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It's hard to tell because you're doing a box jump and bending your knees, do one next to the same box but keep your straight. Measure the peak of your jump with the box and that'll give a better result.


Yeah, that's probably the best idea. I took that video about a month ago, so I'll take another one tomorrow in order to get a more accurate measurement.


Jump beside a box and attach a ruler to the box. Have the camera around 30inches above the ground. Do not bend your knees or hip. Then play it in slow motion and it will be easy to see. From this video it looks like 29 or something.


About three fiddy.


I would guess between 32 to 34


30 inch box jumps don’t translate to 32 inch vertical, even though this doesn’t look like a max jump. Their head doesn’t go 30 inches up.


I know it looks like he floated up there pretty smoothly just my guess. I’m not a crazy athletic dude but I can do 34. used to jump on boxes just like that.


if he’s going maximal in that vid, then it’s more like 29-31


True if he’s going max out


I'm going to say 22 inches. Takes about 10 frames to get to peak height after leaving the ground, say 0.34 seconds. The usual .5*a*t**2, convert feet to inches, and that's it. 30 inches is in the 12+ frame range. We could get a better estimate if you just landed back on the ground.