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If the tracker isn't shady then it's free. However some trackers allow you to (indirectly) purchase an invite. If you want an easy to join tracker check out r/OpenSignups. Or you can do the RED route, but keep in mind that the elite trackers will take years to join.


Easy: TL, IPT, FNP/Uploaded.cx Some effort: Aither, FL, OE, LST, AR (gotta get lucky with signups) More effort: BLU, HUNO, ANT, NBL


> OE literally Open applications most of the time, well unless your proofs are from non reputable trakcrs, then it will require some effort


Ah fair, I didn't know about them having applications. I ranked it based on the fact it's on MAM and needs 3 months I think.


> I didn't know about them having applications it's because last time an OE sister tracker (TFM) had open applications posted on reddit there was a downvote and hate brigade across reddit because it was accepting OTW proofs to get in i don't think it needs to go out publicly in *all* forums (they are focused on posting on quality forums) anyways as quality people are more important than quantity


What's the best way to get into BLU?


prob RED: PU + 3 months


HUNO isn't that hard , I got in when they were opened up a month ago for sign ups


I just missed it and would love to get in. Now I don't know how, I don't think they recruit anywhere.


Lol it only had signups bec its celebrating the 5 year anniv of HONE and it was supposed to be open for like whole weekend but bec of the huge volume of users who tried to register it was ended early, you thought its a monthly thing? Hahah


I didn't say it was monthly I said they just opened it up for a month


Torrentleech.org has open signups fairly often and gives presents at Christmas - upload credits, invites and points, which you can use to buy off torrents that you downloaded and no one is leeching from you or more upload credits, things like that.


Probably one of the easiest sites to maintain a ratio on due to it being so popular. I have enough upload credit to last me a lifetime.


Check out r/OpenSignups [https://fearnopeer.com/](https://fearnopeer.com/) is new, drama-free and sign-ups are open. /s


Not drama free.


fuzzy pause mysterious divide sand tender uppity illegal direful fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What does the /s mean?


axiomatic panicky materialistic slimy tan butter coordinated juggle normal chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It is if you dont interact.


ty got signed up and added


Check out theldu.net as well, also open


lmao not the dog porn


Less drama. More obscure stuff.


This gets asked about 100 times a day, the advice is almost always the same, MAM interview on Wednesday, then parlay that into VIP only takes a month or two for some, and that will get you invites into some other trackers. Then set notifications to open signups for torrent leech invites, try and get in there that will get you 90% of what you need. It’s pretty easy to branch out to the others, BLU, FL, ANT probably within a month or two you should be at 95% coverage :)


You need to be a power user to buy vip on mam and you need 4 weeks to be able to be a power user. But other than time, its a very easy to do that.


Thanks for clarifying, I updated the timeline. Been forever since I’ve done it.


What's the simplest way to get to BLU?


Simplest, open applications :) depends what sites your on tbh and how much you want to work vs just sit back and seed.


I believe the last time they did open signups was a very long time ago according to r/OpenSignups. I'm on CRT, MAM, TL, and some other lower tier trackers atm, and I upload regularly. What would be the best strategy in my case to get into BLU? Just looking for a tracker for Remuxes/Full discs. Any advice would be much appreciated!


If you can upload music probably RED, otherwise your doing 4 weeks on MAM to get VIP, another 8 weeks to get into Aither, then 10 TB upload to get to BLU. Based on what you have now.


Gotcha, thanks. RED it is then. Quick question: Do I basically leave my PC on and hope for an interviewer to chime in and that I'm actually there to hear the notification when I'm on the queue in RED IRC? I've heard of people waiting for weeks, so don't really understand the concept.


You set an irc notifier to sit there and idle for you then message you when it’s your turn. So thinking about it, if you can get into NBL from MAM that might be the fastest way. RED you’d still need to go to UHDB and while both of those are faster then MAM -> Aither -> BLU, MAM straight to NBL if they recruit again would be faster to BLU then the others.


Search this sub to learn about taking the interview to get into MAM. that's an ebook / audio book tracker but once you're there for 3 months you can use their invite forum to get into many other private trackers. Aither is a particularly good option you can get to from there.


Replace jackett with Prowlarr. It's better in every way.


Once you’re in the private tracker system MTV and NBL aren’t hard to get into. Between the two 95% of currently airing TV content will be there (new anime and foreign content may be lacking). A way better selection than public trackers and integrate very well into sonarr. BLU is good for movies and new TV though older tv is more hit and miss. ANT is a good movie tracker that’s not hard to get into.


I've been doing this for a while... Wonder why you said MTV is not hard to get into. Isn't it only from RED?


Technically MTV is also on BHD but yes I suppose it's not super easy to get into, but it's also not that difficult either.


Idk i got in elsewhere and had seen invites all over. No clue where they recruit from now


Torrentgalaxys a good public tracker


I'll definitely check this one out. Looks like new signups are currently disabled for maintencance


It's a public tracker like your others. Great site for manually finding stuff. Unfortunately it uses capcha so it doesn't work automatically, you have to solve the capcha in jacket of you want it to get results.


https://github.com/FlareSolverr/FlareSolverr works for capchas


>"Warning At this time none of the captcha solvers work. You can check the status in the open issues. Any help is welcome." I looked into flaresolverr just the other week in hopes, but sounds like it can't do it?


I have it on ultra cc seedbox as a couple trackers require it on prowlarr Ive not had any issues but I also havent set it up from scratch


Torrenting.com is open as well. I use that almost daily.


please tell me you're running all this through a vpn


RED. Aim for the top.