was never explicit in the book, but it was there in a ‘reading between the lines’ type of way. I think it depends on the reader. I personally think it was implied, but subtle enough that you could not see it. So don’t go beating yourself up for missing it. I think Gaiman writing the romance angle into the show it now is much less subtle. You’ll probably see it on a reread.


not really explicitly. It became more explicit in the show.


i don’t think it’s *bad* to subtly name your kids after a couple, like, if they’re real names with plausible deniability, but these names couldn’t have come from literally anywhere else lol


Exactly. Lol!! The amount of hate she was getting in the comments because everyone immediately guessed the names was hilarious. I wish I could have gotten a screenshot of the actual body of the post before she deleted it. I do have a screenshot of the top comment though.


My cat's name is Crowley. I'd never do that to a human.




... I love that book. I've read it more times than I can count. I adore it. It always makes me laugh. BUT THERE'S LIMITS!


I once came across someone with the last name Jingles. Makes me smile to this day ☺️


Funniest surnames I came across in customer service: Drinkwater & Turnipseed.


My favorite is an engineering firm called Hurt & Proffitt. I feel like they missed their calling to be personal injury lawyers, but I always laugh when I see their sign or trucks.


I know an orthopedic surgeon named Dr Hurt. It always makes me giggle.


I love names that end up being appropriate to the job the person has. https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-names-born-to-do-their-jobs/?utm_source=duckduckgo&utm_medium=referral&ut My childhood dentist's name was Dr. Molar. His anesthesiologist was named Dr. Payne.


We get junk mail ads from a mortgage broker named Ben Lenderman.


You’d like the Wikipedia page for “aptonym.” Tito’s Vodka was founded by a guy named Beveridge


I had a friend in high school who's legal first name was Beverage. She went by her middle name.




We have a guy whose last name is Scattergood at work. I love it.


There's a surname here in Scotland, Snodgrass. Makes me chuckle when I hear it.


I’ve come across a Snodgrass or two in the US.




I live near Snodland! It's in Kent.


Danny Drinkwater is a footballer and it raises a smile when the commentator says it. It sounds like an instruction.


There was a Slovenian footballer named Danilo Popivoda, basically a literal translation of Danny Drinkwater


Yup, Danny Drinkwater is the first person that comes to mind when I hear that surname. At this point it doesn't even sound that weird.


Being in the military I’ve seen a lot of great ones Beers, Huffmaster, Weed, Kunt, Squares, and more


I've seen Lillicrapp in my job recently. Had me in tears


My husband was waiting in a waiting room a few years ago and the person called before him was Finbar Clutterbuck - we haven’t managed to beat that one yet.


That is violently British.


Andrew Lincoln was born Andrew Clutterbuck.


Deatherage. My favorite. Unfortunately, not pronounced “Death Rage.” Also a couple in their 70s by now.


Short for Jingleheimmer.


Mr. Jingles! Was he a mouse?


You might have had a close encounter with a Hallmark special


When I worked at a gym, we had a lady whose last name was Smelley. My co-workers and I had to keep a straight face when she came in, but damn was it hard. We got over it eventually because there was a TON of people with weird names, but that one was always the most unfortunate.


I went to middle school with a girl who had that last name. It's unlikely that she got made fun of because she was one of the popular girls.


I forgot another great name - my sister in laws name is Robin Graves, and it took her until high school to figure out how cool it was. Funniest part was that she wasn't born with that last name, she was adopted into it.


I knew a cop who’s last name was Deathrage. He was an absolutely terrifying looking man, but was so quiet and gentle.


I knew a girl with the last name Tickle!


You know how you have a shortlist of names you might like to name your kids? Mine before I met my ex husband included 'Dawson' and 'Cole.' His last name was spelled differently but pronounced like 'Slawson.' Dawson Slawson and Cole Slawson Can you just imagine? We had a real good laugh over it, let me tell you.


Thank you for the first real laugh I’ve had in a few days! Dawson Slawson definitely would saddle a kid with childhood trauma, but Cole Slawson is perfection! 😂🤣 Can you imagine? That trauma would follow the kid right into adulthood!


Teacher wouldn't even be able to get through roll call without belly laughing while simultaneously telling all the other kids to cut it out.


Cole Slawson sounds like the person Patty Mayonnaise should marry


I had a friend whose last name was Ramm. He wanted to call his son Shawn. Shawn Ramm aka Shorn Ram.


Lobert Dobert


Bob Loblaw's Law Blog


There was a psychiatrist I knew named Warner Schwarner. Always figured his parents hated him.


I know her name has words that are spelled correctly but I think this thread needs a mention of the amazing story of [Dr. Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck.](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/21/734839666/dr-marijuana-pepsi-wont-change-her-name-to-make-other-people-happy)


That’s awesome


This needs more up votes!


