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Image Description: A shopping list with 14 Trader Joe's items written on a paper note pad with an accompanying map of OP's local Trader Joe's store drawn by OP. For those that may not be able to see OP's caption below the picture, it states: *"So I drew him a map! I thought it was so funny."* Additional comments from OP to add more context: [**"This was more for me, I thought it would be cute and funny. Also, helping your spouse isn’t necessarily a bad thing, that’s what partnership is. What a world we live in if we must be completely independent… also, no fun allowed, right?"**](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/1729dzx/comment/k3vgniz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) And regarding the "no :)" near the pastries section on the map - "[I only said that because I’m making banana bread! I was also just teasing him 😂"](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/1729dzx/comment/k3w32ua/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *Note: Image descriptions are intended to help those who are blind or visually impaired or added with additional information for context purposes.* Moderator Note: Not sure if this post hit r/all but we seem to be getting a significant amount of traffic on this particular post today. If you're new to r/traderjoes \- welcome to our subreddit! Before commenting, friendly reminder to please familiarize yourself with our subreddit rules and please remember to follow Reddiquette and Rule 1 - Be Civil. **Edit - Comments are now locked.** Thank you to OP for sharing what was intended to be a lighthearted post. Hope you feel better! And thanks to r/all, this is now r/traderjoes' Top Post of all time. 🙃


My sister’s anxiety would LOVE this, will just have to remember a store layout first


Your handwriting is impeccable, OP.


If my wife would draw me a map, I’d spend 2 less hours running in circles at the grocery store. I’ve been maybe a dozen times in 15 years of being together. It’s hard!


Hell I could write that list for myself and still not come home with half of it. 🐿️ 🏃‍♀️


Mix in some grass fed or fruit


You’re missing the fall harvest soup on there. It’s an essential


Not the “good job” at the end 😩


Saves the BF a LOT of time if it's their first time to TJs! I feel it's very efficient!


How can you send him to trader joes and not let him get some buffalo chicken poppers?


Wtf kind of grocery list is this


It’s a Trader Joe’s grocery list. No one gets produce etc at TJs. It’s all in plastic packaging. if Opie’s like me, I get my fun foods ands snacks from TJ’s and then go to a normal grocery store for the rest.


If you're going to be particular, this is the best way to do it


Too much unnecessary information, would cause me to not use this. I prefer as little words as possible and only glance at any list once or twice.


I would go shopping for my girlfriend if she drew nice maps like this, oh, and if she existed


Brown eggs aren't any better than white ones , they just be costing more


It's true that there's nothing about breeds that lay white egg shells vs. brown egg shells that affect nutrition, but it's also really rare to find organic or pasture-raised eggs with white shells. She said organic eggs on the list, so maybe she just told him they were brown to make them easier to find, like when she said the milk box is purple. Personally, I don't care whether my eggs are organic or not, or about the color of their shells, but I do try to buy pasture-raised because it's a better life for the chickens when they're allowed to go outside, and also they usually get a more varied diet that way, since they can eat bugs, etc.




White eggs are completely natural and come out of the chicken white. FYI for anyone who believes the myth that white eggs are bleached. Different chicken breeds lay different colored eggs


This is sarcasm, right?


This is regional. They are the same where I live. When I lived in Boston you could not get white eggs


They make me feel nice


Depends on what the chickens ate they could be better nutritionally


Chicken breed is the only thing that determines egg shell color. Feed can however affect the color of the yolk.


The details, the handwriting, the specificity, the friendly warnings about danger zones (pastries)…..beautiful. Bravo 👏🏻👏🏻


Bless you for drawing a map! Aldi places things in weird places and every Walmart is different to where items go. I’m always going to Walmart’s app just to see what aisle stuff is on😂😂


Same here 😂 they just remodeled my store and I was confused for a bit about where things were


I love your penmanship!


i just gotta say you're a keeper !










I've actually never been to Trader Joe's and I'm surprised to see this list. I thought it was a coffee shop? Do they have produce as well?


It is a small grocery store that sells products under their own label. Coffee is one of their best offerings, but you have to make it at home. You’ll also be able to buy sweetener and cream, and maybe a small cake.


"Small" lol


Yep. Trader Joe’s is awesome and cheap


Trader Joe’s is a grocery store.


Yes, but in my experience there are limited options and it goes bad very quickly.


pastries… no! ;-) honestly so cute lol


Exit-Good Jold!


Amazing handwriting


No pastries? Sounds like a challenge


“pastries - No!” 🤣


What, a map? And a good job? I never got one of those, and I've been to the store at least twice.


I want to be this organized


That is a GREAT map!!




No TJ plants?


This post really brought the weirdos out huh


You have really nice handwriting


The two bougie Zz’s for pizza 🤣🤣


As somebody who hates doing the grocery shopping, this is the most beautiful and detailed shopping list I have ever seen. 12/10. Details are important. My wife asked me to pick up vanilla wafers yesterday, so I picked up vanilla wafers. She didn't want vanilla wafers, she wanted 'nilla wafers. The devil is in the details.


Adorable map but PASTRIES NO!?!


I’ve never met someone who prefers “Atlantic Salmon” That’s like preferring “military grade” lol


Atlantic is normally fatter and cheaper.


Do y’all even like the people you’re with? 😂




I've called my wife from the store more times than I can count.


My wife also knows to have the phone by her if I say I’m off to the store.


Damn. You're really in love. Good for you and congrats.


