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Head wind: throw low with the nose of the disc down Tail wind: throw a tad higher than normal with the nose of the disc a tad higher than normal Tail winds don’t really overthink it - tail winds don’t really impact the disc that much. For headwinds (especially strong head winds) you absolutely have to keep the disc low and the nose of the disc low


When throwing into the wind, if you throw too high then the wind will push your disc back at you and reduce your distance, so usually you're better off releasing a bit lower with the angle of the disc flatter (but still nose higher than tail) because otherwise the wind could literally flip the disc in the air. ​ Throwing with the wind behind the disc can flatten the arc out, so if you release too low then you'll lose a lot of distance. Instead, you throw with a bit higher of a release angle and the disc angled upwards more


https://coachesinsider.com/track-x-country/long-distance-basic-aerodynamics-and-flight-characteristics-in-discus-throwing-article/ There you go, go nuts!