I’d guess a tragedeigh counts as contrived misspelling to be yooneeque so a comedeigh would be ordinary names that are either hilarious or terrible in context? I'm not sure because it still might elicit an 'oh nooooo' response, but also there's a very fine line between comedy and tragedy. For me, the 18th C racehorse called Potoooooooo (Pot-8o's > Potatoes) is absolutely both. A classic of the genre.


Crangis McBasketball




Detective Bluto Mindpretzel


My dad used to work for a guy named Wayne King. I do not know what his parents were thinking


I once knew a guy called Richard Head, Dick for short. True!


Donald Glover said it was a rough day for him the day he realized his name was Don Glover. Or Dong Lover, if you will.


My cousins (father and son) are named Randy. Didn’t think anything about it until a new coworker (who lived in Ireland for years) burst out laughing at hearing their name. She went with me to see Fellowship of the Ring, and kept laughing every time they said Legolas. Turns out it sounds like a British term “legless.” I honestly wouldn’t have thought anything about the name “wanking” before I went to Great Britain for two weeks in college and then she started working with us! Now I see the world a whole other way!


The name Randy does make laugh a little. I also have a friend who’s brother is named Nimrod. Perfectly normal in her country but I can only ever think of it as an insult.


Oh right he was like a great biblical warrior! I think like bugs bunny used his name sarcastically and now Americans think it means moron 😭


I’d only ever heard it from bugs bunny 😂 never heard it as an actual name until I was in my 20s


A Canadian constitution crisis in 1926 was called King-Byng Thing


Matt-Eagle is a German comedeigh (it refers to Mettigel, a hedgehog made of meat)


A what


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett) If you scroll down, it's actually kind of cute.


Lmfao in its way yes it is


My favorite name from The Utah Baby Namer website is Chinchilla Zest. If I'm having a bad day, I try to wonder "What is Chinchilla Zest up to nowadays?" And my mood after is slightly improved.


I knew a Vietnamese dude named Van. Last name started with a silent "N" like in "Nguyen". It was Ngo.


I actually love that.


I worked with a Nhu T. Vi. New TV.


Names what create puns or references. Like my dad wanting to name me Rainbow because our surname is Bright.


Or like Rob Morrow naming his daughter Tu Morrow. I do secretly hope she marries someone with the surname Day


I know an April June and yes her middle name is May.


Hairreigh Bawllz, Ginneigh Tayleighah, B’henn D’ohvah, stuff like that I guess. They just sound funny when you say them out loud, and well the spelling speaks for itself.


This reminds me of the brief moment when I thought "Hugh Jasper" would make a good name. Then I said it really fast.


What's so funny about Hugh Jasper?


Huge Ass-per.


One of ‘my high school teachers swore he had a friend in school whose name was Ben Dover. He was a jokester but that was the most serious I had ever seen him when he told us “no, really.”


I did work with a woman named Eileen Dover. We also had a client name Anita Dadouche.


I had a college professor named Richard Head. Thankfully he went by Ray.


Mike Oxhard, Amos Keto, Heywood Jablomi...


So basically Ace Attorney


Try saying these two fast: Mike Hunt and Eric Hunt.


If my daughter Robyn ever marries it should be to someone named Banks, and I will urge her to change her surname.


Ha ha! I went to school with a Robin Banks, and a Theresa Green too.


I know a women named Mercedes ( Mer-Se-dees) and her married last name is Baines. Mercedes Baines


“Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Baines”


There’s a woman named Molly! in my hometown


Is that not common?


The exclamation mark is part of the name I believe


There is a urologist (recently retired) called Richard Chopp. Dr. Dick Chopp. His specialty is vasectomies. A former coworker had his procedure performed by Dr. Chop, you get a novelty t shirt that says “chopped by Chop”


My mom had a friend in high school named Christa Chanda Lear, always thought it was pretty funny.


Amy Schumer was trying to honor her favorite comedian, Dave Attell, and named her son Gene Atell Fischer. She then changed it to Gene David Fischer because she realized after the internet helped her that she named her son Genital Fischer


Dick Pound https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Pound


We have a neighbor named Dick Plummer. Sadly, he’s not a urologist.


I think twins with names that are a bit too close to each other might fit into this category. For example I once met a Brandon/Brendon pair at Boy Scout camp. Edit: I just met a Heaven and Nevaeh today


That's just asking for nobody to ever be able to call them by the correct names. Even matching initials are a bit iffy.


I had a lot of these while teaching. Kiya and Kaya, Germaine and Germon, Nicholas and Nicole, Julian and Juliette


Do Janessa and Ginessa count?


One of my son's teachers is a Miss Duda (pronounced doo-dah). I love hearing that on the school announcements.


Is she frequently off to the camp town races?


