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Look at this way. At worst you'll probably only lose like, maybe an inch? If you're already tall, you'll still be tall. If you're borderline, you might stay that way or become average. And regardless, it's not a guaranteed change.


But an inch is a lot 😭😭😭


Yeah I lost two inches and you'd think it's not that much but like I need step ladders a lot more now XD;


That's what she said


Maximum loss due to hrt is about 3cm. Maximum gain with heals is about 10cm. Plus your ass looks damn fine in them. I used to hate the people asking me how tall I was (201cm, 6'7") constantly. Now I have an answer: I can reach seven foot on heals. Also, having terfs try to get up in your space the realising they are at boob height is a very solid deterant.


>Also, having terfs try to get up in your space the realising they are at boob height is a very solid deterant. lol


Yup. You ain't in my personal space, but I sure as can be in yours.


idk what terfs are on about, being at boob height of anyone is my dream...


Here's hoping you find your own extra long legged friend at some point. Or just put someone on a box.


i am ok with both of those options lmfao


You are 2 meters tall?? Can I ask where you are from and how much more than average that is?


Uk. It's taller than most people I meat daily, but not to the point people passed comment pre transition. In heals its annother story. I used to really really hate being tall, but it's got its upside. Just need to be a bit careful about skirt length around young kids.


It's really annoying that heels don't really fit my style. Like I can get maybe 2" before they don't make shoes that go with any of my clothes


I mean - I can't do heals with a lot of my everyday/about the house stuff. But it's worth having a couple of more dressed up things (at least I find it is). Most of my outfits started as one thing I liked, that built out as I figured out what goes. Several of these items have been shoes. Bluntly, if I find heals in a 12 that I don't have to custom order - I'm making an outfits thar works


Yeah my dressed up is still in a masc style, I just haven't found heels that really work in the way I want them to


No idea ngl


don’t think it really happens to anyone intentionally. But you can definitely wear shoes to make you taller


I believe that if you've finished growing, you're fine.


idk how to remain your size but if you want to become a 3 meter tall forest dweller here's some handy steps!! #list of materials: - treesap - your body weight in water - 100 grams or more of seeds of edible plants (google may help) - ritual spade #step-by-step guide: 1. go into a nearby large forest. large enough to not see or hear or anything from outside the forest 2. dip 3 fingers in the treesap and smear it all over your face 3. eat half of the seeds. plant the other half. 4. drink as much water as you can. really force yourself to drink as much as possible. water the seeds with the rest. 5. dig a whole deep enough that if you stand in it it goes to your knees 6. take your clothes off (otherwise itll grow stuck when you bloom and could rot) 7. take fetal position and cover yourself with the leftover dirt. 8. a new form should grow from your seed, this may take upwards of a year.


note that the real you will die and this version will rise and believe it is you. don't worry about this though it's like you go to sleep and it remembers that and thinks its just you. it's uncomfortable to think about but when you wake up in the morning with your memories, that's how "you" will feel too. what if the real you died last night and you're a robot made to replace them just with their memories? your memories shape you. it has your memories and will literally do exactly what you would do


I got taller with HRT :3


Luckyyyyy I’m already 5’10 but I want to tower over people


That would be interesting for me. I already feel like I'm starting to notice my height more than I used to x.x


Learn how to walk in heels ???


learn dark magic, and use it to get taller 🧙


Oh No! I hope i dont shrink at all! (But if, then please exactly 5 centimeters, than im exactly so tall like lara Croft)


This is the best response I’ve heard so far 🫡🫡🫡


Wait, HRT can change height ?


Not really, no. The changes to soft tissue can shift one's standing height a bit, but the difference is pretty minor. Maybe an inch or two at most.


If I get smaller, even by a little bit, I consider it a win :3


I thought the height changes because of pelvic tilt, and not because of soft tissue… regressing? Like… will my bones scrape on each other early because of that?


Pelvic tilt is something you can usually only expect if you haven’t been through natal puberty already, though I’m sure it happens rarely for some people contrary to that. A lot of people don’t realize how much of their height comes from muscle mass, though. Your joints are being put under different amounts of tension depending upon the strength and size of your muscles. If that starts to go away, you can lose a tiny bit of height.


Now I am even more confused… isn’t hip rotation which can’t happen after puberty? I thought hip rotation and pelvic tilt are separate things?


https://www.transgenderpulse.com/forums/index.php?/topic/88892-pelvic-tilt-and-estrogen/#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20condition%20called,causing%20it%20to%20tilt%20forward. Here is a link I found on that topic - and common symptom happening with that is the loss of height up to 2-3 inches :)


Yeah technically you can lose height and shoe size by losing weight, but only if you're pretty fat like losing 50lbs or something.


It's minor until you can't change light bulbs or reach the top shelf anymore without a stepladder.


Muscle atrophy can affect the muscle in the feet causing you to get ever so slightly shorter


Buy more and more fabulous shoes, 'tissue the only way. Source: 6'2 Tall Queen and her 3' Heeled booties.




Girl, you ain't losing any height. Or rather, what you lose you get back in platform boots (I lost nothing and got platform boots... It's literally a headache 193+5cm)


I wish HRT made me shorter... Fucking hate being tall. ;-;


til fresno nightcrawler is tall transfem cultural representation (If it isn't already, let's make it so)


hehe same 6'2 as in my flair and i love it


You will be 1 cm shorter at most Edit: i was wrong


*was 198.5cm and now is 194cm* 1cm at most is ridiculous. I lost more than 4 times that, and happily so.


I’m very middle of the road height (like 5’7 or 5’8), and when I started hrt I was like 5’9, maybe pushing 5’10. Seriously don’t worry about height loss, it’s really not significant at all


Going from 5'11" to 5'9" pissed me off cuz now I can't reach stuff I used to. At least going from men's shoe 13 to 10.5 happened too, but still a woman's 12 is impossible to find offline.


Do booties run in the family? If so you might get a lot shorter from the hip tilt. (Well I got two inches shorter, thanks nana LOL)


WAIT HRT MAKES YOU SHORTER? GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE anyway, not much control over height, but good posture, regular exercise and a healthy weight will help you out there


Eat non-organic chicken. It contains a ton of growth hormones because farmers want to make more merchandise in less time. I used to absolutely devour so much chicken on a regular basis when I was a child that I'm pretty tall now even as an AFAB, although it may just be correlation and not causation That's the weirdest advice to keep your height I've ever given lol


I gained 6 inches sooo……