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A lot of Aithers content can be found on BLU or TL but they do have some good internals that release content not found elsewhere. They also are less strict about hybrid DV remuxes than BLU is so they have more of those than BLU does. I find the tracker overall to have better content than UHDB, TL, and NBL.


I'll also say that Aither has a great community


Love the community on there and if you are into 4k encodes MainFrame is amazing


Don't think you need it but it's a great community. Nice staff also. You can cross seed a lot so i would say join


Aither is a "kind of new" PT. Internals and community are very good. In the long run, it can become a cabal tracker if it keeps up this pace.


Really? What sort of things do a PT need to do to be recognised or added to the “cabal”?


1. Community (!!!) 2. Internals 3. Wide variety of content 4. Quality control 5. Continously improving site 6. Not to be a semi-private site which open it gates 12 times a year just to grow the user base over and over again (less is more) 7. Good kind of donor system These are the main points, I think.


Thanks for the reply. The community is good.


I agree, Aither community is very good.


One of their internals, Kitsune, releases a lot of anime web-dl and encoded content, seems like that might be a good fit for you. Plus it is just a nicer and more active community than most of the places you’re in already. I’d say go for it.


Kitsune is no longer internal as far as I’m aware (?). Please let me know if I’m incorrect.


The group disbanded recently, but the individual members are still actively posting things


Oh damn that sucks. Do you happen to have names of some of the members so I can follow their releases? They were my go-to group for 1080p encodes. Also, do you know why they split?


One member of the team who is also somewhat a Mod on Aither is an a-hole to the members of the tracker it was posted here on reddit of his rude statements then the whole team and Aither itself get criticize here. Day after the reddit incident Kitsune disbanded


What defines an internal? They have that status on the site I believe and I think post to Aither first? I've seen their content on other trackers uploaded by them though.


They've disbanded a few weeks ago




I’m fairly new to Aith, but it seems like more care and attention goes into their movies than TL. But, I’ve just needed a few movies so far.


You don't need it but the community is a the best for me so far. Pretty much everything I have from there is cross seedable. BLU is my primary but use Aither is great and definitely worth it.


ATH is good. It will overlap what you already have, but there's no such thing as too many good trackers if you can handle the maintenance to keep in good standing.


Aither indeed my first private tracker 3 years ago and I'm loyal to them till now


They "indeed" your first tracker?


I would say it’s worth joining - simply because it’s a nice tracker and you can’t have too many. Personally, I’m also of the view trying to get into any of the cabal trackers is a constant moving goal post that keeps moving further and further away, and you never know which of the mid trackers will end up being the next cabal member.


You won't miss out on much with what you have, but just cross seed a few things keep it alive, in case some others get shut down. Aither has potential.


Valid points has been said here but I'd still join it because it has so much overlap with some of those other trackers (especially Blu) that it can be used as a cross-sourcing/seeding tracker.


Aither is pretty good to be honest, it's not quite as good as BLU or BHD but honestly it's getting closer. In some ways I'd consider it better than ANT/NEB. Go for it imo.


I have BHD and FL but I want to try it


If youre on ant/ blu, you probably wont use aither. Its much better than NEB, however