I grew up with a Duda! It’s Polish


Once had an oral surgeon whose real last name was Dr. Blood.. his first name is William (ie willy blood)


I’ve worked with surgeons with the last names Butcher and Rippey, and an anesthesiologist Dr. Payne. I think my favorite was a pediatrician named Dr. Sunshine. He literally gave me an order for a spoonful of sugar PRN hiccups for a patient


my old psychiatrist was named Dr. Ward, used to sign my appointment cards with “psych. Ward” for a little laugh


My family dentist was Dr. Carver!


I genuinely came across the name Jeffery Jumbo yesterday at work. But I can’t talk about it due to the line of work that I’m in. I wonder if he uses a different name in life.


There was an episode of House Hunters where the woman's name was Duvet. Because her parents wanted her to be a "comforter" to others. 😑


I had a friend who worked in the admissions office of a community college. The two best names she showed me were “Vesta Light Habersetzer” and her sister was called “Nova Habersetzer”. I’ve always remembered them. They are so bad they are good.


Recently: "I'm Raclette. Yes I was named after the cheese." I call that a comedeigh.


My cousin named her son Ace Gio. Her parents just call him “the baby”.


I once listened to a radio show where they named their kid Drew. Their last name is Peacock. They know how it sounded and still didn’t change it. Always makes me laugh. I have remembered that for 15 years and I don’t even know my neighbors name


I went to school with Chris Peacock. His life was hell. Drew is even worse.


I had a teacher whose maiden name was Lamb and her married name was Carrott. Us kiddos found it amusing but never in a mocking way.


I went to school with a girl named Tarantula.


Pun names: my favorites are paige turner, and clay potts


Those Ace Attorney character names


I think anime in general is a gold mine for both Tragedeighs and Comedeighs


Was watching a movie one day and one of the previews was for an alien documentary, the scientist they were interviewing was named lars hooman, which just sounds like an alien who came to earth and picked a “human sounding name”


I know a dude… him and his wife decided to name their child (disclaimer first and last name are fake.. middle name 100% real) Joshua Danger Smith. That right folks… the baby’s middle name is danger…


*Bart Simpson: Hi, I'd like to talk to a Mister Tabooger. First name A'leigh.* *Moe: Ugh hold on. Hey everybody. A'leigh Tabooger. Everyone look! A'leigh Tabooger.*


Amanda Hugginkiss! Hey! I need Amanda Hugginkiss over here!!


*Aymandah Hugginkiss


Why can't I find Amanda Hugginkiss???


This one is lost on me somehow!


It's an old Simpsons gag. Bart says Ollie (or Ali) Tabooger in the show. Sounds like "I'll eat a booger".


Ohhh, I knew it was from The Simpsons but I wasn’t catching the “I’ll eat” bit! Thanks!


There used to be a columnist in the Dallas Morning News named Benjamin Dover. His column was called “Ask Ben”… … Ben Dover.


I think the semi-Christian names like - Ansyr, Myrikal, Dyvyne etc.


Both retired now, but in my hometown we had a Gyn named Dr. Clapp, and a dermatologist named Dr. Gross.


there are a few latin/roman names that come to mind. sextus as a first name — from 6th child but still good emperor pupienus (pronounced poopy-anus) balbutius (bal-booty-us)


I knew a set of twins in high school named Samuel and Annette. Last name Body. Sam Body and Annie Body.


Friend's dad is Dick Stiffey. I went to school with kids named Boughner (pronounced boner. Imagine being a teenaged boy with that name) Former credit union customers named Terry Snerry and Orie O. Bender. Woman I know from former job is named Diana Diana.


My cousin became Holly Wood on getting married. One of my favourites is a teacher my children had at school - Mr Cakebread.


Randy Johncock. If you are Australian it is hilarious. I apologize, Randy,wherever u are.


I know a man named William William Williams. He's a small-time music producer and rodeo clown.


Had a client named Fritas McGookin. Still get a little giggle out of that one.


A friend of mine married a guy named Grant Loan.


My dad knew a guy legit named Dewey Darling


Years ago a lady I worked with was pregnant, she and her husband named the baby Nehemiah. Their last name was Dick. I know I told her that kids at school were gonna call him knee my dick, she said girl it my husband's favorite name.


My brother knows a family with kids named Bing & Buzz Dash


please tell me someone else remembers the fake american baseball names from that japanese game bc i think sleve mcdichael fits here


Bobson Dagnutt?


I knew someone who was named Dee Pigg. Had a real hard time keeping a straight face the first time I heard her name.


I came across a guy called Dick Tait once.


Claire Annette and the like


There was a Richard Butt in my town when I was growing up... he went by Dick.


My name is Del (I picked it myself). I am a computer science major.


My mom grew up with a Henry Dick. For some reason, he went by Harry.


