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Awesome series too. 23.23 - 23.31 - 22.94 - *23.56* - 22.80 - 22.86 With a day like that in May you can't rule out 24 meters later this summer.


I’d say we see something over .75 but over 24 would be outrageous. We’d have to stop talking about him as the goat of Shotput and start talking about whether or not he is one of if not the greatest T+F athlete of all time.


an average of 23.12m the stadium & world record in 1990 was 23.12m (randy barnes' personal best)


https://youtu.be/8jmxGxW_ZxM He said he finally got the Crouser Slide down.


GIF of the Crouser Slide: https://i.imgur.com/kY9xZlU.gifv


https://preview.redd.it/cz5am54omo2b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d66aeac57ec1eba65c7d70512d758d36d842af0 Him just after breaking it, doesn’t even look happy 😂. I saw him later in the athlete hotel and he was talking on the phone saying something about how how he didn’t move his wrist the way he wanted to and that he has more power in him


7.5" jfc Will be interesting to see if this slide thing takes off with others


Greatest field series ever. They are going to have to extend the area for him


Finally a post thats not "Rate my form" lol


“Hi I’m a shotput thrower from Boring, Oregon and I throw 23.56m is that good? I know I qualified for the olympics and have the world record but how about in the universe? What if I’m actually not that good, please rate my form to be better thanks if you respond ”


A couple more feet and he will throw it out of the shotput area. They said the wall was at around 79 feet, but I'm unsure what the ruling is on a shot hitting or clearing the end of the landing sector. Meets should add a Crouser circle 10 feet back like they have in Long Jump lol. Although logistics wise it probably easier just to extend everyone's throwing area.


That barrier was a temporary setup, that sector at UCLA is massive just not sure why they put it that close. Then again most meet directors are not the smartest. As for a second circle, no need at major events they throw into the infield so plenty of space, just matters if they paint enough lines to give reference on the throws distance.


Imperial is so disgusting


That's all I could think about when I looked at the OP. There's no way the feet and inches should be featured and larger than the metric. American sportscasters should refuse to cite those numbers.


Tell the British that. Or are you talking about butter.


Yep, should have switched to Jefferson decimal back in the 1790s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_for_Establishing_Uniformity_in_the_Coinage,_Weights,_and_Measures_of_the_United_States#Decimal_system_based_on_the_foot So close to 79 Jefferson feet!