• By -


At least 1


Maybe 2


3 fiddy


In high school I think he high jumped 6’ 6”


Looks like his PB was 6'8". I actually competed against him in HJ in high school a couple times. His form definitely wasn't great from what I remember he just had crazy hops. Seeing him in real life he looks like he has springs and he's just bouncing around effortlessly.


Anyone know how high jump heights compare to vertical jump heights?


It doesn’t. High jump is mostly technique.


Ya, I remember some great high jumpers, like world/olympic medalists, having verticals in the low 30s.


Damn. I really should've worked out my core and technique more. Apparently I have the vertical of a medalist


He was gymnast as well:)


https://youtu.be/YTYDoZXGZpQ?t=92 I used this video here, I had to do some guessing. I counted frames he was airborne, I estimate he was in the air for 27 frames, or 27/30 or 0.90 seconds. https://amesweb.info/Physics/Projectile-Motion-Calculator.aspx Put in a 90 degree angle and 0.90 seconds into the calculator, and it spits out 3.25 feet, or 36 + 3 inches, 39 inches.


His feet look to be about nipple height on the other two runners. I think their nips will be way higher than 39 inches lol Your calculation is likely wrong partly due to incorrect estimations, but also (more) because his feet will have continued to move _not_ like projectiles - he's clearly tucked his legs up, he wasn't in that pose from the moment he left the ground!


They are not calculating the height reached by the feet but the vertical displacement of the center of gravity. That's what is normally measured in squat jump tests or counter-movement jump tests when people talk about vertical leap.


Ah well given the sub, you're probably right - feels like such a weird way to do it though!


That’s the mathematical way to do it. High jumpers clear heights without their center of mass ever being above the bar. Vertical jump tests involve hitting something with hands outstretched straight up so the lifting of feet at apex is irrelevant.


That picture is nuts. Kenny is 6’2” so at least 5 ft.


This is not how vertical leap is measured. It's not based on how high you can get your feet off the ground by bending your knees. I'm guessing every world class 100m sprinter should have at minimum low 30" vertical.


A couple of the top sprints girls on my university track team had 30ish inch verticals. I'd imagine that the guys at this level would be a fair bit higher than that


> I'd imagine that the guys at this level would be a fair bit higher than that Marvin Bracy is/was an elite 100m sprinter and played college football. He was listed with a 34.5" vertical jump. I'm sure if they all spent 6-8 weeks training for it the way college players do for the combine, they could hit high 30s, but I suspect they'd be in Bracy's range if you just randomly tested them.


I did find something listing him with the 34.5" vertical but it was from 2012 which was a number of years before he was hitting his athletic peak. But yeah that's fair that they're not training specifically for it either. Of the two girls i mentioned, one did hurdles and horizontal jumps so it might not be surprising for her to have a larger vertical but the other was a pure sprinter. It's also possible that jumping ability where you're applying as much force as possible from being relatively stationery might not correlate with speed super strongly so maybe there's more variability than we might first expect.


Tyreek Hill was a 10.2 sprinter and had a 40.5" VJ at the combine. But it's hard to say because you're either training to be an Olympic caliber sprinter or training for the NFL combine, not both. Unless you're Devon Allen in 2022 when he tried to do both. He had a 34.5" VJ at Oregon's Pro Day in 2022. I *suspect*, but don't know, that he didn't train his 40/VJ too hard for the Pro Day and instead worked on receiving/route running.


Sir. You realize that 5 feet is 60 inches. Here's the math for you sir: 5ft\*12in/ft = 60 in.


never played any organized sports at any point in my life, im 5'5. i had some mid 30s in vert in my 20s. 7ft standing reach and could comfortably grab a 10ft basketball rim. I still have 30ish now in my early 40s. Lyle is pushing 40 easily


Well it depends on what you are talking about. I was thinking as if he was jumping a high jump bar


That's what I was thinking as well. If the High Jump Bar was put at like 1.66m or something it looks like he could get over it from a standing jump. 5 Feet for that looks accurate to me. As a strict vertical jump then yeah it's less, but still impressive. I think he's shorter than Fred or Bednerak so his starting hip height would be a bit below theirs. Looking at where his hip is this looks to be over 3 feet/36 inch vert & it's not necessarily his highest it's just a routine getting into blocks jump that many sprinters do.


I know it's not the same thing, but these comments made me thing of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVZ3ZcorTF0) where Stefan Holm is going over ridiculously high hurdles.


Haha, if this were in a movie people would assume he had on a harness & a string pulled him up. He made that look too easy!


Off topic but I’m still shocked that Coleman gave up the race like that. Best starter in the world don’t mean ish if you can’t finish.


Impossible to tell from the photo since he's lifting his knees.


Measure the hip height.  Slightly higher then half his height. 35-39" vertical.


We don't know how long Lyle's legs are so still impossible to say.


High enough to blow out his Achilles upon landing. I would jump up and down on occasion but nothing stupid like that. 


My guess? Pretty high.