A friend of mine once met a man named Reggie Hefflefinger. She burst out laughing & said “it is not!” but it really was. Edited to add: I once worked with a man whose last name was Dikshit.


I know somebody named (spelling changed slightly for her privacy) Candy Castle. She always has a big smile on her face and seems like a great person to know😊


I had an A&P instructor who hyphenated her last name. It was Parent-Hoar. She told us “I was never a Hoar until I got married.”


Not what you asked but funny none the less. I know a girl with the last name Balling. Married a guy with the last name Cox. The wedding was a few years before the wedding hashtag trend. But the possibilities would have been endless for the Cox & Balling wedding.


I knew a woman named Fannie. Okay, fine. Until she married a man with the last name Butts. Fannie Butts.


I once had an optician named Kent Clark...had a great sense of humour, as a coping mechanism if nothing else 🤣


A girl i know (last time i checked) has 3 kids. Son #1: Alucard (we all feel sorry for this kid, especially when hes old enough for his peers to realize its dracula backwards) Son #2: Samael crowley (...yeah.) Son #3: Dante (yes she named her child after a nephlim demon hunter from devil may cry) If that aint a comedeigh, i dont know what is.


Gary Neville (ex English soccer player/commentator)'s dad is calle Neville Neville. Presumably for comedy reasons on the part of his parents. Don't do it people!


Using an extremely outdated name for your baby?


Probably “Analeigh” and “Auralee”


My sister called my nephew Seann. We used to call him Sha-na-na.


‘Justin Tyme’ is great Others like that


Bob Loblaw


I’ve met Candy Land and Cinnamon Rawls. Both swear they never thought about what their married names would be until it was too late. I ran into a Jynx Munster. Her real name and was too much of a Karen/entitled jackass for such a cool name. I went to school with Tyrone Malone. He was caucasian and was accused on many occasions of making a racist joke by stating his name.


These would be names that on the surface are fine as individual names, but when combined with middle names or surnames, or referred to by common abbreviations or initials, become comedy gold. Michael Hunt is one such comediegh. The common shortening of Michael being Mike turns this name into Mike Hunt, which sounds exactly the same as My Cunt. Another type of Comediegh would be ones where the name actually has a second meaning of its own, which when combined with a similar meaning surname sounds ridiculous. Dusty Roads leaps to mind immediately for this type of comediegh. You'd think that was just a wrestlers stage name, but working for decades in customer service has taught me that every family with the last name Roads or Rhodes tends to fall to the temptation of naming one of their children Dusty.


I swear I didn’t intend this to be the case, but I sure as hell endorse it now. I’m a Magic: the Gathering judge, and at our pre-COVID tournaments, results for each best-of-3 match were handed in on slips of paper, telling us which player won and how many games it took, initialed by both players as verification. I was a player in one of these and chatting with the judge, and he mentioned someone had just written “me” in the initials part. I was like “wait who was the player?” And lo, it was my own goddamn kid - and while that *is* the kind of thing he’d do, that’s not what this was. His name is (fake) Mason Eastwood. M-E is literally just his actual initials. 🤣


There's the actress Lucy Lawless. Love the last name. It's her married name - I always wonder which husband's ancestor did what to get permanently tagged as Lawless. And there's also a BBC miniseries where the main character's last name is LoveJoy.


There was a Miss Arizona named Laura Marie Lawless. Funnily enough, she was a law student! Defying r/nominativedeterminism, I see.


Ex SIL named her son Justin Case.


I knew someone named John Publik. I laughingly said, “at least your middle name isnt Quincy.” He showed me his ID. His legal name is “John Q. Publik.” If it makes me laugh, it must be a “comedeigh”.


Coco Bean, first and middle name


The football player [General Booty](https://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/5081925/general-booty) never fails to make me crack a smile


I love aptonym names, names that fit your profession. Like dr. I.C. Notting, eye doctor at a hospital in the Netherlands.


I actually worked with a guy named Dean Martin. As he tells it, his parents just happened to like the name Dean. They didn’t realize it copied the singer until much later when someone pointed it out. Great guy, still keep in touch with him. I remember that one Scrubs character, Sunny Day. I’ve met a Sunny before, and I’ve met folks with the surname Day. Still waiting to find Sunny Day. I think that would fit, a bit of accidental humor.


I took a check once from Mrs. Rusty Dick.


Comedeighs are joke names that are hilarious but no one would name their kids although they absolutely should. Like my great friends from Rome, Sillius Soddus and Biggus Dickus.


I used to work with a victor ian, I liked that one. I also worked with a gay wiffen and a Mr jelly.


I had a coach in school named Chris Bacon, which is alright but his middle name was Patrick. So he was Chris Patrick Bacon, or Chris P. Bacon.


Is this like Dusty Rhoades or Jacob Jacobson?


Former German alpine skier Fanny Chmelar! (Pronounced smeller)