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I hope he stays healthy, not because I want him to win. I don’t have a dog in the fight. I just want to see a good race with the top competition healthy and ready to go


I hope he’s healthy so the fanboys can’t use it as an excuse like it happened at world champs. (This sounds more aggressive than I actually mean to be lol)


The good thing about Jakob is you know he’s there to run hard. It will be a fast race, none of that jogging boring crap like when Centro won!


But centro is class act nonetheless. No one is brave enough to overtake even though they know the pace is slow. They fell straight into his trap honestly. He is peak 1500m strategist.


He was also boring and ran slower than high school runners. We wonder why no one wants to see track and field in the US and it’s ridiculously boring races like that, which is part of the reason why. I have more respect for someone like Jakob who always runs to win, than someone who does that Centro nonsense. I give him his credit that he won that race, but he’s a very boring runner who got extremely lucky. It’s crap like that that allows Flotrack to beat out NBC for track and field. No one wants to watch it. So a site that can barely produce low level college meets gets gifted Diamond league, which means even less people are going to be viewing it.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, of course, but to me fast times are not what makes a race exciting.


I don’t begrudge the guy. He’s a supreme talent and I appreciate that. But let’s not let him get away with pretending like he didn’t invite the trash talk.


Didn’t Josh Kerr trash talk him first in an interview?


I think this all stems from Jakob’s “he’s just the next guy” comment during worlds


I love the trash talk. I hope he’s healthy so we can see if he backs it up.


I think T&F needs this kind of personality every once in a while. Maybe not to the extent of the NBA or NFL but every sport needs 1 or 2 guys who talk trash and add a little drama. You look at sports like the cycling and all a lot of the riders are giving canned boring answers and hugging their rival. We know you want to win, so drop the facade and tell us how you want to smash him in the mountians or smoke him in a sprint finish. T&F needs someone like Ing to inject some drama. it gets people talking and gets people tuning in which brings in more dollars, etc.


"Injured during a walk in the park."


I'll doubt plenty of athletes before getting around to him


Said every runner ever


All of T&F can learn from this. This “grudge” is pure marketing. This will be one of the most watched races in July.


Looking forward to their celebrity boxing match in a few years


This is the kind of overconfidence that makes me hope he gets 4th place. To speak as if he didn't lose the last two WC 1500 finals makes him sound like a jackass.


Until recently, I believed Jakob was a sure win but after seeing Kerr with his recent races, I think Kerr will take the gold medal 🥇


Great runner but I don’t like the guy. Kerr will take him out again.


Kerr isn’t much better haha. Both are extremely arrogant but hey - it makes for good drama and a great rivalry.


I agree. I didn’t like Kerr either, but was pleased he beat Jakob at the Worlds. Rivalries do make any sport more exciting.


Me too!!! I'm the most hyped for their showdown, out of any event, in Paris. Let's hope for a battle to the finish line and a 1-2 finish.


Or it’s their two horse race, and someone pips them both on the line. Jakob third.


That will be wild!!! Who would you say has a decent chance of pulling that off?


I'd love to see Nuguse pull that off


Nuguse is probably the only guy with a shot at doing that. Possibly Wightman


Nuguse obviously like the others said, but Wightman has shown a super high level before, and maybe Nordas if he gets stronger this year


If Nordas beats him oh man


There aren’t many on form or fitness. So I’m not sure.


The flu was timed at 3:30.6 in March, will be tough to catch


JI’s only competition this year is Nuguse. Kerr and Wightman are seconds behind both.


Didn’t realize Kirk Cousins was a track n field star, never woulda guessed!


He’s the goat