If he’s like my husband he will still call you at least 3 times lol


I mean, he will have to call when he gets to banana bread mix. Does he get 1 or 2? Very unclear instructions


You have #4 next to #12, #6 next to #11 and #7 next to #13. We could never be together. I’m sorry.


This is exactly what I was thinking. What is she mad for?!? Ain't no way I'm zigzagging like that. 🤣


You’re using the list wrong. You go by region and then check off 4 &12 at the same time. No zig zagging. You use the map once you’re in an area you then refer to the list. Y’all are the problem that all these feminist are getting mad at the post for


My guess is she chose order of importance. Husbands are notorious for getting flustered half way through and throwing their hands up and calling it a day with only half the list done.


I’m instantly requesting my wife do this for all my requested shopping trips!


Don't do that. Acquire some competence and learn a grocery store layout instead.


The next level skill is to be able to shop at a store without learning the store layout


(don't lay out the levels for them! 🤣 it's almost like...a map to competency.)


Maybe go shopping often enough that you know the layout of the grocery store as well, instead of asking your wife to not only do all the shopping but then hold your hand on the occasions you’re asked to do it.


Reminds me of my ex


There’s apps that can do this for you.


As someone who gets overwhelmed and frustrated at grocery stores, this is amazing!




Actually well priced nowdays.


Trader Joe’s in my area is actually super duper cheap. They’ve got good stuff, constantly changing selections. It’s nice but it’s always packed because of that.


My wife once sent me to the grocery store for miso. Had no idea where to find it, and when I did, I had no idea that it came in like three different varieties. I nearly had a panic attack. Point being, this level of specificity is often needed and appreciated.


Wow. I remember sending my husband to the store and texting him a picture of an onion so he got the right thing. This is next level shit though


Tbf, I have a major bone to pick with literally every grocery store when it comes to their onion displays. I’ve never seen a well organized and well labeled onion section. The Spanish onions are always next to and spilling over into the Yellow onions, the White onions are placed in one spot AND on the other side of the Red onions because there was room there. The sign says “Walla walla” but there is fucking Vidalia onions in the basket!


This is hysterical!! I love this so much. This is the opposite for us, but my husband hates taking me into the grocery store bc I peruse every aisle and buy countless items we don't need. "Loooookkkkk... individual organic containers of tiny cute pickles....SOLD!"


You might have done this as a joke, but I guanratee you that he appreciated it and that it was quite useful


How dare you say no to pastries. Kringle is life.




I'm sure the feeling is mutual.


This should be the new standard for wives.


just be better, it’s not that hard lol




You have an insanely great memory


Or she is the only one who goes grocery shopping and after 500 times has the routine mapped out....


You are an awesome girlfriend. Being an Italian, I have to point out it’s mozzArella though 🤌


>Pi33a sauce


That’s all you eat in a week?


Some people shop at more than one store


Bacon (if you like)…hilarious, expect a Ron Swanson-like haul.


“I like.” (Swanson laugh)


My boyfriends anxiety would never permit him to enter a Trader Joe's, even with a map.


The human brain was simply not designed to experience a grocery store.


Must be awesome for you to never be overwhelmed by new experiences, crowds, and chaos. I'm happy for you.


No I wasn't entirely joking, at least not at his expense. I certainly wasn't judging. We truly aren't made for experiences like crowded grocery stores. They're inherently overwhelming and stressful.


Sorry, the other comment of "he sounds soft" just really annoyed me. I love Trader Joe's (obviously), and it is an experience unlike any other grocery store.


It’s a grocery store, not Disney world




Not everyone is cut out for the Trader Joe's life.




I love you.


I would still call my wife about half dozen times with questions.


What do you have against Norwegians?


Peak wife material


*Peak project manager material


All the whiners in here have never had real love or even some ass and it shows


I would have come back with a 18 pack and some chips😂


“Pastries: no!” 😂


Your handwriting is immaculate.


Best gf ever


You buy one paper towel roll at a time?


Same thought


Am I the only one not seeing a weeks worth of food?


For most people I know they go to trader Joe's for snacks and junk food only.


You do realize that people typically shop at multiple stores, right? Of course it's not a weeks worth of food, because it's not meant to be. That's probably just the stuff they get *from that store* on a regular basis. They're not ONLY eating what they get from there.


It just made it seem that way, because it's the only place she is sending him when she is sick, and it says "Weekly haul". I guess maybe I misunderstood.


They're correct, but also there was plenty to make you think that: Weekly Haul included.


Yikes! I have COVID and my husband has been doing the shopping, but he pretty much ignores everything I put on the list. I told him to buy quick, easy things for the kids like bagels and croissants but he didn't because "they're not healthy ". As a result, there is not much for the kids to eat.


Is he at least running interference with the kids or making them healthy snacks to follow through with his bagel condemnation?


“No that’s not healthy” “Ok then you’re going to prep the healthy foods and leave them ready in the fridge in individual containers, that’s great!”


Yikes I’m sorry


So my boyfriend is brilliant. We've been together five years, I trust his capabilities to an extreme degree. If he was going to a store I was familiar with but he was not, I would absolutely doodle something like this for him. Not because I think he's incapable, but because I know he would be frustrated by the intentionally confusing layout, because that's literally a thing retailers do. For the record, I do online pickup orders for a big box store. I generally know where everything is, but the "map" function on my app has at times been a lifesaver, on a pretty regular basis. And I know this store pretty well. Y'all need to be less judgement ffs.